Minutes-PC 1999/03/151
MOND6~Y, MARCH 15, 1999
Greg Hastings
Cheryl Flores
Don 1'ourstone
Alfred Yald2
Melanie Adams
Brad liobson
Tom cngle
Margarita Solorio
Ossie Edmundson
Assistant City Attorney
Zoning Division Manager
Senior Planner
Senior Code Enforcement O(ficer
Principal Transportation Planner
Associate Civil Engineer
Vice Detail
Planning Commission Secretary
Senior Secretary
Page 1
There were no Reports and Recommendation Items submitted for this Public Hearing.
Page 2
2b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved, in part
OWNER: Thrifty Oil Company, Attn: Vincent Le Pore,13539 East
' Foster Road, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
AGENT: David Rose, 3870 La Sierra Avenue, #193, Riverside, CA
LOCATION: 300 South Brookhurst Street -Thriftv Oil. Property is
0.51 acre located at the southeast corner of Brookhurst
Street and Broadway.
Ccnditionai Use Permit No. 4101 - to establish conformity with existing
zoning code land use requirements for an existing service station and to
convert an existing accessory auto repairlcashier building into a
convenience market with retail sales of beer and wine for off-premises
consumption with waivers of (a) continuation of nonconforming biiiboards,
(b) minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an ~rterial highway, (c)
minimum retail sales floor area, and (d) minimum landscaped setback
adjacent to interior boundary lines.
Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-01 - to determine Public
Convenience or Necessity to ailow tfie retail sales of beer and wine for off-
premises consurr,ption within the proposed convenience market.
Continued from the Comrtiission meeting of March 1, 1999.
• • • • • •
Chairman Bristol: Stated, for the record, a letter was received from West Anaheim Neighborhood
Development Council (WAND) in opposition to this reGuest.
ApplicanPs Statement:
David Rose, Regents Group, 3870 La Sierra, Suite 193, P.iverside, CA 92505
Stated he will be speakiny today on Items 2, 3, and 4. Thrifty Oil has leased all of it's facilities to Arco
Products (PSI) and Arco is attempting to retrofit all of its stations in order to get the best economic benefit
and make them more aesthetlcaily pleasing. This item is a station located at 300 South Brookhurst Street.
The building is an existing 300 square foot store at the facility. The only discretionary action that the
applicant is requesting for the CUP is for the inclusion of beer and wine within the existing facility. He was
not certain whether the 1,200 square foot requirement still applies to an existing use.
The facility needs landscaping and therefore they are bringing this site up to Code on all the items that
they are abie to. Unfortunately there are a fe~v items that pre-date this facility.
Page 3
• There are billboard contracts that they are not able, at the present time, to remove which the reason
for requesting Waiver A.
• Waiver B deals with a landscape setback adjacent to Brookhurst. There is canopy directly adjacent to
Brookhurst and not possible to meet the 10 foot requirement. They are proposing a 5 foot landscape
plan where presently one does not exist.
• Since their first submitial they added landscapinq to the east side of the property between the site and
the strip center next door. That is why the Waiver D has been deleted.
They are requesting public convenience or necessity although they are attempting to purchase an existing
license within that same census tract which would result in a status quo.
There are several aesthetic proposals that are included with the submittal and should Commission choose
to approve the project then they are willing to meet all of the proposed conditions of approval.
Ralph Boggs, 2175 West droadway, Anaheim, CA: He is against the approval of the beer and wine
license for the facility. This facility has been there for at least 25 years and has not had the need to
engage in beer and wine sales. Immediately adjacent to it on Broadway is a facility that already has a
liquor license which has also been there for approximately 25 years. He does not feei it is in the best
interest of the neighborhood to continue the proliferation of this type of business. It will only add to the
blight of the area in terms of traffic a~d late night noise.
Esther Wallace, Chairman of WAND (West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council): They are
opposed to the liquor license because there are many liquor licenses already existing in the area. She
was surprised to disc~dered that there are 9 licenses and only 5 allowed.
They are also opposed to the waivers. The billboards have become a source of contention in their
neighborhood because of the items being advertised. They feel that the billboards should come down if
the applicant plans to do anything with this gas station.
There is an existing gas station across the street and it is not going to offer the same things as the
proposed site will have which will hurt that business.
They are also opposed to the landscaping proposal. Brookhurst Street is into redevelopment and there
will be landscaping completed and so they feel the requirement of a 1U foot landscaping is essential
otherwise it will not conform with the rest of the neighborhood.
ApplicanPs Rebuttal:
David Rose: He did not feel there was a need to rebut any of the statements but was available to answer
any questions.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked how long are the leases on the billboards?
David Rose: They are on a 10 year lease, there are 7 years remaining on the lease. The billboards are
able to be purchased but the purchase price for those billboards are very expense and difficult to do.
Chairman Bristoi: Asked staff if the applicant can continue the use as it is now if the request was denied?
Cheryl Flores, Seniar Planner: Respanded what is there now is a snack shop area and not as iarge as
they are proposing for the convenience market, that would be allowed to remain. The snack shop is
cons~dered an accessory permitted usE.
During the voting:
Page 4
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if there could be some control over what is advertised on the billboard?
Commissioner Bostwick: That is an issue of free speech which is not an issue that Commission has
~ontrol over.
Commissioner Bostwick: On page 4, item 17, states while a non-conforming use Qxists on any lot no
other use shali be permitted even though other use would be a conforming use. Therefore, they can not
approve it as long as they have a nonconforming use.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney: if Commission approves Waiver A then they will be approving a
waiver from the provisiun that prohibits another use to come onto the property while a legal non-
conforming use exists on that property. The applicant also has the option available of applying for a
conditional use permit for the billboards, thereby making them conforming by obtaining the conditional use
permit. There is no guarantee that such a use wouid be approved but the waiver is not the only option
available to the applicant. Actions on the balance of the item would assume that the applicant was going
to take care of the issue regarding the existing nonconforming use on the property because the balance of
the change can not take place until that issue is resolved.
OPPOSITION: 2 people spoke in opposition
correspondence was received in opposition
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows:
Approved waiver (b) pertaining to minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an
arterial highway.
• :~enied waivers per'raining to (a) continuation of non-conforming billboards and (c}
mi,iimum retail sales floor area, on the basis that there are no special circumstances
or identified hardships affecting this property to warrant the granting of the requested
waivers from Code requirements; and furthermore, by granting these waivers, a
special privilege would allow this property to enjoy development rights that are n~t
shared by other similar corner lot commercial properties in the City.
Der~i~d waiver (d) pertaining to minimum landscaped setback adjacent to interior
boundary lines on the basis that it was deleted following public notification.
Denied Conditional Use Permit No. 4101 based on the following:
1; That the continuation of nonconforming uses on this property would not be in
compliance with Code Section which states "while a non-
conforming use exists on any lot, no other use shall be permitted, even though
such other use would be a conforming use".
(2) That submitted plans do not demonstrate an attempt to provide a quality service
station building with enhanced architecture in compliance with the goals and
objectives of the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopme~t Area.
(3) That the Community Development Department recommends denial of the retail
sales of alcohol~c beverages for off-premises consumption based on
incompatibility with ;he goais of the Brookhurst Overlay Area Zone.
' (4) That WAND opposas the sales of beer and ~vine in conjunction with a service
stati~n operation.
Page 5
Uenisd Determinatlon of Public Conveniencs or Necessity No. 99-OS based on
the following:
(1) That based on information provlded by the Anaheim Potice Department, an
additional ABC license in Census Tract No. 871.G3 would create an undue
over-concentretion of licenses fn this area (5 permitted; 9 currentiy issued), and
further that the subject property is located within Reporting District No.1720
which has a crime rate 28% above the City aver2ge.
(2) That the Community Development Department recommends denial of this
request based on incompatibility with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan.
(3) That the peti!ioner has not demonstrated that this request would serve to
banefit the public in terms of convenience or necessity.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent}
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 14 minutes (1:40-1:54)
Page 6
OWNER: Thrifty Oil Company, Attn: Vincent Le Pore, 13539 East
Foster Road, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
AGENT: David Rose, 3870 La Sierra Avenue, #193, Riverside, CA
LOCATiON: 2800 West Ball Road - Thrifty Oil. Property is 0.48 acre
located at the southwest corner of B211 Road and Dale
Conditional Use Permit No. 4102 - to establish conformity with existing
zoning code land use requirements for an existing service station and to
convert an existing accessory auto repair/cashier buildi~g into a
corverience market with retail sales of beer and wine for off-premises
consumption with waivers of (a) continuation of nonconforming billboards,
(b) minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an arterial highway, (c)
minimum retail sales floor area, and {d) minimum landscaped setback
adjacent to interior boundary I'.nes.
Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-02 - to determine Public
Convenience or Necessity to allow the retail sales of beer and wine for off-
premises consumption within the proposed convenience market.
Cont~nued from the Commission meeting of tvlarch 1, 1999.
• • ~ • • o •
Chairman Bristol: Stated, for the record, a letter was received WAND (INest Ananeim Neighborhood
Development Council) in opposition to this request.
ApplicanYs Statement:
David Rose, Regents Group, 3870 La Sierra Avenue, Suite 193, Riverside, CA 92505: This is a similar
proposal to Item No. 2. The facility is on the southwest corner of Ball Road and Dale Street. It is an
existing snack shop and an auto repair bay that has not been utilized for 7 to 10 years. To get into the
auto bay they had to drive undemeath the arches of an existing billboard sign which is an existing
nonconfo~ ming sign. There is also a smaller "post-iY' board perpendicular to Dale St~ eet, mid-block of ihe
project which they are asking to uti!ize the entire buiiding. They are not proposing any new construction
which is why the sites are not economically viable to demolish the existing building and construct a new
There is an existing canopy at the site. There is currently minimal landscaping on the site. There is a
requirement for 10 feet of landscaping and they ere proposing 3 feet. landscaping. ~
Page 7
They have withdrawn Waiver D in their plans and now propose to instali the landscaping. They are
attempting to bring the site into conformance regarding pole signage. There i; a pole sign at the site that
encroaches into the public right-of-way and they are attempting to bring it into conformance.
There are pre-existing billboards witn pre-existing leases and in order to t~ring the site into cr,nformance
they need to apply for a waiver. They did not apply for a conditional use psrmit. They are willing to accept
a condition of approval in the form of a deed restriction or a convenant with !he Citv.
Without the approvals of the discretionary actions before Commission today then they will continue to
operate as is, otherwise their other option would be to close down.
Harold Yingst, 2804 Ravenswood Drive, Anaheim, CA: He resides approximately 300 feet south from this
service station. The number uf liquor licenses at this intersection. There are already several existing
business with liquor licenses near subject and therefore he feels they have enough liquor licenses at the
intersection. He referenced Figure 3, page 2 of the staff report, that show where subject property keeps
their trash bin which is where the public wa~ks by on Dale Street. They do not keep the covers closed on
those trash bins.
There are two non-conforming signs at the location that were originally installed when his housing tract
~vas being sold in 1959. The signs advertised liquor and cigarettes on those billboards. There are tfiree
schools (Dale Jr. High School, Magnolia High School and Robert Powell Elementary School) who have
students that travel by this intersection and can see the biliboard advertising. The neighbors have
objected to the Planning Department about them and they indicated that there is nothing that they could
do. He wanted to ensure that once the landscaping is installed that it be maintained.
Esther Wallace, Chairman of WAND (West Anahzim Neighborhood Development Council): Stated that
this is a difficult intersection. She was surprised and asked why there was no police report attached to the
staff report? Two years ago there were about seven agencies that came in and arrested 85 people at ~ne
of those large apartment complexes on the south side of Ball Road which is just beyond that shopping
center where this gas station is located. Although many of them have been renovated they stiil get many
people who do have problems.
Esther Wallace: Asked how many liquor licenses are in the area where the gas station is located?
Chairman Bristol: That was a good question because the policE insert was for tract no. 87d.
Esther Wallace: They tried but were unable to obtain a police report from the County for the Arco station
at Brookhurst and Ball Road, but she assured Commission that they would obtain a police report from the
County this time, if necessary, in order to determine the amount of crime in this area.
Chairman Bristol: On page 9(i) of the staff report, it indicated 5 existing, 4 allowed. Yet on the poli~e
memorandum of February 2nd indicated that the population allows for 4 off-sale ABC I~censes and there is
presently 1 license in the tract. He asked for a clarification from staff on this?
Cheryl Flores, Senior Pianner: On Wednesday before they printed the staff report, staff called ABC once
again to verify the statistics and they indicated at the time that there were 5 existing licenses. There are
two licenses in Anaheim (2950 West Ball Road and 1218 South Beach Boulevard) and the rest are located
in the city of Stanton.
Esther Wallace: In the police memorandum it indicates that the crime rate is 71 % above the City average.
Please keep in mind that Stanton is about 1 block from Ball Road which means only 1 block of the entire
tract is being taken in consideration. It is a well known fact that the crime rate in the unincorporated area
is very high. This is a very high density apartment area on both sides of Dale Street. She also mentioned
that there are already one or two liquor licenses in the same shopping center at the subject site.
Page 8
There are many chiidren from local schools passing this site. The applicant does not have the required
8oor space and WAND is against the waivers requested, billboard signs ar;d the applicant needs to have a
larger setback. She asked that they be given a chance to rebuilt their neighborhood back to something
that is decent.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked Ms. Wallace about the vacant lot across the street?
Esther Wallace: She understood this site is contaminated and it is not being built on because no one want
to pay the cost of cleaning it up.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked Ms. Wallace a hypothetical s~tuation. If a company came in and
purchased the two lots and proposed to build a first class gas station with a mini market, such as the one
at Katella and State College Boulevard, how would WAND feel about that?
Esther Wallace: WAND has discussed this issue extensively and came to the consensus that they are not
going after any existing licenses. If Arco is interested in purchasing an existing license then that is
acceptable with WAND. Basically they are against adding any additional alcohol type licenses.
If a gas station was to come purchase a liquor license it would have to be a"take ouY' liquor license and
couid not a "restauranY' license.
Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner, Traffic Engineering Division: He read, into the record, a
condition that was not listed in the staff report which he was suggesting it be added, "That the existing
drives closest to the intersection of Dale Avenue and Ball Road shall be removed and replaced with
standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping. Sa~d information shall be shown on plans submitted for
building permits."
Judith Ann Gollette,l'4'AND (West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Councii): She submitted a copy
to Commission'of the land use and business development resolution that WAND adopted recently
regarding gas stations and liquor licensing in the West r;naheim area and read it into the record, "After
several months of research and discussion WAND has taken the following stand regarding gas stations,
new remodeled or existing. West Anaheirn has a adequate supply of existing gas stations. Support for
new facilities will be addressed on a case by case basis. WAND will not support any additional ABC
licensing due to gas station/convenience store developments (remodeled or existing). Saying no to ABC
licensing does not only apply to gas stations but to any "takeout purchase facility" of alcohol.
ApplicanYs Rebuttal:
David Rose: Regarding Mr. ~alda's proposed condition regarding the closing of all driveways on Ball and
Dale, they would not support that. The viability of the site gets cut off and it would actually dictate
additional waiver requirements. They have already put a new landscape planter on the corner and if they
had to ciose off the driveways then the site would be shut down and become a liquor store and not a gas
station, which is not their intent.
It is their intent at all their sites in Anaheim to purchase existing beer and wine licenses. They are
attempting to purchase Type 21 license then voluntarily reducing it to a beer and wine license.
Regarding the trash enclosures, one of the items included in their new site pian is that a new trash
enclosure with a wall, according to City code standards, would be provided.
Billboards. It is something that they are willing to accept a restriction on. All the billboard leases are
owned by the same company which means it would apply to Item No. 2, 3 and 4. Once the lease ends
they do not plan to renew it but they are not willing to pay to remove a biliboard and pay to purchase a
license and spend more to renew the site when they are already breaking even.
They are trying to get the best they can and not proposing any new construction but are willing to provide
the landscaping, signage, physical, architectural, and aesthetic improvements to make the site more
Page 9
aestheticaily pleasing and aiso to bring it up to code. Even doing those improvements the economic
viability of the sfte becomes questionable but they are willing to do accomplisM this.
Chairman Bristo(: Asked Code Enforcement whether the trash bin is currently in violation of Code?
Don Yourstor.e, Senior Code Enforaement Officer: In reviewing the photograph it appears that it could be
in violation but he will have their staff go to the site to determine whatever actions are necessary to correct
it. He also suggested that the Street and Sanitation Divisicn also check the trash bin.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Af the Inter-Departmental meetirg ihe Streets and Sanitation Division
stated that this would have to be in a trash enclosure, if aNproved. As it is now, it is nonconforming and
the location of it is not permitted because it is in a required setback which means it would have to be
moved. She is not certain if this item was denied what they would do about the enclosure, that probably is
something that.could not happen but the trash bin would have to be removed from where it is currently.
OPPOSI710N: 3 people spoke in opposition
correspondence was received in cpposition
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Denied Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows:
Denied waivers pertaining to j,, continuation of non-conforming bilfboards, and u
minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an arterial highway, on the basis that there
are no special circumstances or identified hardships affecting this property to warrant
the granting of the requested waivers from Code requirements; and furthermore, by
granting these waivers, a special privilege would allow this property to enjoy
development rights that are not shared by other similar corner lot commercial
properl~es in the City.
Denied waiver (c) pertaining to minimum retail sales floor area, on the basis that there
are no irregular configuration of this property, and no special circumstances
applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings
to justify this proposed waiver•. This site is adequate in size, shape, topography to
construct a 450 square foot addition or construct a new building which would bring the
• total square fuotage into conformance with current Code requirements.
Denied waiver (d) pertaining to minimum landscaped setba~k adjacent to interior
boundary lines on the basis that it was deleted subse:~uent to adveriisement.
Denied Conditional Use Permit No. 4102 based on ihe following:
(i) That Code Section states: "While a non-conforming use exists
on any lot, no other use shall be permitted, even though such other use would
be a conforming use:'
(ii) That the Community Development is recommsnding denial of this reGuest
based on ir.compatibility with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan.
(iii) That submitted plans do not demonstrate an sttempt to provide a quality service
station building with enhanced architecture.
(iv) That the requested retail sales of beer and wine for off-premises consumption
be denied since this use may adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the
Pzge 10
growth and devefopment of the area in whlch if is proposed to be located and
based on cunent efforts by the City to improve land use compatibility in this
, area and further based on information provided by the Police Department,
pertaining to the high crime rate in the area and an overconcentration of ABC
Denied Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-02 based on
the following:
(i) That based on information provided by the Anaheim Police Department, that
the subject property is located within a reporting dlstrict which has a crime rate
71 °/a above the Ciry average and within a census tract with overconcentration of
licenses (5 existing; 4 allowed). '
(ii) That the petitioner has not demonstrated that this request would serve to
benefit the public in terms of convenience or necessity.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 26 minutes {1:55-2:21)
Page 11
~ia. vG4(N ry~l7HI1VG UCVLHKHIIVfY Approved
OWNER: Thrifty Oil Company, Attn: Vincent Le Pore,13539 East
Foster Road, Santa Fe Sprirgs, CA 90670
AGEiVT: David Rose, 3870 La Sierra Ave., #193, Riverside, CA
LOCATION: 3 ~01 East La Palma Avenue - Arco Service S4atton.
Property is 0.51 acre located at the northeast corner of
Kraemer Baulevard and La Palma Avc~ue.
Conditional Use Permit No. 4104 - to establish conformity with existing
Zoning Code land use requirements for an existing service station and to
convert an existing accessory auto repair/cashier building into a
convenience market with retail sales of beer and wine for off-premises
consumption with waiver ofi (a) continuation of nonconforming billboards,
and (b) minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an arterial highway.
Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-04 - to
determine Public Convenience or Necessity to allow the retail sales of
beer and wine for off-premises consumpti~n within a proposed
convenience market.
• • • e • s
Applicant's Stafement:
David Rose, Regents Group, 3870 La Sierra Avenue, Suite 193, Riverside, CA 92505: This is also a
business that Thrifty owns and Arco operates in the City of Anaheim. This facility is 1,400 square feet and
therefore they are not applying for a waiver, It has three existing auto bays and this is the only facility out
of approximately 200, that Arco leased from Thrifty, that actually has a third party tenant operation facility.
There are two existing biliboards under a lease and the situation is the same as the other previous item
regarding the billboards. They have existing canopies that have no landscaping and they are proposing 3
to 5 feet of landscaping.
On the corner of Kraemer and La Palma there is a pole sign that projects over the pub~ic right-of-way
bec2use it has been there for so long and the City has taken by eminent domain to widen the street. They
are proposing to remove the sign and install a monument sign that meets the specific plan code
requirements. That would b~ the only site at the four corners that would not have the pole sign.
They are proposin~ to covert the entire building into a convenience store. The entire architecture style of
the building will change dramatically to what is existing.
They are proposing for a public convenience or necessity. There is one license approved and 3 or 4
existing. They are proposing to purchase an existing liquor license. He was surprised by
Page 12
RedevelopmenYs comments that the proposal does not meet with the fnten'. when they have
approximateiy 20 or 30 square feet of landscaping and the site will be completely landscaped at ali the
frontages. The signage will removed with the acceptation of the biliboard signs. They are willing ta accep:
a deed restriction to be imposed for the issue of the bi;lboard signs once the.leased expires. They are
willing to accept all the conditions of approval, with the exception of Condition No.19 related to the closure
of driveway. The queuing of the site becomes impossible as recommended by the Public Works
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated, for the record, two letters were rece.ived. One from Fowler
Properties Inc. and the other from Yoder Development opposed. (She then submitted copies to the
Commissioner Koos: Asked Mr. Hobson to comment on Mr. Rose's testimony related to the
Redevelopment Agency.
Brad Hobson, Community Development Department: They are recommending denial of the sale of
z!coholic beverages. There are already approximately three businesses selling beer and wine and the
Police Department recommends only one license.
At the commercial area of the Canyon Business Center there are additional licenses to seli beer and wine
~or off-sale consumption. They would like to see the corner cleaned up but not at the cost of adding a
Chairman Bristol: Mr. Rose's three requests are very difficult, especially because of the over abundance
of use and crime. It has been very evident in this City recently that obtaining an off-sale beer and wine
license at a gas station is becoming more difficult. Regarding waiver of landscaping, the City has spent
millions of dollars to get the City to look better. If the applicant wants to landscape to make it look nice,
there is nothing keeping him from doing that. Regarding billboards, it is income.
This City has gone a long way to address this issue and will continue to do so. The City has spent a
considerable amount to obtain the required landscaping, especially the West area and will continue to do
Commissiosier Koos: Asked Mr. Rose if the appii~ant would consider a convenience market without the
sale of beer and wine.
Mr. Rose: Responded no.
OPPOSITIQN: No one was present in opposition to subject request.
2 letters ~Nere received in opposition.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Den'ed Waiver of Code Requlrement, as follows:
~enied waivers pertaining to (a) continuation of non-conforming billboards, and (b)
minimum landscaped setback adjacent to an arterial highway, on the basis that there
are no special circumstances or identified hardships affecting this property to warrant
the granting of the requested waivers from Co~e requirements; and furtharmore, by
granting these waivers, a special privilege would allow this property to enjoy
development rights that are not shared by other similar corner Ict ~r,mmercial
properties in the City.
Denied Conditional Use Permit No. 4104 based on the followEng:
Page 13
(1) That the continuation of nonconforming uses on this property would not be in
compliance with Code Section which states "while a non-
conforming use sxists on any lot, no other use shall be permitted, even though
such other use would be a conforming use".
(2) That submitted plans do not demonstrate an atiempi to provide a qualiry service
station building with enhanced architecture in compliance with the goals and
objectives of the Project Alpha Northeast Redevelopment Area.
(3) That the Community Development Department recommends denial of the retail
saies of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption based on
incompatibility with the goals of the Project Alph ~ Northeast Redevelopment
(4) That the project, as proposed, would adversely affect the adjoining land uses
and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be
Denied Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-04 based on
the following:
(1) That based on information provided by the Anaheim Police Department, an
additional ABC license in Census Tract No.117.14 would create an undue
over-concentration of licenses in this area (1 permitted; 3 currently issued), and '
further that the subject property is located within a reporting district which has a
crime rate 228% above the City average.
(2) That the Community Development recommends denial of this request based on
incompatibility with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan.
(3) That the petitioner has rot demonstrated that this request would serve to
benefit the public in terms of convenience or necessity.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 11 minutes (2:23-2:34)
Page 14.
r -
OWNER: Savi Ranch Associates, a California General Partnership,
2030 Main St., Suite #640, irvine, CA 92614
AGENT: William Hobin, P.O. Box 2034, Santa Monica, CA 90401
LOCATfON: South of the terminus of Puliman Street at Oid Canal
Road. Property is 2.14 acres located south of the comer of
Puliman Street and Old Canal Road.
To construct a new seif storage faciliry with a building height in excess of
35 feet with waiver of (a) pemitted commercial identification sign, (b)
maximum structurai height adjacent to a residential zone, (c) minimum
landscape setback adjacent to a residential zone and (d) required site
screening adjacent to a residential zone.
• o • • • •
ACTION: Continued subject request to the March 29,1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to address s4aff's concerns. ,
VGTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSfOfV TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 15
6b. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 98-99-01 Granted, unconditioraliy
OWNER: City-Initiated, 200 South Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA
LOCATION: 1773 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 0.19 acre
located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, 662 feet east
of the centerline of Crescent Way.
To reclassify subject property from the ML (Limited Industrial) Zone to the
CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone.
• • e • • •
Jan Meyers, 1771 Wes: Lincoln, Anaheim, CA: Asked if there would be any effect on the equipment rental
next door to it? She also asked if ever sold, woulcl it automatically be re-zoned commercial since it is
Limited Industrial7
Chairman Bristol: Responded it would be Commercial Limited.
J~n Meyers: She asked whether it would automatically change when sold?
Chairman Bristol: Responded yes and asked her if she was considering an expansion of the equipment
yar~ to that building?
Jan Meyers: Responded no but wanted to know what effect it would have?
Cheryl Flores: The generai plan designation for equipment rental property directly to the east was
General Commercial and will stay zoned ML (General Commercial) un~ess the property or City initiates re-
zoning of that property? ~
Jan Meyers: She asked if the City could rezone it7
Cheryl Flores: They could initiate rezoning, although it is not being done as a part of this request. The
only action before the Commission today is the property at 1773 West Lincoln Avenue.
OPPOSITION: None.ll concerned person spuke.
ACTION: App ~oved Negative Declaration
Granted Reclassification No. 98-99-01, unconditionally.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 3 minutes (2:35-2:38)
Page 16
OWNER: Lederer Anaheim Limited, Attn: Les Lederer, 1990 Westwood
Bivd., Third floo~, Los Angeles, CA 90025
AGENT: Ted Holcum and Pam Marcum, 1440 South Anaheim 131vd.,
Anaheim, CA 92805
! OCATION: 1440 Sauth Anaheim Boulevard - Anaheim Indoor
Marketplace. Property is 14.74 acres located at the
northeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard.
To consider reinslatement of this pen~nit which currently has a time
limitation (approved on March 17,1997, tc expire on March 17, 1999) to
retain an indoor entertainmsnt center and outdoor event area.
Approved reinstatement
(To expire 4-22-01)
(Commissioner Qostwick declared a con8ict of interest because he owns property within 1,000 feet of
subject site. j
ApplicanYs Statement:
Steven Weisbarth: GenFial Manager, Indoor Marketplace, 1440 South Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA:
Asked to waive 14c-25 under the Recommendation af the staff report regarding sidewalk on the Cerritos
property frontage. In 1997, they applied for a conditional use permit for a building that they never built. At
that time, the City asked for a sidewalk on Cerritos. They feel the condition that does not apply to this
conditional use permit. The business is deemed as a destination point where customers come in their
own car or shuttle busses. There is no pedestrian traffic on the Cerritos side.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated the original staff report did not have the entire print out of th•e
condition. The last sentence was left out. She indicated the applicant would be given a copy of full
condition and then read the condition into the record.
Melanie Adams, Associate Civii Engineer, Public Works Department: Stated they requested this condition
due to pedestrian activity associated with the marketplace. When the original marketplace went in it was
viewed as a short term, temporary operation. Now it appears to be a permanent, long term use of the
property. Both the indoor entertainment center and the outdoor event area generate considerable amount
of patrons and some of them are pedestrians. Public Works feels it is now appropriate to install sidewalks.
Steven Weisbarth: Most people who patronize come by car. Even though there are pedestrians, the
traffic light is at the corner of Cerritos and Anaheim and pedestrians would cross the street at the light and
enter the marketplace on the Anaheim Boulevard side.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if there was a sidewalk on Anaheim Boulevard?
Commissioner Boydstun: Responded that there is a sidewalk on Anaheim Boulevard.
Chairman Bristol: Advised he was ihe only one on the Commission at the time ~hen the marketplace
started and he recalled it was as a temporary use to see if it would work. If you take the amaunt of times
the applicant has been to Commission over the last 8 years, it demonstrates an intensification of the use.
Page 17
Whether the appiicant feels that a lot of people come to the site through Cerritos or not, the fact is it is
public. A sidewaik will probably be required in the year 2001 when all the uses come up for consideration
again, if it is not required right now.
Commissioner Boydstun: Suggested the applicant put the sidewaik from the corner back to the second
driveway, that would cover most of the traffic that does walk in.
Mr. Weisbarth: Consulted with someone from his staff. He then stated they are concemed about some
utilities. He also stated he assumes that he N~ill be given a reasonable amount of time to comply because
they just found out about this last week.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked Ms. Adams what the applicant would have to do if they would do install
the sidewalk.
Melanie Adams: A9vised they would show a plan of what they would like to do in order to obtain the
Mr. Weisbarth: Asked if it were over the counter?
Melanie Adams: Stated yes, it cou~d be done in a very short period of time.
Commissioner Bo+,•dstun: She suggested conditioning it tu be completed within 120 days.
Melanie Adams ~ Said they would agree to 120 days, but the landscaping portion needs a plan approval.
They would also be agreeable if he installed the sidewalk and the applicant needed more time to get his
plans approved.
Commissioner Koos: Asked for a clarification of the what tha applicant agreed to.
Cammissioner Boydstun: Stated the sidewalk will be put in pass the second driveway from the corner
going east. By going to the second driveway, they can cut straight over to the building without having to
go completely through the parking lot which is a shorter area and less of a hazard.
Mr. Weisbarth: Stated it was not to scale.
Commissioner Boydstun: Suggested instead of the second driveway to take it to the sidewalk from the
corner to the driveway that is just about straight across to the corner of the building.
Chairman Bristol: Clarified it would be a west elevation.
Commissioner Boydstun: People who cross the street and are walking on the street have a more direct
route than veering through the parking lot to get in.
Mr. Weisbarth: He agreed.
ACTION: Determined that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject req=.;;-,f.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 3817. Amended Resolution
No. PC97-29 as follows:
Modified Condition No. 1 to read as follows:
That this conditional use permit shall expire on April 22, 2001, or in conjunction
witti the ciosing of the indoor swap meet, whichever occurs first.
Page 18
Added the following conditions of approval:
24. That the parking lot shall be maintafned free of debris at all times.
25. The property owner shall obtain a Right-of-Way construction permit to install
sidewalk along Cerritos Avenue, starting at the corner of Cerritos Avenue and
Anaheim Boulevard going east to the second driveway which lines up with the
setback ofi U~e west building elevation. The sidewalk shall be 5 feet wide and
shall be insialled adjacent to the right-of-way line. A landscaped parkway,
including trees approved by the Parks Division, shall be planted between the
curb and sidewalk. The improvements shall be complete within one hundred
twenty days (120) of approval of the reinstatement.
26. That witnin 30 days from the date of this resolution, landscaping shall be
planted around the above ground large meter or fire line to screen if ftom view
of the public right-of-way.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Bostwick and Wiliiams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented tne 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 14 minutes (2:39-2:53)
Page 19
• readvertised
OWNER: Kenney Golf Enterprises, Inc., 3200 East Carpenter
Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807
AGENT: Fred Kenney,1893 Taylor Road, Roseville, CA 95661
LOCATION: 3200 East Carpenter Avenue - Camelot Golfland.
Property is 5.89 acres located on the south side of
Carpenter Avenue, 80 feet east of the centerline of Shepard
To permit the construction of additional second floor area within an
existing clubhouse building and to permit a Lazertag facility, additional
banquet/arcade space and ihe outdoor relocation of an existing interior
"Softplay" playground within an existing arcade/amusement center and
miniature ~olf course.
i 14TW.DOC
e • e • • .
ApplicanYs Statement:
Fred Kenney: One of the owners of Camelot Golfland. Stated they ~vant to modify their conditional use
permit to add approximately 1,500 square feet to Castle Arcade building to allow them to put in lazertag in
the second floor arcads room. They want to move the softplay area outside, possibly near the gazebo,
but they are still reviewing that. '
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked ii he was going to continue to have birthday parties and space for them?
Fred Kenney: Responded yes.
Chairman Bristol: Stated they had a discussion that morning abnut Condition No. 2 on page 5 of the staff
report and asked if he had a walkway in-front of his building?
Fred Kenney: Responded yes there is a sidewalk in front of the building. When the project was initially
approved, they were in an industrial area and there was a waiver for sidewalks, but as they constructed
further, they put sidewalks in front.
Chairman Brisiol: Asked if he had sidewalk all along the building?
Fred Kenney: Responded yes.
Melanie Adams, Associate Civil EnginPer: Asked Mr. Kenney to describe the property that they own and
lease for clarification.
Fred Kenney: Stated ihere are two parcels; 6 acres where the miniature golf course and castle are
located. They also own property across the street on Carpenter Ave. and La Palma; two acres is paved
and two acres vacant with a strawberry field.
Melanie Adams: Asked if there were sidewalks on the Shepherd Street frontage?
Page 20
Fred Kenney: Responded the pavement on their property goes to the curb, and the vacant property has
no sidewalks. There is a pav~d walkway ali the way to their building from the bus stop. '
Commissioner Koos: Asked if they can not figure out the gazebo area, are they going to eliminate the
softplay area?
Fred Kenney: Responded the softplay area is modular. They can put the bulk of it in Northern California
and if they can they wili reserve some of it to put in the gazebo area. !t is hard to say if it is going to work
out due to the gazebo's irregular shape.
Commissioner Koos: Sfated he was surprised that staff feit so strongly about that item and asked if it was
because of the issue of aesthetics from the freeway?
Chery- Flores, Senior Planner: Responded yes. They felt it may not blend in as well as with the nice
landscaping and the outdoor golf area. They felt it would be better if it were contained witi~in the building.
Fred Kenney: Indfcated they are in agreement with that.
Melanie Adams: Stated given the new testimony that there is some paved surface of some kind all the
way to the building, Condition No. 2 can be deleted.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Approved revised plans (Revision No. 5) for Conditional Use Permit No.1215 with the
following changes to the conditions of approval:
Deleted Condition No. 2.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeai rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 6 minutes (2:54-3:00)
Page 21
OWNER: Levon and Meline Keorjikian, 202 W. Lincoln, #E, Orange,
CA 92865
AGENT: Ponderosa Property Management, 202 W. Lincoln, #E,
Orange, CA 92865
LOCATION: 3331-3339 East Oranaethorpe Avenue. Property is 1.21
acres located at the northwest corner or Orangethorpe
Avenue and Crowther Avenue.
To establish conformity with existing Zoning Code land use requirements
for an existing commercial retail center and an existing convenience market
with sales of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption and to
permit a church within the same commercial retail center with waiver of
minimum number of parking spaces.
Chairman Bristol: Asked the applicant if he was at the mornings session?
Scott Lively, Associate Pastor: Stated no.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: Stated, for the applicants information, it was discovered ~hat when this was
advertised staff thought there was a convenience market on this si±e with retail sales of beer and wine, but
in fact it is a liquor store with sales of alcoholic beverages. It is therefore necessary for staff to re-
advertise this request properly and continue it for two we~ks.
Scott Lively: They are mainly interesied in getting into the property and be able to use it as a church as
soon as possible. Since they are required to bring the whole property into compliance, they now have to
address all the issues of the other users of the property.
Chairman Bristol: Asked him if he owned the site and if the landlord was present7
Scott Lively: Responded no they do not own the property and the landlord was not present but he was
spe~king on behalf of the land owner.
Chairman Bristol: Explained to Mr. Lively that the Commission was not able to act on anything today, but
the applicant was welcome to give testimony anyway?
Scott Lively: Stated yes, it was their project to get the church in and the owner of the property has allowed
them to proceed forward trying to bring everything up to compliance. He stated the liquor store has been
there for about 15 years and has not created any significant problems in the community.
They are asking that Commission waive Condition No. 10 to allow the public phones to remain outside
instead of moving them into the building.
Commissioner Boydstun: Informed Mr. Lively that public telephones are usually required to be moved
inside because they tend to cause problems.
Page 22
Scott Lively: Stated he can understand the rational for that, but for this particular case, it has been
operating like this for a long time. Page 4, item 20 of the staff reports stated the Police Department
indicated that there were S service calis at this market over the course of a year. It is not considered
excessive for a commercial center along a major arteriai. He felt that since it has not been a problem that
this condition could be waived.
Commissioner Esping: Stated that particular item would be the responsibility of the liquor store.
Commissioner Boydstun: Stated yes but they would have to get them to do it.
Scoti Lively: Said that conceivably ihey are not going to be able to use the property until they get the
store up to compliance.
Chairman Bristol: Stated this condition does not typically get waived.
Scott Lively: Asked that Condition No. 16, regarding beer being sold in packages containing less than a 6-
pack be addressed?
Chairman Bristol: Stated that condition again it is typical.
Scott Lively: Stated he understood but was just trying to make his case. Condition No.19 regarding
hours of o~~eration were submitted with the original request and asked whether they can operated
according to those hours for the same reasons that they have asked for the other items?
Condition Nos. 21 and 28 - they have no problem with adding trees but would like to have it postponed
until sometime after they have moved in because they do not currently have very much money. They
would like to be able to add a tree or two a month until they are all planted. He thought perhaps 6 months
would be sufficient. They would probably have it done sooner but would like sufficient time to comply. He
also requested sufficient time to get the address numbers on the roof.
Condition No. 32, replacement of the pole sign, represents a considerable expense. 7h~s item may not be
within their responsibility but would like it to be able to stay as it is. They do not have the funds to change
it and this could jeopardized their whole project. They would !iRe to go in and use property for church
services. They have been working hard on property and landscaping tu get it to compliance.
Commissioner Esping: Asked him if the liquor store owner was willing to help them with these items?
Scott Lively: Stated he thought the liquor store owner is upposed to them because they are currently
"grandfathered". Simply beca~se the church is moving in, they are faced with having to make changes, so
they are not interested in helping the church achieve their goals.
Cheryl Flores: Explained the only way the church can be permitted is to establish conformity for the liquor
store and the commercial retail center and the conditions shown in the report are recommended.
Ghairman Bristol: Asked if land owner and liquor store owner were the same?
Scoft Lively: Responded no.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if Mr. Lively understood that it cannot be another conforming use that is in a
nonconforming usel
Scott Lively: Responded he understood but is just asking for flexibility in approaching this situation
considering the fact that this business has been in operation for 15 years at that site with these thinc~s in
existence. They want to upgrade the entire section of the neighb~orhood. They feel that they will be a
benefit and that it will overcome whatever disadvantages are presented by the liquor stors. They hope
that liquor store someday moves out and they can take over the whole ~ite.
Page 23
Commissioner Boslwick: Stated asked if the landowner is willing fo participate with church with any of
Scott Lively: Responded minima~ly. The landowner wants the church fn, but at thP same time he has a
pr~perty that is ~arginally profitabie and if church was to cause him excessive expense he would back
away from project.
Commissioner Bostwick: Asked if the owner saw the list?
Scott Lively: He only received it at the end of last week so he did not think that t,he owner has seen it
Commissioner Bostwick: Said that ~1r. Lively needs to show it to the owner over the next two weeks and
show him what the problems are there.
Cheryl Flores: Stated they need four weeks, until April 12 in order to get it advertised.
Chairmar. Bristol: Asked staff if there was a cliiropractor office on the other side of facility and was it a
permitted use.
Chery! Flores: Stated a doctors office would be a permitted use, provided it had the parking. The chart on
page 2 shows a 1,200 square feet of chiropractor office.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the sign .^.Iiange was a necessity, it is not a 30 foot high sign, it is 18
Cheryl Flores: Stated they were unable to locate any building permits for the sign. The reason for the
condition was to bring it intn c~mpliance with today's code. However, today's code for a shopping center
rather than an 8 foot high allows a 20 - 25 foot high sign.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if they could eliminate that condition to solve a lot of their problems and
the owner might go along with the other things if they could get rid of that?
Cheryl Flores: Responded yes.
Scott Lively; Stated they want to do everything they can to make the site look better.
Chairman Bristol: Stated that he should make sure that the ow;~er knows that they have alcohol on the
signs and the windows right now and it is not going to go.
Scott Lively: Asked if those items ara on the windows?
Chairman Eiristol: Stated it was in the report, no alcohol sales advertisement are to be displayed eutside.
Scott Lively: Asked if there was a possibility that the church could get a temporary use of facility prior to
next meeting.
Commissioner Bostwick: Stated they can not do that. Offered a motion for continuar:ce until April 12,
seconded by Commissioner Esping and motion was carried.
ACTION: Continued subject reyuest to the April 12, 1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order for this item to be properly advertised as an existing liquor store with sales of
alcoholic beverages not a convenience market with sales of alcoholic beverages.
Page 24
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 15 minutes (3:01-3:16)
Page 25
10b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 4014 (READVERTISED) Approved, as readvertised
OWNER: First Southern Baptist Church,1275 East Broadway,
Anaheim, CA 92805
LOCATION: 1275 East Broadway - Southern Bantist ChurchlCitv
Harvest Christian Academv. Property is 2.45 acres
located at the northeast corner of Broadway and Fahrion
To permit kindergarten through 12th grade classes in an existing
previously-approved private elementary school within a church facility
approved for kindergarten through 2nd grade.
To review and approve final landscape plans and an agreement with the
Anaheim City School District for use of the Lincoln Elementary School
• • • • • a
Chairman Bristol: He asked the applicant if he wanted to comment on the staff report?
ApplicanPs Statement:
Terry Freeman: Stated no, it is self explanatory. They are primarily requesting for their school to be
allowed to operate a maximum of 50 students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked what type of school this was, is it special education?
Terry Freeman: Stated it is just a private Christian School on the Abeka System that is one oF the two
main systems used in America.
Commissioner Bostwick: Stated that in their letter of operation it mentioned that their school body includes
children whose problems hinder their educational advancement and asked Mr. Freeman to elaborate on
Terry Freeman: He stated they are ~.villing to work with kids that parents a~e finding difficulty in the main
classroom Ir~ +he public schooi and opt to go with a private school. Some children who come out of certain
home environmants need more one on one attention and their school is willing to work with those
students. Their ratio is 8 students per teacher. They have 3 full-day, 2 part-time.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if the playground was on Lincoln?
Terry Freeman: Responded yes.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if they have to cross over the entrance to get there.
Page 26
Terry Freeman: Stated the property where the park is, is owned by the City and leased to the Anaheim
Public School System. Where the church property fence runs along the park itself and not the school, it is
probably really City property. They had to obtain a dual permit to put in the gate that goes from their
parking lot directiy into the park for the two 45-minute periods that they are going to use per day.
Currently peopie in the communify climb over an 8 foot fence to go into the park.
Chairman Bristol: Asked how the school was going to maintain less than 50 students?
Terry Freeman: Many schoois start small and gradually grow. In the future should the use grow to 100
then at that time they will return before Commission. Currently they only have 39 staff membe~s.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the school is accredited by the state? .
Terry Freeman: Responded that private schools are nat accredited by the State. The program they use is
approved by the University of California.
Commissioner Esping: Asked if the teachers are credentialed?
Terry Freeman: Responded thaf no all the teachers are credentialed, however the director of the school
has 21 years in the Public School system.
Chairman Bristol: Stated that a 12th grader and a kindergartner in the same playground bothers him.
Terry Freeman: The planning of a playground did not include high school students. There are only 5
students between 9 and 12th grade and they are on varying programs according to their needs. At this
stage they are not using the playground for them u^!zss they use the parking lot itself. During the week
only 6 or 7 spaces out of 140 are used by cars in the parking lot and they are all in the first row against the
bui~ding. A number of activities that the high school students involve themselves in do not require a
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if they were going to go through their gate across Lincoln School into the
Terry Freeman: Stated no, there is a fence that divides the back of the park from the school building that
is quite close. They do not have to enter the grounds of the school to go into the park. He can go into the
school then go through their area to the park. Where the last building of Lincoln School is towards the
park, there is an open area of 30 feet of fenced area that is park on one side and their parking lot on the
other side.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if it was on the school property and not on the park property?
Terry Freeman: Responded it is on the park property.
Commissioner Boydstun: They are located between the school and the Pancake House restaurant.
Paul Bostwick: It is actually connected behind the Pancake House which is City property where they are
actually guing to play and in the end there are two agreements, one with the City and one with the school.
Commissioner Esping: Asked what are some of the needs that would precipitate a parent wanting their
children to go to this school?
Terry Freeman: Stated 80% are there because it is a small Chr~~tian school. The other 20% have not
done well at all in any p~blic or private school. The success of the school is attributed to the fact that they
are able to work at whatever curriculum level the student is functioning at.
Comn~issioner Koos: Asked if the stipulation should be included regarding the grade changes?
Page 27
Cheryl Flores: If the Commfssfon takes an action today, whatever grades they permit wiil be reflected fn
the resolution.
ACTION: Determined ihat the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved modification to Conditional Use Permit No. 4014 permitting kindergarten
through 12th grade classes with a maximum of fifty (50) students. Modified
Resolution No. PC98-83 as follows:
Amended Condition No. 3 to read as follows:
That the petitioner shall submit one of the following to the Zoning Division prior
to commencement of the 1999 Fall school semester:
(a) A written agreement with the Anaheim City School District granting
permission to utilize the playground at Lincoln Elementary School for
the 1999-2000 school year and any subsequent years, to the Zoning
Division of the Planning Department prior to commencement of the Fall
school semester. Said agreement shall indicate the times, iocation and
any pertinent restrictions imposed upon the private school; or
(b) The petitioner shall adequately enclose a portion of the southwest
corner of the property to ensure a safe playground area for the school
children. Plans for the playground area, including materials used for
enc~osing the playground area and any playground equipment, shade
coverings, etc., shall be submitted to the Zoning Division of the
Planning Department for review and approval of the Planning
Commission as a Reports and Recommendations item. Once
approved, the playground area shall be developed and maintained in
accordance with the plans.
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Williams absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby (a) approve the Final Landscape Plan with the
amendment that the existing 3 to 5-foot wide landscape planters adjacent to Fahrion
Place shall be expanded to incorporate the adjacent asphalt areas that will not be
used for parking spaces (as shown on the original site plan), and (2) approve the
Facilities Use Agreement between City H2rvest Christian Academy and the Anaheim
City School District for use of the Lincoln Elementary School playground.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 15 minutes (3:17-3:32)
Page 28
11b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4107 Granteu for 5 years
OWN~R: Euclid Shopping Center, 2293 West Ball Road, Anaheim, ('~'o expire 3-15-2004)
CA 92804
AGENT: Mr. John Hawkings,1900 South Palm Canyon Dr., #5-36,
Palm Springs, CA 92264
Klaus Barre',17911 Sky Park Circie, Suite C, Irvine, CA
LOCATION: 1618 West Katella Avenue - Euclid Shopnina Center
Property is 18.6 acres located at the southeast corner of
Katella Avenue and Euclid Street.
To construct a walk-up and drive-through fast food restaurant with outdoor
seating within an existing commerciai retail center.
• • • • • •
ApplicanYs Statement:
Klaus Barre', Keller-Barre' Architects, representing Casablanca Express: Stated he has read the staff
report and was in agreement with the conditions of approval.
Commissioner Boydstun: Asked if the wooden fence around the outside eating area would it be painted7
Klaus Barre': Responded yes.
Chairman Bristol: Asked if this is a brand new concept or a chain?
Klaus Barre': Responded it is a new concept. They hope that will be successful and perhaps develop
ultimately into a chain.
Chairman Bristol: Asked what kind of food would be served besides a cappuccino?
Klaus Barre': Cappuccino and beverages are the main items. The food that would be offere~ would be
very limited, pre-cooked anci assembled and packaged off-site.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 4107 for 5 years (to expire March 15, 2004) with
the following changes to conditions:
Modified Condition No. 25 to read as follows:
25. That the outdoor seating area shall be limited to four tables and eight seats and
Page 29
that the wood fence around the outdoor seating area shail be painted.
VQTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant Ciry Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 2 minutes (3:33-3:35)
Page 30
OWNER: Hanford Hotels, LLC, Attn: Peter Trapolino, 4 Corporate
Plaza, Suite 102, Newport Beach, CA 92660
AGENT: CRHO Mark Spat 2,195 South "C" Street #200, Tustin, CA
LOCATION: 201 North Via Cortez - Hanford Hotel. Property is 2.81
acres located on the west side of Vfa Cortez, 930 feet north
of the centerline of Santa Ana Canyon Road.
To amend or delete conditions of approval to re-design an existing parking
lot layout with reciprocal access and parking with the adjacent commercial
retail center.
Approved amendment
to conditions of
e • • s • •
Applicant's Skatement:
Peter Trapolino, Hanford Hotels: Stated he had read the staff report and was in agreement with the
recommendations. Although he asked for a clarification on Condition No. 38. This property was an old
Albertson's Supermarket and now is an L.A. Fitness. They are in the process of adding a lot of
landscaping and putting in parking stalls where there used to be truck docks. The back of that shopping
center with the LA Fitness has been approved and they are doing some major face-lifting on the back. He
wanted to ensure that this condiiion did not go any further than what is going on there now.
Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner: The Zoning Division staff has talked with the owner of the adjacent
property. It is their understanding that the plans in progress are to paint the back of the building and to
provide some additional landscaping in the planters. That would suffice t~~ meet the intent of this
condition. The condition states that the that the developer will work with ;he adjacent property owner and
that is what is already being done.
Chairman Bristol: Asked about the removal of 40 trees?
Peter Trapolino: The bulk is a row of ficus that is cut into a hedge. In the shopping center there is a long
driveway and with a small 5-foot planter, followed by a driveway. Basically, they are going to combine this
into one driveway and add some landscaping in other areas to replace the landscape removed. 'fhe bulk
of the trees are the ficus type hedge, however they will be replacing all the trees.
Chairman Bristol: He understood they are going to level the sight and they are not going to have a higher
elevation, going down to the next site.
Cheryl Flores: The plans do show that the code required trees will be provided. However, stafF requests
that the applicant plant additional trees due to the amount of trees that are lost. Staff would appreciate
that that the landscaping be maintained as much as possible as is lhere now.
Peter Trapolino: Responded they would be happy to work with staff.
Page 31
ACTION: Determined that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subJect request.
Approved revised plans, Exhibit Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10 for Conditional Use Permit No.
2750 to ailow a parking lot redesign with reciprocal access and parking. Modified
Resolution No. PC86-31 as amended by Resolution Nos. PC86-63, PC86-118,
PC87-168 and PC98-186 by adding the following new conditions:
31. That a minimum of ten {10), minimum 24-inch box in size trees shall be pianted
in accordance with approved Exhibit No. 7~aid information shall be specifically
shown on plans submitted for Zoning Division approval.
32. That a landscape and irrigation plan for the redesigned parking lot area shali be
submitted to the Planning Department for Zoning and Building Oivisions' review
and approval. Any decision made by the Zoning and Bui~ding Divisions
regarding said plan may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
33. That the existing on-site mature trees adjacent to Riverside (SR-91) Freeway
on-ramp shall be maintained. That any existing tree or any new tree planted
on-site shall be replaced in a timely manner with one minimum 24-inch box size
tree in the event that it is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead.
34. That a public utilities easement, to be determined as design is comp~eted, shall
be submitted to the City of Anaheim.
35. Thaf any required relocation of City electrical facilities shall be at the expense of
the developer.
36. That sewer and storm drain improvements serving the development shall be
privately maintained.
37. That trash storage areas shall be refurbished to the satisfaction of the Public
Works Department, Streets and Sanitatio~ Division to comply with approved
plans on file with said Department.
38. That the developer shall work with the adjacent property owner to improve the
rear elevations of the commercial center (facing the hotel) to improve the
appearance of the buildings which will become more visible due to the
integrated parking lot design. Improvements may include but are not limited to
additional landscaping adjacent to the buildings or a complementary paint
scheme to unify the commercial center and the hotel. Said improvements shall
be shown Qn plans submitted for the review and approval of the Zoning
Division. Any decision made by the Zoning Division regarding said plans may
be appealed to the Planning Commission.
39. That the parking lot layout and reciprocal access shall be developed
substantially in accordance with pians and specEfications submitted to the City
of Anaheim by the petitioner and whicl7 plans are on file with the Planning
Department marked Exhibit Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 and as conditioned herein.
40. That prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this resolution, or
within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs
first, Condition Nos. 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38 and 39, above mentioned, shall be
complied with. Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be
granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
Page 32
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attomey, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 5 minutes (3:35-3:40)
Page 33
OWNER: Grimmway Oevelopment, Limited, 760 North Euclid Street,
#2C7, Anaheim, CA 92801
AGENT: Grimmway Management Company, Attn: Jeff Meger, 760
North Euclid St., #207, Anaheim, CA 92801
LOCATION: 760 North Euclid Street. Suites 211-213 -The Church of
the Rose. Property is 1.59 acres located on the east side of
Euclid Street, 380 feet south of the centerline of Catalpa Drive.
To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time
limitation (approved on January 22, 1997, to expire on January 22, 1999) to
retain a church in an office building.
Approved reinstatement
(To expire 1-22-04)
• • a • • •
ApplicanYs Statement:
Joel Hipps, 760 North Euclid Street, Suite 212, Anaheim: Stated he read the staff report and was in
agreement with the recommendations.
ACTION: Determined that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 3900 to expire on January 22,
2004. Modified Resolution No. PC57-6 as follows:
Amended Condition No. 5 to resd as follows:
5. That this Conditional Use Permit shall expire on January 22, 2004.
Added the following condition:
11. That the owner of subject property shall submit a letter requesting termination
of Variance No.1716 (to waive the maximum area of a free-standing sign and
maximum sign height) to the Zoning Division.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Williams absent)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 4 minutes (3:41-3:45)
Page 34
MONDAY, MARCH 29,1999 AT 10:30 A.M. FOF?
Submitted by:
~~a.sL ~-~-.,'-tis~s~
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
~~- g~~ ^`,~`'
Simonne Fannin
Senior Office Specialist
Danielle Masciel
Word Processing Operator
Page 35