Resolution-ZA 2009-8RESOLUTION NO. ZA2009-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR APPROVING A CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 11 AND APPROVING SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WAIVER NO. 2009-00039 (1321 - 1381, 1300 - 1382 Auto Center Drive and 1221 - 1271 South Phoenix Club Drive) WHEREAS, the Anaheim Zoning Administrator did receive an application for Special Circumstances Waiver No. 2009-00039 to allow temporary signs and banners, displays and special events for a period of one yeaz at the Anaheim Auto Center, more specifically described as certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public meeting at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on September 3, 2009, at 9::30 a.m, to consider the request for special circumstance waiver in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section (Special Events -Special Circumstances Waiver); and WHEREAS, said Zoning Administrator, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and on its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said meeting, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed special circumstance waiver which includes promotional activities, including signs and banners are appropriate to advertise a regional automobile sales facility. 2. That the term and design of the promotional activities, including signs and banners aze compatible with the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the unique size, location and operational characteristics of the Anaheim Auto Center. 3. That no one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject request. WHEREAS, the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Section 15311, Class 11 (Accessory :Structures), as defined in the State CEQA Guidelines and is, therefore, exempt from the requirement to prepare additional environmental documentation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Zoning Administrator does hereby approve Special Circumstances Waiver No. 2009-00039 subject to the conditions of approval described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the heath, safety and general welfaze of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: -1- ZA2009-8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Zoning Administrator does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declazed invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant is responsible for paying all chazges related to the processing of this discretionary case application within 15 days of the issuance of the final invoice. Failure to pay all charges shall result in delays in the issuance of required permits or the revocation of the approval of this application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regazding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Zoning Administrator meeting of September 3, 2009. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter 18.60 "Procedures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be replaced by a City Council Resolution in the event of an appeal. ATTEST: NAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eleanor Morris, Secretary of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator held on September 3, 2009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3`d day of September, 2009. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR -2- ZA2009-8 E~IIBTT "A'• SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WAIVER NO. ?009-00039 E BALL RD ~ ?1p, 1,63, e ' ~ n /~ h h ~~ ~ 7$0' 4~ E AUTO CENTER OR ~ 800' 2 O 0 N h 116' 690' 3B?'. E'SANOERSON AVE rc,: ~ Source: Recorded Tred Mapsandlor Clly GIS. ®® ~~ Please note the accuracy is+/-two to fve feet. -3- ZA2009-8 EXHIBIT "B" SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WAIVER 2009-00039 No. Conditions of Approval Responsible for Monitoring GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 The applicant shall obtain a Special Event Permit to expire one Planning (1) year from the date of issuance of the permit to provide for the following promotional activities for each of the six (6) automobile sales dealerships: • One weekend outdoor event each month. • One canopy/tent to be erected for a period of one month, four times per year. • One ground-mounted inflatable to be displayed for a period of one month, four times per year. • Non-metallic balloons on displayed on vehicles for sale. • "Snow cone" banners with sign copy, or other merchandising material on light standazds within vehicle display areas and light standazds along the perimeter landscaping of each site. • One banner with a maximum size of 120 square feet on each building elevation. Appropriate permits shall be obtained for individual outdoor activities, including tents, stages, food service, live music, etc. and shall comply with the Anaheim Municipal Code :and any other applicable City, County, State and Federal regulations. That all promotional items including banners, signs and tents Code shall be kept clean, neatly maintained, with no missing sign Enforcement 2 copy, or dented or faded material. An un-maintained or damaged portion of these items shall be repaired or replaced immediately. Noncompliance shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be subject to termination of this permit. That promotional activities shall be operated substantially in Planning accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City 3 of Anaheim by the applicant and which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit No. 1 (Site Plan/Aerial Photograph), and as conditioned herein. ZA2009-8