Minutes-PC 1999/01/04SIJI~MA~Yl~C~'I~N AGENDA
STAFF PRESENT: Selma Mann Assistant City Attorney
Mary McCloskey Deput~,~ t=)anning Director
Greg Hastings Zoning ~ivision Manac~er
Cheryl Flores Senior Planner
Greg h4cCafferty Associate Planner
Karen Dudley Associate Planner
Alfred Yalda Principai Transportatian Planner
Melanie Adams Associate Civii Engineer
Edith Harris PC Support Supervisor
Margarita Solorio Senior Secretary
Ossie Edmundson Senior Secretary
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SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE: Alive Again2ully Duenas, 211 in substantiel
South State Callege Blvd. #207, Anaheim, CA 92806, requests conformance
determination of substantial conformance to establish a nor •profit
counseliny/educational, spirituai seminar center end bookstore. Property
is located at 301-305 North Harbor Bouievard.
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 21, 1998.
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Esping and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby concur with staff that the
proposed p~oject falls ~vithin the definition of Categoric:.i Ex~;mptions, Class 3, as
defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, there~~~;:, categor~cally exempt from
the requirements to prepare an EIR.
Commissioner E3oydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Esping
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent}, !hat the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby determine that this request is in substantial
conformance with all th~ provisions of the original approval for Variance No.193
based cr the fiollowing:
(a) That the proposed use operates in a fashion that is similar to the previousiy-
appioved dental office.
(b) That based on the submitted letter of operation, it appears that the site will
be adequate in size for this proposed use to operate in a fashion that is not
detrimental to the surrounding land uses.
(c) That the applicant stipulated to stripe the parking lot to denote required
parking prior to commencement of the activity.
(d) That the applicant stipulated to screen the air ::onditioning unit located on
the roof.
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ApplicanYs Statement:
Rosa Jones, 7950 East Santa Clara Avenue #18, Santa Ana, CA: Stated they are trying to purchase a
buildi~g and it is dependent on whether they recei~ ed approvai for the use that ttiey are rer~~esting. (She
reference a letfer dated Decem6er 1, 1390 that th~y mailed explaining what fhey do.]
Commissioner 6ostwick: Asked Ms. Jones whether the smai; bookstore referenced in her letter is goiny
to be used by the outside r.ublic? Commission is concerned that parking is very limited for this facility and
the uses listed such as the bookstore, conf~~;:, ~ce center, etc. appear that there may be a parking
Rosa Jones: 7he books that they offer in their bookstore are basically for people.v~ho come in for their
counseling services. It wuuld be, for example, only a family, couples or individuals 2t a time and not many
peopie at one time.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked the applicant if they could screen the air conditioner located above the
Rosa Jones: She agreed to this. The variance was originally approved in 1953 for a 2 X 2 foot sign and
asked if they could receive approval fo~ a I~rger sign?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Responded that would take a readvertisement of the variance in order to
amend the condition of approval that is currently on the variance.
In the staff report it requests that the applicant stipulate to restriping the parking lot.
Rosa Jones: She was in agreed to this.
Page 3
B. a) CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION 15061 (b) (31 Concurred wistaff
b) CODE AMENDMENT N0. 99-01: Ariel Valli, 19700 Fairchild, Suite 230, Approved
Irvine, CA 92612, request for consideration of a Code Amendment to the
site development standards of the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Recommerded that
Zone to permit outdoor self-storage of recreational vehicles and boats as the City Council
a conditionally permitte~ use. adopt the draft
ACTION: Cornmissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner presented to the
Boydstun anci MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Planning
Anaheim City P{anning Commissicn does hereby concur with staff that the Commission at the
proposed project falls within the definition of Ca:egorical Exemptions, Class meeting ~~vith
15061 (b) {3), as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefora, modifications
categorically exempt from the requirements to prepare an EIP..
CommissiQner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Boydstun
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council the adoption
of the draft ordinance presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting to
amend the conditionally permitted uses within the RS-A-43,000 Zone as follows:
"Uutdoor storage of recreational vehicles, boats, personal water craft,
motorcycles, and trailers with or ~vithout an on-site o~ce or caretaker
o~ce/dwelling unit; provided such use is found and defermined to be
located on a property which: (i) is integrated into a single development
having a minimum overall site area of five (5) acres; (ii) is located on an
irregularly-shaped property which may be constrained by accessibility,
visibility or easements which may not be suitable for conventiorial types of
development; (iii) is not adjacent to any residential zone, or is shown to be
s~Kciently buffered from such zone; (iv) is screened from tlie public right-of-
way, and (v) is not located within the SC (Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone.
Furfher, that the development of fhe property shall incfude quality
landscaping and be designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses."
Greg I-lastings, Zoning Division Manager: Suggested this item be trailed and heard with Item No. 8 and
,;aff Faran~ was in agreement.
Chairman Bristol: Announced that Item Nos. 1-B ~end 8 are going to be heard together.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Paul Kott, Realtor, 1225 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA: He assists property owners by advising
what is the best use for their property. He gave a description of how he helps people e~,~aluate property for
use. He gave general location of property and stated that if it were not for the Southern California Edison
easement, this property would probably have been developed long ago. 7he size, 6.2 acres and narrow
irregular rectangular shape prevents it from being a viable development site for over 95% of uses currently
allowed within the CL Zone. The staff report implies that there is a concentration of self storage, it doesn't
create jobs or generate sales tax. He stated this is an unfair depiction of the proposal. They are
requesting approval for storage of recreational vehicles, boats, motorcycles and personal watercraft alone.
He researched all other RV facilities in Orange County, and there are only 4. It will create jobs for onsite
Page 4
staff, also, he asked considering the characteristics of the property, what other kind of business could staff
recommend that would generate tax revenue.
The owner has contacted neighbors within a 300 foot radius to ge~ feedback. Approximately 20 resident
attended a meeting and all feedback was positive. He read. a letter from one of the resident supporting the
project. He also spoke to WAND representatives, Esther Wallace•and Judith Gollette and they support the
Jeff Farano, 2300 East Katella Suite 235 Anaheim, CA: He is representing the applicant. He discussed
the zoning and the concerns the staff may have to reclassify this to Commercial Limited. if this project
was not built under the proposed plan, what wauld happen in future? The staff report indicates that if this
6 acres were built out commercially, it would generate more traffic, noise and other problems. Because of
the irregular shape of the project the only thing available commercially is or. the front oi Euclid.
They have previously proposed deed restrictions on property that has been difficult to deal with in which
the City coul~ be named as a beneficiary to a deed restriction stating the property shall only be built limited
to a particular use.
He suggested a code amendment that allows the type of use under a conditional use permit under RS-A-
43,000 so they would not have to change the zoning. If staff wants to impose conditions, or charge the
proposed language they do not have a prablem with that. He just asks that's~ ~:hey go with a code
amendment he wants to continue and parallel the CUP with this process, se~:d them ~n to City Council for
their approval but he would also like to consider this project into ihe CUP so they don't have to wait for that
to go through and start over. If they approve the language thst is proposed, the code amendment going
on to City Council as well as this CUP could be approved on the condition that the City Council adopt that
code amendment. He addressed the following proposed conditions:
• Condition 2 that CUP would terminate in 2002-he said developers ti~ill not develop a property wiih oniy
a 3 year CUP, then tie the CUP to say that if the power lines are no longer built there then the CUP
• Condition 3 page 11 - to require them to p~t a cul-du-sac at the end of a public road. There are only 6
propertie- on the cul-du-sac and this property is not affecting that traffic.
• No. 5- they want low level lighting below the fence unless there is a breach of security after hours and
would like some 10 foot poles to have lighting.
• Item 10 - regarding mature landscaping that mus! be preserved. They are going to leave the existing
home and landscaping around the home but want to clear the lot that they are going to build on. They
want to remove that condition so that they don't have a probler~i.
• I!em 13 regarding propane tanks or dumping stations - They will have a dumping station at the
beginning as you come in off the property only for people .^~ho ~`.ore RV's there. It will not have public
access. They would like to see the condition modified to say there will be no public propane tanks or
no public dumping stations permitted on the property to allow thern to do the holding tank emptying for
the people that are renting spaces.
• No. 23 - They would like to see a maximurri height of 12 feet but applicant is w~illing to make it lower if
staff desires.
• No. 25 - Would like modification to include personal motor craft and motorcycles.
~ No. 29 - No storage of inoperable vehicles, wo~ld like to modify to say no salvage vehicles on-site.
Some other conditions that are not on the report that they are willing to consider to address staffs concern
is parking along the northern wall will be limited to vehicles that are lower than the height of the wall.
Another proposed restriction would be not to permit any business to be operated out of the storage area.
Mike Brittingham: 1615 South Pounders Lane, Anaheim, CA. He does not oppose the project. He asked
if the dump station was a septic tank or holding tank, or go down to a main sewer line? He is worried
about spills in a holding tank. He likes idea of lights being on a sensor so that after closing hours they go
on a dimmer. He advised that he would not like to see this classified as a commercial project because if it
falls through he does not want something else moving in there.
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Chairman Bristol: He asked Mr. Brittingham if he thought the nursery is more noisy than a storage place
would be?
Mike Brittingham: Fle feels with the wall being there, it will cut down on the railroad noise. Regarding the
concern from staff about the diesei powered tractor there on site, he said that he feels it would be bett~r
off to have a vehicle there with someone knowing how to operate it to pull trailers etc. He doesn't feel
there will be diesel noise, no more than the normal hours.
Jesse Duarte, 1726 West Chris, Anaheim, CA Speaks on behalf of himself and in-laws who live at 1608
South Varna. Some past problems with nursery are traffic, and burglaries because nursery is used as a
walkway to get into neighborhood. He feels this new project will get rid of those problems. Also, traffic
coming in at both sides of Chris off of Euclid are larger older trucks that go into the nursery and have
concer~ with the children's safety. Also, trash that falls out of trucks as they go by. There is a major
pro~lem un Varna where trucks leave big tracks on the streets. [He submitted photos.] As of today there
is a pile of trash almost 10 feet high.
In 1996 there was a petition circulated through the neighborhood. They received a letter back from the
City that the complaints would be forwarded to Code Enforcement but to this day no one has checked this
out or notified to the neighbors. There are a~so dumpsters that can be seen over the fence.
He supports the project. They did speak with the neighbors in the area and let them kne~v what happened
and told them that they were supportive. Mr. Farano has had an open line of communication with
everyone in the neighborhood. He is a boat owner and is definitely going to look into using the facility. He
feels the project will definitely beautify the area.
Applicant's Rebuttal:
Jeff Farano: As far as working on vehicles, there will not be any working on vehicles on the property.
Ariel Valley, 19700 Fairchild, Irvine, CA: Stated he is the architect for the project. If the preference is to
connect the septic tank from the house to a sewer system then it can be done.
Melanie Adams, Associate Civil Engineer : If the applicant desires to go toward with the sewer dump
station then the Public Works Department would request that this matter be continued for them to provide
more details on the dump station because they have s~~ri~us concerns such as how, many vehicles would
be able to dump a; one time? What would the operation be7 They have serious concerns of sewer
capacity in central Anaheim. •
Commissioner Bostwick: He did not feel this use would impact the sewer capacity siynificantly
Melanie Adams: Suggested Commission place a restriction of one station and that there would not be
multiple stations throughout the development.
Jeff Farano: 7hey are willing to do that. Regarding Varna Street, currentiy there is a drivEway at the end
of the cul-de-sac to go through a parcel onto the easement which they access. That will no longer be
there and will be closed off. Thereafter, the only access will be at the front of the building off of Euclid.
The home will remain in exisience, it will be remodeled.
They have no plans to do anything with the other parcel which is being bought as part of parcel three.
Chairman Bristol: Asked about voting on item no. 1-B. Mr. Farano requests that Commission go forward
with it.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney: It could be considered concurrently. The recommendation was for
denial but what was previously being processed was a General Plan Amendment and a Reclassification
that was processed concurrently with the CUP. The CUP was conditioned upon the General Plan
Page 6
Amendment and the Reclassification being finalized. Ce~tainly the process could be used. Stafi's
concern is that the analysis on Item No. 8 was done with reference to the CL standards and not to the RS-
A-43,000 standards. They would require a contin~ance in order to evaluate the project assuming that the
Planning Commission approves the proposed ordinance that would authorize these uses subjeGt to a
~UP. They would still need to meet whatever the zoning requirements are for RS-A-43,000 as o,pposed ko
CL but it need not be a continuance until the ordinance is finalized.
Commissioner Bostwick: Could Commission pass a motion approving the code amendment and then
continue the CUP for two weeks?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Staff would prefer a minimum of four weeks, if they need to consider ihe
appeal period in conjunction with the adoption of the code amendment which she deferred to Ms. dVla~n.
They would like to know if Southern Ca~ifornia Edison has appraved the site plan that has been present~d.
There is no clarity on that yet. They want to evaluate the site plan according to the RS-A-43,000
standards and also compare it to the potential code amendment. They would like to clarify that the fences
particularly on the north property line whether the new block wall will be provided only where there is ch3in
link now or whether new block walls will be built abutting the existing block walls?
The issues regarding signage, she was not certain how much signage, if any, the applic2nt wanted. They
would be limited in the RS-A-43,000 Zone.
Regarding landscaping along the railroad track, they would like to see more landscaping in that area.
They wrote their other issues in the staff report regarding the compatibility versus commercial ancJ
residential uses.
Jeff Farano, Applicant: On the S.C.C. easement issue, they spoke with S.C.E. about this and have not
received any objections to their proposal. They do not believe that there are going to be any problems.
On the block wall, they are going to build an entire new block wall around the whole facility.
Commissioner Boslwick: He 4hought building a new block wall would be a good idea.
Cheryi Flores, Senior Planner: Staff had issues regarding the development of the detached condos on
Muller S!reet. Where some of the RS-7200 Zone properties are they did not want their existing block wall
remoued and to take precautions whenever there are two abutting block walls that the top be capped to
Jeff Farano, Applicant: It appears to be a building code problem that they can address with the Building
Division at the time that we do this. The signage permitted, in the RS-A 43,000 is acceptable to his client
and wiil not need additional signage. There are vines being requested as landscaping along the railroad
track. It is 1,200 feet of space along the railroad tracks and they are not ce~tain how necessary it is really
going to be to plant vines along the whole railroad track. They are not proposing to do that at this time.
Commissioner Bostwick: He visited the site this morning and spoke with the person who currentiy leases
it for the nursery. hie indicated to him tnat there is gang activity along the south fence along the railroad
tracks. Perhaps vines may help discourage that activity.
Jeff Farano: He was not certai~ that the vines were going to discourage the gang activity. As a security
measure there will be motion sensor lights around the property.
Regarding a continuance of this item, the application has been pending for now almost a year and another
four weeks would delay the project further cause a financial hardship on the applicant. The application for
the code amendment is not anything new, and it has been pending for awhile.
They have suggested language under Item No. 6 to the staff report and if it is acceptable to Commission
to recommend that as the amendment to the application, and if the CUP is approved today, subject the
comoliance with these conditions on that item then ihere is ho reason to continue this item. Buk if
Page 7
Commission does not agree with the language on Item No. 6 and decides to make some changes in the
drafting, then it will have to be reviewed all over again. i-le thought Commission can at least approve the
CUP subject to the City Council adopting that code amendment. The applicant is willing to take a risk on
that and hopefully it will go through but if the City Cuuncil changes it th~n that is something they have to
deal with.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The site plan that staff i~c°?v~d nas waivers in the RS-A-43,000 Zone that
have not been advertised. Staff would need four weeks to get it advertised, to get revised plans.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked what waivers would need to be advertised?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The side yard setback, rear yard setbacks and front too. There may be
Jeffrey Freeden, 35331 Camino Capistrano, Dana Point, CA: He has been working wit~i the staff and is
amazed by the eleventh hour changes and accommodations and he cannot afford to wait another four
weeks. They are on their 6th month of escrow extension.
Chairman Bristol: Commission can move on Item No. i-B but staff is informing Commission that if they try
to move on this reclassification that they could be aparoving a conditional use permit with waivers that
have not been advertised. This is the first time that Commission has received this informatian.
Jeff Farano: He did not knotiv exactly what the development standards are on the RS-A-43,000 Zone. If
they are different than this site then there would be problems to deal with. The raquest for the code
amendment was back in November 1998. It was a handwritten request that was submitted and it was in
conjunction with this project. He was not intending to ask for a code amendment by itself. It ~vas in
conjunction with the project. If the development standards are different from the Commerci~:l Limited Zone
then they are going to have to deal with it. If they are less restrictive or the same between both zones
then what Commission approves today would not be a problam. They would like to get this resolved
within the legal perimeters so they can get the project moving forward.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Divisiaii Manager: It appears that the only waivers eifect are probably the side
yard setbacks, the front yard setback and the rear yard. In the Commercial Limited Zone ihey do not have
a rear yard, it is just adjacent to enother zone. If the applicant is willing to comply with the requirements of
those setbacks then there is the possibility they may be able to go forward. It is his understanding that
they do want to h~ve this from property line to property line. Therefore that in itself would require waivers
to be advertised. The only waiver that has been advertised is the setback adjacent to the residentia~ zone.
In a Commerciai Limited Zone it is different from a Residential Zone in terms of the waivers that ara
required. This was advertised for Commercial Zoning. Ttie front setback for an RS-A Zone ~~ould be 25
feet and in a commercial zone it is only 10 feet. The side yards are 10 feet in an RS•A Zone and in this
particular case in a commercial they had actually abaut the same. The rear setback is 25 feet in a
residential zone and in this case it would have aciually been less.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked why would there be a setback?
Greg Hastings: It is like a single family lot. If they had a single family zone that backed int~ anotner singie
family zone then a house could not be built up against the Iot. It is odd beca~se the residential zone does
not pertain specifically to this type of use. They have to use the same type of set~ack.
Jeff Farano: They can go front to 25 feet. On the side they are asking far a ze~ o setback because the
fence butts right up to it and they are going to have the car backed up to that. TFiat is the landscape
waiver that they have asked for.
Commissioner Bostwick; There is a waiver for th~ north side ag~inst the residential. Mr. Farano is
indicating the south side is the commercial side becausa of the railroad tracks.
01 •04-99
Page 8
Greg Hastings: It is ~ctuaily residential. If the applicant is agreeing to compiy with the front and the rear
setbacks the side yard setbacks which were advertised as th,~ setbacks adjacent to residential zon~s.
Commissioner Bostwick: So it waives the north and south and would then only be for tha front and back
setbacks as 25 feet. ~
Jeff Farano: The 25 foot setbacks would work.
Greg Hastings: Hcr could not guarantee that there may not be another waiver but that is the only one that
they could think o: at this tim~. For the records, there is onty a 20 square foot sign tha: is ailowed ir.
residential zone.
Following the vote:
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager: Staff asked that a plan be submitted sl~owing where the
faci~ities would be so the information could be put in the file.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney: She is certain that the applicant ~nderstands that the processing of
this application has been done here during the meeting as an accommodation to the applicant and is not a
representation that these are the oniy waivers that are going to be required under the RS-A-03,000 Zone
or under the ordinances that its adopted that there may be additional waivers. It is being done this way as
an accommodatibn and may not be complete, .:.
::`~;~; ~ .
Page 9
RETROACTIVE EXTENSION ~F TIME: Pastor Stan Managbanag and
Jeff Smith (Youth Director),1171 North West Street, Anaheim, CA (To expire 2-28-99)
92801, request a retroactive time extension to comply with conditions of
approval pertaining to block wall fencing, security lighting, and a trash
enclosure. This pLtition was originally approved on August 31,1998.
Prope~ty is locat~~i a:1171 North West Street - Free Methodist Church of
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Boydstun and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby determine that the previously-
approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as the required
environmental documentation for subject request.
Commissioner Bostw~ck offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby approve the request for a retroactive time
extension for 90 days, until February 28, 1999 based on the following:
(i) That this is the first request for a~ extension of time to comply with
conditions of approval. That this request does not extend the request
beyond two extensions of time, nor alter the request as previously
approve~ by Resolution No. PC98-139. Further, that the petitioner is in
the process of completing con~,iition nos. 3, 11 and 12 with a 90 day time
requirement. .
(ii) That this use is consistent with the City's Genera! Plan Land Use Element
and the RS-A-43,000 Zone in which it is located.
(iii) That this propeity has been maintained in a safe, clean and aesthetically
pleasing condition with no unremediated code violations.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Staff noticed that there is an RV that is parked to the rear of the
church building. It appears that someone is living in it. Code Enforcement will be checking into
that prior to :he next meeting to try to gei this resolved.
838 - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Chueh Hsu, CFO, c/o Qrange
County Association for Buddhist Practices, Inc., 1501 West Katella (Vote: 6-0,
Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802-2702, requests termination of Conditional Commissioner
Use Permit Nos. 620, 2430 and Variance No. 838. Property is located at Williams absent)
1501 and 1503 West Katella Avenue.
This item was not discussed.
Page 10
Determined to
Pan,1501 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802, requests conformance as
determination of substantial conformance to construct a six-foot high modified at the
wroughl-iron fence along south and east property lines. Property is meeting
located at 1501 West Katella Avenue - Orange County Association for
Buddhist Practices.
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Napoles and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby determin2"that the previously-
approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as the requ;red
environmental documentation for subject request.
Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby determine that a 4-foot high fence with
lotuses on top of the pilasters not to exceed 5 feet and with a 6 foot landscaped
setback all the way around Katella and Ninth Street is in substantial conformance
with previously-approved plans.
Applicant's Statement:
Larry Lazar, 64 Rainwood, Aliso Viejo, CA: Stated he was present on behalf of the Anaheim Buddhist
Chairman Bristol: Steff is recommending that they move the fence back to the frontage of the building.
would require a variance to have the fence the way the plans were submitted. It was recommend
reducing the size of the fence down 2 to 3 feet.
Larry Lazar: He has had a number of ineetings with members of the Buddhist Temple. The way the plans
were proposed was to put the fence immediately adjacent to the property line for security and safety
reasons. There are many cnildren that come to the church seivices. They mill around the site and it
gives them a little more room. Also they thought it would look better to have tiie fence in front rather than
moved back adjacent to the building.
In reviewing the staff report it is clear ti~at the City currently does not have a standard as to where a front
yard fence is required to ba. It indicates that there are standards under consideration and will be
approved. They are looking to exercise the existing property ri~hts. They have complied with height,
setback, and parki~g standards. The only standard that has to do with the setback of the fence is a Traffic
Division standard that the fence needs to be setback 20 feet, which is probably for vehicle stacking. At
the point of the driveway on Katella Avenue, they could set that fence back 20 feet as long as the rest of it
could be up against the property line.
The fence was proposed to be 6 feet and there is a"lotus" symbol that was proposed in a few locations
that would exceed the 6 feet by 1 U or 11 inches. The lotus symbol could be lowered to be incorporated as
part of the fence but it is still the request of the Buddhist Temple to have ii up near the property line or
between the pron~;ty line and the building.
Commi:,sioner Boydstun: Asked whether the fence could be lowered to a 3 to 4 foot fence and still
provide a barrier? '
Page 11
Larry Lazar: He was concerned with the difficulty of security. Katella is a very busy street and they were
looking for something that was attractive and yet a visual sign of security to discourage people from trying
to enter unlawfully onto the templP grounds. It is their preference to have the fence at 6 feet.
Chairman Bristol: There was concern about the aesthetically plsasing aspect of the fence, perhaps the 6
foot fence took away from ihe building elevations.
Larry Lazar: The aesthetics of the fence is more of a subjective opinion. If the City had an adopted
standard then they would have complied to that standard. But the City does not have a standard.
Che,yl Flores, Senior Planner; RS-A Zone property has a 2.5-foot setback. There was a waiver for a
str~ctural setback down to 21 faet for the Temple. As far as the 6 fo~t high fence, it is a permitted
encroachment within the setback. area, which is true. However, when there are entitlements under the
conditional use permit process, Commission does have the authority to S~rther limit the height or location
of the fence.
Commissioner Bostwick: Basically the look of the fence is going to interfsre with the landscaping that
would abut to Katella. As massive as the fence is in design, the applicant is intruding into that. That is
why the suggestion was made that they reduce the fence 3 or 4 feet as a way of providing a barrier and
security and yet not affect the appearance of that corner.
Larry Lazar: If it was 3 or 4 feet would it be situated at the property line or closer to the building?
Commissioner Bostwick: At the property line if they put it 3 or 4 feet high.
Larry Lazar: Asked if they move the fence closer to the building couid tha height remain at 6 feet, since
their major concern is security? Is there a point between the property line and the building where enough
landscape material could be put on either side of the fence to make it appear more attractive so all the
landscape materiai was not behind the fence and still remain at 6 feet7
Cheryi Flores, Senior Planner: Staff thought thaf it would soften the look of the 6 foot high wrought iron
fence if there were landscaping in front of it. It would be up to Commission if they felt there was a
midpoint between the building and the fence that would give the ability to do that.
Commissioner Bostwick: He is not clear what they ar~~ trying to fence in. There are no windows that he
observed when he visited that side of the building.
Larry Lazar: The security is addressed by the height of the fence - a 6 foot high versus a 3 or 4 foot high,
mov;ng it at some distance closer to the property line provides more space for peopls to be on an
occasionai basis. They would provide landscaping on both sides of the fence if it were to be at a midway
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The consensus of staff is that the fence should be 10 feet which is half the
size of the landscaping. The other alternative would be as Commissioner Boydstun mentioned which
would be the lower fence height closer to the property line.
Adjacent to Ninth Street the setback is required to be 12%: feet or even with the building a~ that point, if it
is going to be 6 feet high. It might make sense to make the setback 12%: feet all the way around so that
the fence is 12Y2 feet back fiom the property line both on Katella and Ninth Street.
Larry Lazar: The portion along Ninth Street does have windows on the outside ~f the building and that is
where they would like some distance for security reasons.
Commissioner Bostwick: If the ~ence was set back 6 feet from the property line and had a maximum of 4
feet for the fence and 5 fs~t to the top of the latus symbols, then that would work.
Page 12
Larry Lazar: Their architect feels that if there were a 4 foot high fence along Ninth 5treet, whether that
could be at the prope~ty line facing Katella if it were a simifar fence halfway back.
Commissioner Bostwick: He suggested 6 feet from the property line and that gives them half the
distance on Nir~th Street and not quite as far on Katella (21 feet which gives them more space).
Essentially, 6 feet setback from the property line all the way around Katella and Ninth Street, with
a 4 foot high fence. If the applicant chooses to put the lotus symbol on top of the fence it should
not exceed 5 feet.
Page 13
AND API~ROVAL OF FINAL PLANS: Burnett Development plans.
Corporation, Attn: Joseph Swain, 200 East Baker Street, Suite 100,
Costa Mesa, CA 92780, request for review and approval of final Revised architectural
building elevation, (including materials and colors), sign program, plans and a revised
fencing, and landscaping plans. Property is located at 1500 South sign program shall be
Douglass Road - Arena Corporate Centre. submitted for review
and approval by the
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Planning
Commissioner Boydstun and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams Commission
absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby determine
that the previously-certified EIR No. 322 is adequate to serve as the required
environmental documentation for subject request.
Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Boydstun
and MOTIQN CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby approve the landscape plans (Phase 1, Plan
Nos. 9-14, inclusive) as submitted. Revised architectural plans and a revised
sign program shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at a future
Planning Commission meeting as a Report and Recommendations item for
review and approval.
Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner: This is a request by the applicant to review final plans for the
project. The first and second floors have architectural embeliishment such as the stone, etc. but once on
the second level it is essentially the E.I.F.S. material whi~h is a plaster like material and there are some
concerns about the views from the surrounding streets and freeway as to the quality of that above the
second floor. The architect will explain the concept for the elevations.
John Killen, Burnett Polygon Davelopment: He suggested their arci~itect Lang Wilson, Robert Braun who
can explain the concept behind the architectural approach.
Robert Braun, from Lang and Wilson Architects: Within the Commissioner's packet there are some
drawings th~c represent the overall elevations. He has with him a sm211 section of the elevations that may
better define what the differant materials are in an isolated area of the building.
On the base of the building the green material is a lime plaster. They have been able to get it so it has the
green color that is iniegral throughout the matrix of the lime plaster. From the base to the second floor of
the darker beige color is also a lime plaster. It has the integral color as well.
Above the second floor is an E.I.F.S, material. They are taking the E.I.F.S. material to give it a continuity
around the building in using reveals and mullions to break up that to get it inio smaller panel sizes. There
is a hierarchy over the front entry where they break up the mullions and have different width mullions. It
adds some texture and interest at the entrance areas. The two ends of the buildings flanking the entry
area have been intentionally kept simple to have them work as a background and maintain the focus of
where the front doors occur.
The great thing about E.I.F.S. is that it is an extremely flat material and it can be obtained with no waving,
a very nice true material.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if the lime plaster material is going to be smooth7
Page 14
Robert Braun: Actually they want it to look like a natural stone that has been saw cut so they are doing
some larger mock ups and it is difficult to get a good representation on that small of a sampie. The
contractor that is developing that is doing some 4 X 4 foot paneis that they can look at. They wouid like to
get a little more texture to it so it looks like a natural stone and less like a manmade product.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if they could take some of those columns and take them with ihe lime
stone all the way to the roof to give the building more of a look to it rather than just the square glass block
building9 .
Robert Braun: One of the reasons they used the lime p~aster on the base of the building was to give it a
strong base and to get that modeling around the base. As you get further away from the lime plaster it
becomes more monolithic looking. That is why they kept it in the lower two floors.
Commissioner Bostwick: On the end of the building it appears there are three columns that go up from
the corners, cutting this into four sections. If those columns could go all the way to the rooF and even to
the face of the building to break up the upper portion of it, giving it some more definition than just the
"glass cube" look. It appears very plain and simplistic.
RobeR Braun: The rendering may not be a good depiction af how the mullions stack out and the lines of
the columns carry up to the top of the building. They are doing additional renderings on the overall
concept. On the entry (south) elevation rendering, they are doing a similar expression on the building as
they are on the parking garage where they stack out the vertical lines to carry the columns. They are
doing it on the building with mullions and reveals in the E.I.F.S. The intent was to have the large glass
expanse at the entries, both (ront and back (south and north facade) and tie all that glass with the ribbon
windows wrapping the building from front to back and link it to glass elements on the north and south
elevations. The column expression is a little more subtle.
They did not want to do a"punched" expression on the building, they wanted to have the ribbons and
make the vertical columns a little more subtle. The lines carry through but the material is not continuous,
top to bottom.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if this is going to be the same format for the three office buildings?
Robert Braun: The two 6 stories would be similar, the 10 story would potentially have a slightly different
expression through its height and the importance on the site, becomes a focus of the project.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if the other 6 story building is going to backup to the Pond?
Robert Braun: Bet~ieen ihe second 6 s`ory and Pond there is a parking structure.
John Killen: They were trying to get "as much bang for the buck" and the project has been designed three
times in terms of the landscape concept plan. The last plan being developed by EDAW a renown
landscape architecture firm and they have really taken a significant part of their on-site improvement
budgets and developed a nice landscape concept for the project. Where Arena Center Drive comes in at
the center of the court where the three o~ce buildings occur (the two 6 story and the 10 story) they have a
water feature there, a palm court. What they want to do with the landscape plan and with the complete
cunfiguration of the three buildings (the two 6 stories and the 10 story) is create a focal court which occurs
between the two 6 stories and the 10 story as a backdrop. The main drive of the project comes into the
center court and the fountain feature occurs in the center.
The whole center court is done in a concrete paver material. They are using lime stone on the entry walk
and along the pedestrian access on the front of the building.
They are doing tne landscape improvement along the frontage of Douglass Road and carrying the theme
of the Fond, plant materials and the finishes and the light fixtures all the way down the Douglass frontage.
Page 15
They have developed entry signage and landscape feature at the entry to the project. They have taken
more on a cost for foot basis than one would normaily see on an office project such as this one and
applied it to the ground piane, applied it to the quality of the pfant materials and how the project feels at
the pedestrian level.
The lime plaster on a cost basis is considered a high quality material and equivalent to the concrete
panels that are used on some buildings.
The glass feature at the entries become the focal point to the entries on this center court area. The idea
of extending the pilasters vertically wouid probabiy be utilized on that building. Even though it is a 10
story building, they do not want that rear building fo seem to "squatty", aa they would appiy the vertical
column on that building to give it more verticality there are the end of the driveway.
The reason they went with the ribbon windows was to create a clean line that is drawn back into this
center court and the vertical elements would be on the 10 story which would give it some height.
In their phasing of the landscape plan, they are intending in the first to do the f~~ll frontage of Douglass as
a part of the first phase, to do the main driveway in and the full auto court and the fountain feature in the
first phase.
This tends to be a more utilitarian structure. They have done some features with the block and fhe mix of
texture block and precise block that gives the building a nice presence but the money that is going to get
spent on facades is intended to be the parking structure ~~hich will be built iii the later phases and
adjacent to the Pond.
They are in the process of working with Ogden to hopefully utilize this as an event structure as well.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if they are going to do the north wall along the railroad track in the first
John Kilien: Yes, it would be in the first phase as well. They are trying to balance out how they utilize
their resources out by phase. They are trying to get as much presence of the project upon the completion
of the first phase.
Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner: The concern both of Commission and staff is that once you get
above the second floor the building tends to fade away, in terms of the E.I.F.S. ribbons and the mullions, it
gives it more of a three dimensional look.
John Killen: They are working with Caldwell Banker, Dunn Norris and Mark Friend who are very
established in this market. They are out presenting the project to national tenants.
They are under contract with Swinerton Walberg to build the project. They have ordered steel and
intended for it to be delivered to the site on March 29th.
They are under contract with Lomell to build the noriherly parking structure which is an 800 car structure.
Tf~ey are moving forward on this project.
Commissioner Koos: Asked if they were to take Commissioner Bostwick's suggestions and include tliose
treatments to the 6 story buildings, how would that affect the overall project?
John Killen: It would tend to break down the scale but also make the 6 story buildings be more
compressed and squatty because they would be dealing with punched openings rather than ribbon
windows which tend to create a more horizontal look on top.
Page 16
Commissianer Kuos: This would be viewed from the 57 Fwy. which is a heavily traveled corridor and at a
distar~ce the buildings weuld be seen as "blocks" sitting with very little architectural design to them. From
(the freeway) a distance the treatment on the first and second floors will not be seen.
John Killen: The project has to be considered in its total context. If it was one freestanding building sitting
in a parking lot then they would have to do a lot to scale ft but this is in the context of 3, 4 or 5 buildings, a
hotel and parking structures. '
There has been quite a iot of thought that has gone into the project. It is particularly impo~tant to point out
that they are working with quality materials on the ground; quality materials at the pedestrian level. There
are legitimate compromises on the materials used on the upper portions of the building but in cor,text it
Commissioner Bostwir,k: He stiil thought that he would like to see columns go up building all the way
around to give it some more height and definition to the structure. He understands what they are trying to
do but he thought it is going to look like a square flat block.
John Killen: He would not like to see it end ~p loosing some of the horizontal qualities. They have
thought a lot about that and have tried to implement that. They can look at perhaps not at all the str~!etural
grid buk introducing a column on some kind of regular pattern that would Fick up the aesthetics of w~hat will
be the 10 story. On the 10-story they will tend to use a more opened loak.
Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner: Staff recommeniis that they move ahead. IF the landscape plan is
acceptable then continue the building elevations, let staff review them with the applicant and try to come
up with something more pleasing to the Commission, especially because it is next to the Pond. This is
one of the last vacant pieces of land in that area so they want to make sure it is a quality project.
TERMINATION: Betsy Lehman, Secretary, c/o First Church of the
Nazarene, Attn: Jarrell W. Garsee, Sr. Pastor,1340 North Candlewood
Street, Anaheim, CA 92805-1198, requests termination of Conditional ~
Use Permit No. 898. Property is 1:f27 North Candlewood Street and
1326 Norwood Street.
This item was not discussed.
Page 17
2b. VARIANCE NO. 4352 January 20, 1999
OWNER: JMW Family Enterprises, LP,10401 Fernwood Rd.,
Suite 300G, Bethesda, MD 20817
AGENT: Lorenzo Reyes, 1224 E. Katella Ave., Suite 105,
Oranga, CA 92867
Millie's Restaurant, c/o Ramm Associates, 27111 Aliso
Creek Rd., Suite 195, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ,
LOCATION: 1480 South Harbor Boulevard - Millie's 12estaurant.
Property is 4.3 acres located on the east side of Harbor
Boulevard, 282 feet south of the centerline of
Manchester Avenue.
Waiver of (a) permitted wall signs, (b) permitted canopy signs, (c)
proteibited signs and (d) sign standard matrix to permit twelve (12) wall
signs (including two business identification wall signs and nine internally-
illuminated canopy signs with sign copy advertising products and/or
ApplicanYs Statement:
Lorenzo Reyes, 1224 East Katella, Suite 105, Orange, CA: They feel that by the letter of the code that the
building itself does exceed the sign requirements for the area but the physical inspection shows that in
fac; the sign program is not overbearing. It is in keeping with what is in the area and they ask special
consideration that they be allowed to keep the signs at least until the entire area is held to the same strict
conformance which is December 31, 1999.
Up and down Harbor Boulevard the number of businesses on their same block are within 10 to 25 or 30
feet, right on top of the sidewaik. Millie's Restaurant is part of a 27-unit local chain that is only located in
California. They feel ihat they do not have the same national exposure that some of the other bigger
business in the immediate area have. They do not have the marketing budget that other businesses
have. They ask that they be allowed to keep the paniflex back lit awnings. It helps identify the business.
It is an aid to the pedestrian traffic that frequents Harbor Boulevard and hope that Commission will give
them a favorable consideration.
Karen Dudley, Associate Planner: Mr. Reyes had indicated that the existing signs were in keeping with
other signs in the area. In the applicant's submittal of his justification for waivers, he submitted some
photos of adjacent properties ttiat had signage. 7hose signs are considered legal nonconforming and are
under an abatement period of December 31, 1999. 7he Planning Department did send aut in accordance
with the one-year notification requirements set by code to all the property owners and business owners
Page 18
within the Anaheim Resort Area cn the core streets of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue. The
requirement for removing or replacing any legal nonconforming signs by December 31,1999.
ThE signs on Miliie's Restaurant are wliat they consider illegal signs. 7he canopy signs were placed on
the property without permit sometime after May 1992. At the time the exisfing code which was the CR
Zane which was adopted in August 1990 prohibited excessive canopy signs. It basically allowed one wall
sign and canopy signs are considered by code wall signs, so they would be allowed the on~ sign.
The existing nonconforming signs that were previously on the property were taker. down and relocated on
the buildir~ and then the new canopy signs were put up which voided out the legal nonconforming status
of the two legal signs and made them illegal signs. The applicant is requesting waiver of the code to allow
more ~han one wall sign.
Mr. Reyes had indicated that he would like to keep the signs up until the abatement period of December
31,1999. He would have to request a waiver of that code section for the abatement of signs in order to
allow that and that was r.ot part of this request.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: She did not believe that a request like this could be
processed. With this proposal staff did not find any hardship associated with the request and would
recommend that it be denied.
Chairman Bristol: To be in conformance the applicant would have the m~mument sign that he has now
and he could have one wall sign. ~o the current Millie's signs that he has on Harbor, the canopy signs
instead of 30 inches it would be about 18.
Karen Dudley: Yes, he ~~ould be allowed one wall sign, whether it be the lighted reverse-pan channel
letter sign that he has or on the canopy up to a maximum of 160 square feet with 18 inches letter height.
It would have to be the name or the logo of the business.
Cor~missioner Esping: •Just the one sign. He can have the awnings but ~~an not have the name Millie's
on each one of the awnings7
Karen Dudley: He can have the individual awnings as long as there is not any type of inessage of
lettering on them.
Chairman Bristol: Regarding the photos that the applicant submitted reg<3rding other signs, they are all on
notice and they are all going to be conforming by December 31, 1999.
Karen Dudley: Yes, they are all under the same ordinance. There are a couple of properties that are
participating in the Anaheim Resort Signage Program. The nonconforming ground signs would be
brought down and brought into compliance prior to December 31,1999. Wall signage would still remain
unless they voluntarily bring it down prior to the 1999 da!e.
Mr. Reyes: They did have Millie's signs on each of the canopies at one time. It was really a maintenance
issue. When the s~rvey was taken in i992 it showed that there was nothing on the canopies at all. The
faci that !he layout has a landscape buffer, parking, a 25 foot backup space, another row of parking and
then landscaping in front of the building, they are effectively 100 feet off af Harbor Bouleva~~d. A single 18
inch sign on the building will not be effective. When the sign ordinance was drafted it addressed the fact
that all of the businesses are literally riyht on top of the street. He felt theirs is a hardship. In order for
them to get the same advantage that the other businesses have they would have to move their building
virtually behind the sidewalk and he did not think that was the intent.
He understands limiting the number end size of the signs but he feels they do not h~ve too many sic~ns.
Commissioner Boydstur: Asked how tall the letters on the Millie's sign are7
Page 19
Mr. Reyes: Thirty-inch leflers. He feels it is a personai hardship. From a financial standpoint, how do
you identify the business and attract business. Disneyland deals with intemational travelers and travelers
from all over the United States. Millie's does not have the name recognition that for example, a
McDonaid's or Denny's. There are other single use type businesses but their signage is much closer to
the street.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: Millie's is set back further than some of the businesses on
the street, however there are other business that are setback just as far that have the same requirements.
The monument signs that they are putting up are primarily oriented towards the pedestrians as well as
vehicies but those are probably even larger than what used to be there.
Karen Dudley: Millie's Restaurant is actually an accessory use. It is a primary accessory use on the
Fai~e~d Inn Hotel property. It is a manmade hardship in that it is a detached accessory restaurant to the
hotel independently operated. Fai~eld Inn is the primary business that is identified on the monument sign
and Millie's is identified as a secondary use on the properry.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked whether Millie's has the same size sign as the rest of the business along
Karen Dudley: They do not have a separate ground sign. They are sharing a ground sign with the
Fai~eld Inn.
Commissioner Bostwick: Why can't they have their own?
Karen Dudley: Code only allows one ground sign for properties with this size of frontage. They are a
tenant of Fai~eld Inn.
Coreimissioner Boydstun: She drove by there on Saturday night and commented that as far back as that
building sits that sign does not look out of proportion on that building. She agreed with the applicant that
the sign is going to be hard to read.
Mary McCloskey, Depuiy Planning Director: They could take a look at the dimensions of the sign,
however the way it would have to be dealt with would be thro~!gh a code amendment to the sign letter
heights within the cade. The signage program created for that resort, they hired a communications firm to
come up with the overall signage hierarchy for the Resort and that is what they recommended.
Karen Dudley: Pointed out that the taller the building the larger the letters get.
Commissioner Koos: It was mentioned that there are oth~r buildings where their setbacks are just as far
and asked if those bus;ness have already gone through the signage program.
Karen Dudley: The signage program deals with ground (monument) signs. The wall signs on the
uuildings are all subject to the 1999 date as legal nonconforming signage.
Mr. F~eyes: They are not trying to amend the code or rewrite it, they are simply asking that they be given
the same advantage and to take advantage of another summer.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: Variances are not granted with time limits. You either have a
hardship or not. The only way that it could be addressed without the hardship would be to look at the
code and have that reexamined as to whether or not, if you're set back fu~ther from the street if that would
warrant a larger lettering on the sign.
Commissioner Bostwick: The applicant currently has nvo wall signs wifh 30 inch letters. He wondered
whether Cc~mmission could waive it for one wall mounted sign with 30 inch letters?
Page 20
Karen Dudiey: They would be setting a precedent with 30 inch signs throughout the Resort and there
wouid have to be a hardship to it. They would have to do a code amendment, it is the vehicle that should
be used to allow the higher letters as opposed to the variance. Once a variance is granted then a
precedent has been set in the area and the City would then have to view all of the requests for variances
under the same criteria.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: Her preference would be if Commission would like staff to
examine that circumstance of higher lettering that they get someone who is an expert on signage to give
an opinion as to whether it is needed or appropriate.
Commissioner Bostwick: ~lsked how long that would take? -
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: She could not say off hand. They would have to figure out
how much that would cost to do and get someone on board to do it.
Commissioner Bostwick: Should this be continued?
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: She did not know whether the continuance would be what
they should be looking at there. The waiver request stands on its own, whether or not there is a hardship
or not to approve the waiver or not.
Commissioner Bostwick: If the study comes out that property sitting back so many feet should have a
larger letter sign then wouldn't it prove that this is a hardship?
Mary McCioskey, Deputy P!anning Director: Then he would not need a waiver. If a sign consultant
concluded that it should be for, example 30 inches then he would be allowed to have it by right. All the
rest of the signage in the Resort would be allowed to have the exact same size. Essentially the code
would be changed.
Chairman Bristol: The applicant is also trying to extend the signs that he knows that he is not going to
have, until December 1999.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked whether the Millie's sign was put ~p with a permit?
Karen Dudley: There are two Millie's wall signs which are reversed-pan channel letter signs that are on
the stucco wail. Those signs did have permits when they were originally installed. In July 1998 those
signs were removed and relocated on the wall which at that point they lost their legal nonconforming
status and became illegal because they installed them without permit which code requires that they have
a permit. They installed two signs where the code only allows one. Anytime they change their signage
out then they have to bring it more into compliance with the code. When they changed the fabric on their
awning they installed a transparent mylar fabric and fixed letters adve~tising products or services which is
prohibited by the code and advertising the generic name of restaurant on the canvas awnings, for 10
canvas awnings. Total they now have 12 wall signs, anywhere from 3#010 feet separation on the same
building. The code only allows 1 18-inch maximum height sign, whether it be on the awning or on the
building wall. The code also requires that all signs on the same parcel have a separation. But these
signs happen to be closer than the required separation. 16 feet minimum separation is required.
The applicant is asking for a request of the number of signs that are allowed by code, a waiver of
prohibited signs and a waiver of the permitted sign matrix which sets forth the size, number, the lighting,
the separation for all signs o~ the property.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: Staff did inform them that those canopy signs could not be
put up and they were put up anyway knowing that the code prohibfted it.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney: They would like to take a look at the possibility, not for the canopy
signs but with regard to the Millie's sign, to the possibility to be able to keep that on a variance finding.
Page 21
.~ _
The first one would be the distance setback from the street, the characteristic of fhe property. The second
one woutd be depriving the prope~ty owner of benefits that other properties in same zoning classification
have. This would only be for a period of one year because after December 31,1999 this property owner
will no longer be depriv~d of anything that other property owners have. She would like to ensure that
there is nothing in law that would preclude them from granting a temporary waiver based upon findings
that will be temporary. They will only have that second condition as an available finding until December
31, 1999. She wanted to see if based upon that circumstance it would be possible for the Commission, if
it so wished, to grant a waiver until December 31,1999. '
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director: !f Ms. Mann was to find that then staff would be supportive of
that as well.
Mr. Reyes: He thought it was fair and was in agreement.
Mary McCloskey, Deputy Plan~ing Director: The canopy signs should come down immediately.
Commissioner Bostwick: Offered a motion for a continuance to January 20,1999, seconded by
Commissioner Esping and motion was carried.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 20,1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the City Attorney's Office to look into the possibility, and ensure that there is
nothing in the iaw that precludes, the Commission, if it so desires, from granting a
temporary waiver based on findings that are of a ter~iporary nature. One of the
findings could be based on the distance the building is set back from the street and
another finding could be based on the property being deprived of the benefit of wall
signage that other properties in the same zone classification currently have.
However, the waiver would only be for a temporary period of one year since the Code
requires all noncanforming signage on properties located along Harbor Boulevard in
the Anaheim Resort to be removed by December 31,1999, and the property owner
would no longer be deprived of signage that other property owners have when said
properties remove said non-conforming signage. If such a temporary waiver is
determined to be possible, the waiver would apply to the two wall signs only
(c~nsisting of 3a-inch high reverse~pan cha~nel letters reading "Millie's") and not to
the internally-illum~nated canopy signs. The signs or the canopies shall be removed
immediately. The canopies may remain without signage and shall not be internally
VOTE: 6-0 {Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 24 minutes (2:39-3:03)
Page 22
OWNER: Joseph T. Kung and Emma W. Kung, 20866 E. Quail
Run Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91789
LOCATION: 5555 - 5665 East Santa Ana Canyon Road - Imperial
Canyon CeRter. Property is 5.03 acres located at the
northwest corner of Imperial Highway and Santa Ana
Canyon Road, on the north side of Santa Ana Canyon
. Road.
Conditional Use Permit No. 4068 (Readvertised) - to permit the
expansion of an existing 55,557 square foot, 45-unit, commercial center by
adding 4,607 square foot to an existing building and the construction of a
new 1-story 3,854 square foot building with 17 new units, for a totai of 62
units (o~ce, retail, financial and restaurant uses) with a total of 64,018
square feet with waivers af permitted number and type of commercial
identification signs, minimum number of parking spaces, maximum
structural height adjacent to a residential zone, minimum structural setback
adjacent to a scenic highway and minimum structural and landscape
setback adjacent to a local street.
Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 98-04 - to permit the removal of 1
eucalyptus tree.
Continued from the Commission meetings of October 26, November 9, and
December 7, 1998.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 20,1998 Planning Commission meeting in
order ior the applicant to address concerns from neighbors and the Commission
pertaining to site design, circulation, signage, and waiver issues.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: This '~tem was not discussed.
Page 23
OWNER: Anaheim Ball Landmark,1536 Stone Canyon Road,
Los Angeles, CP. 90077
AGFNT: Travis Engineering, Attn: Karl Huy, 12453 Lewis Street
#201, Gardei7 Grove, CA 82840
LOCATION: 1150 South Anaheim Boulevard - former podae
dealership. PropErty is 1.18 acres located at the
northeast corner of Anaheim Boulevard and Ball Road.
To construct a service station and convenience market wi!h retail sales of
beer and wine for off-premises consumption and an integrated fast food
restaurant with a drive through lane with waivers of (a) permitted types of
signs, (b) minimum distance between freestanding signs, (c) minimum
landscape setback adjacent to an interior boundary line and (d) minimum
number of parking soaces. To determine public convenience or necessity
to ailow retail sales oi beer and wine for off-premises consumption in a
proposed service station convenience market.
Continued from the Commission meeting of December 21, 1998.
Chairman Bristol: Stated, for the record, a letter from Travis Engineering was received requesting Item
N~. 4 be continued ±o January 20, 19~9,
ACTION: Continued subject request to tfie Januar~ 20, 1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to further evaluate several conditions of approval
recommended by staff.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissianer Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 24
OWNER: Raymond Runo Trust, Norma Hiliman, Dan Neyenhuis,
Lillian Runo,1120 Kenwood Place, Fullerton, CA 92831
AGENT: David Jackson, 100 S. Anaheim Bivd., #125, Anah2im,
CA 92805
LOCATION: 1575 West Mable Street - Fairmont Private Schools.
Property is 0.89 acre located on the north side of Mable
Street, 270 feet east of the centerline of Loara Street.
To pemit the conversion of an existing 14,775 square foot industrial
building into a private elementary and junior high schoo; addition to the
existing Fairmont Private School with waiver of minimum number of
parking spaces.
Continued from the Commission meetings of November 23, December 7,
and December 21, 1998.
• • • • • •
Chairman Bristol: Stated, for the record, a letter was received this morning from Pacific Westline Inc.
ApplicanYs Statement:
David Jackson, Executive Director of Fairmont Private Scliools: Sinc~ the last public hearing they have
spent time reworking their proposal and have made several changes in response to their neighbors
concerns ar•.d some of the misunderstandings from their first propusal. There were a few errors on the
part of their architect and a few other things that he thought created the misunderstandings.
Fairmont School is not requesting an increase in the number of students for the school. They are
requesting a use of another building and some additional property and remaining with the number of
students that they now have. Due to the large increase in traffic problems around the area due to the 5
Fwy., 91 Fwy. and construction of local streets. They do not think it would be prudent on their part to
There was a misunderstanding on the fences and on an easement that is on the property in question.
That was an error. The architect indicated a fence but they do not have any intention of adding any
fencing but will upgrade some of the existing fencing.
They are not proposing to convert the back area into a playground area. They will be using that for
additional parking and will be using it exclusively for employee parking. They now propose to use half of
the building, the entire west side of the building for offices and will be consolidating their offices from other
locations. It will give them a buffer between the industrial area and their existing students on the west
side and pa~t of it on the north that they have not had before. They have not had a problem for 45 years
since they have been at the location but they feel this would eliminate some of the concerns of the
neighbors and greatly improve the situation.
Page 25
As to the traffic problem that has been brought up consistently, they do not feel it is fair in singling out that
Fairmont School as the cause of this traffic. They have two periods of time when they generate a lot of
traffic, at 8:00 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. and are attempting to address this. The traffic problem has
been highly increased because of the traffic congestion caused by the construction around the area.
They are currently working with Caltrans, O.C.T.A. and the City of Anaheim to institute several thin~s.
They have already made some changes. At this point most of the tra~c to get on to the freeway,
especiaily southbound on the 5 Fwy. ali has to enter through Loara Street which is just north of their
properly. That is where their greatest problem is caused by that and also the increased traffic on
Brookhurs! and Lincoln.
They instituted some changes on their own to improve that. The only problem time that they have is from
7:45 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. They are assigning parents an earlier drop off time and giving them the incentive
(which started today) of a free breakfast for students from 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.
They are aiso continuing and expanding to pick up students in other areas with their school buses, so
parents to not have to come into the area.
They now offer free extendr:d day care after 7:45 a.m. to give parents more of an incentive to drop off
children earlier.
They have assigned several of the staff members be on the sidewalk to assist parents in aropping off their
children to expedite the process.
They added two more staff that they have assigned to patrol the areas in question that are causing some
of their neighbors problems.
One of ihe other things that has come up because of the concern in not converting that area into a
playgro~nd, which they do not have to have is that it would give them an opportunity to close off some of
their other playground ~rea and plant grass, a little less expensive instead of insiailinq turf. That will give
them a 60% increase in the number of parking spaces than they now have. It will give them abo~at 55
more parking spaces than they really need for their employees and for all of lheir staff and others and will
improve the traffic problem.
There were 24 parking spaces, 12 at two different locations that are on leased property. Those are not
required nor ones that they need to have but they went into a lease several years ago strictly as a
convenience to their teachers and staff so they could park closer. They probably will not continue with
that additional parking, although he would like to still negotiate with them for a few parking spaces.
At to Fairmont taking over the Runo b~ilding (the building in questionsj it will furth~r improve the situation.
It is currently a moving van storage facility that has a fair amount of large 19 wheeler truc4;s that eome to
load and unload. ?hey have not been able to control the times ttiat ihey come in and of;en they wilf come
in at the very worst time when they have drop off or pickup and block the street. They feel that this
chanr~e will greatly improve their situation at Fairmont School.
He mentioned a few corrections to the staff report. On page 7, Condition No. 7, regarding the trash
storage. They have no intent of adding any additional trash storage. They already have adequate trash
storaqe ard a compactor. It is costly and takes, up more space.
The other item is on page 8, Condition No. 13; the hours of operation. Their hours have always been 7:00
a.m. until 6:00 p.m. as far as their extended day care. There is very little traffic at 7:00 a.m. and there is
very little from approximately 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m,
John Maresca, 1933 E. Palm Ave., Orange, CA: He is an industrial broker and employed at Bryan
Industrial Properties. He presents a number of tenants and owners in and around the applicanPs property
Pag2 26
at Fairmont School. Some of his clients include S&S Machinery, Sampson Motorcycle Products and
neighboring property owner, Carol Jackson. In an effort to summarize the issues and concerns, these
neighboring tena~ts and owners have requested a video presentation to be made to help outline their
concerns. (He then presented a video presentation of approximately 4% minutes and submitted a copy of
the video to Commission for the record. There was a 5 minute break to allow Mr. Maresca time to setup
the video.]
Still shots on the video were taken over the last 6 weeks. Even now the school can not control or
maintain the drop-ofF and pickup of their children. All the video and photos have shown the continued
dropping off of children within the ea~:;ment adjacent to the industrial buildings. He does not feel that by
allowing the school to expand and get closer to the industrial uses that it will get better. The expansion
site will allow them to increase the available parking. The parking issues are only part of the concern.
Traffic flow and use are a major concern and an expansion into this facility will not resolve it. Approval of
this CUP will send the school the wrong message - that continued expansion at this site is all right.
Whether or not the school increases students at this time, this move is an expansion move. i he school is
increasing employees and classrooms at the subject site and per their original CUP submittal the
petitioner has even admitted that this was to be a multi-phase project. Que to recent concerns of the
neighbors the petitioner has decided to take a more low key approach by making changes to the site.
Even the suggested changes in plans that Mr. Jackson plans to implement just reconfirm the existence oF
these concerns. The changes to do not fully take into account the needs of the neighboring owners and
tenants. Some of the concerns are as follows:
1} The request by the petitioner will break up the integrity of an existing industrial building complex.
Currently there are what one may term "natural" boundaries existing between the schoal and the
existing industrial uses. The approval of this CUP and expansion into this facility will change that.
With approval there will be a school facility directly open and adjacent to existing industrial uses.
Staff recommends approval without any formal parking or traffic study. Unfortunately their decision is
based on the petitioner's own parking study and the petitioner's reference to an outdated 1993 tra~c
study, which makes no sense. The City i raffic Division recently added the words "KEEP CLEAR" at
the intersection of Loara and Embassy because of traffic ccngestion and the inability of neighboring
trucks and autos to make a left or right hand turn from Embassy.
2) There is a developer at the end of Mable that is looking at futura construction and development of a 5-
plus acre site.
3) Loara School using the street area at Loara near Mable as a bus loading and unloading zone.
4) There is continued congestion and no through traffic along Mable during drop-off and pick-up time
periods during the operations of the school. Traffic along the left hand turn lane at Broadway and
Loara can often have as many as 30-plus vehicles attempting to make a left hand turn at one time.
Some of the traffic has been due to the recent I-5 widening and freeway off-ramp work but this in no
way should negate the need for the Commission tu require a formal tra~c end parking study from the
petitioner. The. ~acts need to be obtained first before m~king a decision.
5) If the site was a freestanding buiiding with no applicable easements the request expansion site might
be viewed as being similar to the schools past expansions but this is not the case. The existing
easement ties this planned expansion facility with the neighboring industrial buildings. This approved
expansian will affect the neighboring properties. A school will share a driveway and be openly
adjacent to an industrial facility. Allowing this use next door will affect the future lease ability of the
other indusirial buildings who share the same easement.
The owners and tenants that he represents urge that Commission deny the conditional use permii for all
the reasons mentioned and presented. At the very least before any final vote is taken it is urged that the
Page 27
Commission require an independent parking and traffic study and a new plan and sch2dule for students
drop-off and pickup.
Gerald Knutson, on behalf of Bryan Industrial Properties, Inc. and the R.S. Hoyt Jr. Family Trust: They
have an interest in the prope~ty at 220 S. Loara, which is the easement area, and in 7 buildings on
Embassy Street industrial area which is impacted by this proposed project. He stated the 75% parking
waiver, 575.1 parking spaces are required by code,150 are provided pursuant to the waiver, with a 425
reduction in parking space and has the questionable distinction of being the biggest waiver without factual
basis that he is aware of. There is no documentation which ,provides a basis for the waiver. The parking
waiver and 75% reduction (425 space reduction) is based solely on the letter from Mr. Jackson as
Executive Director of the Fairmont Private Schools. Mr. Jackson stated his letter is a supplement to the
earlier parking study but that study has no applicability to this project. The study is only valid if the
proposed expansion shown in the 1993 report had been made bui it did not happen. That study was for a
proposed plan that was never carried out and offers no factual or other basis for this application now
before Commission.
The 1993 study contemplated a growth in students from 550 to 1,015 based on a site plan indicated by 2
exhibits which he had with him. They called for a complete closure of Mable, construction of 2 cul-de-
sacs, purchase of a portion of the railroad property to the east and conversion of existing industrial
buildings to classrooms. The 1993 study contemplated closing Mable to through traffic, the current plan
proposed by the school is to have students dropped off on Mable Street. It is contrary to the 1993 study,
and by itself, the use of Mable as a drop-off zone requires a traffic study. There was no s~.ibstantial
compliance with the plan in which the study was based. It should also be noted that the Anaheim parking
ordinance was thereafter adopted on August 26, 1996. The 1993 study was based on 226 on-site parking
spaces, not 150, and no use of the multi-purpose room or gymnasium for assembly. The 1993 study was
used for an entirely different project and cannot be used as justification for this project.
There is no evidence except for the unsupported opinions of Mr. Jackson that anything the school is going
to do will eliminate traffic problems. There is no study as to the extent and source of truck use of the
easement area or iPs impact on the surface streets. He read Section 18.06.080 of the Anaheim Code and
stated there was no parking study prepared by an independent engineer as required by this section. He
also stated that Mr. Jackson's letter dated December 21, 1998 is inaccurate because it states that there
will be 46 classrooms after expansion but there will be 40, that there are 75 additional spaces available to
existing industrial facility parking iots for special events, but he doesn't state what right Fairmont has to
use those spaces. He stated whiie the parking waiver is factually unsupported and granting it would
violate the Anaheim Code, there is the more serious problem of mixing children and heavy vehicles. He
elaborated on traffic hazards, congestion, water usage analysis/impact. He also referred to a prior case
Sunstrom vs. The County of Mendicino, Public Resources Code Section 21080 and the CEQA Guidelines
15070 about the way a Commission can make a determination.
He stated the Commission cannot make this determination in the absence of relevant data, there is no
traffic impact study, water impact study is expressly deferred, no discussion of noise impacts, or air quality
impacts. The original proposal by the school stated lhat in 1%: to 2 years the maximum student count
would increase to 795. The revised letter from the school did not state that this increase will not occur nor
did Mr. Jackson say that it was not possible in the future. He stated the letter in December states they are
not exFanding enroliment at this time, it appears expansion within 2 years is likely and has not been
deleted from the plan. It should be a condition that no student in excess of 695 be allowed. He feels
Fairmont is "piece-mealing" a multi-stage project and under CEQA it is improper to piece meal projects to
avoid dealing with the cumulative imoacts.
James Tweedt, represented American Nationai Properties,142 South Alex St., Anaheim, CA: American
National Properties is purchaser of a 5-acre parcel near Embassy Street. He stated they were never
notified ~bout the meetings eve~ though they are within the required zone and asked to be notified of all
future actions. He feels there is a tremendous traffic problem. He stated that at the last meeting Mr.
Jackson stated he was going to contact the existing property owners where there was a problem before
he made his staff report but no one ever contacted them. They would like to work out a solution to the
Page 28
traffic problems. He feels it stems from the fact that there is not enough parking for the schooi. Before
this goes any further the traffic problem should be addressed. They will be building approximately
200,000 square feet of industrial space, it will bring considerable traffic of its own and they plan to cnnform
to all of the parking requirements. They have had some prospective tenants indicate that they cannot use
this site because of the congestion period in the moming and afternoon. He wants to meet with Mr.
Jacksan and the Traffic Division to find a solution. Expansion of the school without adequate parking is
not the solution.
Gary Knutson: Stated that what Mr. Tweedt said is a cumulative impact that needs to be considered. He
stated he made a mistake iYs 36 not 46 spz:es in Mr. Jac~~on's letter.
ApplicanPs Rebuttal:
David Jackson: He made it clear that they have no plans of expanding.
Chairman Bristol: Advised Mr. Jackson that the neighbors are concerned with the traffic problem and now
they are going to address it whether he puts in a 200 square foot or 14,000 square foot building. They are
indicating that he is intensifying the school use in an industrial area.
David Jackson: They feel it will improve the traffic, parking, all the different issues that others are saying,
plus it will give them a greater buffer area between student use. They now want to use only part of the
property, which is a much smaller part of their original proposal. He feels they are improving the situation
because they have added parking spaces, not taken away, and not adding more business. He stated that
they are not making any changes with the use of the easement because they can't, they'd have to fight in
court over it. Regarding the 75 parking spaces, he said that is part of his property, part of the 150
combined with everything. Also, the 75% parking waiver is consistent in other cities and schuols that
have assembly areas that are not used. He said that all the assemblies they have are limited to a small
group of parents in the evening and weekends, usually Friday evenings. The closing of Mable Street and
purchase of the railroad property are things that they have looked at and are not part of this application.
He said that they wo~~ld not expand into a high school because it is not for the best interest for the school
and neighbors so the~~ put a high school in another location. They have no intentions of having a high
school there. Regarding the concern about expanding by 100 students, they know they can't do that
because of all the rules and laws on their CUP, they can't expand past 695 without going through a whole
hearing. They're not going to do that until they can see that they can improve on the traffic. They have
about a year and a half before the construction is done to where they could look at that and they probably
won't do that because of other plans that they have.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if anybody eise wanted to speak.
Ronald Friendt: He stated that Mr. Jackson is trying 4o use a parking study for something that is different
from what he is doing today. He also stated that Mr. Jackson said he feels tha; they're doing what is best
to help with traffic impacts. He said the City of Anaheim Ordinance requires a study by a licensed traffic
engineer and Mr. Jackson's feelings about what this is going to do for parking does not substitute for what
the City of Anaheim Ordi~ance requires.
Chairman Bristol: Asked staff about the traffic study.
Alfred Yalda: Stated Traffic Engineering requires a traffic study when any project generates more than
100 trips dur!ng the p.m. peak hour. This project does not. The addition requires 39 parking spaces and
the applicant is providing 57; he is providing 21 more parking spaces. The total required parking for the
site is 124 and in this case they have 150.
The passing of the "flashing red light" has caused a drast?c increase in congestion around all the schools
in the City of Anaheim. Every time a school bus stops and turns on iYs flashing lights, everyone in either
Page 29
c+irection must stop and the Police Department enforces that law. Two other elementary schools in the
area are also affected by this law and have also experienced added congestion. Also, the construction on
the 5 Fwy., Santa Ana Street closure and 91 Fwy. have drastically increased the traffic on Broadway and
Loara. They try to move the traf ~c when this happens but it is a temporary situation. Every schoal ha .
congestion and there is nothing you can do to alleviate that because the parents pick up the children and
leave. Th~ problem will always be there, he can't find any solution. There is congestion and when you
add a flashing red light it adds to it.
Commissioner Boydstun; Statec' that she was at the schoo~ over the weekend and noticed that they had
the access from Broadway to Mable Street to the east of the playground.
David Jackson: Advised that it was their main parking lot and they don't allow traffic to go through there
onto Mable Street. The gates are closed on Mable during any pickup time. When the school bus situation
changed they made changes to help the situation, all the busses enter onto their own property and pick-
upldrop-off students so they will not impact the traffic at that time.
Commissioner Boydstun: Suggested if those going west on Broadway made a right turn and dropped off
the children in that lot, !hen went out to Mable and made a right to get back an Broadway, that would
alleviate some of the congestion away from Loara and Mable.
David Jackson: Advised that they looked into it but feel it would be more dangerous for them to turn on
and off from Broadway. A major change that they are doing now is to change the times that parents are
dropping off children in the morning. They are spreading it over a longer period of time. It is just a 15 - 20
minute time span when the traffic is bad. They are offering incentives. If that does not solve the
congestion problem enough, then they are going to institute mandatory pick-up and drop-off times for
Chairman Bristol: Asked why it is dangerous on Broadway.
David Jackson: Stated that is where the busses pick up. If they did that, they would have to relor,ate the
busses plus they would be driving through the parking lot. Due to the new law, when you are loading and
unloading children on busses, even on private property, they cannot drive and have to wait. So in the
afternoon they load the busses then they leave, then they release the rest of the students. They find that
it is normally yuite successful but with the freeway on-ramp closures and diverted traffic, they were not
made aware of it in time to institute other changes.
Commissioner Boydstun: Stated that it has greatly increased the tra~c on Loara because people found
they can use Broadway, turn on Loara then get on the freeway, none of that traffic ~~as there before. She
asked Mr. Yalda if there was parking on bath sides of Mable Street.
Alfred Yalda: Parking is allowed on some portions and not on others.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if it would help if there was no parking on one side of the street.
Alfred Yalda: Generally they work with all the property owners and in this case they would be happy to
work with the school and property owners to discuss the parking and try to improve the situation.
David Jackson: Advised that they have restricted parking on all of their property during the hours af drop-
off and pick-up time and it has improved the traffic flow.
Chairman Bristol: He asked Mr. Jackson if he met with all the people that have spoken today as he
indicated previously that he would?
David Jackson: He apologized to M~•. Tweedt for not getting together and said that they worked together
before for joint use of his property. He said that they would have liked to purchase his prope~ty ar,d put a
football/baseball f eld on there but they can't afford it.
Page 30
Chairman Bristol: He is concerned that Mr. Jackson has not contacted neighbors and discussed the
traffic situation with them.
David Jackson: He stated that he knows that he needs to do that and his main opposition is from Bryan
Industries, Mr. Hoyt. He said that Nfr. Hoyt told him that no matter what they do, he is going to fight them.
He infurmed his legal council that he wanted to meet with Mr. Hoyt, but his legal council advised him to do
it after the meeting.
Chairman Bristol: Stated that Mr. Hoyt is going to add 200,000 square feet to an industrial area where it
fits, Mr. Jackson should speak to him as a neighbor and see how iYs going to fit.
David Jackson: He wasn't aware of anyone that is unable to come onto Embassy and into the pmperty.
He said that he has had discussion with Mr. Tweedt about doing that but expects opposition from tenants
on Embassy if they do. The school is trying to address it with the use of busses and timing to get them to
where they don't create the traffic. The majority of the heavy traffic is created by everyone trying to get
onto the freeway and going down Loara. He said they have a 15 to 20 minute span of time where there is
congestion, if they can break it down into other areas and alleviate that they intend to do it, ar they will
start losing students because parents don't want to fight the traffic.
Chairman Bristol: Asked Mr. Jackson if he would be willing to stagger his hours at the school, to get
people off the street and direct them in one direction so they don't impact Mable.
David Jackson: Said yes. First they wanted to work with parents so it doesn't disrupt the school day, if it
didn't work they would stagger the school day. The biggest problem is that 1/3 of students came in on bus
which makes it hard to stagger the hours. They feel that what they are doing now will work and may take
a few more days.
Chairman Bristol: Advised that hopefully it will be better ~vhen the 5 Fwy, is completed. But in the
meantime Mr. Jackson should sit down with his nEiglibors.
David Jackson: He said that he will sit with them. He said that he has spoken to all the tenants around
and overall have had pretty good relationships with everyone and he wants it to continue that way.
Commissioner Koos: Said he had a problem with the use itself. He said he couldn't think of anything less
compatible than having children in an industrial zone. He sees this as a chipping away of this long
established industrial zone. It has been on the books in the General Plan as a manufacturing and
industrial zone for decades. He said that it is clear that the school's goal is eventually to grow. The long
range planning for the City says that it is an industrial park.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney: There were a number of legal issues raised by the opposition. One
was about the traffic study not having been submitted in conjunction with the traffic waiver. The comment
made was correct, City code requires a traffic study for a parking wai~~er to be considered and a parking
waiver was advertised for this particular project. The staff report indicates a parking waiver was submitted
but what was submitted was a letter and not samething prepared by the original tra~c engineer updating a
letter that was prepared by someone else. She is not certain that it meets the intent of what the code
requires. The only nxception is where the code requirement is 10% or less or if the waiver involves 30 or
fewer spaces. Neither are applicable in this instance. Other comments about CEQA and the applicability
of a negative declaration: the negative declaration recammendation by staff is based on information
available to them and Planning Commission has the hearing to receive evidence from the public. It may
be that evidence received from the public indicates that a negative declaration is not appropriate.
Regarding the deferral of a future traffic study, while the Sundstrom Case requires that studies be done in
conjunction with the project, case law has also permitted an exception to that where there is a study thaPs
in a limited arsa and mitigation is required. This is the case with regard to the water issues and it is up to
the Planning Commission to make a determination based upon the evidence ss to whether the project as
Page 31
designed mitigates the impacts that have been identified both in the staff report and in evidence presented
to ihe Commission.
Cheryl Flores: Stated that Mr. Tweedt was not notified because his property, the abandoned railroad
right-of-way has no AP number. He was advised to let staff know the AP number in writing so that future
notifications can be sent to him.
Chairman Bristol: He stated that they are looking at an environmentai issue and traffic issue and
according to the City attorney they are in need of a traffic study for a parking waiver.
Commissioner Bostwick: Stated that if they are not increasing the amount of students and there is no
further activity, not enlarging the school by way of the student body but by way of the physical structure, it
doesn't cause more trips per day.
Selma Mann: Stated that this project could have been approached as a separate CUP as an adjunct to
an existing school. If what they are looking at is parking for this particular use, this particular use would
not have required a parking waiver. They are not looking at it as a separate project, they are looking at it
as an expansion of an existing project and as an expansion, they are looking at the totality.
Another concern is if they were just taking little pieces, they would have a legitimate concern that they
were "piece mealing" the project so as not view the impacts of the whole. She can see that this is an
improvement of an existing situation but it doesn't obviate the reason for a study that is required by code
for an advertised parking waiver.
Commissioner Bostwick: Advised that he was torn and would like to see them have the facilities because
it will improve the schooi and there couid be a requirement that there be no additional students as one of
the conditions, but Commission can't do that according to what has been presented today. They can't
approve it today in iPs present condition.
Chairman Bristol: Siated iYs the traffic circulation more than the parking that is the problem. The
circulation is the major problem and no one has addressed ii. He feels they need the study.
David Jackson: He stated that because of the opposition he sees now, it is doubtful that the school will
ever expand. They have improved the parking by 60% and have been operating for years without
complaints. He feels they are being attacked for things that are not their fault. He feels that what they are
doing is improving the situation on Mable Street. They can't improve the traffic on Loara because that is
not their doing. The problem is that for a few minutes some of the traffic from the school is driving onto
the neighbors property. He said that they are trying to eliminate that.
Chairman Bristol: At the last public hearing Mr. Jackson had indicated that he would contact the
neighbors but he didn't. There nEeds to be a traffic studv to get the CUP for the expansion.
Uavid Jackson: The one major complaint has been from the one owner that said there was no point in
talking to him about it because he was going to fight him na matter what happens.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked Mr. Jackson if he would like a continuance to complete a parking study
snd contact some of the neighbors.
Alfred Yalda: Stated that the Traffic Engineer does not require a traffic or parking study. He asked if they
were requesting the applicant to do a traffic and parking study?
Commissioner Boydstun: Stated a traffic study.
Chairman Bristol: The specific parcels that they have a right to park in need to be identified
Alfred Yalda: Perhaps they should have them do a combination traffic/parking study.
Page 32
Commissioner Bostwick: Offered a motion for a continuance to Feb~uary 17,1999, seconded by
Commissioner Esping and motion was carried.
Selma Mann: Requested fhat the applicant also address in writing some of the environmental issues that
were raised.
Chairman Bristol: Agreed.
OPPOSITION: 4 people spoke in opposition to subject mquest.
A video tape was submitted.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the February 17,1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to submit a traffic/parking study and for the applicant to meet
with his neighbors to discuss their concerns.
VOTE: 6-C {Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIfJIE: 1 hour and 18 minutes (3:04-4:22)
Page 33
6b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4086 Granted for 2 years
OWNER: Armando C. & Mirta L. Hernandez,18751 Patrician, (To exp~re 1-4-20~1)
Villa Park, CA 92861
AGENT: Hope House, Inc., Attn: Marc Corradini, 707 N.
Anaheim Bivd., Anaheim, CA 92805
LOCATION: 710-714 North Anaheim Boulevard - Hope House.
Property is 0.34 acre located on the east side of
Anaheim Boulevard,134 feet north of the centerline of
To permit the expansion of an existing alcohol and drug rehabilitation
center to an adjacent property.
• • • • • •
(Commissioner 8oydstun declared a con8icf of interest.J
ApplicanYs Statement:
Marc Corradini: 707 North Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA: They are requesting a conditional use
permit to expand their residential program at 710 North Anaheim Boulevard. He addressed the nature
and history of the services provided at Hope House and explained the 3 phase program and how it works.
He reviewed the 17 conditions that the staff recommended and was in agreement with rhe
Chairman Bristol: Asked about the parking from the auto repair shop property directly south of 710 North
Anaheim Boulevard. He said he was there in the morning and there were several of cars that were in the
back the residence and asked if they had a reciprocal agreement.
Marc Corradini: Stated he had no authority until he secures the lease fro;n the owner, but when they do
they are going to use a portion of that for a fenced in backyard with picnic t~bles for the clients so they
can read etc. There will be 10 parking spaces with the rest.
Commissioner Napoles: Stated he was at the property at 10:00 a.m. and found cars parked on ihe side.
He stated that he went to talk to the person next tu 710 and he told him that he did not have any problems
with the home. He asked Mr. Corradini if he should have 3 bathrooms instead of 2 because they have 16
Marc Corradini: Advised per the State of California, the formula is 3 clients per to!let/sink and shower.
The Health Care is going to fund 10 beds and that is all they intend to do at this time. The State monitor
told him to apply for 16 because if they get other funding it will save them from doing this a second time.
The State who licenses and certifies them is totally satisfied witn the configuration of thE bedrooms and
bathrooms. They are c~oing to redo the bathrooms. Currently they have toilets and sinks and a space in
each room. They are going to 5uild showers in both with one of them being A.D.A. in order to comply with
wheelchair accessibility.
Page 34
Commissioner Napoles: Asked if they were going to do a complete rehabilitation7
Marc Corradini: Stated yes the bathrooms will be redone.
Commissioner Napoles: Asked if they are going to keep the glass windows as they are?
Marc Corradini: Stated they will comply with whatever Commission requires of them. The State will
reauire drapes, carpets, specific dimensions within the bathroom for A.D.A. They need to know the
proper number of beds and linens etc. If the City has some other considerations as far as the types of
windows then they will accommodate the City.
Chairman Bristol: Stated that one of the staff members advised tnat the Commission may want to restrict
the use for a couple of years so that they may review this and see how they are going to work with the
repair shop regarding parking.
Marc Cnrradini: Advised that he would like to move forvvard.
Chairman 6ristol; Advised he could but it would only be a 2 year permit.
Marc Corradini: He said it was fine. He knows the source of the cars and, as a neighbor next to that lot,
would like to see it cleaned up. He is not against it and will make certain that iYs done. There are things
going on in the lot that he does not want next door to him.
Commissioner Bostwick: Advised that he had a concern about only 2 bathrooms for 16 beds. Even
though the state said iPs permissible, he asked what Anaheim's Buiiding Code is for the number of
bathrooms per bedrooms?
Cheryl Flores: Stated that according to Building Division, they are fine based on the Anaheim Code,
however it varies based on the classification of occupancy. It would take some further review to be
positive on the requirement.
Chairman Bristol: Stated that this site has been there for a long time and according to staff report there
have been no problems.
Cheryl Flores: Advised that according to the Police Uepartment statistics, there were 14 calls for service
during the past year, January 98 to January 99. She offered list of types of calls.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if it was in their packet.
Cheryl Flores: She stated !hey received the information during the lunch hour.
Marc Corradini: Advised calls for service are normally for a client for 5150 and on occasion need to ask
for support of the Police Department.
Cheryl Flores: Stated report indicated 3 tra~c collisions, one assault and battery, one ma~icious mischief,
two suspicious circumstances, one suicide attempt, one assist other department, one mental case, one
shots heard either from this property or on this property, and one keeping the peace. Of the 14 one was
gang related.
Marc Corradini: Stated that he knew of all those instances and they are not Hope House people they are
things that have happene~ in the area. He said they run a clean type program and do not have people
that are in or out, they are following the rules or they are out of the program. If he sees a drunk come by
who has nothing to do with their program and lays down on the lawn he calls tlie police because he
doesn't want it to reFlect on their program. He said the calis are generally from them being a good
Page 35
neighbor. There have been two ~r three 5150 calls requiring assistance with clie~ts who were very
Chairman Bristol: P.sked what 5150 meant?
Marc Corradini: Means the person is talking as if they want to hurt themselves and a; that point Hope
House has a legal obligation to have them in a locked facility and the only quick and appropriate way is
with the Police assistance.
Cheryl Flores: Recommending Condition No. 4 ~an be deleted. It does not seem feasible to put a fence
along the south property line due to the access nepded into the garage area for th~ property to the south.
Condition No. 9 can also be deleted, it is not necessary to have a truck turnaround area on-site.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if it was in the alleyway?
Cheryl Fiores: Yes. To clarify Condition No.11, ~,;ans submitted for building permits should indi~aia
removal of the 3 parking spaces adjacent tc the south property line. If the parking spaces are there, it
would obstruct access onto the auto repair site to the south.
Chairman Bristol: Asked Mr. Corradini if he understood that because the auto repair shop cannot get to
their site unless tliey go through those 3 spa~es?
Marc Ccrradini: Stated he wants to de what is right, ~ut there are cars with people sleeping in them and
he does not want that next to his arogram. He wanted to put a ~ence that would restrict a certain area and
he w~~ told that they would get together with him and talk about how far down would be appropriate to
allow them to access the front bay of their building and not landlock them, but will go along with the City
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 4086 for 2 years with the following changes to
Deleted Condition Nos. 4 and 9.
Modified Condition Nos.11 an;112 to read as follows:
11. That plans shall be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportation Manager for
his review and approval shov;ing conformance with the current version of
Engir,;Qring Standard Plan Nos. 438, 601 and 602 pertaining to parking
standards and driveway locations. Plans submitted for building permits shall
indicate the removal o~ the three parking spaces adjacent to the south property
line. Subject property shall thereupon be developed and rr~aintained in
conformance with said plans.
12. That no required parking area shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed for
outdoor storage uses and that the parking stalls shall be marked "for tenant use
Added the followin5 condition:
Fage 36
That subject use permit fs hereby approved for a period of 2 years, to expire on
January 4, 2001.
VOTE: a-0 (Commissioner Boydstun declared a con.'lict of interest and Commissioner
Williams was absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 18 minutes (4:23-4:41)
Page 37
OWNER: Gilbert Ball Partners LP, 2600 Michelson Drive, Suite
1050, Irvine, CA 92612
AGENT: Meta Housing Corporation, Attn: Sean Clark, 4100 W.
Alameda Ave., #z05, Burbank, CA 91505
LOCATION: 935 South Giibert Street. Property is 0.8 acre located
on the west side of Gilbert Street, 203 feet north of the
centerline of Ball Road.
To construct a 37-u; affordable senior citizen apartment complex with a
density bonus with waiver of (a) minimc;rn building site area per dwelling
unit, (b) maximum structural height, (c~ :ninimum landscape setback, (d)
minimum structural and lan~scaped setback adjacent to a collector street,
(e) minimum side yard setbacic, (~ required eievators, (g) minimum
pedestrian access, (h) location of private storage areas and (i) minimum
required affordable units.
• • • s • •
ACTION: Continued subJect request to the February 1, 1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to submit revised plans.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 38
8c. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 98•99•08 Denied
8d. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved, in part
8e. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 4084 Granted, in part
8f. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF 8a. 8c. 8d and 8e No action
OWNER: Gene A. Condra & Lillian A. Condra, c/o Darrell Condra
of the Lillian Condra Trust,1179 Sunning Dale Road,
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
AGENT: Ariel L. Valli,19700 Fairchild, Suite 230, Irvine, CA
LACATION: 1631 South Euclid Street - Southern California
Edison Easement. Property is 6.1 acres located on the ~'
west side of Euclid Street, 220 feet south of the
centerline of Cris Avenue.
General Plan Amendment No. 360 - to redesignate this property from the
I_ow Density Residertial land use designation to the General Commercial
land use dasignation.
Reclassification No. 98-99-08 - to reclassify this property from the
RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the CL (Commercial,
Limited} Zone.
Conditional Use Permit No. 4084 - to permit an outdoor recreational
vehicle and boat self-storage facility with an on-site manager's office/living
unit with waiver of (a) maximum fence height, (b) minimum landscaping for
fences/blockwalls and (c) minimum setback adjacent to residential zones.
• • e s • s
(Commissioner Esping declared a conflict of interest.]
Chairman Bristol; Stated for the record that they received a letter from Jeff Farano.
Chairman Bristol: Announced that Item No. 1-B and Item No. 8 are going to be heard together.
ApplicanPs Statement:
Paul Kott, Realtor,1225 West Lincoln Avenue, Anahoim, CA: He assists property owners by advising
what is the best use for their property. !-le gave a description of how he helps people evaluate properry for
use. He gave general location of property and stated that if it were not for tne Souihern California Edison
easement, this property would probably have been developed Icng ago. The size, 6.2 acres and narrow
Page 39
irregular rectangular shape prevents it from being a viable development site for over 95% of uses currently
aliowed within the CL Zone. The staff report implies that there is a concentration of self storage, it doesn't
create jobs or generate sales tax. He stated this is an unfair depiction of the proposal. They are
requesting approval for storage of recreational vehicies, boats, motorcycies and personal watercraft alone.
He researched all other RV facilities in Orange County, and there are only 4. It will create jobs for onsite
staff, also, he asked considering the characteristics of the property, what other kind of business could staff
recommend that would generate tax revenue.
The owner has contacted neighbors within a 300 foot radius to get feedback. Approximately 20 resident
attended a meeting and all feedback was positive. He read a letter from one of the resident supporting the
project. He also spoke to WAND representatives, Esther Wallace and Judith Gollette and they support the
Jeff Farano, 2300 East Katella Suite 235 Anaheim, CA: He is representing the applicant. "e discussed
the zoning and the concerns the staff may have to reclassify this to Commercial Limited. If this project
was not built under the proposed plan, what would happen in future? The staff report indicates that if this
6 acres were built out commercially, it would generate more traffic, no;se and other probiems. Because of
the irregular shape of the project the only thing available commercially is on the front of Euclid.
They have previously proposed deed restrictions on property that has been difficult to deal with in which
the City could be named as a beneficiary to a deed restriction stating the property shall only be built limited
to a particular use.
He suggested a code amendment that allows the type of use under a conditional use permit under RS-A-
43,000 so they would not have to change the zoning. If staff wants to impose conditions, or change the
proposed language they do not have a problem with that. He just asks that if they go with a code
amendment he wants to continue and paraliel the CUP with this process, send them on to City Council for
their approval but he would also like to consider this project into the CUP so they don't have to wait for that
to go through and start over. If they approve the language that is proposed, the code amendment going
on to City Council as well as this CUP could be approved on the condition that the City Council adopt that
code amendment. He addressed the following proposed conditions:
• Condition 2 tha~ CUP would terminate in 2002-he said developers will not develop a properfy with only
a 3 year CUP, then tie the CUP to say that if the power lines are no longer built there then the CUP
• Condition 3 page 11 - t~ require them to put a cul-du-sac at the end of a public road. There are only 6
properties on the cul-du-sac and this properiy is not affecting that traffic.
• No. 5- they want low level lighting below the fence unless there is a breach of security after hours and
would like some 10 foot poles to have lighting.
• Item 10 - regarding mature landscaping that must be preserved. They are going to leave the existing
home and landscaping around the home but want to clear the lot that they are going to build on. They
want to remove that condition so that they don't have a problem.
• Item 13 regarding propane tanks or dumping stations - They will have a dumping station at the
beginning as you come in off the property only Far people who store RV's there. It will not have public
access. They would like to see the condition modified to say tl~ere wili be no public propane tanks or
no public dumping stations permitted on the property to allow them to do the holding tank emptying for
the people that are renting spaces.
• No. 23 - They would like to see a maximum height of 12 feet but applicant is willing to make it lower if
staff desires.
+ No. 25 - Would like modification to include personal motor craft and motorcycles.
• No. 29 - No storage of inoperable vehicles, ~NOUId like to modify to say no salvage vehicles on-site.
Some other conditions that are ~ot on the report that they are willing to consider to address staffs concern
is parking along the northern wall will be limited to vehicl~s that are lower than the height of the wall.
Another proposed restriction would be not to permit any business to be operated out of the storage area.
Mil<e Brittingham: 1615 South Pounders Lane, Anaheim, CA. He does not oppose the project. He asked
iF the dump stati~n was a septic tank or holding tank, or go down to a main sewer line? He is worried
Page 40
about spilis in a holding tank. He likes idea of lights being on a sensor so that after closing hours they go
on a dimmer. I-le advised that he would not like to see this classified as a commercial project because if it
falis through he does not want something else moving in there.
Chairman Bristol: He asked Mr. Brittingham if he thought the nursery is more noisy than a storage place
would be?
Mike Brittingham: He feels with the wall being there, it will cut down on the railroad noise. Regarding the
concern from staff about the diesel powered tractor there on site, he said that he feels it would be better
off to have a vehicle there with someone knowing how to operate it to pull trai!ers etc. He doesn't feel
there will be diesel noise, no more than the normal hours.
Jesse Duarte, 1726 Vl~est Chris, Anaheim, CA Speaks on behalf of himself and in-laws who live at 1608
South Varna. Some past problems with nursery are traffic, and burgiaries because nursery is used as a
walkway to get into neighborhood. He feels this new project will get rid of those problems. Also, tra~c
coming in at both sides of Chris off of Euclid are Iarger older trucks that go into the nursery and have
concern with the children's safety. Also, trash that falis out of trucks as they go by. There is a major
problem on Varna where trucks leave big tracks on the streets. [He submitted photos.] As of today there
is a pile of trash almost 10 feet high.
In 1996 there was a petition circulated through the neighborhood. They received a letter back from the
City that the complaints would be forwarded to Code Enforcement but to this day no one has checked this
out or notified to the neighbors. There are alsa dumpsters that can be seen over the fence.
He supports the project. They did speak with the neighbors in the area and let them know what happened
and told them that they were supportive. Mr. Farano has had an open line of communication with
everyone in the neighborhood. He is a boat owner and is definitely going to look into using the facility. He
feels the project will definitely beautify the area.
ApplicanPs Rebuttal:
Jeff Farano: As far as working on vehicles, there will not be any working on vehicles on the property
Ariel Valley, 19700 Fairchild, Iriine, CA: Stated he is the architect for the project. If the preference is to
connect the septic tank from the house to a sewer system then it can be done.
Melanie Adams, Associate Civil Engineer : If the applicant desires to go toward with the sewer dump
station then lhe Public Works Department would request that this matter be continued for them to provide
more details on the dump station because they have serious concerns such as how many vehicles would
be able to dump at one time? What would the operation be? They have serious concerns of sewer
capacity in central Anaheim.
Commissioner Bostwick: He did not feel this use would impact the sewer capacity significantly
Melanie Adams: Suggested Commission place a restriction of one station and that there would not be
multiple stations throughout the development.
Jeff Farano: They are willing to do that. Regarding Varna Street, currently there is a driveway at the end
of the cul-de-sac to go through a parcel onto ihe easement which they access. That will no longer be
there and will be closed o(f. Thereafter, the only access will be at the front of the building off of Euclid.
The home will remain in existence, it will be remodeled.
They have no plans to do anyth'sng with the other parcel which is being bought as part of parcel three.
Chairrtian Bristol: Asked about voting on item no.1-B. Mr. Farano requests that Commission go forward
with it.
Page 41
Selma Ivlann, Assistant City Attorney: It could be considered concurrently. The recommendatiore was for
denial but what was previously being processed was a General P1an Amendment and a Reclassification
that was processed concurrently with the CUP. The CUP was conditioned upon the General Plan
Amendment and the Reclassification being finalized. Certainly the process could be used. Staff s
concern is that the analysis on Item No. 8 was done with referer~ce to the CL standards and not to the RS-
A-43,000 standards. They would require a continuance in order to evaluate the project assuming that the
Planning Commission approves the proposed ordinance that would authorize these uses subje~t to a
CUP. They would still need to meet whatever the zoning requirements are for RS-A-43,000 as opposed to
CL but it need not be a continuance until the ordinance is finalized.
Commissioner Bostwick: Could Commission pass a motion approving the code amendment and then
continue the CUP for two weeks?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Staff would prefer a minimum of four weeks, if they need to consider the
appeal period in conjunction with the adoption of the code amendment which she deferred to Ms. Mann.
They would like to know if Southern California Edison has approved the site plan that has been presented.
There is no clarity on that yet. They want to evaluate the site plan according to the RS-A-43,000
standards and also compare it to the potential code amendment. 7hey would like to clar?fy that the fences
particularly on the north property line whether the new block wall will be provided only where there is chain
link now or whether new block walls will be built abutting ihe existing block walis?
The issues regarding signage, she was not certain how much signage, if any, the applicant wanted, They
would be limited in the RS-A-43,000 Zone.
Regarding landscaping along the railroad track, they would like to see more landscaping in that area.
They wrote their other issues in the staff report regarding the compatibility versus commercial and
residential uses.
Jeff Farano, Applicant: On the S.C.E, easement issue, they spoke with S.C.E. about this and have not
received any objections to their proposal. They do not believe that there are going to be any problems.
On the block wall, they are going to build en entire new block wall around the whole facilitv,
Commissioner Bostwick: He thoughi building a new block wall would be a good idea.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Staff had issues regarding the development of the detached condos on
Muiler Street, Where some of the RS-72~0 Zone properties are they did not want their existing block wall
removed and t:, take precautions whenever there are two abutting block walls ihat the top be capped to
prevent space.
Jeff Farano, Applicant: It appears to be a building code problem that they can address with the Building
Division at the time that we do this. The signage permitted, in the RS-A 43,000 is acceptable to his client
and will not need additional signage. There are vines being requested as landscaping along the railroad
track. It is 1,200 feet of space along the railroad tracks and they are not certain how necessary it is really
going to be to plant vines along the whole railroad track. They are not proposing to do that at this time.
Commissioner Bostveick: He visited the site this morning and spoke with the person who currently leases
it for the nursery. He indicated tn him that there is gang activity along the south fence along the railroad
tracks. Perhaps vines may help discourage that activity.
Jeff Farano: He was not certain that the vines were going to discourage the gang activity. As a security
measure there will be motion sensor lights around the property.
Regarding a continuance of this item, the application has been pending for now almost a year and another
four weeks would delay the project further cause a financial hardship on the applicant. The application for
the code amendment is not anything new, and it has been pending for awhile.
Page 42
They have suggested language under Item No. 6 to the staff report and if it is acceptable to Commission
to recommend that as the amendment to the application, and if the CUP is approved today, subject the
compliance with these conditions on that item then there is no reason to continue this item. But if
Commission does not agree with the language on ltem No. 6 and decides to make some changes in the
drafting, then it will have to be reviewed all over again. He thought Commission can at least approve the
CUP subject to the City Councii adopting that co~e amendment. The applicant is willing to take a risk on
that and hopefully it will go through but if the City Council changes it then that is something they have to
deal with.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The site plan that staff received has waivers in the RS-A-43,000 Zone that
have not been advertised. Staff would need four weeks to ge~ it advertised, to get revised plans.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked what waivers would need io be advertised?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The side yard setback, rear yard setbacks and front too. There may be
Jeffrey Freeden, 35331 Camino Capistrano, Dana Point, CA: He has been working with the staff and is
amazed by the eleventh hour changes and accommodations and he cannot afford to wait another four
weeks. They are on their 6th month of escrow extension.
Chairman Bristol: Commission can move on item No. 1-B but staff is informing Commission that if they try
to move on this reclassification that they could be approving a conditional use permit with waivers that
have not been advertised. This is the first time that Commission has received this information.
Jeff Farano: He did not know exactly what the development standards are on the RS-A-43,000 Zone. If
they are different than this site then there would be problems to dea! with. The request for the code
amendment was back in November 1998. It was a handwritten request that was submitted and it was in
conjunction with this project. He was not intending to ask for a code amendment by itself. It was in
conjunction with the project. If the development standards are different from ihe Commercial Limited Zone
then they are going to have to deal with it. If they are less restrictive or the same between both zones
then what Commission approves today would not be a problem. They would like to get this resolved
within the legal perimeters so they can get the project moving forward.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Uivision Manager: It appears that the only waivers effect are probably the side
yard setbacks, the front yard setback and the rear yard. In the Commercial Limited Zo~e they do not have
a rear yard, it is just adjacent to another zone. If the appiicant is willing to comply with the requirements of
those setbacks then there is the possibility they may be able to go farward. It is his understanding that
they do want to have this from property line to property line. Therefor~ tha! in itself would require waivers
to be advertised. The only waiver that has been advertised is the setback adjacent to the residential zone.
In a Commercial Limited Zone it is different from a Residential Zone in terms of the waivers that are
required. This was advertised for Commercial Zoning. The front setback for an RS-A Zone would be 25
feet and in a commercial zone it is only 10 feet. The side yards are 10 feet in an RS-A Zone and in this
particular case in a commercial they had actually about the same. The rear setback is 25 feet in a
residential zone and in this case it would have actually been less.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked why would there be a setbacR?
Greg Hastings: It is like a single family lot. If they had a single family zone that backed into another single
family zone then a house could not be built up against the lot. It is odd because the residential zone does
not pertain specifically to this type of use. They have to use the same type of setback.
Jeff Farano: They can go front to 25 feet. On the side they are asking for a zero setbeck because the
fence butts right up to it and they are going to have the car backed up to that. That is the landscape
waiver tFat they have asked for.
Page 43
Commissioner Bostwick: There is a waiver for the north side against the residential. Mr. Farano is
indicating the south side is the commercial ~ide bscause of the railroad tracks.
Greg Hastings: It is actually residential. If the applicant is agreeing to comply with the front and the rear
setbacks the side yard setbacks which were advertised as the setbac{cs adjacent to residential zones.
Commissioner Bostwick: So it waives the north an~ south and would then only be for the front and back
setbacks as 25 feet.
Jeff Farano: The 25 foot setbacks would work.
Greg Hastings: He could not guarantee that there may not be another waiver but that is the only one that
they could think of at this time. For the records, there is only a 20 square foot sign that is allowed in
residential zone.
Following the vote:
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager: Staff asked that a plan be submitted showing where the
facilities would be so the information could be put in the file.
Selma Mann, Assistant Ciry Attorney: She is certain that the applicant understands that the processing of
this application has been done here during the meeting as an accommodation to the applicant and is not a
representation that these are the only waivers that are going to be required under the RS-A-43,000 Zone
or under the ordinances that its adopted that there may be additional waivers. It is being done this way as
an accommodation and may not be complete.
SUPPORT: 2 peopls spoke in favor of subject petition. Correspondence in favor of subject prcposal
w2s received.
AC'!'ION: Approved Negative Declaration
Denied General Plan Amendment No. 360.
Denied Reclassification No. 98-99-08.
Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows: approved waiver (a)
maximum fence height, denied waiver (b) minimum landscaping for fences/biockwalls
and approved waiver (c} minimum setback adjacent to residential zones, applying
only to the north south property lines which are considered sideyards.
Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permit No. 4084 with the foliowing changes to
conditions of approval:
Modified Condition Nos.1, 2, 3, 13, 22, 25 and 29 to read as follows:
1. That this conditional use permit is yranted subject to the adoption of Code
Amendment No. 99-01, now pending.
2. That this conditionaf use permit shall tPrminate if the Edison easement is
Page 44
3. That a cul-de-sac shall be constructed at the terminus of Jerinne Street should
the westeriy 0.72 acre of the northerly lot ever be developed as a sfngle-family
dweliin~ unit. Street improvement plans shall be submitted to the Public Works
Department, Development Services Division for review and approval by the City
~ 13. That no public sales of propane gas or the public use of the dumping station
. shall be permitted at this property. That only one sanitary dump station shall be
permitted. A plan showing the location of said facilities shall be submitted to the
Zonin~ Division of the Planning Depa~tment for review and approval.
22. That the on-site maintenance or repair of stored recreational vehicles, boats,
personal water craft, motor~ycles, and trailers shall not be permitted.
25. That storage shall be limited to recreational vehicles, boats, personal water
craft, motorcycles, and trailers as stipulated to by the petitioner. That boat
storage is limited to at-grade storage with no stacking of boats permitted.
29. That nr storage of inoperable vehicles shall be permitted except for thos2 on
trailers and that no unlicensed vehicies shall be stored.
Addeq the following conditions of approval:
36. That the height of vehicles parked along the north wall shall be less than the
height of the adjacent wall/fence.
37. That no commerciai tractor trailers or 18-wheel vehicles shail be permitted.
38. 1'hat setbacks adjacent to the west and east property lines shall comply with
Code requirements.
39. That no business other than the siorage facility, shall operate from this site.
Took no action on the City Council review request.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Esping declared a conflict of interest and Commissioner Williams
DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour and 35 minutes (4:42-6:17)
Page 45
9b. CONDITiONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3873 (READVERTISED) Approved reinstatement
OWNER: CCS FERS Stadium Business (3), Inc., Attn: B~uce (To expire 1-5-2002)
McDonaid,1939 S. State College Bivd., Anaheim, CA
AGENT: Trammel Cro~ Company, Attn: Bruce McDonald,1939
S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 1939 South State Colleae Boulevard - Hop Citv
Blues and Brew Restaurant. Property is 16.97 acres
located at the southwest corner of Gene Autry Way and
State College Boulevard.
To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently has a time
limitation (approved on January 5,1998 ~!~til January 5,1999) to retain
public entertainment in conjunction with a previously-approved restaurant
with sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption.
• • • • • •
ApplicanPs Statement:
Bruce McDonald, 1929 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA: He is the managing partner of the Catch
Restaurant and is present in the support of a time extension for their conditional use permit for public
entertainment. He requested a three-year extension.
ACTION: Determined that the previously approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 3873. Amended Resolution
No. PC98-3 by modifying Condition No.13 to read as follows:
"13. That the accessory public entertainment portion of this restaurant shall expire
on January 5, 2002 °
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Esping and Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 2 minutes (6:18-6:20)
Page 46
TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20,1999 AT 10:00 A.M. ~I
Suomitted by:
0 ~,r.~v.n~
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
~ L~fi~m.B~I(nCR/ ~~~
Simonne Fannin
Senior Office Specialist
Paga 47