Minutes-ZA 2009/06/25~~~ ~! ~~ ~~-1 E I tVj P~ C,9 _ <f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~% nahei ni~ A in~ trator . i T r av, J n , ~aur~cil Charnber, Csty Hall 200 ~~uth Anah~im ~oulevard Anaheirr~, ~aliforni~ AGENDA POSTI~r; R compiet~ c~py of the Zoning Admini~trator Agenda was posted a~t 1:15 p.m. on Friday, June 19, 2009 inside the display case locat~d in th~ foyer of the ~our~cil Chamb~r~, and also i~ th~ 4~tsid~ display kiosk. For r~cord k~eping purposes, if you vvish to rna4ce a statement regarding any item or~ the agenda, p/ease complete a speadcer card in ~dvance and subrnit it to ~h~ secretary. Any writinps or docurnents provided to the Zaninp Administrator reqardinq an~r item on this aqenda (other than writinps /eqallv exempt fr-om public disctosur~) will be rnade availab/e for public inspection ir~ the P/anninq Departmerat loeated at Citv Hall, 200 S. Anaheirrr ~oulevard Anaheim, California, durinp repular business haurs. • ~~11 To Ord~r - 9e30 a.rn, • Paablic Comrr~ent~ • I~linute~ • Repo and ecomrraendations • R~lali~ Fiearirag ~tems • Adjourr~m~nt You may Beave a rnessag~ for the Zoning Administrator using the following e-mail address: twhite@anaheim.nef H: i"aols~Z,~admin~AGZA062509.do~ JIJNE ~5, 2009 ZOhIING A,D Ih11STRAT IIVUTE Pubiic Cornrnen : Norr~ Cor~s~n~ Cal~r~dar: The C~nser~t Cal~ndar, Item Nos. 1A, 1~ and 1 C wer~ approv~d by the Zon~ng ~dministrator. Er~utes: ITENI N . 1A Reaorts and Re~omm~ndation~: IT~ RIO. 1 ~ CE~A C~TEGORIG,~L. EXEMPI°ION. CLA~S 1 AfVD Resolution Noo Z~-2009-4 ADMIIVISTR/~TI\/E ADJIJSTiVIENT NO. 2009-00316~ ppr~ved RIER: Berg and O'Conn~r 1001 1/Vest Whittier Baulevard La Habra, CA 90631 APPLICa41VT: Reda Hamrr~oud M~z~j Cafe 15522 Woodfuff e4v~nue, #17 ~el{flovver, CA 90706 LOCATIONe 1215 South ~each ~oulevard: I~r~perty is apprc~ximately 170 feet south af ~all Ro~d. Request to perrnit a~ smoking Ic~unge closer to a residenti~l P~-ofect ~ia„ner. property than permitted by code and vvith fiewer parking Elae~e ~nienp~as;~~no ~~nren@anane;m,n~t spaces than requir~d by code. Z~,062509 Page 2 ~f 7 JllNE 25, 2009 Z~NING A,D ILVISI'R T°OR INIJl'ES ~TEM NO. ~ C ~EQ~4 CATEG~RIC~-L EXE PTION, CLAS 1 AI~ D INISI°RATIVE ADJl1ST EN1' fV~. 2009-00317: O~INE Kim ~. Garthvaaite e4PPL.I~A T: 3421 VV. Th~rnt~n A~er~ue Anaheirn, CA 92804-4716 L~CATION: 3421 est Thornton Avenu~a Property is approximately 463 fe~t ~ast of Knott Av~nue. R~que~t to construct an addition to ar~ exi~ting sir~gle-family residence with a short~r front setb~ck than r~q~6r~d by Code. R~s~iu#ior~ N~. 2009-5 Appro~eed ~roJect ~~~nner: vanessa rvon~ood VNorwoad@anaheira~. raet ~AQ62509 Page 3 of 7 Jt1NE 25, 2009 ZONING AD IfVIST~ATO lNIJT~ Public F~earinc~ Iterns: Il`E 1V0. 2 CEC~~4 ~ATEGORIC,4L EXE PTI N, ~LAS~ 1 AND Contir-ued to ~A~IANCE N. 2009-047~2o July 23, 2009 NERv R~ber Nigog~syar~ Trust ~235 Zi~~la T'errace Play~ ~el R~y, CA 90293~7~33 AF'PLICANT: D~ve °fanizaki 601 E~~t Glenoaks ~ouievard, S~ite 201 Glendal~, CA 91207 L CATi~IVo 1~95 We~t Kat~lla Avenuea Property is approximately .47 acre, I~cated ~t the northeast corner of Katelia Avenue and N~twood Str~~t, having frontages of 135 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue ~nd 137 fee~ on the east side of N~twc~d S#reet. Request to perrr~it an 8 to 9-foot high wre~ught iron fence Pro1ectPrann~r: that exceeds the maxir~ur~ perrr~itted fence height for an peira t~emck DHerrick@ artaheim. net existing commercial building. Z6~062509 Page 4 af 7 JUfV~ 25, Zoag ZONI A INISTRa4T INl1TE~ I°TE NO_ ~ GE ~4 Cp-TE ~ ICa4L. EXE PTION, CLA~ ~ VAFtIANCE NOo 2009-047~0: [dER/ Guillerrr~o Esqui~rel i4PPLIGANT: ~71 North Red~ndo ~rive ~~s~ P~nah~irt~, CA 92~01 LOCATIdN: ~71 RJ~rth Redond~ Driv~ est: Property is approxirnateiy 8~0 ~eet nor#h of North Street. Request to r~t~in an existing detaehed po~l hou~e vuith a r~ar yard setback f~ss than required by Code. Re~olutior~ oe Z~2009-3 D~ni~cN Project Planner.~ Dave See osee@anan~;m.net J~hn Van Dorer~, Zoning Adrninistrator, opened the p~bEi~ hearing. Jererny Greaney, Electric Sy~terns D~signer, st~ted there are exi~ting facilities on the vv~st of th~e prop~rty and an ea~er~ent is r~q~ired, and he poir~t~d o~t ~vh~r~ th~ owner's z~,o6zsos Page 5 of 7 Jt11VE ~5, 2009 ZONIIV AD INIS°TRATOR IfVIJTES facilitaes e~d. Fle indicat~d afthoug~ #h~y r~air~tain th~ easern~nt in th~ back they d~ not hav~ any ~f their electric faci~itie~ there. Mr. ~f~~ Doren suggested fihat r. Gr~ane~ ~v~rk vvith the prop~rty owner to re~iign th~ easernent to ~here the utilitie~ exist, Mr. Gr~aney stated the appiican# could apply for a~ encr~achm~n# perrt~it and ~tafF ~nro~ld th~n ~ddre~s ~ny is~ue~. Mr. i/an ~~ren a~ked if there vva~s anyone wh~ vaould like to speak to this it~r~. She ~urther explained that th~r~ is a transfarmer on th~ property and there are povver lines all ~ver; ar~d stated ther~ is e~n~ area where you can p~t the pool hous~ b~at it o~vould be in the center of the grass which vvould be inappropriate. Mr. i/an f~oren ~tated for th~ record he has pictures of a neighboring ~tructure and pict~res from that property onto the subj~ct prap~rty shouving the proxir~ity of the prop~sed partially construcfied p~ol house. He ~tated he car~nat rr~arke the fiindings that ~v~uld be required to ~upp~rt a variance, there is n~thing that has be~n pr~s~nted to suggest th~t a compli~nt struct~are/pool house could not be built in closer proximity ta the pool and t~ remain corr~pldant v~eith the City's zoning requirement~. He ti~en took action to d~ny the subject request, based on th~ findings described fn the st~ff report and resolution prepared by staff. ZA062509 Page 6 of 7 JUN~ 25, Z009 NINC A INISI° e41"~ IIVIJI'E ~I J lJ IV D 1° : 0 A, , 1° THIJ Y, J~JLY 3, 2009 ~4T 9a 0 0@ (Th~ sehedulea~ Zoning Adrniraistrator rneeting far Thcrrsday, July 9, 2009, has b~~r~ c~neelfec~ as r~o ca~es were file~ for the rn~etir~g.) Respectfully submitt~d: , ~. ~ ~~~ .,~ ~-~,~~~ ~~",.~ ~,~. , ~ Eleanor M~rris Secretary Received and appr~v~d by the Zoning Adr~i~istrator ~n July 23, 2009. ~A062509 Page 7 of 7