Resolution-PC 2009-040RESOLUTION NO. PC2009-040
WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition
for a Final Site Plan to construct a 252-room hotel with 75,593 squaze feet of accessory uses for
certain real property situated in The Anaheim Resort area of the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference; and
WHEREAS, Final Site Plan No. 2008-00004 is proposed in connection with General
Plan Amendment No. 2008-00470, Specific Plan Amendment No. 2008-00055, Amendment No. 4
to the Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program (Miscellaneous No. 2009-00297),
Conditional Use Permit No. 2009-05403, Vaziance No. 2008-04761 and Public Convenience or
Necessity No. 2009-00056 to construct a nine-story, 252-room hotel with 75,593 square feet of
supporting retail, spa, nightclub, lounges, restaurants, conference/meeting rooms and hotel offices;
WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did hold a public heazing at
the Anaheim Civic Center, Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, on Mazch 2, 2009 at
2:30 p.m., notice of said public heazing having been duly given as required by law and in
accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.60, to heaz and
consider evidence for and against said proposed project actions, including Final Site Plan No. 2008-
00004, and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by
itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said
hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. That the request to construct a 252-room hotel with 75,593 squaze feet of accessory
uses, including supporting retail, spa, nightclub, lounges, restaurants, conference/meeting rooms
and hotel offices complies with the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (SP92-2), subject to the approval
of General Plan Amendment No. 2008-00470, Specific Plan Amendment No. 2008-00055,
Conditional Use Permit No. 2009-05403, Miscellaneous Permit No. 2009-00297 and Vaziance No.
2. That the proposed 252-room hotel with 75,593 squaze feet of accessory uses will be
compatible with hotels within the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan. Moreover, the project has been
designed to have an attractive appeazance from both Hazbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue to
preserve and enhance The Anaheim Resort.
3. That one person spoke in favor and submitted a letter, two persons expressed support
with some exceptions and submitted two letters and one person relayed some concerns.
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WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and
does hereby find that the Mifigated Negative Declazation and the associated Mirigation Monitoring
Program No. 156 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation in connection
with this request upon finding that the declazation reflects the independent judgment of the lead
agency and that it has considered the Mirigated Nega6ve Declararion together with any comments
received during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the inirial study and
any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant
effect on the environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning
Commission does hereby approve Final Site Plan No. 2008-00004 subject to the condirions of
approval described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference which are
hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to
preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the Cirizens of the City of Anaheim.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval of Fina1 Site Plan No. 2008-00004 is
subject to approval of General Plan Amendment No. 2008-00470, Amendment No. 13 to the
Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (SPN2008-00055), Variance No. 2008-004761, Conditional Use
Permit No. 2009-05403, and Public Convenience or Necessity No. 2009-00056; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's
compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condirion, or
any part thereof, be declared inualid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of
competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed
null and void.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant/developer is responsible for
paying all chazges related to the processing of this discretionary case application within 15 days of
the issuance oFthe final invoice, prior to the issuance ofbuilding permits or commencement of
activity for this project, whichever occurs first. Failure to pay all charges shall result in delays in
the issuance of required permits or the revocation of the approval of this applicarion.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission
meeting of Mazch 2, 2009. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter
18.60, "Procedures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be
replaced by a City Council Resolution in the event of an appeal. _
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I, Grace Medina, Senior Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim
City Planning Commission held on Mazch 2, 2009, by the following vote of the members thereo£
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16`h day of Ma;ch, 2009.
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FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2008-00004
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FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2008-00004
(NOTE: Mirigation Measures ("MM"), Project Design Features ~i SPONSIBLE
NO. ("PDF") and Standard Condirions ("SC") from Mitigation FOR
Monitoring Program No. 156 aze incorporated into these conditions MONITORING
of approval and aze identified by the mifigarion measure number
below applicable condition numbers.)
1 The applicant/developer shall install, bond for, or otherwise secure Electrical
on-site electrical facilities in accordance witt~ the City of Anaheim Engineering
Public Utility Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations, and provide
written evidence of this fact to the Public Ufiliries Deparhnent.
2 The applicant/developer shall submit plans which detail the lighring Planning
system for any parking facilifies adjacent to light-sensitive uses. The
systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to
conceallight sources to the extent feasible to minimize light spillage
and glaze to the adjacent uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed
by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer
staring that, in the opinion of the engineer, this requirement has been
met. (1-PDF 1-1)
3 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit plans which illustrate that all Planning
mechanical equipment and trash areas for the subject building(s) will
be sereened from adjacent public streets. Screening shall be installed
prior to final building and zoning inspecrion. (3-MM 3.11-1)
4 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan Planning/
which shall be prepared and certified by a licensed landscape Resource
architect. The ]andscape plan shall include a phasing plan for the Efficiency
installation and maintenance of landscaping associated with that
building permit and shall be in conformance with the Water
Efficiency Landscape Ordinance.
The imgation plan shall specify methods for monitoring the irrigation
system. The system shall ensure that imgation rates do not exceed the
infiltration of loca] soils, that the application of fertilizers and
pesticides do not exceed appropriate levels of frequencies, and that
surface runoff and overwatering is minimized.
- 5 - PC2009-040
The landscape and irrigation plans shall include water-conserving
features such as low flow imgation heads, automatic irrigation
scheduling equipment, flow sensing controls, rain sensors, soil
moisture sensors, and other water-conserving equipment. In addifion,
all irrigarion systems shall be designed so that they will funcrion
properly with reclaimed water, once a system is available. The
landscape and irrigarion plans shall be reviewed by the Anaheim
Resort Maintenance District. (4-MM 3.11-2)
5 The applicanUdeveloper submitted a preliminary shade/shadow study Planning
for this project which demonstrated that the project would not create
any shade/shadow impacts. Construction plans shall conform to the
conclusions of that study or further analysis may be necessary to
demonsh~ate that the proposed structure would not create significant
shade and shadow impacts on adjacent land uses. A significant shade
and shadow impact would occur when outdoor active areas (e.g.,
earing azeas along Harbor Boulevard, hotel/motel swimming pools,
and residenrial front and back yards) or structures that include
sensirive uses (e.g., residences) have windows that normally receive
sunlight are covered by shadows for more than 50 percent of the
sunlight hours. ff the analysis identifies shade and/or shadow impacts
would occur and the building setback, architectural massing and
landscape requirement provisions set forth in Secrion 5.0, Design Plan
of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, do not function as feasible
mitigation measures, additional technical review of the structure(s)
will be required. (5-MM 3.11-3)
6 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit evidence that low emission Buildin
paints and coatings are utilized in the design of buildings, in
compliance with SCAQMD regularions. This informarion shall be
denoted on the project plans and specifications. The
applicanUdeveloper shall also implement the following to limit
emissions from azchitectural coatings and asphalt usage:
a. Use non-solvent-based coarings on buildings, wherever
b. Use solvent-based coatings, where they are necessary, in ways that
minimize solvent emissions.
c. Encourage use of high-solid or water-based coatings. {8-MM 3.4-
7 The applicant/developer shall comply with all SCAQMD offset Planning
regulations and implementarion of Best Available Control
Technology (BACT) and Best Available Reffofit Control Technology
(BARCT) for any new or modified stationary source. Copies of
- 6 - PC2009-040
permits shall be given to the Planning Deparhnent. (11-MM 3.4-5)
8 The applicanUdeveloper shall implement, and demonstrate to the Resource
City, measures that aze being taken to reduce operation-related au Efficiency
quality unpacts. These measures may include, but aze not limited to,
the following:
1. Improve thermal integrity of structures and reduced thermalload
through use of automated rime clocks or occupant sensors.
2. Incorporate efficient heating and other appliances.
3. Incorporate energy conservarion measures in site orientarion and in
building design, such as appropriate passive solaz design.
4. Use drought-resistant landscaping wherever feasible to reduce
energy used in pumping and transporting water.
5. To the extent feasible, provide daycare opportunities for
employees or participate in a joint development daycaze center.
(12-MM 3.4-6)
9 Implementation ofenergy conservation tectmiques (i.e., insta11a6on of Building
energy saving devices, construction of electrical vehicle charging
starions, use of sunlight filtering window coatings or double-paned
windows, utilization of light-colored roofing materials as opposed to
dark-colored roofing materials, and placement of shady trees next to
habitable structures) shall be indicated on plans. (13-New MM)
10 The applicant shall incorporate project features and commihnents as South Coast Air '
described in Table AQ-7, attached hereto. (14-New MM) Quality
(verificarion of
notes on plans);
Services (for
annual review)
11 The following summary of mitigation measures to be incorporated Resource
into the design and/or operation of the Anaheim Hotel is based on the Efficiency
Table CC-1, Attomey General's Recommended Project-Level
Mifigation Measures (repeated in Table 7 in this document). Each Planning
mirigation measure is referenced using the Table CC-1 ID number,
the suggested mitigation measure, and how the project responds to Traffic and
meet the criteria. Transportarion
Energy Efficiencv
GCC-1-1: Design buildings to be energy efficient. Site buildings to
take advantage of shade, prevailing winds, landscaping and sun
- 7 - PC2009-040
screens to reduce energy use.
GCC-1-2: Install efficient lighting and lighring control systems. Use
daylight as an integral part of lighting systems in buildings.
GCC-1-3: Install light colored "cool" roofs, cool pavements, and
strategically placed shade trees.
GCC-1-5: Install energy efficient heating and cooling systems,
appliances and equipment, and control systems.
GCC-1-8: Use solaz heating, automatic covers, and efficient pumps
and motors for pools and spas.
GGC-1-9: Provide education on energy efficiency.
Renewable Ener~v
GCG1-13: Create water-efficient landscapes.
GCC-1-14: Install water-efficient irrigarion systems and devices,
such as soil moisture-based irrigarion controls.
GCC-1-18: Restrict watering methods (e.g., prohibit systems that
apply water to non-vegetated surfaces) and control runoff.
GCG1-20: Implement low-impact development practices that
maintain the existing hydrologic character of the site to manage storm
water and protect the environment. (Retaining storm water runoff on-
site can drastically reduce the need for energy-intensive imported
water at the site.)
GCC-1-22: Provide education about water conservarion and available
programs and incenrives.
GCG1-23: Reuse and recycle construcrion and demolition waste
(including, but not limited to, soil, vegetarion, concrete, lumber,
metal, and cazdboard).
GCC-1-24: Provide interior and exterior storage areas for recyclables
and green waste and adequate recycling containers located in public
GCC 1-26: Provide education and publicity about reducing waste
and available recycling services.
Land Use Measures
GCC-1-27: Include mixed nse, infill, and higher density in
development projects to support the reducrion of vehicle trips,
promote altemarives to andividual vehicle travel, and promote
efficient delivery of services and goods.
GCC-1-29: Incorporate public transit into project design.
GCC-1-31: Develop "brownfields" and other underused or defunct
- $ - PC2009-040
properties neaz existing public transportation and jobs.
Transportarion and Motor Vehicles
GCC-1-33: Limit idling rime for commercial vehicles, including
delivery and construcrion vehicles.
a Idling time for deliveries will be controlled by hotel operational
requirements. Construction vehicle idling time can be restricted
through specification requirements.
GCC-1-35: Promote ride sharing programs e,g., by designating a
certain percentage of pazking spaces for ride sharing vehicles,
designafing adequate passenger loading and unloading and waiting
areas for ride sharing vehicles, and providing a web site or message
boazd for coordinating rides.
e Ride sharing will be encouraged using programs targeted at hotel
employees, providing preferred pazking or a cost offset for ride
sharing and car pooling.
GCC-1-39: Increase the cost o£driving and parking private vehicles
by, e:g., imposing tolls and pazking fees.
a Fees will be chazged for on-site parking.
GCC-1-41: Provide shuttle service to public transit.
• The project will provide a stop and load/unload area for the shuttle
which currently serves the resort district.
GCC-1-42: Provide public transit incenrives such as free or low-cost
monthly transit passes.
GCGl-46: For commercial projects, provide adequate bicycle
parking near building entrances to promote cyclist safety, security,
and convenience. For lazge employers, provide facilities that
encourage bicycle commuring, including, e.g., locked bicycle storage
or covered or indoor bicycle parking.
• Secure bicycle storage for employees will be provided in the
basement adjacent to the primary staff entry and Back-of-House
azeas. (15-New MM)
12 The applicant/developer shall submit plans showing that the proposed Building
structure has been analyzed for earthquake loading and designed
according to the most recent seismic standards in the Uniform
Building Code adopted by the City of Anaheim (19-MM VI-1)
13 The applicant/developer shall submit for review and approval, Building
detailed foundation design information for the subject building(s),
- 9 - PC2009-040
prepazed by a civil engineer, based on recommendations by a
geotechnical engineer. (21-MM VI-3)
14 The applicant/developer shall submit a report prepared by a Building
geotechnical engineer for review and approval which shall invesrigate
the subject foundation excavations to determine if soft layers aze
present immediately beneath the footing site and to ensure that
compressibility does not underlie the footing. (22-MM VI-4)
1S The property owner shall ensure the provision of an 8-foot-high Building
temporary construction noise barrier on or adjacent to the secrion of
the eastern property line adjacent to the Islander Inn Suites swimming
pooL The barrier shall be solid from the ground to the top, with no
openings, and shall have a weight of at least three pounds per squaze
foot, such as half-inch thick plywood. (40-Addirional MM)
(In compliance with MM XI-2)
16 Plans shall include a note that noise generated by construction acrivity Planning, Code '
shall be limited by the applicant/developer to 60 dBA along the Enforcement
property boundaries, before 7:00 a.m. and after "7:00 p.m., as Building
govemed by Chapter 6.70, Sound Pressure Levels, of the Anaheim (verificarion of
Municipal Code. (35-MM 3.5-1) notes on plans)
17 The applicanUdeveloper shall ensure that all mechanical venrilation Planning,
units are shown on plans and installed in compliance with the Sound Building
Pressure Levels Ordinance.(38-MM 3.5-4)
18 The water supply system shall be designed by the applicanUdeveloper Fire
to provide sufficient fire flow pressure and storage for the proposed
land use and fire protection in accordance with Fire Department
requirements. (41-New MM)
19 Onsite fire hydrants shall be installed and chazged by the Fire
applicant/developer as required and approved by the Fire Department.
(42-XIII-2) .
20 Plans shall indicate that all buildings shall have sprinklers installed by Fire
the applicanUdeveloper in accordance with Anaheim Municipal Code.
Said sprinklers shall be installed prior to final building and zoning
inspections. (44-XIII-4)
21 Plans shall be submitted to ensure that development is in accordance Fire
with the City of Anaheim Fire Department Standards, including:
A. Overhead cleazance shall not be less than 14 feet for the full
- 10 - PC2009-040
width of access drives.
B. Adequate off=site public fire hydrants and onsite private fire
hydrants shall be provided by the applicant/developer. The
precise number, types and locations of the hydrants shall be
determined during building permit review. Hydrants aze to be a
maximum of 400 feet apart.
C. A minimum residual water pressure of 20 psi shall remain in the
water system. Flow rates for public parking facilities shall be set
at 1,000 to 1,500 gpm. (45-XIII-5)
22 The applicanUdeveloper shal] submit a Construction Fire Protection Fire
Plan to the Fire Depariment for review and approval detailing
accessibility of emergency fire equipment, fire hydrant location, and
any other construction features required by the Fire Marshal. The
applicanddeveloper shall be responsible for securing facilities
acceptable to the Fire Deparhnent and hydrants shall be operarional
with required fire flow. (46-XIII-6)
23 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit plans to the Police Department Police
for review and approval for the purpose of incorporating safety
measures in the project design including the concept of crime
prevention through environmental design (e.g., building design,
circulation, site planning, and lighting of parlting structures and
parking azeas). (48-XIII-9)
24 The project design sha11 include pazking lots with controlled access Police
points to limit ingress and egress if determined to be necessary by the
Police Department, and shall be subject to the review and approval of
the Police Department (50-XIII-11)
25 The applicant/developer shall provide proof of compliance with Building
Government Code Section 53080 (schools) to the Building Division
of the Planning Department. (51-XIII-12)
26 Appropriate Traffic Signal Assessment Fees and Traffic Impact and Building (fee
Improvement Fees shall be paid by the applicant/developer to the City payment); Traffic
of Anaheim in amounts determined by the City Council Resolution in and
effect at the rime of issuance of the building permit with credit given Transportarion
for City-authorized improvements provided by the (credits/districts)
applicant/developer; and, participate in all applicable xeimbursement
or benefit districts which have been established. (52-MM 33-2)
27 The applicant/developer shall irrevocably offer for dedication (with Public Works -
subordination of easements), including necessary construction Development
easements, the ultimate right(s)-of-way as shown in the Circulation Services
- 11 - PC2009-040
Element of the Anaheim General Plan for the widening of Katella and
Hazbor Avenue. (53-MM 3.3-3)
28 Street improvement plans shall be submitted for all traffic related Public Works -
improvements adjacent to the project site to the Public Works Development
Department, Development Services Division for review and approvaL Services
These plans will show both sides of all streets and alleys adjacent to
the property, including all driveways and utility installations, signing
and striping. A bond shal] be posted for all traffic related street
improvements, including, but not limited to, directional signage,
striping, and median islands as required for said project. All
improvements shall be installed and completed prior to the first final
building and zoning inspection.
29 Plans shall specifically indicate that all vehicular ramps and grades Traffic and
conform to all applicable Engineering Standards. Transportarion
30 Plans for the pazking structure shall demonstrate that at-grade ducts Traffic and
and overhead pipes shall not encroach in the pazking space areas or Transportation
required vehicle cleazance areas.
31 Plans shall demonstrate that fire lanes shall be posted with "No Traffic and
Pazking Any Time." Said information shall be specifically shown on Transportation
plans submitted for bnilding permits.
32 The applicant/developer shall abandon any existing City of Anaheim Public Works -
Public Utilities easements conflicring with building footprints. Development
33 A lot line adjustment shall be submitted to the Public Works Public Works -
Deparhnent, Development Services Division to merge the exisring Development
pazcels into one ]egal lot. The Lot Line Adjushnent shall be approved Services
by the City Engineer and recorded in the office of the Orange County
34 A Right of Way Construcrion Permit shall be obtained from the Public Public Works -
Works DepartmenUDevelopment Services for all work performed in the Development
right-of-way. A bond shall be posted in an amount approved by the City Services
Engineer and a form approved by the City Attomey. The improvements
shall be consh-ucted prior to final building and zoning inspections.
35 The recordation of a Save Hannless in-lieu of Encroachment Public Works -'
Agreement is required for any private storm drains connecting to a City Development
storm drain. Services
- 12 - PC2009-040
36 The existing middle driveway approach on Harbor Blvd shall be Public Works -
removed and replace with curb, gutter, pazkway landscaping and Development
sidewallc. A bond shall be posted in an amount approved by the City Services
Engineer and a form approved by the City Attorney prior to issuance of
a building permit. A Right of Way Construcrion Permit shall be
obtained from the Public Works Deparhnent/Development Services for
all work performed in the right-of-way. The unprovements shall be
consh-ucted prior to final building and zoning inspections.
37 The applicant/developer shall fully fund the implementarion of Traffic and
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) improvements at and Transportarion
adjacent to the intersection of Hazbor Boulevazd and Katella Avenue.
The specific improvements to be implemented shall be: 1) a CCTV
installarion at the Hazbor Boulevard/ Convention Way intersecrion; 2)
performance monitoring starion and detection to provide a permanent
traffic count starion at the Harbor Boulevard/ Katella Avenue
intersecrion; and 3) ATC controller and ITS cabinet with hazdened
Ethernet communications to cabinet at the Hazbor Boulevard/ Katella .
Avenue intersection. Implementafion of these improvements shall be
to the safisfacrion of the City Engineer. (55- MM XV-1)
38 The applicanUdeveloper shall coordinate with all ufility providers to Building
ensure avoidance of any notable service disruptions during the
extension, relocation, upgrading of, or connection to services. (58-
39 The applicant/developer shall provide proof of participarion in the Traffic and
Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN) once the project is in Transportation
Ongoing during project operafions, every property owner and/or
lessee shall be a voring member of the ATN, subject to the terms and
provisions of the by-laws and association rules of the ATN.
Every property owner and/or lessee shall participate in ATN
coordinated transportation demand management efForts designed to
decrease traffic congesrion and 'ancrease ridesharing.
Every property owner and/or lessee shall financially participate in the
operarion of a clean fuel shuttle system, and pursue its use for
employee transportarion, aka Anaheim Resort Transit. (56-MM XV-
40 The applicant/developer shall provide a plan for implementation and Traffic and
administration of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Transportation
Management (TDM) program for all employees. Objecrives of the
- 13 - PC2009-040
TDM program shall be:
Increase ridesharing and use of alternative transportation modes by
employees and guests.
Provide a menu of commute altematives for employees to reduce
project-generated hips.
Conduct an annua] commuter survey to ascertain trip generarion, trip
origin, and Average Vehicle Ridership.
Every property owner and/or lessee shall designate an on-site contact
who shall be responsible for coordinaring with the ATN and
implemenfing all trip mitigafion measures. The on-site coordinator
shall be the one point of contact representing the project with the
AT'N. The requirements of the mitigarion measure shall be included in
the lease or other agreement with all of the project participants.
Documentarion indicaring compliance with this mitigation measure
shall be included in the annual monitoring report ongoing during
project operation. (57-MM XV-3)
41 Water: The project shall be subject to the fees, terms and conditions Water
of the Anaheim Resort Area Water Supply Assessment (currently Engineering
under preparafion), the APUD Water Rates, Rules and Regulafions.
The developer/owner will be required to pay a share of the cost of the
additional water supply, based on a percentage of the average day
water demand imposed by the proposed development compazed to the
capacity of a future water supply facility (e.g. well, MWD
The developer/owner will be required to pay fees in accordance with
APUD's Water Rates, Rules, and Regulations, Part 15E.
All new water connections shall be installed and constructed in
accordance with the latest version of Anaheim Water Services
Standazd Specifications and the applicable Supplements. The
quantities of water delivered to tlae applicant/developer shall also be
subject to the requirements of the Orange County Water District and
the Metropolitan Water District of Southem Califomia. (59-SC XVI-
42 The applicanddeveloper shall submit project plans to the Maintenance Streets and
Department for review and approval to ensure that the plans comply Sanitation
with AB 939, the Solid Waste Reduction Act of 1989, as administered
by the City of Anaheim and the County of Orange and City of
Anaheim Integrated Waste Management Plans. Prior to final building
and zoning inspection, implementation of said plan shall commence
and shal] remain in full efFect. Waste management mitigation
measures that shall be taken to reduce solid waste generation include,
- 14 - PC2009-040
but are not limited to:
A. Detailing the location and design of on-site recycling faciliries.
B. Providing on-site recycling receptacles to encourage recycling.
C. Complying with all Federal, State and City regularion for
hazazdous material disposal.
Participaring in the City of Anaheim's "Recycle Anaheim" program
or other subsritute program as may be developed by the Caty.
In order to meet the requirements of the Solid Waste Reduction Act of
1989 (AB 939), the applicanUdeveloper shall implement numerous
solid waste reduction programs, as required by the Public Works
Deparhnent, including, but not limited to:
• Facilitating paper recycling by providing chutes or convenient
locations for sorting and recycling bins.
• Facilitaring cardboard recycling (especially in retail areas) by
providing adequate space and centralized locations for collecrion
and bailing.
• Facilitating glass recycling (especially from restaurants) by
providing adequate space for sorting and storing.
• Providing h~ash compactors for non-recyclable materials whenever
feasible to reduce the total volume of solid waste and the number
of trips required for collection.
a Prohibiring curbside pick-up. (MMP No. 0085 MM 3.93-1, MMP
No. 0085a MM 9-1) (60-MM XVI-3)
43 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit plans showing that each Resource
structure will comply with the State Energy Efficiency Standazds for Efficiency
Nonresidential Buildings (Title 24, Part 6, Article 2, Califomia Code
of Regularions); and, will consult with the City of Anaheim Utilities
Depariment, Resource Efficiency Division in order to review above
Title 24 measures to incorporate into the project design including
energy efficient designs. 62 (MM XVI-5)
44 The applicanUdeveloper shall install an underground electrical service Electrical
from the Public Utilities Dishibution System. The Underground Engineering
Service will be installed in accordance with the Electric Rules, Rates,
Regularions and Electrical Specificarions for Underground Systems.
Electrical Service Fees and other applicable fees will be assessed in
accordance with the Electric Rules, Rates, Regulafions and Electrical
Specifications for Underground Systems. (64-MM XVI-7)
45 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate on plans that fuel efficient Building
models of gas-powered building equipment have been incorporated
- 15 - PC2009-040
into the project, to the extent feasible. (66-MM XVI-9)
46 The applicant/developer shall submit plans showing that each Building
structure will comply with the State Energy Efficiency Standazds for
Nonresidential Buildings (Title 24, Part 6, Article 2, California Code
of Regulafions); and, will consult with the City of Anaheim Utiliries
Deparhnent, Resource Efficiency Division in order to review above
Title 24 measures to incorporate into the project design including
energy efficient designs. (69-MM XVI-13)
47 The applicanUdeveloper shall install an underground electrical service Electrical
from the Public Urilities Distribution System. The Underground Engineering
Service will be installed in accordamce with the Elecri-ic Rules, Rates,
Regulations and Electrical Specifications for Undergound Systems.
Electrical Service Fees and other applicable fees will be assessed in
accordance with the Electric Rules, Rates, Regularions and Electrical
Specifications for Underground Systems. (71-MMXVI-15)
48 The applicant/developer shall submit evidence that the transformers Electrical
are PCB free. (72-MNIXVI-16) Engineering
49 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit an emergency fire access plan to Fire
the Fire Department for review and approval to ensure that service to
the site is in accordance with Fire Department Service Programs.
50 The applicant/developer shall coordinate with the Electrical Electrical
Engineering Division to ensure that there will be no conflicts with the Engineering
underground electrical systems and to establish electrical service
requirements and obtain electrical dishibution plans.
51 Plans shall indicate that above-ground utility devices are located on Electrical
private property and outside any required setback azeas unless Engineering
otherwise allowed by the Code. The above-ground urility devices
shall be specifically shown on construction plans in locations
substantially in accordance with the approved Final Site Plan.
Landscape and/or hardscape screening of all padmounted equipment
shall be required outside the easement azea of the equipment.
52 The applicant/developer shall coordinate its service requirements and Elech-ical
relocation issues with the City of Anaheim Public Urilities Engineering
Department and the other utility companies involved.
53 Building plans shall show that the property shall be served with Electrical
underground urilities per the Electrical Rates, Rules, and Regulations, Engineering
and the City of Anaheim Underground Policy, with installation prior
- 16 - PC2009-040
to the first final build'ang and zoning inspecrion.
54 The proposed project shall comply with al] State Energy Insulation Resource
Standazds and City of Anaheim codes in effect at the rime of Efficiency
application for building permits. (Commonly referred to as Title 24,
these standards aze updated periodically to allow considerarion and
possible incorporarion of new energy efficiency technologies and
methods. Title 24 covers the use of energy efficient building
standazds, including ventilation, insulation and construction and the
use of energy saving appliances, conditioning systems, water heating
and lighting.) Plans submitted for building permits shall include
written notes demonstrating compliance with energy standards and
shall be xeviewed and approved by the Public Utilities Deparhnent
prior to issuance of building permits.
55 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate in the building/design Resource
plans that efficient lighting and lighting control systems will be Efficiency
urilized in the building structure. In addirion, the plans will urilize
natural light/daylight as an integral part of lighting systems in the
buildings. (GCG1-2)
56 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate that light colored "cooP' Resource
roofs, cool pavements, and strategically placed shade trees will be Efficiency
incorporated into the building plans. In addition, the
applicanUdeveloper shall also demonstrate that the hotel roofs will be
comprised of"cool roof' materials with SRI meeting LEED criteria.
57 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate that solar power/heating, Resource
(including automatic covers, and efficient pumps and motors for Efficiency
pools and spas) will be utilized for the proposed pool and filter.
58 The applicanddeveloper shall submit imgation and detailed landscape Resource
plans that urilize efficient landscape materials and water-efficient Efficiency
imgation systems and devices, such as soil moisture-based imgarion
controls for review and approval. (GCG1-13, GCC-1-14)
59 The applicant/developer shall be responsible for demonstrating that Resource
the irrigarion systems will be high efficiency with minimum spray Efficiency
type delivery cazefully planned and adjusted to apply water only to
vegetated areas and to limit over-spray. (GCC-1-18-GCG1-30)
60 The applicanUdeveloper shali institute a demolition and consiruction Resource
waste diversion program, coordinated with the local waste Efficiency
- 17 - PC2009-040
management company, to achieve a goal of 50% diversion/recycle of
demolifion and construction waste. Reuse and recycle construcfion
and demolition waste (including, but not limited to, soil, vegetation,
concrete, lumber, metal, and cazdboard). (GCGl-23)
61 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate that they have incorporated Traffic and
public transit anto the project design including a loading and staging Transportation
azea for tour busses and the local tourist shuttle as shown on the final
site plan. (GCC-1-29)
62 The applicant/developer shall incorporate the following energy saving Electrical
practices into building plans. The applicanUdeveloper shall Engineering
implement, to the extent feasible, these energy saving pracrices, in
compliance with Title 10 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, prior to
final building and zoning inspection:
a. Consultation with the Public Urilities Depariment energy
conservafion experts for assistance with energy conservation
design features.
b. Use of electric motors designed to conserve energy.
c. Use of special lighting fixtures such as motion sensing light
switch devices and compact fluorescent fixtures in place of
incandescent lights.
d. Use of T8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Metal halide or high-
pressure sodium for outdoor lighting.
63 Prior to issuance of the first final site plan, the project Public Works
applicanddeveloper shall provide fair-shaze funding (as idenrified in
the project traffic study) for following improvements:
• Manchester Avenue/ I-5 Southbound Ramps at
Katella Avenue: Modify the exisring traffic
signal and install a northbound right-turn
overlap phase with the westbound left-tum
phase. Re-stripe the northbound approach to
have one left-turn lane and two right-tum lanes.
• Anaheim Boulevazd at Disney Way/ Manchester
Avenue/ I-5 Southbound Ramps: Re-stripe the
eastbound shazed left-through tum lane on
Disney Way to a through lane. Modify the
traffic signal to remove the split-phase in the
easUwest direction and provide a protected left-
tum in the eastbound direcrion. This shall
restore the eastbound and westbound
approaches and phasing to existing condirions.
- 18 - PC2009-040
64 The applicant/developer shall demonstrate to the sarisfaction of the Planning
City Planning Director or his/her designee, that that the I~ED display Building
does not cause any significant off=site lighring spillage on the
adjacent property to the south and the west.
If the City Planning Director or his/her designee determines there is
an impact, the applicanUdeveloper shall be required to comply with
mitigations listed below, or with equivalent mirigarion, to mitigate the
1. The applicanUdeveloper may be required to dim the output of the
LED display, either automatically (photovoltaic sensor) or manually,
to ensure no off-site lighting spillage; and/or
2. The applicanUdeveloper may be required to adjust the angle of the
LED display in a different direction since most modern display
modules are designed with louver-like dividers between the rows of
LEDs that help focus the light emissions to the intended viewers
3. The applicanUdeveloper may be required to apply lighring shields
to limit off-site spillage to adjacent properties;
The LED structure will be required to be affixed to the building in a
manner that is acceptable to the Planning Department, Building
Division. Structural/building plans will be xequired to be reviewed
and approved by the City Building Official and the Planning Director
will review the finallocation fox the LED display. Operarion of the
LED display will not be permitted until the City Planning Director
and the Building Official grants final approval and completes
inspection of the structure. (2-New MM)
65 The applicanUdeveloper shall participate in the Anaheim Assessment Planning
District for landscape installation and maintenance. (6-MM 3.11-4)
66 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit an earthquake emergency Fire
response plan for review and approval. The plan shall require posted
norices in hote] rooms on earthquake safety procedures and
incorporate ongoing earthquake training for hotel staff: (24-MM 3.6-
67 The applicanbdeveloper shall submit a letter from a licensed Planning
landscape azchitect to the City certifying that the landscape
installation and irrigation systems have been installed as specified in
the approved landscaping and irrigation plans. (32-MM VIII-4)
68 The applicant/developer shall place emergency telephone service Fire
- 19 - PC2009-040
numbers in prominent locations as approved by the Fire Department.
69 The applicant/developer shall implement energy-saving pracrices in Resource
compliance with Title 24, which may include the following: Efficiency
e Use of high-efficiency air conditioning systems controlled by a
computerized management system including features such as a
variable air volume system, a 100-percent outdoor air economizer
cycle, sequential operation of air conditioning equipment in
accordance with building demands, isolarion of air condirioning to
any selected floor or floors.
• Use of elecri-ic motors designed to conserve energy.
• Use of special lighring fixtures such as motion sensing light switch
devicas and compact fluorescent fixtures in place of incandescent
o Use of T8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Metal halide or high-
pressure sodium for outdoor lighting and parking lots. (63-MM
70 The 5outhern Califomia Gas Company has developed several Southem
programs which are intended to assist in the selection of the most Calafornia Gas
energy-efficient water heaters and furnaces. The applicanUdeveloper Company
shall implement a program to reduce the demand on natural gas
supplies. (65-MM XVI-8)
71 A study of azea television reception shall be undertaken by the Public Works -
applicant/developer and submitted to the City Engineer for review Development
and approval. If the City Engineer determines that the proposed Services
project creates a significant impact on broadcast television reception
at local residences and other existing hotels/restaurants or other
businesses, the applicant/developer shall immediately install a signal
booster or relay system on the roof of the tallest project building to
restore television reception to its original condition. In no event shall
heights set forth in Section 18.04.035 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code enYitled, "Structural Height Limitations-Anaheim Commercial
Recreation Area" be exceeded. (67-MM XVI-10)
72 The applicant shall: Public Works -
o Demonstrate that all structural BMPs described in the Project & Development
Site Specific WQMP have been consh-ucted and installed in
conformance with approved plans and specificafions.
• Demonstrate that the applicant is prepazed to ttnplement all non-
structural BMPs described in the Project & Site Specific WQMP
- 20 - PC2009-040
• Demonstrate that an adequate number of copies of the approved
Project & Site Specific WQMP aze available onsite.
e Submit for review and approval by the City an Operarion and
Maintenance Plan for all strucrixral BMPs.
73 The installarion of new electrical facilities systems shall be timed to Electrical
coincide with the level of development that would require this Engineering
improvement, to the satisfacrion of the Anaheim Public Utilities
Deparhnent and other utility companies.
74 The applicanbdeveloper shall provide the City of Anaheim with a Electrical
public utiliries easement (per final electric design), along/across high Engineering
voltage lines, low voltage lines crossing private property, and azound
all padmounted transformers, switches, capacitors, etc. Said easement
shall be submitted to the City of Anaheim prior to connection of
electrical service. Landscape and/or hazdscape screening of all
padmounted equipment shall be required outside the easement area of
the equipment.
75 The applicanUdeveloper shall provide evidence that educarional Resource
material including the hotel's website and literature will feature Efficiency/
energy conservarion strategies as part of the Guest infozmation and planning
education program. (GCG1-9)
76 The applicanUdeveloper shall be provide a copy of literature and/or Resource
materials that will be provided to guests about water conservation and Efficiency
available programs and incentives (i.e. Hotel website and literature planning
will feature water conservation strategies as part of the Guest
information and educarion program). (GCC-1-22)
77 The applicanddeveloper shall demonstrate that they are providing Resource
interior and exterior storage azeas for recyclables and green waste and Efficiency
adequate recycling containers located in public areas. The project will
include waste collection azeas suitable for sorting and storing
recyclable materials. A recycling program will be coordinated with Streets and
the local waste management company to recycle glass, metals, plasric, Sanitation
cardboard, and green waste. (GCG1-24)
78 The applicanddeveloper shall submit Demolition and Import/Export Public Works -
Plans, if determined to be necessary by the Public Works/Engineering Development
Deparhnent. The plans shall include identification of ofFsite locations Services
for materials exported from the project and oprions for disposal of
excess material. These options may include recycling of materials
onsite, sale to a soil broker or cont=actor, sale to a project in the
- 21 - PC2009-040
vicinity or transport to an environmentally cleazed landfill, with
attempts made to move it within Orange County. The
applicant/developer shall ofFer recyclable building materials, such as
asphalt or concrete, for sale or removal by private firms or public
agencies for use in construction of other proj ects, if it cannot be
reused on project site. (10-MM 3.4-4)
79 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit to the Public Works Public Works -
Department/Development Services for review and approval a Water Development
Quality Management Plan that: Services
m Addresses Site Design Best Management Pracfices (BMPs) such
as minimizing unpervious areas, masimizing permeability,
minimizing direcfly connected impervious areas, creating
reduced or "zero discharge" azeas, and conserving nahual areas.
o Incorporates the applicable Rourine Source Control BMFs as
defined in the Drainage Area Management Plan.
• Incorporates Treatment Control BMPs as defined in the DAMP.
• Describes the long-term operarion and maintenance
requirements for the Treatment Control BMPs.
o Idenrifies the en6ty that will be responsible for long-term
operation and maintenance of the Treahnent Conirol BMPs, and
Describes the mechanism for funding the long-term operation
and maintenance of the Treatment Control BMPs.
• Includes public structural BMPs to address runoff from public
azeas associated with the construction of this project, which
have been reviewed and approved by the City's Resort
Services, in Public Works' Operations and Maintenance
Division, as well as Public Works' Development Services
80 If the omarnental trees on the project site are proposed to be removed Planning
during the nesfing season, (February 1 to June 30), a qualified
Biplogist shall be required to inspect the trees prior to remova] to
ensure no nesting birds are present. If an active nest is present, then Public Works -'
the Biologist will idenfify appropriate minimizarion measures to the Development
satisfaction of the City of Anaheim Planning Department. (SC N-1) Services
81 The applicant/developer shall submit a letter identifying the certified Public Works -
archaeologist that has been hired to ensure that the following actions Development
aze implemented: Services
a. The azchaeologist must be present at the pregrading conference in
oxder to establish procedures for temporarily halting or redirecring
work to permit the sampling, identificarion, and evaluation of
artifacts if potenrially significant artifacts aze uncovered. If
- 22 - PC2009-040
artifacts are uncovered and determined to be significant, the
archaeological observer shall determine appropriate actions in
cooperarion with the applicanUdeveloper for exploration and/or
b. Specimens that are collected prior to or during the grading process
will be donated to an appropriate educational or reseazch
c. Any azchaeological work at the site shall be conducted under the
direction of the certified azchaeologist. If any artifacts aze
discovered during grading operations when the archaeological
monitor is not present, grading shall be diverted around the azea
until the monitor can survey the area.
d. A final report detailing the findings and disposition of the
specimens shall be submitted to the City Engineer. Upon
completion of the grading, the azchaeologist shall notify the City
as to when the final report will be submitted. (17-MM 312-1)
82 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit a letter identifying the certified Public Works -
paleontologist that has been hired to ensure that the following actions Development
are implemented: Services
a. The paleontologist must be present at the pregrading conference in
order to establish procedures to temporarily halt or redirect work
to permit the sampling, idenrificarion, and evaluation of fossils if
potentially significant paleontological resources are uncovered. If
artifacts are uncovered and found to be significant, the
paleontological observer shall determine appropriate actions in
cooperation with the applicanUdeveloper for exploration and/or
b. Specimens that aze collected prior to or during the grading process
will be donated to an appropriate educational or reseazch
c. Any paleontological work at the site shall be conducted under the
direction of the certified paleontologist. If any fossils are
discovered during grading operafions when the paleontological
monitor is not present, grading shal] be diverted azound the azea
until the monitor can survey the azea.
d. A final report detailing the findings and disposition of the
specimens shall be submitted. Upon completion of the grading, the
paleontologist shall norify the City as to when the final report will
be submitted. (18-MM 3.12-2)
83 The applicanUdeveloper shall demonstrate on plans submitted for Public Works -
grading permits, that they will implement measures to reduce Development
construction-related air quality impacts. These measures sha11 Services
include, but are not limited to:
- 23 - PC2009-040
a. Normal wetting procedures (at least twice daily) or other dust
palliative measures shall be followed during earth-moving
operarions to minimize fugitive dust emissions, in compliance
with the City of Anaheun Municipal Code including application
of chemical soil stabilizers to exposed soils after grading is
completed and replacing ground cover in disturbed areas as
quickly as pracricable.
b. Enclosing, covering, watering twice daily, or applying approved
soil binders, according to manufacturer's specification, to exposed
stock piles.
c. Roadways adjacent to the project shall be swept and cleazed of
any spilled export materials at least twice a day to assist in
minimizing fugitive dust; and, haul routes shall be cleared as
needed if spills of materials exported from the project site occur.
d. Where practicable, heavy duty construction equipment shall be
kept onsite when not in operarion to minimize exhaust emissions
associated with vehicles repetitiously entering and exiting the
project site.
e. Trucks importing or exporting soil material and/or debris shall be
covered prior to entering public streets.
f. Taking preventive measures to ensure that hvcks do not carry dirt
on rires onto public streets, including treating onsite roads and
staging areas.
g. Preventing trucks from idling for longer than 2 minutes. (9-MM
84 The applicant/developer shall submit to the City Engineer for review Public Works -
and approval, a soils and geological report for the area to be graded, Development
based on proposed grading and prepared by an engineering geologist Services
and geotechnical engineer. All grading shall be in conformance with
Title 17 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (20-MM VI-2)
85 The applicanUdeveloper shall implement standard pracrices for all Public Works -
applicable codas and ordinances to prevent erosion to the sarisfaction Development
of the Public Works Deparhnent, Development Services Division. Services
(23-MM VI-5)
86 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit a plan for review and approval Fire
to the Hazardous Materials Section of the Fire Deparlment which
details procedures that will be taken if a previously unknown USTs,
or other unknown hazardous material or waste, is discovered onsite.
(26-MM VII-2)
87 The applicanUdeveloper shall provide an Asbestos Identification Fire
Survey to the Hazazdous Materials Section of the City of Anaheim
Fire Department. This 5urvey shall detail procedures that will be
- 24 - PC2009-040
taken if previously unknown underground storage tanks (USTs), or
other unknown hazazdous material or waste is discovered. (27-
Addirional MM VII-2)
88 The applicanUdeveloper shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Public Works -
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that will: Development
• Require implementation of Best Management Pracfices (BMPs) Services
designed with a goa] of preventing a net sediment load increase in
storm water discharges relarive ta preconshvcrion levels;
• Prohibit, during the construcrion period, discharges of storm water
or non-storm water at levels which would cause or contribute to an
exceedance of applicable water quality standards contained in the
Basin Plan;
o Discuss in detail the BMPs planned for the project related to
control of sediment and erosion, non-sediment pollutants, and
potential pollutants in non-storm water discharges;
s Describe post-conshvction BMPs for the project;
e Explain the maintenance program for the project's BMPs;
e Require reporting of violarions to the Regional Board during
construction; and
e List the parties responsible for SWPPP implementation and BMP
maintenance during and afrer grading. (28-SC 4.5-1)
89 The applicant/developer shall ensure compliance with all Public Works -
recommended structural and non-structural Best Management Development
Practices identified in the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). Services
(29-MM VIII-1)
90 The applicant/developer shall obtain coverage under the NPDES Public Works -
Statewide Indush-ial Stormwater Permit for General Construction Development
Activiries from the State Water Resources Control Board. Evidence of Services
attainment shall be submitted to the City Engineer. (30-MM VIII-2)
91 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit a Master Drainage and Runoff Public Works -
Management Plan (MDRMP) for review and approval by the Public Development
Works/Engineering Department, Development Services Division and Services
Orange County Environmental Management Agency. The Master
Plan shall include, but not be limited to, tiie following items:
a. Backbone storm drain layout and pipe size, including supporting
hydrology and hydraulic calculations for storms up to and
ineluding the 100-yeaz storm; and,
b. A delineation of the improvements to be implemented for control
of project-generated drainage and runoff. (34-MM VIII-6)
- 25 - PC2009-040
92 The applicanUdeveloper shall submit an emergency fire access plan to
the Fire Department for review and approval to ensure that service to
the site is in accordance with Fire Deparhnent service requirements. Fire
93 The applicanUdeveloper shall participate in the City's Master Plan of Public Works -'
Storm Drains and related Infrashvcture Improvement (Fee) Program ' Development
to assist in mirigaring existing and future storm drainage system Services
deficiencies as follows. (IvIMP No. 0085a MM 13-1)
The applicant/developer shall submit a report for review and approval
by the City Engineer to assist with determining the following:
o If the specific developmenUredevelopment does not increase or
redirect current or historic storm water quanriries/flows, then the
property owner's/ developer's responsibility shall be limited to
participation in the Infrastructure Improvement (Fee) Program to
provide storm drainage facilities in 10- and 25-yeaz storm
frequencies and to protect properties/structures for a 100-year
storm frequency.
• If the specific development/redevelopment increases or red'uects
the current or historic storm water quantity/flow, then the
applicant/developer shall be required to guarantee mitigation to the
satisfacrion of the City Engineer and City Attorney's Office of the
impact prior to approval of a final subdivision map or issuance of a
grading or building permit, whichever occurs first, pursuant to the
improvements identified in the Master Plan of Drainage for the
South Central Area. The applicant/developer shall be required to
install the storm drainage faciliries as recommended by the Master
Plan of Drainage for the South Central Area to provide storm
drainage facilities ~or 10- and 25-yeaz storm frequencies and to
protect properties/structures for a 100-year storm frequency prior
to acceptance for maintenance of public improvements by the City
or final building and zoning inspection for the building/structure,
whichever occurs first. Additionally, the applicant/developer shall
participate in the Infrastructure Improvement (Fee) Program as
determined by the City Engineer which could include fees, credits,
reimbursements, or a combinarion thereof. As part of guazanteeing
the mirigation of impacts on the storm drainage system, a storm
drainage system improvement phasing plan for the project shall be
submitted by the applicanUdeveloper to the City Engineer for
review and approval and shall contain, at a minimum, (1) a layout
of the complete system; (2) all facility sizes, including support
calculafions; (3) conshvction phasing; and, (4) construction
(Note: The City has adopted tt~e Storm Drain Impact and
- 26 - PC2009-040
Improvement Fee Program for the South Central City Area.
Compliance with this Fee Program by the applicanUdeveloper (per
Ordinance No. 5491 and Resolurion No. 95R-61 dated April 18,
1995) shall sarisfy the requirements of thas mitigation measure). (68-
MM XVI-12)
94 The applicanUdeveloper shall enter into a Right-of-Way Public Works
Encroachment License Agreement with the City for the maintenance
of the water features proposed within the public right-of-way.
95 The applicanbdeveloper shall implement measures to reduce Traffic and
emissions to the extent practical, schedule goods movements for off- Transportation
peak traffic hours, and use clean fuel for vehicles and other
equipment, as practicable. (7-MM 3.4-1)
96 The applicanUdeveloper shall provide for the following: cleaning of Streets and
all paved azeas not maintained by the City of Anaheim on a monthly Sanitafion
basis, including, but not limited to, private streets and parking lots.
The use of water to clean streets, paved azeas, parkimg lots, and other
azeas and flushing the debris and sediment down the storm drains
shall be prohibited. (31-MM VIII-3)
97 The sanitary sewer and storm drains for this development shall be Public Works -
privately maintained except the mainline sewer and storm drain within Development
the public streets. Services
98 That it is the responsibility of the OWNER to remove and relocate Public Works -'
any traffic signal poles and equipment at the intersection of Katella Development
Avenue and Aarbor Boulevazd if necessary at the OWNERS expense. Services
99 The applicanUdeveloper shall ensure that all intemal combustion Building
engines on construcfion equipment and trucks are fitted with properly
maintained mufflers. (37-MM 23.5-3)
100 The applicanUdeveloper shall ensure that large bulldozers, large Planning,
heavy trucks, and other similar equipment not be used within 20 feet Building
of the built or occupied parts of Islander Inn Suites. The work shall be
done with medium-sized equipment or smaller within this distance.
(39-Additional MM)
101 Ongoing during project operation, the applicanUdeveloper shall Police
provide private security on the premises to maintain adequate security
for the entire groject subject to review and approval of the Police
Deparhnent. The use of security patrols and electronic security
- 27 - PC2009-040
devices (i.e., video monitors) should be considered to reduce the
potential for criminal acrivity in the azea. (49-XIII-10)
102 If the Anaheim Police Department or Anaheim Traffic Management Police/
Center (TMC) personnel aze required to provide temporary traffic Traffic and
conirol services, the applicanUdeveloper shall reimburse the City, on Transportation
a fair shaze basis, if applicable, for reasonable costs associated with
such services. (54-MM 33-7)
103 The following pracrices shall be implemented during project Resource
operations, as feasible, by the applicanUdeveloper: Efficiency
o Usage of recycled paper products for stationery, letterhead, and
• Recovery of materials such as aluminum and cardboard.
• Collec6on of office paper for recycling.
• Collection of polystyrene (foam) cups for recycling.
e Collec6on of glass, plasrics, kitchen grease, laser printer toner
cartridges, oil, batteries, and scrap metal for recycling or recovery.
(61-MM XVI-4)
104 The applicant/developer shall be responsible for ensuring that idling Traffic and
time is limited for commercial vehicles, including delivery and Transportation
wnstruction vehicles. (GCC-1-33)
105 The subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance Planning
with plans and specificafions submitted to the City of Anaheim by the
petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning Deparhnent
marked E~ibit Nos. 1 through 82, and as conditioned herein.
106 That extensions for further time to complete conditions of approval Planning
may be granted in accordance with Section 18.60.170 of the Anaheim
Municapal Code.
107 That fiming for compliance with condirions of approval may be Planning
amended by the Planning Director upon a showing of good cause
provided (i) equivalent timing is established that sarisfies the original
intent and purpose of the condition(s), (ii) the modification complies
with the Anaheim Municipal Code and (iii) the applicant has
demonstrated significant progress toward establishment of the use or
approved development.
108 Approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed Planning
request only to the extent that complies with the Anaheim Municipal
Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to
- 28 - PC2009-040
compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable
ordinance, regulation or requirement.
109 No required pazking areas shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed for Planning
outdoor storage uses.
- 29 - PC2009-040