Minutes-PC 1998/01/05SU AY ACTION AGENA
Selma Mann
Greg Hastings
Cheryl Flores
Linda Johnson
Bruce Freeman
Alfred Yalda
Melanie Adams
Margarita Solorio
Ossie Edmundson
Assistant City Attorney
Zoning Division Manager
Senior Planner
Senior Planner
Code Enforcement Supervisor
Principal Transportation Planner
Associate Civil Engineer
Senior Secretary
Senior Secretary
A. a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 311 (Prev.-Certified) Approved
Company requests review and approval of the Final Site Plan setting
forth the width and design of landscaping for the Theme Park and
Hotel District setback areas adjacent to West Street/Disneyland Drive.
The setback areas are .located between Katelia Avenue and the
Southwest Parking Lot intersection on the west side of the street and
between Katella Avenue and the Grand California Hotel service entry
on the east side of the street.
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Napoles and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Mayer
absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
determine that the previously-certified EIR No. 311 is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Commissioner l3oydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Napoles and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Mayer absent), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the Final Site
Plan (identified as Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5 on file in the Planning
Department) on the basis that the Final Site Plan is in conformance with The
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1.
Linda Johnson, Senior Planner: Stated this is a final site plan review for the first segment of the
landscaping along the West Street Disneyland Drive setback areas. Staff has review the plans and
recommends that the Planning Commission find that the plans are in conformance with the Disneyland
Resort Specific Plan. She introduced John Graves with the Walt Disney Company who will provide a
description of the proposed setback area landscaping.
John Graves, Development Manager, Disney Imaginarium: Stated he is please to be able to present the
final site plan for the West Street Segment 1 setback area. The landscape plans for the setback provide a
layered landscaped treatment and create a distinct identity for the Disneyland Resort Hotel District. He
then introduced the landscape consultant for the project, David Berkson, who will describe the plans in
David Berkson, SWA Group (landscape architects): Stated they are proposing a landscape plan and are
delighted to be moving forward on this portion of West Street, from Katelia to the first hotel intersection.
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The trees, shrubs and ground covers are in conformance with the Specific Plan. They are fortunate to
have quite a substantial setback area in which to plant this garden design. The trees specified on the
plans are Crape Myrtles which will provide ayear-round interest to the entry of the street and palm trees
and bird of paradise will provide a landscape back drop landscape and evergreen quality year round.
Therefore, the combination of the flowering trees and evergreen trees will be a nice entry statement to this
new signature boulevard.
Chairman Bostwick: He felt the plans were well done. It is nice to have a setback away from the street to
be able to do some nice plantings, to open up the whole intersection and make it look very attractive.
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FINAL PLAN REVIEW: OTR Ohio General Partnership, c/o be in substantial
Donahue Schriber, 3501 Jamboree Road, #300 Newport Beach, CA conformance with
92660, requests determination of substantial conformance and final previously
plan review for apreviously-approved health club facility. Property is approved plans
located at the southwest comer of Roosevelt Road and Santa Ana
Canyon Road. (The Anaheim Hills Festival). Approved final
plans with
ACTION: Chairman Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by provisions
Commissioner Peraza and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Mayer
absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
determine that the previously approved negative declaration is adequate to
serve as the required environmental documentaticn for subject request.
Chairman Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Mayer absent), that the Anaheim
City Planning Commission does hereby determine that the 50,294 square
foot health club is in substantial conformance with the previously-approved
35,000 square foot health club, provided that the 20,000 square foot general
retail use area is deleted as requested by the petitioner; and, further, does
hereby approve the following for the health club facility:
(i) The exterior elevation drawings, provided that the plans submitted
for building permits show the type of fence/wall enclosing the
outdoor pool/deck area.
(ti) The wall signs, provided that the sign plans submitted for building
permits show a maximum logo size of 6 feet by 6 feet for the
primary wall signs, and a maximum logo size of 3 feet by 3 feet for
the secondary wall sign.
(iii) The landscape plan, provided that the landscape plans submitted
for building permits show additional landscape material in
accordance with SP 90-01, The Anaheim Hills Festival Specific
Plan, planted adjacent to the health club facility and the fence/wall
enclosing the outdoor pool/deck area.
And, finally, requested that the petitioner prepare and submit revised roof _ __
and cross-sectional plans pertaining to screening roof-mounted equipment
for Commission review and approval as a Reports and Recommendations
item. SR6867KB.WP
Applicant's Statement:
Michelle 19olling from Donahue Schriber: Stated they are the asset management company for the
ownership of Anaheim Hills Festival and they are requesting to get approval on their revised site plan
which was originally approved fora 35,000 square foot health club facility and a 20,000 square foot retail
addition. They now intend to expand a :health club facility from 35,000 square foot to 50,294 square feet
and eliminate the 20,000 square foot retail building.
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Chairman Bostwick: Asked Ms. Holling if she read the staff reportl
Michelle Holling responded she had not and went to pick one up. When she returned Chairman Bostwick
asked her about page 5, item no. 19 of the staff report which staff recommends that they return with a
revised roof and cross-sectional plans showing the screening of the roof-mounted equipment.
Michelle Holling: Responded yes, she had a conversation with staff regarding this matter and is aware of
this requirement.
Commissioner Boydstun: Recommended that the landscape plan be reviewed by staff for final approval.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated staff will be checking the landscape plan for conformance with the
Festival Specific Plan and subject to those development standards. According to the plans, the health
club will be 58,446 square feet.
Michelle Holling: Stated it is actually 50,294 square feet. She was uncertain where the 58,446 figure
comes from. The total building size is 50,294 square feet.
Cheryl Flores: Asked if that eliminates the 20,000 square foot retail area?
Michelle Holling: Responded that was correct.
Commissioner Boydstun: Recommended that the roof-mounted equipment return to Commission as a
Reports and Recommendation Item?
Michelle Holling: Responded that is her understanding.
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OWNER: J.D. Gantes Airport Properties, P.O. Box 80340,
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
AGENT: Jack Abi, 170 N. Maple Street, Suite 103, Corona, CA
LOCATION: 8295 East Santa Ana Canyon Road -Burger Kina.
Properly is 2.33 acres located at the northwest corner
of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road.
To construct a second story 1,309 square foot indoor playground for an
existing drive-through restaurant (3,724 square feet total) within a
commercial retail center with waiver of minimum number of parking
Continued from the Commission meetings of November 24 and
December 8, 1997.
Applicant's Statement:
John Gantes, Burger King franchisee for the location at Santa Ana Canyon and Weir Canyon Road in
Anaheim Hills: Stated they are proposing an approximate 1,300 square foot indoor playground at this
location. Over the last two years they have had their business severely effected by new fast-food
restaurants in the trade area that have indoor playgrounds. Their sales at this location are down 18% of
what they were approximately 24 months ago, They are proposing to put the playground on the second
level in order to minimize any loss of parking.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked for clarification that there was no seating at that area only the playground
John Gantes: Responded correct. Actually there is going to be slight loss of the seating on the first floor
to accommodate the staircase to the second floor.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked if the play area brings more business then would that impact the parking area
rather than utilizing the drive-through? Is the height of the signage going to block the view of the other
John Gantes: Responded he spent time at the site and spoke with all the tenants at the adjacent
shopping center which he offered to provide a list of those tenants (flower store, cleaners, animal hospital,
etc.) and they were very supportive of their plan to go toward with the playground. They felt very strongly
that there is a lot of commonality between their businesses. A couple of the tenants are directly behind
their business which currently are already blocked. He referenced photographs showing the buildings
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behind them. Their business was running 18% higher two years ago and did not have any prpblems at
that time accommodating that level of business. He anticipated that a playground will not fully take them
back to that level and projected an increase of transactions from 12 to 15%.
Commissioner Bristol: Asked if he had any idea how tall the palm trees located on his property are
(directly south of their new addition on Santa Ana Canyon Road)?
Chairman Bostwick: Stated those are Eucalyptus trees.
John Gantes consulted with his architect and responded the trees are 8 to 12 feet above their current
parapet. For total height it would be 23 to 27 feet.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated his concern is how the addition would look on the building. These
types of buildings that are up on posts do not look very well. Asked if perhaps his architect could address
this concern. He thought they might put a wall underneath the first story between the posts where it faces
Santa Ana Canyon Road.
John Gantes: Responded he did not see this as being a problem to do that. He has another unit that he
built within the past year with an indoor playground which is in a master plan area such as this property
and they took extra steps to make it fit into the community.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated for the record, she wanted to verify that Commission did review the
file photographs that were submitted at the morning session which are the same photographs that the
applicant is referring to. These photographs will remain as part of the evidence on this project.
Chairman Bostwick: Had a question whether there was a parking waiver on the shopping center before
this and did it meet Code?
Cheryl Flores: Responded yes, there was a parking waiver that was for the entire shopping center which
includes the property with the Carl's Jr. Restaurant on it as well. There were 1,157 spaces required for
the total uses with 662 proposed. There are 104 of those spaces on this property with the adjacent
shopping center and the Burger King Restaurant.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated this overall shopping center does have some parking problems but
when he has been out there he has never notices any parking problems in this section of the shopping
center. The Carl's Jr. and EI Pollo Loco parking lot is very often full but the rest of the businesses have
adequate parking.
Commissioner Peraza: Stated he visited the site the other day and found there to be plenty of parking
Cheryl Flores: Stated staffs concern is not so much the number of parking spaces but the_ _.
maneuverability when you are on the property itself.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the parking lot layout had been approved by Traffic Engineering?
Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner: Stated they have some concerns with the parking layout.
It appears that the size of parking spaces shown on the plan may not be exactly what is out there.
Therefore they request that they remove some of the compact parking space to meet City standards
which are incorporated in the conditions of approval.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the parking was approved originally by the Traffic Engineering?
Alfred Yalda: Responded yes, the parking study was approved by Traffic Engineering.
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Commissioner Henninger: Recommended a condition to the Waiver of Code Requirement to indicate that
the Code Waiver is attached to this conditional use permit.
Commissioner Henninger: Recommended adding a condition that the area underneath the second floor
between the posts facing Santa Ana Canyon Road will be enclosed with a building wall.
Cheryl Flores: Recommended adding a condition to terminate Variance No. 3109 (page 2 of the staff
report). It is an old variance for the shopping center which was not constructed according to the plans
under Variance No. 3109.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3983 with the following added conditions:
That the owner of subject property shall submit a letter requesting termination of Variance
No. 3109 (waiver of minimum structural setback from a scenic highway to construct a
shopping center) to the Zoning Divisipn.
That the area underneath the second floor between the posts shall be enclosed with a
building wall.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attpmey, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 15 minutes (1:45-2:00)
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OWNER: Lewis R. Schmid, Attn: Jason T. Schmid, 1725 South
Douglass Road, #C, Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 2600-2620 East Katella Avenue - J.T. Schmid's
Brewhouse and Eatery. Properly is 3.1 acres located
at the southeast comer of Katella Avenue and
Douglass Road.
To permit a 25-foot high, 210 square foot freestanding sign including 30
square foot of marquee signage with waiver of prohibited signs.
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 22, 1997.
Continued to
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 21, 1998 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to continue discussions with staff regarding options for a
monument sign for this commercial shopping center.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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OWNER: Lewis R. Schmid, Attn: Jason T. Schmid, 1725 South
Douglass Road #C, Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 2600-2620 East Katella Avenue - J.T. Schmid's
Brewhouse and Eatery. Property is 3.1 acres
located at the southeast corner of Katella Avenue and
Douglass Road.
To modify or delete a condition of approval pertaining to freestanding
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 22, 1997.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 21, 1998 Planning Commission .meeting in order for
the applicant to continue discussions with staff regarding a possible monument sign for this
commercial shopping center.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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5b. VARIANCE N0.4319 Denied
OWNER: Leif and Mitzi Christensen, 2845 East South Street,
Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 2845 East South Street. Property is 0.17 acre located
on the north side of South Street, 560 feet west of the
centerline of Rio Vista Street.
Waivers of minimum front yard setback and minimum side yard setback
to retain an existing 144 square foot wood trellis attached to the garage,
and a 126 square foot patio cover in the side yard.
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 8, 1997
Applicant's Statement:
Leif Christensen, 2845 E. South Street, Anaheim, CA: Was present to answer any questions.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked Mr. Christensen if he read the staff report?
Leif Christensen: Responded he read the staff report and had concerns. Item No. 2 of the staff report
states minimum front yard setback proposed is 18.5 foot which is incorrect and should state 15.5 foot.
Chairman Bostwick: Stated basically Mr. Christensen is asking Commission to approve a front setback
less than the 25 foot.
Leif Christensen; Stated page 3, of the staff report, indicates a different setback for his neighbors. He
realizes that is how they were built but he thought if this could be taken into consideration, especially
because of the beauty and fresh air created by all the vegetation. He feels the more greenery there is the
more fresh air is created which is very important for the environment.
Public Testimony:
Gary Sheets, 2830 South Street, Anaheim, CA: Stated he lives directly across from the applicant. He
had the following concems:
In the staff report under Recommendation, (c), (i), which is the information contained in paragraph
no. 14 regarding the other setbacks -his understanding is that the setbacks measured were taken
from the property line to the front of each of the garages, from Rio Vista to Westgate. He walked
that yesterday and all those locations listed in paragraph no. 14 are garages, built when the
homes were built. That was long before the Code requirement of a 20 to 25 foot setback was
incorporated .into the Anaheim Municipal Code. All of those are legal non-conforming uses.
There have been no additions made to extend them to encroach the way the applicant has
encroached into his front yard setback. He feels any :reliance on paragraph no. 14 is clearly
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2. The applicant stated in his request for a variance that this is all self created which he feels this
needs to be looked at. There is no need for this, it is something the applicant created it and
brought it upon himself.
3. In O and (ii) of 19-C under the Recommendation - he feels there are no facts to support those
4, In (iii) of 19-C under the Recommendation -the finding is that it is more of a landscape
encroachment instead of a structural encroachment but that is not true because in the conditions
being recommended all have to do with the Building Code. It has to be either one or the other.
Either a structure that would fall purvey to the Building Code or it is a landscape encroachment.
(i) and (ii) address building issues but (iii) addresses landscape.
[He submitted photographs for the record..]
5. Staff is recommending that the front yard be cut back which is what the notices of violation
address but at the same time they are allowing more landscape to the front of the applicant's
residence. He feels this does not make any sense.
The applicant has been cited repeatedly for the overgrowth and so what happens? A variance is granted
that runs with the land and allow him a structure that supports more growth. There is a history with the
applicant of being cited for overgrowth and yet he is being given a variance for more growth. Again, he
does not understand the logic. He feels if the variance is granted then it sets up the applicant for failure
and does not address the underlining concerns.
Mike Freeman, 2844 E. Standish Avenue, Anaheim, CA: Stated his property is directly behind subject
property. He feels Mr. Christensen's residence is an eye sore and is extremely overgrown with
vegetation. It lowers the property values of the homes in the area. Standing from his home you can see
the overgrown vegetation in the applicants backyard. A particular concern is the nuisance -there is a
constant stream of rodents in the area, particularly on the common cinder block wall that they share. On
many occasions he has seen rats, possums, raccoons running across the wall, and at times going into his
property. Along the common wall there is fast growing vegetation which frequently spills over and invades
over to their property.. He has been told by people that this type of vegetation is poisonous and being that
he is a father of small children this is a particular safety Concern for him.
During previous conversations with Mr. Christensen he has raised a privacy issue that Mr. Christensen
wants the current 12 to 13 foot tall wooden structure to be overgrown with vines and other vegetation so it
would provide his privacy. However, the only time Mr. Christensen has to worry about Mr. Freeman being
up so he can see into his yard is when he is cutting back the vegetation from his side of the property,
other than that Mr. Christensen has no concerns of lack of privacy, from the north of his property. On the
other hand, Mr. Christensen is frequently on the top of the wall for hours. On more than one occasion he
has seen him staring into their windows which he finds particularly offensive. This structure along their
common wall is an environmental nightmare. It blocks out sunlight in the late fall, winter and early spring
because of its height and denseness. Furthermore, in the summertime it blocks out the afternoon breeze.
This structure is also unsafe, on two previous occasions it has fallen over, taking part of the block wall
with it. He and .his wife have made numerous objections known to Mr. Christensen over the years but he
ignores what they say. As recently as a month ago he spoke with Mr. Christensen about their concerns.
He has frequently heard the structure on the common wall described as a trellis but Mr. Freeman does not
feel this structure is a trellis. This "trellis" is constructed with 2 by 4's and can not understand how it can
be a trellis. It is against the wall, contrary to what the staff report states.
In conclusion, Mr, Freeman feels the structure and vegetation are an environmental nightmare and
unsafe. The structure should be lowered to the top of the block wall and that the property in general be
cleaned up.
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Maryann Xanthos, 2839 E. South Street, Anaheim, CA: Stated she lives directly next to Mr. Christensen's
property. Mr. Freeman mentioned many of her concerns, lack of air and lack of sun but she wanted to
address the parkway in his front home. He has allowed a tree to grow where there is already a City tree.
It blocks the light at the night and she feels it is dangerous. She is also concerned because a pedestrian
can not walk on the City sidewalk. You either get wet or poked with the overgrown bushes. The plants
are in cans, many times they are not in the ground. She has grandchildren and they have walked by there
and seen snakes come out of that area. There are rodents. Mr. Christensen claims he will prune but
does not follow through on his promises. She said there were people who came out to take pictures from
her yard and she feels that alone should be the reason for denying this request. She does not understand
how someone can ask for a permit and then deliberately not meet the specifications.
Robert Bennette, 2829 E. South Street, Anaheim, CA: Stated he has been living there for 23 years and is
three houses removed from the subject property. Five years ago he tried to sell his home. He had three
people in 66 days look at it and the response was that they loved his house but did not like the
neighborhood. He agrees with other neighbors testimony that this property is an eye sore. Mr. Bennette
spends a lot of time in his backyard. In the summer months he has seen a stream of rats going down the
power cords and they go in the direction of Mr. Christensen's property.
Cynthia Bradley, 2820 E. South Street, Anaheim, CA: She has lived there with her family for 10 years.
She did not come to the meeting expecting to speak but feels that she needs to be heard. She has
nothing against Mr, Christensen personally, but she feels his house is an eye sore. It is a blight on their
neighborhood. Neighbors have a responsibility to their neighbors to keep up their property. Her children
are afraid to walk by Mr. Christensen's home, they cross the street instead. If the variance is granted to
allow this vegetation to grow then the house will not be able to be seen at all. Many surrounding
neighbors spend timeand money maintaining their property, it is a neighborhood that they take pride in.
Joanna Menton, 2850 Standish Avenue, Anaheim., CA: Stated she lives next door to Officer Freeman.
Her major complaint is the high fence and in the back shuts off the light and inhibits vegetation in her yard.
She did not think very many of the neighbors know him personally but the way his yard has been
maintained has made him infamous in their neighborhood. The neighbors would hope that he has as
much energy in making his home safe for the neighbors and letting them enjoy their privacy as they have
let him enjoy his.
John Santos: Stated he previously lived next to Mr. Christensen for 25 years. His father for years tried to
resolve the issues through neighborly actions by trimming the shrubbery that would grow into his
backyard. It was a lot of work and at time his father would call him to help. His mother lives there alone
now and will not be able to continue that. It is a lot of work which is going to involve hiring a professional
to come and trim the vegetation. At times Mr. Christensen has trimmed branches from a peach tree and
then left them scattered over the roof. It is an eye sore. There is an abandoned solar system on his roof.
He feels the property values are definitely effected.
Barbara Holden, 704 S. Cinda, Anaheim, CA: Stated her home is located across the street, op the corner
of South Street and Cinda. She gave testimony at the last meeting'but she wanted to emphasize
everything her neighbors have testified to is true, not only regarding the shrubbery but most of the time he
has a ladder in front of the house going up to the roof that stays there permanently. She also tried to sell
her house two years ago and had a couple of offers but they all fell through mainly because of Mr.
Christensen's house.
Applicant's Rebuttal:
Leif Christensen: Stated he planted the front the yard with roses because he thinks it looks beautiful.
Every time he would go out of his garage the first thing he would see on his right hand side is a big "ugly"
fifth wheeler trailer that is standing out in front of the house but now he sees his flowers and vines. It
takes him 12 hours a day to maintain his yard.. He receives many compliments on his yard. It is true his
home can not be seen. In his front yard he has orange trees, avocado trees, roses and wine vines so the
house is not seen at all but that is the way he prefers it. It resembles the homes in Europe. He told Mr.
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Freeman two weeks ago that he would take down the vegetation in the back, facing h(s property. On
December 23 he began taking it down but on the way back down from the ladder he fell .and hurt his back
very bad. According to his doctor, it will be one to two months before he can climb again. On the other
side he has large wine vines growing about 15 or 18 feet high tall which he takes care of them but if it was
up to him he would go and cut it off on his neighbors side but there is a privacy issue involved.
Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement Supervisor: Stated this matter is before Commission as a result of
notices issued by Code Enforcement staff regarding the overgrown vegetation, unpermitted structures at
the front, side and rear of the property. They have been speaking with Mr. Christensen for over a year
regarding some of these same issues. An inspection that he conducted of the property today found that
none of the structures are built to Code. The structure material used is not to Code, nothing itself meets
even the minimum standards. In order to correct the violations, the structures at the rear site and the front
will need to be dismantled and reconstructed, if a permit is to be issued. The house is very noticeable, it
is different than the rest of the properties in the neighborhood, overgrown substantially. One of the
concerns Code Enforcement is a safety issue with the fences, hedges and wall in the front setback area
which should not exceed 36 inches in height. It has a very steep sloped driveway with a retaining wall
adjacent to the front of the wall. You .really can not see to back out of the driveway safely until you are
over the sidewalk.
Chairman Bostwick: Regarding paragraph no. 14, page 3 of the staff report, asked if those were all to the
Cheryl Flores: Stated on paragraph no. 14 all of those are setbacks shown are from the back of the
sidewalk to the garage door.
Commissioner Henninger: Asked if staff believed that at the time these garages were built that those
were the appropriate setback but since that time there has been a change so these are existing non-
Cheryl Flores: Responded it is possible that they are existing non-conforming. She is not certain what
the Code was at the time that they were built.
Chairman Bostwick: Stated it states 18.5 foot proposed and Mr. Christensen is saying it should be 15.5
foot proposed and asked if this is correct?
Cheryl Flores: Responded the plans that were submitted by Mr. Christensen indicate that the existing
trellis in front of the garage is 15.5 feet from his garage door. He has also told staff that he will be cutting
that back so it will be 9 feet deep from the garage door and that will leave 18.5 feet to the back of the
sidewalk.. His property itself would :meet Code it is just the trellis in the front would be encroaching into
the required setback. _ _.
Chairman Bostwick: Stated there are Codes to regulate the height of hedges and walls but nothing on the
growth. Asked when someone is cited for overgrowth what regulates that?
Bruce Freeman: Responded there is a public nuisance ordinance that addresses overgrown vegetation, if
it is a detriment to adjacent properties, to small children or likely to harbor vermin or other rodents then it
would be considered overgrown vegetation. They have used that section as a violation in the past. In his
opinion, the property is severely overgrown and it would also meet the definition of the public nuisance
ordinance under overgrown vegetation.
Commissioner Bristol: Asked Mr. Freeman whether all of the trellis or structures are not to Code.
Bruce Freeman: Responded that was correct. The front trellis, the side trellis, patio cover and also the
rear patio cover -none of those structures are built to Code.
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Commissioner Bristol: Asked if Mr. Christensen cuts back the front portion back to 9 feet from his house.,
if he does nothing to remove the structure then it is still an illegal structure. If Mr. Christensen removed
the structures in the back and he wants to reconfigure some type of a structure, according to what was
discussed, that would be a limitation of about a least 5 feet setback from the side.
Bruce Freeman: Responded it is 5 foot from the side of each side of the property. It is 10 foot from the
rear and in this case it is whatever the required setback is to the front of the property.
Commissioner Bristol: Stated what he saw on Saturday morning between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. at the Freeman residence when he went back there and he was "dumbfounded". To him,
those structures that Mr. Christensen has in the backyard were almost as imposing as a building would
be. He could not imagine living behind something that imposing. The fact that he had to climb so high, he
had to do whatever he could to see over the fence but he still could not do it and those were much higher
structures. In other words, if we remove those, as he (Bruce Freeman) talked about, then that would no
longer be a problem, especially if they are set back 10 feet because that fence on the Freeman side is 7
feet. It is 6 feet an Mr. Christensen's side.
Commissioner Boydstun: Stated she was out there on Sunday afternoon. The sidewalk is not open like it
should be. She has never seen a sidewalk so overgrown with the plants protruding from it and the plants
growing on the fence. It needs to be cleaned up and the sidewalk open so people can walk through. In
her opinion, he is blocking apublic-right-of-way. One of Mr. Christensen's neighbors mentioned
chemicals stored in his garage and asked what type of chemicals he has stored?
Leif Christensen: Responded he has chemicals for the pool but not in the garage. He never keeps
chemicals in the garage. He keeps them outside on the side of the house, never in the garage.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked Mr. Christensen if he uses the garage at all for parking his car?
Leif Christensen: Responded no, he has all his equipment in there such as a large power saw and work
Chairman Bostwick: Stated he has to agree with the neighbors. He thought Mr. Christensen could do the
growth in a tasteful manner and still have the beauty of the flowers and the leaves and look nice.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated he feels this is a Code Enforcement problem and should allow Code
Enforcement take its normal course.
During the voting, Selma Mann (Assistant City Attorney) clarified that Commission's vote regarding the
CEQA is that ordinarily this would be a categorical exemption but there has been evidence that has been
introduced, into the record, and she suggests the proposed project does not fall within the definition.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated this problem has been going on for sometime and Code_Enforcement
needs to give this more attention than it has been getting.
Chairman Bostwick: Suggested Code Enforcement offer some help from, for example, the Conservation
Corp. to help Mr. Christensen remove his non-conforming structures and his plant material since he
currently has an injury. He also urged Mr. Christensen to work with Code Enforcement to get it cut down
and the yard cleaned up.
OPPOSITION: 8 people spoke in opposition
Page 15
(Revised: 3-17-98)
ACTION: Did not concur with staff that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical
Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines.
Denied Variance No. 4319
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIRAE: 50 minutes (2:00-2:50)
Page 15A
(Revised: 2-27-98)
OWNER: Larry Hauperf, 18341 Cerro, Villa Park, CA 92807
INITIATED: City Initiated (Code Enforcement), 200 S. Anaheim
Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805
OPERATOR: Francisco Gutierrez, 1266 E. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim,
CA 92805
LOCATION: 1266 East Lincoln Avenue -Gutierrez Tires.
Property is 0.28 acre located on the south side of
Lincoln Avenue, 810 feet east of the centerline of'East
To retain an existing tire sales and service facility.
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 8, 1997.
Applicant's Statement:
Francisco Gutierrez, 1266 E. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA: Brought someone (did not identify herself) to
interpret for him in Spanish and submitted photographs of his property for the record.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated he understands there has been progress made but there is still work to
be completed. Therefore staff is recommending that this item be continued for 60 days.
Commissioner Peraza interpreted to Mr. Gutierrez that he has made progress but there still remains some
work to be completed and therefore staff recommends this item be continued for 60 days. He indicated to
Mc Gutierrez that since the last meeting it was found that the :property behind his business also belongs
to him. - -
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated Code requires that the fence be setback 15 feet from Fahrion
Commissioner Peraza then interpreted to Mr. Gutierrez explaining that the fence should be setback 15
feet from the sidewalk on Fahrion Place, landscaped and maintained.
Cheryl Flores: Requested the applicant read all of the items listed under the Recommendation of the staff
report which are the areas of particular concern to staff. Staff would also like to see broad-.headed trees
and clinging vines planted adjacent to the fence facing Lincoln so that it will screen the fence from Lincoln
Avenue. She asked for confirmation from the applicant that the parking lot area will be reslurred as well
within 60 days.
Page 16
Cheryl Flores: Stated there was some confusion as to the height of the sign. Staff is recommending that
the height of the sign be 8 feet. Now that the sign is in front of the chain link fence, there is no need for it
to be 12 foot high and it should conform with Code at a maximum height of 8 feet.
Commissioner Peraza explained to Mr. Gutierrez, in Spanish, staffs recommendations as stated by
Cheryl Flores.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the March 2, 1998 Planning Commission meeting in order
for the petitioner to continue to address the outstanding Code violations.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 6 minutes (2:50-2:56)
.Page 17
amendment to
OWNER: CCS FERS Stadium Business (3), Inc., Attn: Bruce CUP 3873
McDonald, 1939 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA
92806 (To expire 1-5-99)
AGENT: Trammel Crow Company, Attn: Bruce McDonald, 1939
S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 1939 South State College Boulevard -Hop Ci
Blues and Brew Restaurant. Property is 16.97 acres
located at the southwest corner of Gene Autry Way and
State College Boulevard.
To permit public entertainment in conjunction with apreviously-
approved restaurant (which originally included an accessory micro-
brewery) with sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises
Applicant's Statement:
Bruce McDonald, owner and operator of the Hop City Restaurant: They were granted a conditional use
permit to for a restaurant with a brewery within a banquet facility by the Commission on September 16,
1996. The brewery was never constructed, although they do have dancing and they have converted the
area to a live entertainment which occurs three to four times a week. The present request.before
Commission is for the elimination of the brewery concept and an expansion of their restaurant and live
entertainment. They would like to expand their concept to a steak house with the same amount of dining
tables, same amount of seating area. Dinner is from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., followed by the Live
entertainment, predominately blues and jazz. Currently there are no blues clubs currently in Orange
County and they would like to market themselves as a blues club. Per-staffs request, they are modifying
their current approval by deleting the concept of a brewery and defining the type of dance restaurant they
have. In order to maintain dinner at $9 to $13 they are requesting to be allowed to collect a cover charge
at the door. He emphasizes it will always be a food restaurant, the only difference isthe ability to collect
a cover charge with restrictions.
Bruce McDonald: Stated he had questions regarding the modifications to the amended conditions of
approval listed on paragraph no. 16, page 6, which are acceptable except he had a question on no, 10
and 13.
Amended Condition No. 10 -that the collection of the cover charge shall be limited to Thursday, Friday
and Saturday evenings after 8:00 p.m. However, he suggested an "either or condition" that there be
entertainment no more than three nights per week, be allowed to collect a cover charge, and limited to no
more than three nights per week. He asked that they be given flexibility to book on a Tuesday or
Wednesday and allowed to use that as one of the nights of the week. Amended Condition No. 13 - he
asked for a clarification.
Page 18
Commissioner Henninger: Explained that the accessory public entertainment portion of the restaurant will
expire on January 5, 1999 and therefore he will need to return to Commission and ask for permission
again. This is a protection against some uses that get out of hand.
Commissioner Bristol: Asked the applicant what his thoughts were on paragraph no. 16, 1-d of the staff
Bruce McDonald: Responded they plans to have 70/30 (70 food, 30 alcoholic beverages). The way he
interprets gross sales of other commodities is that it excludes the cover charge. He concurs with this
amended condition.
Cheryl Flores: Stated for clarification, staff requests a condition be added that states that the appropriate
permit shall be obtained from the Business License Division prior to the provision of the entertainment in
conjunction with this restaurant use.
Bruce McDonald: Stated he has a dance permit and asked if this is a different permit?
Cheryl Flores: Responded it is a different permit. She thought it was called an entertainment permit that
will allow them to charge for admission.
ACTION: Determined that the previously approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as the
required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3873, as readvertised. Amended Resolution No.
PC96-93 as follows:
Modified the following conditions of approval to read as follows:
"1 a. Food service, including meals, shall be available until closing time on every day of
1 d. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed 40% of the gross
sales of food and/or other commodities (excluding cover charge or admission fees)
during the same period.
2. That this property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and
specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans
are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos.. 1, 3 and 4, and
Revision No. 1 of Exhibit No. 2."
Add the following conditions of approval:
"10. That the collection of a cover charge shall be limited to no more than three (3)
nights a week,
11. That the micro-brewery component of the previous approval is hereby deleted as
indicated by the petitioner.
13. That the accessory public entertainment portion of this restaurant facility shall
expire on January 5, 1999.
Page 19
14. That prior to the provision of entertainment in conjunction with this restaurant use,
the applicant shall obtain the appropriate permit from the City of Anaheim, Business
License Division of the Finance Department "
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 12 minutes (2:56-3:08)
Page 20
amendment to
OWNER: Thrifty Oii #191, A California General Partnership, conditions of
10000 Lakewood Blvd., powney, CA 90240 approval
AGENT: Tait & Associates, Attn: Jose Gandara, Project
Manager, 1100 Town & Country Rd., Suite 1200,
Orange, CA 92868
LOCATION: 2101 South Harbor Boulevard. Property is 0.52 acre
located on the southwest corner of Orangewood
Avenue and Harbor Boulevard.
To amend or delete a condition or approval pertaining to landscaping
requirements and review and approval of final landscape and sign
Approved final
landscape and sign
plans, in part
® s e s •
Applicant's Statement:
Jose Gandara, Tait and Associates, 1100 Town & Country Road, Orange, CA: Stated he is requesting
approval of the plan as submitted. In question is the landscape and signage plans for the ARCO Service
located on the southwest corner of Orangewood and Harbor. The original conditions indicated the final
approval of plans as a Reports and Recommendation Item. The plan is a result of discussions and input
from City staff. Due to consideration not given to the number and size of Magnolia trees at maturity, they
had to go back and revise the landscape plan to accommodate at least the number of trees, if not the type
of tree on their landscape plans. Regarding the signage, he is requesting the addition of the trademark
ARCO logo, that is tastefully done, to be added to the canopy. The original conditional use permit
approval was granted to Thrifty and since then ARCO come up and leased the property. Some
modifications to the plans were done but all those were done under substantial conformance. He is not
asking for something that has not been approved at other ARCO sites, such as the one at State College
and Katella, but approval of the plans as they have been submitted.
Commissioner Boydstun: Instead of 15, do they have 24-inch Queen Palms (page 5, Item No. 21)?
Jose Gandara: Stated they had combined the number of trees, 11 Queen Palms and 4 Canary Island
Pine trees.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the Queen Palms will be 24-inch boxed?
Jose Gandara: Responded 15-gallon is what was requested.
Cheryl Flores: Stated she did not think Mr. Gandara was advised by their staff yet, but in order to be more
consistent with the Anaheim Resort Area Specific Plan it is being recommended that the 11 Queen Palm
Page 21
trees that he is proposing be 24-.inch boxed with a minimum height of 12 feet and that the Canary Island
Pines would be a minimum 36-inch box to provide for a more mature tree at the time of planting.
Jose Gandara: Responded that was fine. Again, the intent was to meet the number of trees required.
Chairman Bostwick: Stated there was a question about the signage. The monument sign should be
redesigned to meet the Code. The recommendation is to go 6 feet high but not as wide, so they could
stack the price for each type of fuel on top of each other on one end rather than having it lengthwise, side
by side.
Jose Gandara: Stated he thought Chairman Bostwick was referring that the Code which allows a 10 foot
long x 8 foot high sign versus their 13 foot long sign proposed. The site does accommodate a 13 foot
sign. It is a minor issue. The reason it was put in was because that is the standard ARCO sign instead of
going out and making a custom sign. He pointed out that they are under the square footage requirement
for the signage on the monument. He requested a waiver on the length.
Cheryl Flores: Responded the Planning Department would have to advertise that for a separate hearing
for a waiver of the maximum width of the sign in order to accomplish that.
Commissioner Boydstun: Was concerned that the lot is so small that going wider for the sign would look
out of proportion.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated he felt comfortable with staffs recommendations. He felt the canopy
was fine but he recommended that the sign on the comer conform with the 8 x 10 foot requirement. He
recommended that Commission continue the request for review and approval of the final landscape plans
until they can be brought into conformance with the conditions.
Jose Gandara: Asked for a clarification of what exactly is being requested io be resubmitted.
Cheryl Flores: Responded staff has requested the items shown on paragraph no. 21-C on page 6 of the
staff report, the 36-inch high hedge, the landscape planters adjacent to the building and vines adjacent to
the trash enclosure and building walls. In addition staff would request that he show 24-inch boxed palms
and the 36-inch pines on the plans as well.
Jose Gandara: Stated he agreed they do have to show that they are 3-foot on centers since the plans do
not currently show that. Regarding the landscape planters adjacent to the northeast and south of the
building -what was agreed to when discussed with staff is that they would go with potted plants versus a
planter and that is what the plans show. He thought they did include the thorny shrubs on their plans.
Cheryl Flores: Stated the thorny shrubs are shown, however, there are not enough of them to deter traffic
through the area. They are actually in the back of the planter area and it is preferred they be throughout
to deter pedestrian traffic. She was unaware of any agreement with staff for potted plants._ The
preference would be for the landscape areas which were shown on the original exhibit adjacent to the
building walls.
Jose Gandara: Stated he would request that they reconsider the planter along the adjacent walls. It is
always a problem when landscape is put along the edge of the building. After a while it would deteriorate
the footing. He pointed out that the vine pockets have been added to the back of the building, the west
and the south.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked if the applicant was only asking for pots on the north wall (3 15-gallon with
potted petunia rather than a planter)1
Jose Gandara: Responded that was correct
Page 22
Chairman Bostwick: Stated on the west and the south walls it is noted as "Correa" and asked if that was a
Jose Gandara: Responded is a Bougainvillea. The recommendation is that it should be 3-foot centers.
Cheryl Flores: Stated these plans show the 3 pots of petunias along the north elevation but the approved
exhibits did show actual landscape beds on the north, east and south elevations.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked if the original plans have the pots out at the island or do those need to be
included on their change?
Cheryl Flores: Responded the pots are new. She did not believe there were any pots shown on the
original exhibits. Staff has no problems with added pots being placed but feels that the minimum
landscaping that was shown on the original plan should be provided.
Commissioner Henninger: Asked if the landscaping is a requirement of the gas station ordinance?
Cheryl Flores: Responded there are landscape requirements in the gas station ordinance as well as the
general site development standards.
Selma Mann: Suggested that if it is helpful to the Commission they might wish to breakup item no. 8-b
into two separate actions. One an offer of a resolution in regard to the amendment of condition of
approval pertaining to the landscaping requirements regarding to the Magnolia trees. Then have a
separate action that is by motion with regard to the Report and Recommendation aspect of this item which
is review and approval of final landscape and site.plans. That way a portion could be continued if
Commission wishes to do so and a portion of it approved at this time.
Commissioner Henninger: Recommended substituting the revised landscape and site plans and request
that more thorny bushes be added, vines be placed on 3-foot centers, and accept the plants in pots as the
revised plans show with the addition of four more at the gas pumps,
Cheryl Flores: Stated basically that is in conformance with paragraph no. 21-C which identifies everything
except that there will be pots as mentioned.
ACTION: Determined that the previously approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as the
required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved amendment to conditions of approval. Amended a portion of Condjlion No. 9
(relative to landscaping adjacent to the street frontage) of Resolution No. 96R-201 to read
as follows:
"9 (a) (i) Minimum eleven (11) (24-inch box) Queen Palms (minimum 12 feet high) and
four (4) (36-inch box trees) Canary Island Pine trees; and"
Approved final landscape plans as follows:
Approved the potted .plants shown on submitted plans with the addition of 4 pots
around the gas pumps.
` Required that a minimum 36-inch high hedge be planted in the setback area adjacent
to Harbor Boulevard and Orangewood Avenue, with additional thorny shrubs to deter
pedestrian traffic through the planter area.
Page 23
Required that minimum 1-gallon size vines, planted on maximum 3-foot centers, be
indicated on plans adjacent to the trash enclosure and the building walls.
Approved final sign plans as follows:
Approved the two wall signs, as proposed;
Approved logos on canopies as shown on submitted plans; and,
Required that the monument sign be redesigned to meet current Code requirements.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 26 minutes (3:07-3:33)
Page 24
the amendment tp
OWNER: Brunswick Corporation, Attn: Richard O'Brien, previously approved
1 North Field Court, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 plans
AGENT: James Choi, 19200 S. Pioneer Blvd., Cerritos, CA
LOCATION: 1111 North Brookhurst Street -formerly Circle Seal.
Property is 13.52 acres located on the west side of
Brookhurst Street .
To amend previously-approved plans for a church facility to permit an
additional 19,250* square feet of building area, for a total of 100,990"
square feet with waivers of (a) minimum landscaped setback adjacent
to a freeway right-of-way, (b) minimum setback of institutional uses
adjacent to a residential zone boundary and (c) maximum structural
Advertised as 14,250 square feet.
" Advertised as 99,750 square feet.
Applicant's Statement:
Yung Chung, architect for the church, 9480 Thirdstar Avenue, Suite 208, EI Monte, CA: Stated they have
revised the overall design of the building from what was previously approved. Changes were made to the
height of the building, to the addition on the east, and to the landscape setback on the south of the
property. The main reason for the landscape setback change was due to Caltrans dedication on the
propertywhich totals 30% of the total area. They dropped one landscaping setback waiver on the north
property line which is along the residential area, 15 feet was required. Originally 10 feet was proposed
but now they are proposing 15 feet by revising the parking.layout. Regarding the waiver on height
requirement - 42 feet is required and they are proposing 49 feet. As stated in stafFs recommendation, the
upper 7 feet is for aesthetic effect. They accept all the conditions of approval, which are to provide 642
parking spaces, provide an 8 foot block wall along the residential property lines, and provide no windows
along the north side of the building except for emergency exits which is required by the Building Code.
They are willing to provide additional trees which are 20 foot centers along the residential area with 15-
gallon size broad-headed trees. They are also willing to cooperate with the residential neighbors if there
are any concerns that they may have.
Chairman Bostwick: Asked the applicant what the structure was listed as Area 7 of the plans.
Yung Chung: Responded Area 7 is the small kitchen facility that currently exists and not part of the
Caltrans dedication. The church therefore wants to save it and use it as a dining facility for outdoor
Page 25
Chairman Bostwick: Asked if they intended to, at some point in time, have a school where the large
gymnasium is located.
Yung Chung: Responded he did :not believe so nor has he heard anything to that affect. The
gymnasium will be used solely for Sunday afternoon church activities for the children.
Commissioner Henninger: Stated he knows they are not thinking of having a school there in the future
but before they cast all of the parking in concrete, they might want to consider what Commission's
attitude would be if they had a school there. His thought is that this would not be a good site plan if they
were ever going to have a school there. He thought that the landscape area behind the building would
end up being a play yard and he would not want a play yard there. He prefers it be moved around so it
was blocked and the neighbors were shielded by their building. So if they are considering a play yard he
would like to see it between their building and the freeway, if that were possible.
Yung Chung: Responded on the site plan their main addition is just on the east side where the church
wants to have some symbolic architectural shape (a praying hand) and the main lobby area. They
revised the original plan to make it more aesthetically pleasing from the freeway. Other than that they
are going to use the existing building as much as possible. Currently they have the main sanctuary and
the educational hall in the existing church. Their desire is to have Sunday afternoon activities - a
gymnasium for Awana program on week days, etc. He has not heard of any plans to use it for a future
Commissioner Bristol: Stated for the record, there were two letters received from a neighbor on West
Falmouth Avenue, Mr. Dale Magaro, who stated the following concerns in his letter:
1) One was regarding the reflective sunlight that might appear off of the glass that is being proposed
and suggested having anon-reflective glass.
2) Trash bin being too close to his residence.
3) Block wall be built before any construction on any building.
Commissioner Bristol (continued): Asked if he or any representatives from the church had met with any
Yung Chung: Responded they spoke with a Mr. Magaro regarding the height of the block fence wall
along the north property line. The church elder made a promise to Mr. Magaro that the church is going to
provide whatever is desirable tc the neighbor and that the City is making a recommendation that they
provide an 8 foot high fence wall to replace the 6 foot existing wall. The church has no problem to
provide the block wall before any major construction begins on the exterior. Their building is about 9 feet
away from the property line (where the grass starts) and the existing :building is approximately 26 feet
high. The third floor of the new structure is 26 feet, 11 inches high and from there on it is not straight up.
The top portion curves, so the actual visual line impacted to the neighbor (Mr. Magaro) is much less than
what the vertical 49 feet would be. They are going to provide 15-gallon size broad-headed trees planted
on 20-foot centers along the property line which will .probably provide some protection from the reflection
on Mr. Magaro's house. The relocation of the trash enclosure is not a problem; they can do that. He
spoke with Dave See (Planner) regarding the relocation of the trash enclosure to the south of the
property where the freeway on-ramp is and they are going to reflect that on their final design package.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked Alfred Yalda whether the reflection of the morning sun on the glass
building could effect the traffic coming down La Palma at Brookhurst.
Alfred Yaida, Traffic Engineering Division: Responded unfortunately he would not be able to answer this
specifically but generally in areas where they have a reflection problem they change the type of signal
heads to eliminate the problem.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the applicant could use any specific type of glass that is non-
Page 26
Mr. Chung: Stated they are using a reflective glass for privacy so that the windows blend in with the
exterior architecture.
[Commission paused to review the plans as Mr. Chung further explained that the actual glass portion in
relation to the building is not very large; much of the area is covered by stucco.)
Commissioner Henninger: Recommended approving Waivers A and C.
Commissioner Henninger: Recommended amending proposed Amended Condition No. 13 to include the
concept that the wall will be constructed prior to the start of major construction on the building and the
site. He also recommended adding a condition that the applicant will move the trash enclosure away from
the residential areas.
OPPOSITION: None/Correspondence was received
ACTION: Determined that the previously approved mitigated negative declaration is adequate to
serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement as follows: Approved waiver (a), denied
waiver (b) on the basis that it was deleted following putilic notification, and approved
waiver (c).
Approved, in part, amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 3954. Amended Condition
Nos. 12, 13 and 17 of Resolution No. 97R-178 to read as follows:
12. That a minimum of 642 parking spaces shall be maintained at all times.
13. That prior to commencement of major construction, a concrete block wall at a
minimum height of eight (8) feet, as measured from the highest grade, shall be
provided along the north and west property lines. Approval for an Administrative
Adjustment shall be obtained from the Zoning Administrator prior to construction
of said block wall.
17. That no windows shall be installed on the north or west building elevations and
that any door(s) located on the north elevation shall be used for emergency
exiting purposes only. Said information shall be specifically indicated on plans
submitted for building permits.
Added the following conditions to Resolution No. 97R-178:
34. That minimum 15-gallon size broad-headed trees, planted on maximum 20-foot
centers with appropriate irrigation facilities, shall be installed and
maintained adjacent to the north property Tine. Said information shall be
specifically indicated on plans submitted for building permits.
35. That the trash enclosures shall be relocated away from the residential areas.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 17 minutes (3:33-3:50)
Page 27
OWNER: Gilbert U. Kraemer, c/o North Street Partnership, P.O.
Box 275, Placentia, CA 92871
AGENT: Taormina Industries, Inc., Attn: Jeri Muth, P.O. Box
309, Anaheim, CA 92815-0309
LOCATION: 1071 North Blue Gum Street. Property is 1.42 acres
located at the southwest corner of La Palma Avenue and
Blue Gum Street.
To permit an outdoor household hazardous materials
recycling/resources recovery transfer facility with waivers of minimum
structural and landscape setback adjacent to the Riverside Freeway
and permitted encroachments in setback areas.
;,^~~ ~;"~`''~ ~~~'-~~' `, iFOCLOWINGIIS'A'SUMMARY OF~THEIP,LANNING°COMMISSION ACTION :-"'-=" ~~'~,; '~~!;;~;~,
Public Testimony:
David Hickey, attorney with Newland and Nordberg: Stated he is :representing the Suburbia Homeowners
Association which is a densely populated homeowners association located just across the 91 freeway,
across from the proposed hazardous waste material site. The association would like the Planning
Commission to :provide further notice to those affected homeowners by the proposed action prior to the
January 21st meeting to consider and discuss this issue. Secondly, the association would like Planning
Commission to consider the effect that the location of the hazardous waste material site, the setback
provisions and it's proximity directly across the 91 freeway from the densely populated area which is just
on the other side of the 91 freeway. But importantly, they want to get across this afternoon is that a lot of
the homeowners in that area did not receive notice of this Planning Commission meeting.. I would like the
Planning Commission to perhaps redouble their efforts to provide notice to those homeowners. There are
a large segment of homeowners in that densely populated area that would be interested in what is going
on directly across the freeway. As Commission is aware, there are other waste material sites at that
location which appear to be expanding at a rate that the associations and the homeowners-are not
pleased with, especially more towards their area. He requested the Planning Commission to confirm that
their notice will be to all the affected homeowners.
Chairman Bostwick: Is that within the 300 foot radius for notification?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Responded she would have to verify that. if Commission requests, staff
can determine whether or not it is or they can send out the notices to this housing project.
Chairman Bostwick: Directed staff to send :notices to those apartment and housing structures on the
south side of the 91 freeway from the subject property.
Cheryl Flores: Responded yes, staff can do that.
Page 28
Commissicner Boydstun: Moved to continued this item to January 21, 1998, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and motion was carried.
OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke In opposition. He requested that a notice be sent to all affected
homeowners and to the densely populated area located across the 91 Freeway.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 21, 1998 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to provide additional information pertaining to the Household
Hazardous Materials Collection Center for staffs review.
Directed staff to re-notify all affected property owners and the residents on the south side
of the freeway.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 3 minutes (1:32-1:35)
Page 29
11 a.
OWNER: Chiboeze J. Dallah, Sharon K. Dallah, Ernest R.
Peralta, 17380 Briardale Lane, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
AGENT: Chiboeze J. Dallah, P:O. Box 773, Yorba Linda, CA
LOCATION: 1429. 1433 and 1437 East Lincoln Avenue.
Properly is 0.77 acre located on the north side of
Lincoln Avenue, 160 feet east of the centerline of La
To reclassify subject property from the RS-7200 and the RS-A-43,000
(Residential, Single Family) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited)
Applicant's Testimony
John Dallah, 17380 Briardale Lane, Yorba Linda, CA: Stated he is requesting approval of the added
changes to the revised plans. [He distributed the revised plans to Commission.]
John Dallah (continued): Stated he would like to move the property line and combine Parcel No. 1 and 2
as shown on his plans and also request a zone change at the end of the existing CL Zone. The new CL
Zone would be for 1433 and the 1437 East Lincoln Avenue.
Chairman Bostwick: Suggested that this item be continued for two weeks (to January 21, 1998) to allow
staff to review the revised plans so they can more adequately address his concerns and the plans
presented today.
John Dallah: Responded he had already submitted a letter to staff requesting a continuance
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 21, 1998 Planning Commission meeting in
order for staff to review the revised plans submitted at the meeting.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 4 minutes (3:50-3;54)
Page 30
TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1998 AT 11:00 A.M. i
Submitted by:
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
Page 31