ZA 2009/08/06~{~~ ~F ~~~~~I~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ Th~rsda ~Ou ust 6 20Q9 - 9:30 a.rn. Co~ncil Chamber, C'rty Hal! Eas~ 200 South Anaheim Baulevard, Anaheir~, California THE NEXT ZONif~t~ ~1DNIINISTRATOR MEETING IS SCF{EDULED FOR THURSDAY, ~4UGUST 20, 2009. The sched~ried Zoning ,4dmrrrrstr~to~ meefing for Thu~sday, Augusf G, 2009, 6aas ~eert ca~celle~ as n~ cases c~r~re fifecl for the m~~~ing ~+~te. CERTIFICATEON OF POSTENG f hareby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at ~ u~~~~ ~~~_p I~`~ l.ocation: COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPI~AY CASE ANd (T1ME) (I~AT~) COUNCIL DISPLAY KIOSK S1GNE~: ~~ .~~'~~~~°'~°~ If you challenge any one af these City af Anaheim decisions in court, yau may be limited to raising only ~hose issues yau or snmeon~ ~Ise raised at the pub[ic hearing described in this notice, or a wri~ten carrespondence delivered to th~ Zonirag Administrator or City Council at prior to, the p~blic hearing. 1n campliance with ~he American With ~isability Act, if yau need special assisfiance to participate ir~ ti~is ' rr~eeting, please contact the PEanning C3~partrt~ent, (714) 765-5139. Notification 4$ hours prior to the meeting wi[f enable the City tn make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessib'sf'sty to #his sneetirsg. Page 1 ZA080649 S~hIEDIJLE 2009 08{20{09 09/03/09 09/17/09 '~ 01Q 1109 1 ~115i09 11 I12109 ~~ 1112~l09 ~Wedn~sday) ~~ 12/10/09 ~( 12/24/09 {Cance~led) {{ Page 2 ZA0806{~9