ZA 2009/09/17CITY ~F ANAHE~I~ ZONING ~,D~INIST° T"OR.~GENDA 1 h~~w~, d~~. ~epternb~r 17w 2007 ~~.r3o ~.m. C~~ncil Charr~ber, City Hall East 20a Sauth Ar~aheim E3ou6evard, Ar~aheim, Califiornia T`HE NE~CT Z(~N[NC A~tVIIN[STRAi'OFt 1VIEE7'INCy IS SCHE~ClLED FOFi YHllRS~,~4Y, ~CTOBER '~, 2~~9. The sclr~duled Zonir~g ~kdmr`nisfr~for m~eteng far Thursday, September 77, 2009, has ~beerr c~nce~fed a~ no cases we~e filed for the meeting date. c~~~r~~aca~rioN o~ ~os~raN~ [ hereby certify that a corr~plete copy of this agenda was pasted at ~. ~` ,~ ~"` ~~""~~ Location: COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPi~AY CAS~ AN~ (TIME) (DATE} COUNCIL DISPLAY KIOSK SIGN~D: ~;.,~~ ~~~°L.~°--~.....~, p If you challenge any one of these City of Anaheim decisions in eourt, you may be limited to raising on[y fhose issues you or someone else raised at the }~ublic hearing deseribed in this notice, or a writter~ corresp~ndence deli~ered to the Zaning Administrator or City Council at ~rior tn, the ~ublic hearing. ', 1n eomp[iance with the American With ~isabi[ifiy Act, if yo~a need sp~cial assistance to par~icipafe i~ this ', meeting, pleas~ conCact the Planning C]epartment, (7~4) 765-5139. Natification 48 hour-s prior to fhe ', me~ting will enable the City to make reasanable arrangerr~ents ta ensure aceessibility to•this meeting. Page 1 ZA091709 ~CH~~ULE 2009 ~ o~o ~ io9 14/15/09 ~ oi29io9 1~1~2109 ~( ~ ~ /25109 (WednesdaY) (~ ~Zi~ oro9 ~~ 12/24/09 (Cancelied} ~~ Page 2 ZAQ99709