Minutes-ZA 2009/04/02~o~ ~, ~n ~~E~_n~ c~ ~ ,/-~-~-~---~~~ o~ ~~ ~ h i r~in ini tr t r inut Thursdav~ April 2y20O9 Counc€[ Chamber, City Half 200 Sauth Ana~eim Bo~levard Anaheim, California STAF~ PRE~EIVT: John Var~ Doren, Zoning Administrafinr Mark Gordon, Assistant City A~#orney Ted Wk~~te, Ser~ior Planner Raul Garcia, Principal Ci~il Engineer Eleanor Morris, Secretary AGENDA P4STING: A complete copy of the Zor~ing Adrr~inistrator Ager~da was pos~ed a~ 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, March ~6, 2009 inside ~he dis~iay case located in the foyer of ~~~ Cour~cil Chambers, ar~d also ir~ the n~fside display kiosk. FDI" reCO~'~ k~Pniri~r nl~rnn.rp~, ,f you wish to make a stat~ment regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and ~ubmit if to the secretary. an writin s or documents ravicfed to tf~e Zonin Administrator re ardin an item on ~hrs a enda other than wri~rn s!e all ~xem t from ublic disclosure wif! be made available for public inspecfiQn rn the Planninq Departmera~ located, ~,t„Citv Hall, 20Q S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaherm, California, durinq repular bc.rsrness hours. • C~~I `fo Ord~r - 9:30 ~.rn. s P~ablic Cornra~~nt~ ~ Il~in~rfe~ ~ Repmrts and Recorr~me~da~ior~s a Public Hearing l~ern~ + Adjournmen~ You may lea~e a message for the ~oning Administrator using the following e-mai{ adciress: twhite@anaheim.net H: TooIslZAadminlACZA0402Q9.doc ~~DEfl ~~~~~. z, zaos zo~i~~ a~nni~~s~~~~o~ nn~~ur~s P~bli~ Camr~ents: No~e C~r~s~r~~ C~I~rrd~r. The Consenfi Calendar, ifiem 1A, was approved by the Zon'rng Administrator. ~ ~a ITE~ IVO. 'I A Receiving and approvir~~ the Minutes from t~e Zoning Administrator Meetir~gs of Febr~ary 5, Febr~aary 19 and March 19, 2009. Repor4~ and Recornrner~datior~s: 9Von~ ~Ipprorred ZA040209 Page 2 of 4 ~~~~L ~s ~~~9 ZONINC~ ADIVIiNIST'RAT~R M~Nt1TE~ P~blic Hear~n~ [tern: Il"EM! 1V(3. 2 AD1V[1NIS1'R~4T1VE ~4DJl1STIVIEN~` NO. 200~-0031 ~ ~V~IIVER: Ro~er Nigagosyan Trust 8235 Zitofa Terrace F'l~y~ Del Rey, CA 9~293-7833 APPLICQNT. Daue Tanizaki 601 Gl~noaks Boulevard, Suite 209 G~endale, CA 9120T L~CATIORI: 1895 V~fe~t K~~t~lia Arrer~~e; Praperty ~s approximately .~7 ~cre, locafed at the nortl~east corner of Ka~ella A~enue and f~utwood Street, having frontages o# '[ 35 feet on tF~e north side of Kate~la A~~nue and137 feefi on the east ~ide af Nutwood Street. Request for a variance ~o permi~ an 8 to 9 foot high wro~gl~t iron fence that exceeds ~he maximum fence height. Cor~#inu~d ~o April 3Q, 2009 Project Planner: Della Nerrick DHerrrck@anaherm. net John Van Dorer~, zoning Admir~istrator, ~sked sfiaff to introduce fihe subject ifem. Ted Whifie, Senior Planr~er, introduc~d I~em Na. 2 and stated the subject request is an administrat~ve adjusfiner~t which can be automatically approved withou~ any findings if no o~position to tt~e request is receivecf within the 10-cfays of notification; hawever staff received a[etter of oppasition datee( Marcl~ 28, 2009. Therefare, sfiaff is recommending a cort~ir~~rance to April 3q, 2009, in order fio advertise the item for a public l~earing. Mr. Van Doren opened ~he public hearing; seeing r~n ane present he continued the ~ublic h~aring to April 30, 2009, as recomt-r~er~ded by staff. ZA040209 Page 3 af 4 ~I~AI~~ 61 ~V~eB ~~~I~t:i d""i~1~YB11~&~~ 1 ~/~,~~~ I~IE~~.J 1 ~J MEET°ING ADJ~tJRNED AT 9:35 A.NI, TO TI-~UIR~Do4,Y, APR1L 30, 200J ~4T 9.30 ~.i~. (The sch~duled Zoning Administrafor meeting for Thursday, April 16, 2409, has been caneelled as no cases were filed for the r~neefing ctate.) Respectfully submittec[: El~ar~or Morri~ Secr~~ary Receiveci and approved by the Zoning Admir~istrator on April 30, 2009. ~A040209 Page 4 a~ 4