STAFF PRESENT: Mac Slaughter
Joel Fick
Annika Santalahti
Greg Hastings
Greg McCafferty
Kim Taylor
Don Yourstone
Alfred Yalda
Melanie Adams
Margarita Solorio
Ossie Edmundson
Deputy City Attorney
Planning Director
Zoning Administrator
Zoning Division Manager
Senior Planner
Associate Planner
Senior Code Enforcement Officer
Principai Transportation Planner
Associate Civil Engineer
Planning Commission Secretary
Senior Secretary
City of Anaheim Pianning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 1
Oath or Atfirmation of Allegfanca: was swom in by
New Pianning Commissioners - Tony Amold Sheryll Schroeder,
City Clerk
~ Presentation from Lila Jagears, Chairperson of the Citron/Haster Neighborhood Request withdrawn
requesting support for the Council's CDBG priority projects for FY 2000/2001.
(10-minute presentation)
ARCHITECI'URAL PLANS FOR GdTCHA GLACIER: Gotcha Glacier, modifications
Attn: Bradford Kinney, 33159-D Camino Capistrano, San Juan
Capistrano, CA 92675, requests review of modified architectural plans
showing refinements to the exterior building design of Gotcha Glacier
(Sportstown Anaheim) on property located at 2250 East Katella Avenue.
.4CTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bostw~ck and MOTION CARRlED, that the Anaheim City F~lanning Commission
does hereby determine ihat ttie previously-certified EIR 320 is adequa!e to serve
as the required environmental documentation for this request.
Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Comm~ssion does hereby
receive and file the final exterior building plans (Final Plan Exhibit No.1) bassd on
the findings that the plans are refinements of Exhibit No. 2, dated April 1, 1999
and labeled Gotcha Glacier, previously reviewed by the Planning Commission and
approved by the City Council; that the olans conform with the maximum land use
and develnpment intensities established by ADP 120; that the plans comply with
the "Amended and Restated Lease Agreement b~~ and between The California
Angels L.P. and City of Anaheim, Dated as of May 15th,1996"; and that
development will comply with all applicable mitigation measures incorporated into
Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 092 and identified in EIR 320; and that the
F'lanning Commission also recommends the following:
(1) That the number of graphic panels shall be limited to ~ne graphic depiction
per major activity or tenant within the building, not to exceed 15 panels; and
(2) That the Gotcha Glacier sign shall be lowered below the roof level and any
sign proposed above the roof level shall be brought back to the Planning
Commission for review as a"Reports and Recommendations" item.
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Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, stated this item is a request to review refinements to the
previously-approved exterior building plans for Gotcha Glacier.
Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, stated the applicant has been working with City staff for
a number of months regarding the proposed development of Sportstown Anaheim including the
Gotcha Glacier, which is the proposal before Commission. The background of the project under
Area Development Plan No.120 and EIR No. 320 is addressed in the staff report. The plan
before Commission is for the exterior building design of the Gotcha Glacier building including the
sign elements, which are shown on the building elevations and on the model on the tabie.
ApplicanPs Statement:
Brian Myers, Spectrum Group,1 Technology Drive, Irvine, CA, stated he'., representing Glacier
Sports and also present in the audience is Brad Kinney, CEO of Glacier Sports; Andy Feola,
from F~A Architects; and Jeff McGuire from F&A Architects. They were before Commission last
April with various schematic conceptual drawings. The plan has gone through a substantial
revision. They have gone through a substantial amount of detail engineering and designing the
building. They are excited about khis complex; it is a one of a kind bui~ding.
The team that they have assembled to implement this project is very impressive. They are prouc
to be able to announce that they have on their team Kajima Urban_ which is one of the largest
developers in the world. They developed the ski dome in Tokyo and have developed several
unique projects across the world. They are the developer in charge of this project and are also
going to be responsible for guaranteeing not only the fmplementation and schedule of the project
but also guaranteeing the price and cost of the building.
Turner Construction is part of their team. They are the contractor in charge of construction.
Turner also built The Pond (Anaheim Arena) and has been involved in the remodeling of the
Edison Field (Anaheim Stadium) and has done several other major projects in Orange County.
They also have Enron Engineering on their team, which is the energy partner. Enron has
invested a substantial amount of money on thi~ project and is guaranteeing the facilities'
mechanical, electrical and plumbing features, which is not only important technically but they are
guaranteeing the snow making process of the building.
They also have on their team for the management of the ski mount, Mammoth Mountain
En[erprises, which is going to be operating the sk? slope.
Ogden Entertainment is going to mar.age the facility and brings a wealth of information not only
nationally but also locally as they manage ?he Pond and are involved in ttie Edison Field and
other facilities in the City.
The building itself is approximately 520,000 square feet. The parking lot is approximately 16
acres that includes approximately 1,270 parking spaces.
They are excited about this project as a new destination in Anaheim. They feel it is a
tremendous complement not just ko the Anaheim Resort but also to the Edison Field and to The
Ciry of Anaheim Planning Commission
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Pond. They feel it is going to be a fabulous entrance into the Stadium Area and also another
exciting destination in the City of Maheim.
Andrew Feola, Project Architect and President of F&A Architects,l':6 East Broadway, ~lendale,
CA, stated thfs is a first of its kind in the world. He gave a slide presentation of the entire project
floor by floor and "walked" through the entire project describing the areas. He also gave an
explanation of the signage and a quick tour of the interiors of the prcject structure.
The primary entrance to the project is off Katella. There will be some exterior retail pods
attached to the building. The buitding has no back to it but rather there are 4 fronts, creating ar.
interesting fagade from all angles. The exterior material is primarily a brushed metallic that is a
part of the insulating system far the entire building, The basic color palette is very simple. They
are going to ailow the tenants flraphics and the building itself will be the primary component of
the color system of the building. (He presented a board with samples of fhe glass, mefa!
framing, and some of ihe other components of the exterior of the project]
Brad Kinney, Chairman and CEO of Gotcha Glacier, 33159 Camino Capistrano, Suite D, San
Juan Capistrano, CA, 92075, stated after working on this project for 6%s years they are looking
forward in breaking ground and getting this project started. They have put much time and energy
into this project to deliver a product that is affordable and that is an exciting project that
complements the Anaheim Res~rt and the whole area. Within the faciiity they combined 11
sports which include snowboarding; skiing; su~ng and body boarding on real waves; the best
manmade snowmaking system ever through Engron Energy; skateboarding and in their skate
park area they will be allowing inline skal;ng and BMX freestyle riding. They have ice skating on
an NHL sized hockey rink; an indoor rock ~;limbing wall which wili be the nation's largest rock
climbing surface, at 18,000 square feet; ir~door skydiving wind tunnel; and a 27,000 square foot
fitness center open 24 hours. Everything that they are doing with this building has been done
before, but they will be the first in the United Stated with an indoor snow facility. Their wave
maker/licensee has over 20 stationary waves operating in the United States. This will
compliment the Vans Skate Pa; k(at the Block) rather than competing with them.
The passes will be sold in 2'/: -hour sessions per sport and the plan is not to charge a fee to walk
into the facility, unless they have a loitering problem.
The combined spo~ts and recreation along with retail and good restaurants in this facility is
where an entire family can come. They will provide good security and a very clean environment
run by Ogden who does an outstanding job at the Edison Fie;d and The Pond. The facility is for
all levels from amateur to professional and they have been signed off by all the governing bod~es
and letters of commitment from world cup associations indicating that they plan to bring thair
world cup tours through their facility.
Mr. Feola gave a further explanation of the interior and exterior of the facility through a
continuation of "PouverPoint" slides.
Brian Myers stated they pian to move on to the City Council in November and progress with their
financing by the end of the year and break ground in January 2000. They plan to be open in the
spring of 2001.
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Questions from the Commission:
Commissioner Koos asked if there would be any outside seating at the facility, perhaps some
public art, etc., to bring the building down to a human scale given the size of the building,
Mr. Feola responded they have three ~ntrances to the facility. ~Jn the southerly entrance they
designed a hardscape, the amenities, !he landscaping around thc~ entrances so pa~ticipants are
not overwhelmed by the size of the building. As they approach the faciliry there are one-story
retail buildings and on entering the major courtyard prior to entering the building itself there will
be seating and elements to accommodate the customers. The northerly entrance is similar in
that they are plenning landscape components, the amenities wiiich he mentioned, as well a
prelude to the entry ;o the facility. The primar,r entrance on the east sicie will have an array of
landscaping and benches acting as a drop off area. Part of their plan is to link to the train station
so they created a pedestrian path that extends from the train station and around their project.
Brian Myers added that they also have a pub~ic art program as part of their lease, which they do
not have before Commission but they can return with any art components which staff has to
approve before they can proceed.
Commissioner Boatwick asked if the signage portion is before Commission or is that going to
come back later.
Annika 3antalahti, Zoning Administrator, responded the signage program to the extent of what is
attached to the building is before Commission, however, any on-site monument signs, etc., will
be returning to Commission at some later date.
Commissioner Bristol asked if the signage has changed considErably since Commission first
saw the elevations.
Brian Myers responded the previous rendering they saw was very loose ir scale and he thought
it ~~ as the initiai rendering which did not have much scale to it. The revision has much more
detail to it and there has been a lot of discussion at staff level of exactly what was appropriate for
tlie buildiny. Their vision for the signage of the building is that the signage is oart af the
architecture and they felt it was very important to the scale of the building and to 5reak the
massing of this building.
Commissioner Bostwick asked what the sizes of the signs wera.
Mr. Feola indica!ed the graphic images vary from approximately 40 to 50 feet b;l 100 feet in
some ceses or visa versa.
Commissioner Koos asked if they will be limiting the tenants on the sign to sports tenants as
opposed to corporate sponsorship (such as Coca-Cola) or is it going to be yport related images.
Brian Myers responded yes, they are all sports related images. The tenants will have logos that
will be part of the image that takes place, which was the concept. They pfan not having any
lettering, it will be logos that will be attached as part of the activity that is taking place on the
exhibit itself. They will have tenant space within the building and thsre will be a logo attached
and embedded into the graphic; they will be all sports related gr2phic.s. The intent was t~ try to
show the activities that are going to take piace in the building itself.
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Summary Action Agenda
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Commissioner Koos indicated when Mr. Myers states "sports related graphics" would that be, for
example, a shoe company showing a runner.
Brian Myers responded there would be graphics related t`~ the activities inside the building. For
example, there will be a snowboarder and they might have a graphic of a snowboard related
company on the snowboard itself but they would actually have to have space in the building as a
leased tenant.
Commissioner Bostwick stated if, for example, Nike is going to havo space in the building then
are they going to have a panel outside with a shoe on.a climber.
Brian Myers answered yes, if that was the specific question then yes that could be a possibility.
Commissioner Koos asked if, for example, could Pepsi show someone on top of a rock drinking
a Pepsi.
Brian Myers responded they have to have lease space on the building and actua~ly be selling
something in the building.
Commissioner Bristol asked in a normal sized building would this signage be allowed.
Annika Santalahti responded this is in the Public Recreation Zone, which specifically addresses
signage. They are reviewing a Code Amendment where signage approved in the Public
Recreation Zone by the City Council in connection with plans would be the permitted signage.
Commissioner Bristol asked whether this would set a precedent for other buildings.
Joel Fick, Planning Director, stated it was mentioned that these are not signs per se. They are
more graphic elements that help break up the size and mass of the building and depict activities
that are happening inside the building, which is a better characterization than what is seen on the
Cemmissioner Bostwick recommendec; that the name "Gotcha Glacie~' be placed under the lip of
the building roof and backlit, instead of adding to the heiyht of the building since it is currently
175 feet high.
Mr. Feola said they have reviewed all of the possibilities and the one that they felt worked best
for this building and the composition of the building is as they presented it. They can certainly
look at Commissioner Bostwick's suggestion if that is a condition of approval.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated he realized there is an effort to break up the building. The
model is essentially a white building but there appear to be different colors on the elevations.
The pictures are in contrast to a white building but the applicant is actually referring to a multi-
color building with graphics. It seems as though they need to increase the intensity of the
graphics to contrast with the architecture. He wondered if that was the dilemma that they were
facing with the graphics.
PAr. Feola responded it is an organized exterior. The materials and colors that they selectec! are
basically soft pastels and they have stayed away from the color white. The model is a massing
model but the actual building is not actually white and they do have contrast in the facade,
contrast at tha people Ievel and basically a soft tone approach to the entire building. The
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
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graphics wili be colorful. They feel that there is a complimentary balance between the graphics
and how they are applied to the structure, they are not just stuck on but part of the architecture.
Thc-y believe with the control that they wilt have over the graphics that the result wiil be a very
balanced approach to the architecture, which is the overall architecture of the building itself.
Commissioner Vanderbilt indicated the Stadium has two to three tones. There is also thb
Tinseltown facility with a similar type of signage in a scale relative to the building. He asked ifi
there were those considerations as well.
Mr. Feola responded they have taken ail of those into consideration in the pianning and design of
this building. They understand what the color program is for the Stadium; Tinseltown is also in a
aastel, light beige approach. Knowing that the structure is so large they want to be a good
neighbor architecturally. They have spent many hours sel2cting colors that are going to place
this facility as a good neighbor architecturaliy with the other buildings in the area. (He reierred to
the color board before Commission. j
Commissioner Arnold asked what is going to be the impact on the parking and traffic flow to the
Amtrak Station and how it is going to work.
Brian Myers responded that has been a hotly discussed topic. They have spent much time with
staff going over the parking requirements for Amtrak which are included in their parking models
and will be physically on-site. He explained in relation to the Amtrak Stetion there is an
"envelope" of parking in close proximity that are shown for Glacier but they have a shared use
program since they are just leasing those parking spaces from the City, as a parking leasing
agreement in a common area. There will be adjacent parking to those parking spaces that are for
the Amtrak Station. It is basically on a first come first serve basis. Amtrak patrons ir the
morning will have a free range mast days to park closest to the Station ard there wili really not
be an impact at all. They have to reserve those parking spaces for Amtrak patrons close to the
Commissioner Bostwick stated he had a problem with all the sign boar~s. When the colors and
textures get a different look then the signs are not important to breaking up the mass of the
building. The wings on the ends and middle of the building are fine but the others are really huge
sign boards that he would not like to see there.
Commissioner Bristol stated he brought this subject up because he was concerned with the
precedent that it could possibly set but on the other hand this is a huge building. These are the:
experts and the City staff seems to have gone along with this.
Commissioner Bostwick stated he would prefer tham to build it v~ith less signs and then, i1
needed, return to Commission at a later date. Ha would like to see it built without them to start
with because once they are installed you are not going to get them down.
Commissioner Vanderbilt wondered about the orien!ation from the seats of the Stadium looking
out, would those people sitting in the seats actually aee Gotcha Glacier7
Commissioner Bostwick stated all the right fieid line should be able to see it.
Brian Myers stated there are actually two issues that govern the sight lines into the Stadium.
One is that on the larger plan and in the exhibits (given to Commission] there is a line in the
Stadium lease with the Angels related to a"no build zone" to the east of that line, no buildings
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 7
are allowed because buildings would obstruct views out from the Stadium looking at the hills and
the horizon beyond. That is one issue in particular that they addressed.. Their building is set
back quite a ways from that line.
Secondiy, in looking at the sight lines on which they have not done specific studies, the Stadium
is approximately 110 feet tall at the point he was discussing. There is a 30-foot bench from
another point where the concessions are in the ou~eld and if someone was standing on the
outer edge of that concourse then they would be able to see the Gotcha Glacier building. It is
not somEthing that most patrons from the Stadium would be able to see from their seats. They
have been carefui about the placement of this building. in fact, that was one of the original
discussions that they had as to where the building should be located. They felt that they have
addressed that and that they would not be obstructing views out of the Stadium.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated having the amount of signage on the south side facing the
parking lot, but not such that it would be in the view of Stadium participants, creates an
excitement about the whole area. People who are attending the ballgames all ready have a
sports orientation. However on the north side facing the freeway, on Katella, he agreed with
Commissioner Bostwick's opinion in terms of excess of signage. The signage on the east side is
essential~y by itself and is on a side of the building that would be more benign than the north or
south sides.
Commissioner Bristol asked staff to comment on the icons. Asked if it is really needed to break
up the size of the building.
Joel Fick, Planning Director, responded he felt the applicant could best address what their
overall needs are in terms of the individual tenants within the building. He painted out the
number of uses inside a building of this size relates to the number of signs, He emphasized that
staff's concern has been the same as expressed by the Commission; their concern has
continualiy been that fhese be graphic elements and not signs and that logos, etc. within those
graphic elements ciearly be a secondary part of the overall graphic image. That has been the
context under which the applicant has been working. He felt the applicant could best address
the overall number.
Brian Myers added they feel very strongly that the building needs to relate to the activities that
are taking place inside tre building. They found no better w2y to express that than by creating
these activity exhibits on the exterior of the building. From the beginning when they presented
the building they have always included some type of activity exhibits on the exterior. This is the
first time they are seeing the detail of that so they understand the comments. They are of the
understanding that they have to submit back to the City the contents of the signs before those
are actually implemented on the site and there needs to be approval of those. At this time the
activity exhibits are in the conceptual phase. They need to reflect the activities inside the
buildi~g. In order for them to gain destination quality to this building and to the site rather than
just being a high rise building, they need to be able to reflect those activities for the purpose that
Commissioner Vanderbilt mentioned. This would not only be for people visiting the Stadium
inside at their seats but also experiencing all the exterior of this building.
They felt that in order to gain deatination quality for this building ihey needed it to be larger than
life. They need the activities to be expressed on the exterior of 1he building so people could
understand what is taking place inside. This is a very unique building, and they feel this is not
setting precedent for that exar,t purpose.
City of Anaheim Pianning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
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During ti~e action:
Commissioner Bristol asked Annika Santalafiti to verify whether the context of the signs would
return as an R&R item for Commission to review.
Annika Santalahti responded that could be done if Commission wishes to have the exact detaii.
Commissioner Bostwick suggested the name "Gotcha Glacie~' be placed under the lip and that
the sign boards be limited to 8.
Chairperson eoydstun felt that for the size of the building they need those sign boards but she
would like to see the name Gotcha Glacier lower so it is not standing on top by itself. .
Commissioner Bostwick explained he had suggested 8 because he wanted the number to reflect
the number of activities in the building which he thought were 8.
Commissioner Koos felt Commissioner Bostwick's eariier suggestion of saying no now and
saying yes later would be more prudent.
Annika Santaiahti indicated that Commission could make a recommendation to City Council.
City Council is the one who will give final approval of the buiiding. Commissfon's views will be
given to them as part of their motion, that the number of panels be reduced to 10 from 15.
Chairperson Boydstun asked Mr. Myers how many activities they had.
Brian Myers responded they ha~~e 11 activities that they outlined.
Chairperson Boydstun felt Commission should recommend 11.
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked abaut the Gotcha Glacier lettering on top of the building. He
was not sure whether what they were suggesting wouid work because there is no sense of the
scale. He asked whether Commission's action could include a stipulation that the lettering be re-
examined at a later date because he did not feel comfortable having the applicant do that and
not knowing whether it is going to change the nature of it dramatically.
Commissioner Bostwick felt it would not change it dramatically to move the lettering underneath
the lip of r,tie building. Thuse letters are 10-foot letters on top of the 174 makes 184 feet.
Commissioner Vanderbilt explained he would not be comfortable agreeing with Commissioner
Bostwick putting it under the lip without having more information. He was concerned about
making that stipulation now without having enough information.
Commissioner Koos stated the letters are gcing to be lit which means they will be seen under the
Commissioner Bostwick agreed the lettering is going to be very visible in either direction for
miles. He still felt the lettering should be under the lip and to limit the signage to the number of
Joei Fick, Planning Direclor came back to the question that was posed earlier at,out how it could
be structured. If the majoriry of Commission believes that it should be lowered then they could
Cir~ of Anaheim Planning Cummission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 9
Commissioner Amold stated he would rather see an artists rendition of what it looked like below
the lip before Commission decides.
Commissfoner Bristol offered a mot(on for 11 panels and "Gotcha Glacier" lettering to go
underneath the lip of the roof. If the applicant wants to place it abave it then they would need to
return to Commission as an R&R.
Commissioner Koos suggested limlting the panels to 1 graphic depiction per use within the
building, which gives some flexibility.
Chairperson Boydstun felt that they should state a maximum amount.
Commissioner Bristol stzted ifi they have a sign up there and it has a trademark, patent,
copyright, etc.; and asked if it was safe to assume that there is nothing that is going to be outside
there that is going to have a trademark, patient or copyright on it.
Brian Myers responded, unfortunately, he could not address that because they do not have all of
their tenants confirmed with signed leases yet.
Ciry of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Actfon Agenda
'i 0-25-99
Page 90
ANAHEIM GENERAL ~LAN: County of Orange, Public Facilities & in conformanca
Resources Department, Attn: John D. Pavlik, Chief of PFRD Right-of- with the Anaheim
Way Processing, 300 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana, CA 92702, requests General Plan
a determir.ation of conformance with the Anaheim General Plan for the
proposed acquisition of an easement. Property is located at 616 North
Brookhurst Street.
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Vanderbilt and MOTION CARRIED, that the Maheim City
Planning Commission does hereby find that tha Orange Couniy Flood Control
Districi's proposal to acquire an easement for the purpose of providing
maintenance to the Carbon Creek Channel up-stream of Brookhurst Street is in
conformance with the Anaheim General Plan.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, stated this item is a request for General Plan Conformance for
a property located for 616 No~th Brookhurst Street.
Chairperson Boydstun stated this is an easement through the project that was approved on
Brookhurst and asked how this would affect their plans (buildings) putting the easement through
there when there is access on both ends or thraugh the City property to the south.
Commissioner Bostwick asked if this goes straight through the driveway.
Kim Taylor, Associate Planner, responded she thought it did not. It is no longer City property;
the property was recently sold to the Yassini Living Trust and it is an access that is already there
that the County has been using. Since the property changed hands the County is requesting for
Commission to determine conformance with this.
Chairperson Boydsiun asked Mr. Hastings iF this would affect their buildings in any way.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager stated this is a driveway between the service station,
car wash and the shops. It is the driveway and/or the parking lot. If Commission would like to
trail this item staff can take a look at the CUP plans.
Chairperson l3uydstun was concemed that she did not want to see their plans thrown off when
there are many ways to get into that prop2rty. If it is through the driveway and public access
then that is fine.
Chairperson Boydstun announced that this item would be traiied.
(Commission then returned to this item following ltem No. 9-C.)
Greg Hastings informed Commission that the project that was approved under the Conditionai
Use Permit No. 4128 recently does take this under consideration and therefore there is no
building on top of the easement.
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Summary Action Agenda
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FINAL PLANS: Robert Flaxman, Crown Realty and Development Corp., Approved final
20101 SW Birch Street, Suite 260, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1770, requests Nlans
review and approvai of final plans for construction of a full service restaurant
with sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, including an
outdoor dining area within a planned mixed-use commercial center (Stadium
Crossings), on property located at 2005 East Katella Avenue.
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick of~ered a mc~tion, seconded by Commissioner
Koos and MOTION CARRIED, that the; Anaheim City Planning Commissi;:n does
hereby determine that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to
serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Koos and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
approved the final plans for Denny's restaurant (identified as Final Plan Exhibit Nos.
1 through 5 on file with the Planning Department, provided that the columns
sup~orting the patio trellis may be wood instead of plaster-coated rolumns painted to
match the salmon-colored building walls) based on the finding that said plans are
compatible with the other buildings in Stadium Crossings, and subject to the follnwing
(1) That prior to issuance of a building permit for the restaurant, the petitioner shall
submit specific landscaping details for the patio area (i.e., species and size of
vine(s) for the trellis; species and size of two (2) trees and the other plants in
the three (3) pre-cast planters; and species, size and location of the plants on
the landscaped earthen berm outside the forty four inch (44") high block wall
enclosing the patio) to the Planning Department for review and approval to
show that said landscaoing will be compatible with existing landscaping in the
front setbacks along Katella Avenue and State College Boulevard and with the
Plant Palette approved in connection witn the Anaheim Stadium Area Master
Land Use Plan.
(2) That prior to issuance of any sign permit or instailation of any signs for this
restaurant, whichever occurs first, the petitioner shail submit to the Planning
Department revisions to the Stadium Crossings Sign Program (a booklet
identified as Exhibit No. 22) approved in connection with Conditional Use
Permit No. 3957, to show that the restaurant on Pad E{Denny's restaurant) will
be a"pad tenanY' (instead of a"shop tenanP'} and, therefore, entitied to wall
signs described as "Pad Tenant I.D. Sign (Type #8)"; and that this restaurant
wili not be identifiad on the "Multi-Tenant Monument Sign (Type #2)" on State
College Boulevard.
Annika Santaiahti, Zoning Administrator statec+ this item is the Denny's Restaurant which is part
of the Stadium Crossings Development. The Denny's was approved under Conditional Use
City bfi Anai~eim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 12
Permit No. 4141 by the City Council; however, they were not sa8sfied with the o~iginal design
scheme which was the Denny's Classic Diner look. The new proposal is shown on the exhibit on
the wall, which staff concurs with, except ss shown on page 4 of the staff report. There were two
areas that staff wanted to see more information an, but which are not crltical to this level. One is
that the wante
d the details of the landsca in fo
y p g r the interior of the atio as well as t
p he berm
that will be installed around the exterior of the atio ar
p ea. The other Is the sign program that ~the
a licant is ro s'
pp p po ing that shows 4 wall signs, one on each of the walls of the buildin . The
origina( submittai that came for Stadium Crossings anticipated this was going to be a multi-tenant -
building and that some of the tenants would have rights to signage on a monument sign. That
means that they wouid need to replace some exhibits in the approved sign plan so it reflects
accurately that this is a single tenant pad building rather thdn a multi-tanant buiiding.
The applicant has seen the staff report but was not present at the public hearing. She spoka
with them earlier in the day and they had no problems with the staff report recommendations.
The only comment fram the applicant was that Ms. Santalahti had misunderstood that the
supports of the wooden trellis in the patio were to be stucco but the applicant indicated that the
columns are to be wooden. The applicant also wanted to clarify the pedestrian walkway where
an issue was brought up earlier. There is a pedestrian waikway shown parallel to the east face
of the building coming .to Katella Avenue and that waikway will interfere with the berm and the
applicant wanted that to be clear.
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 13
FOR SUBSTANTlAL CONFORMANCE: Mark Depew, L.A. Archftects, in substantial
224 East Olive Avenue, Suite 305, Burbank, CA 91502, request for conformance
determination of substantfal conformance to construct an ATM facility
(Bank of America) attached to the existing theater. Property'fs located at
8032 East Santa Ana Canyon Road - The Anaheim Hills Festival Center
(Edwards Cinemas).
ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commfssioner
Koos and ~IOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby determine that the previousiy-approved negative declaration is
adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject
Commfssioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Comm~ssioner Napoles
and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on does
hereby determine that the proposed ATM facility is in substantial confo~ mance
with the provisions of the Festival Specific Plan and the general intent of the
approved final site plan.
Greg h4cCafferty, Senior Planner stated this item is a request for substantial conformance for the
property located at 8032 East Santa Ana Canyon Road for the construction of an ATM facility in
connection wiih an existing Edwards Cinema.
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summar~ Action Agenda
Page 14
2b. CONDITIONAL USE PERh11T N0. 4152 ~~ Granted
~WNER: Myrna Wiener, Wiener Family Trust, 8323 La Alba, Whittier,
CA 90603
AGENT: Karen Finke, Anaheim Hilis Festivai, 8020 E. Santa Ana
Canyon Road., Anaheim, CA 92808
LOCATION: Property is 3.97 acres located on the north side of Santa
Ana Canyon Road,1,320 feet west of the centerline of
Roosevelt Road.
To construct an identification sign for the Festival Regional Shopping
Continued from the Commission meetings of August 30, September 13,
and September 27,1999.
Jeff Farano, 2300 East State College Boulevard, Suite 235, Anaheim, CA, stated he was representing the
applicant seeking a request for a conditional use permit for a sign for the Festival Shopping Center in
Anaheim Hilis. This project was before Commission several months ago requesting a sign, Donahue
Schreiber is the manager of the Festival and brought the plans before the Commission. At that time there
was location concern from residents as to the size, location, and visibility of the sign. They then
redesigned the locale and size of the sign. As part of that process they met with the neighbors at a
meeting at the Festival and showed the sign. There were approximately 40 to 50 residents that attended.
Based on the resident's comments they made some changes and brought that before Commission today.
Unfortunately, the staff report does not reflect the revision because they were not able to provide it in time.
He indicated they wanted to present the revised plan to Commission today and allow for comments before
moving forward.
The original sign was 60 feet in height and located on the no~th side of Santa Ana Canyon Road, just east
of Festivai Drive, near the Chevron service stat~on, approximately 25 feet from the right-of-way of Santa
Ana Canyon Road and down a small slope. The purpose of the sign is to be seen from the freeway. It is
not a directional sign, it is a sign identifying a regional shopping center. The sole purpose is visibility from
the 91 Fwy. This is one of several regional shopping centers in the area but the only one that does not
have an identification sign from the freeway nor is it visible from the freeway.
During the c,omments of the residents some of the concerns were that they felt there should not be any
signs on Santa Ana Canyon since it is in the Scenic Corridor. If it is built they did not want it visible from
Santa Ana Canyon; keep it architecturally consistent with the Festival and keep it of a high material
quality. Therefore, the sign was intentionally designed to be of a quality appropriate with the Festival
Shopping Center. They hired an architectural firm that creates photo simulations digitally. They moved
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 15
the sign slightly west (north side of Santa Ana Canyon across from Festival Drive) so it would be on
centerline with the Festival and landscaped, consisting of groundcover and trees around it to be
consistent with the other two comers on the other side of the street. They lowered the sign to 45 feet so ft
is down the hill slightly and still kept the view from the 91 Fwy., but blocked the view of the sign east and
west of Santa Ana Canyon Road.
Candace Rice, 3501 Jamboree, Suite 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660, stated she is currently the Senior
Vice President of Leasing for ponahue Schreiber, which is a 40-year old shopping center development
flrm. The Anaheim Hills Festival is a regional shopp;::~ ~enter with regional draw and large tenants. It
needs identification and an abiiity to inform the customers of what stores are in Anaheim Hilis Festivai;
improve market share, improve sales per square foot and sustain their occupancy factor. They are in a
situation where they have not grown in value. Their sales per square foot has stabilized with thriving
competition throughout Orange County. They are at a point where many of their tenants will be turning
their leases and they are at the risk of losing tenants and thereby eroding their occupancy factor. They
have already lost major tenants that have chosen other projects because there is no identification for their
site. She endorsed what Mr. Farano said and encouraged an approval so they can identify this regional
shopping center, maintain its bea~ty, imorove its sales per square foot and stabilize its occupancy.
Commissioner Bostwick asked her to name some of the large tenants.
Candace Rice responded Old Navy, The Gap and Barnes & Noble. The tenants that do not want to
proceed in negotiating are credit tenants or stellar tenants that know what they are doing in the market
place and realize how improvement identification is.
Commissioner Koos stated ~ couple of years ago Marshalls left and asked if that was a factor
Candace Rice confirmed that was the reason. Marshalls sales were not performing at the volume that
they anticipated and they assigned the lease to Toys R Us.
Jeff Farano distributed the revised sign plan to Commission (reference the staff report which had a biack
and white photo of the sign at 60 feet) which is now proposed to 45 feet. !t is essentially the same sign
but smaller in height. The lettering will have the same design and color as the tenants. For example, the
Toys R Us will not be different colors on their sign ~s normally found. The reason for this is that they want
to maintain a quality sign. They maintained the same distance from the street right-of-way at 25 feet.
They were asked why they did not move it down the hill and the reason was because they were running
into the Edison right-of-way, which cuts across diagonally in this location. He explained the various
directions of their signage by referencing their exhibits to explain thc:i~ original plan at 60 feet versus their
revised plan at 45 feet.
This week they received the rankings of regional malis in the Orange Counry area and the Festival was
listed as no.14. It is actually below according to its size and part of the reason indicated was the lack of
visibility and lack of ability to attract major tenants. A sign like the one proposed would provide that for
He did not feel there would be any precedent setting values if this proposal was approved. It does not
violate the Scenic Corridor prohibition of signs because there are provisions under a conditional use
permit for a regionai center that this can be done.
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 16
Public Testimony:
Wilfiam Smith, 6063 Butterfield Lane, Anaheim Hilis, stated he attended the meeting which was
referenced by Mr. Farano that was concerned about the setting of precedent along the Scenic Corridor by
allowing this sign. He could not see how they couid approve one sign and deny signs to other businesses
in that area. Savi Ranch has left an indelible mark on some of the residents as to what has happened in
trying to protect the environment and the scenic quality of that area. This is another step in eroding the
scenic beauty of that area. He wouid not like to see that sign approved.
Chairperson Boydstun directed her comments to Mr•. Smith by indicating that she knows what he meant
about the Savi Ranch, they were all shocked wher~ that went up because that was not what they were
expecting and she felt the applicant has done a good job in mediating this sign. This is a regionai
shopping center and she did not know of an~y other space out there that is big enough to have another
regional shoppiny center and this wouid be specifically for a regional shopping center.
Commissioner Bosiwick stated they have shown their dislike for soni~ nf the ~igns at Santa Ana Canyon
Road and Imperial, which means that they can turn down signs. He is concerned with viability of this
center and the fa~t that so many tenants have come to that center and not leased with the center because
there was not the visibility that necessary for them to be there. He would like to see #he tax base stay in
Commissioner Koos concurred and spoke about aesthetics. He also has concerns about the Scenic
Corridor and preserving its lock with respect ta quality of life issues. Prior to this center Anaheim Hills
residents were shopping in other cities. Quality of life can not be looked in mutually exclusive terms, it
needs to be taken all together and this center adds to lhe quality of life that makes living in Anaheim Hills
a desirable place to live. He supported the proposal for signage.
Commissioner Varderbilt felt residents will be satisfied that an effort was made to reduce the sign height.
He concurred witli otiier Commissioners.
Commissioner Bristol also concurs with other Commissioners. It is a good compromise and it should be
Commissioner Koos asked if staff had any issues with the fact that this proposal has come in late.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated there were two items need to be clarified, if Commission
approves the revised exhibit it would have to be replaced with the exhibit that was previously in the file.
The revised exhibit shows 45-foot high overall sign on a base that is two to four feet high. So it is a littie
higher than the applicant had indicated but that is because of the top piece on the sign which is only
If there are any specimen trees they will have to work with the appiicant to make sure that they are
properly removed and if they are live, healthy trees, it will require Planning Commission action on those
IN FAVOR: Correspondence was received in favor of subject proposal.
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 17
`r . . . . . . . '-i .
~':.: ' ~ . ~ . . . . . . .. . , . . ~ .
OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke in opposiBon. .
Correspondence was received in oppositio~.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 4152 with.the following changes to +he
conditions of approval:
Modified Condition Nos. 3 and 8 to read as follows:
3. That said sign shall be limited to one (1) doubie-faced shopping center
identification sign with a total height of forty nine (49) feet and including the
logo and name of the center "Anaheim Hills Festival"; and six (6) major
Festival-tenant identification signs with a totai maximum sign area (including
the space between each tenant sign) of three hundred forty two (342) feet with
overall sign copy dimensions of nineteen (19) feet high by eighteen (18) feet
wide as shown on Revision No.1 of Exhibit No. 2. Said tenant signs shall
match the colors shown on Revision No.1 of Exhibit No. 2 and shall not
include corporate identification colors. Said information shall be shown on
plans submitted for building ~ermits. Any changes to these exhibits shall be
reviewed and approved as a Planning Commission Reports and
Recommendations item.
8. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with
plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and
which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Revision No.1
of ~xhibit No. 2 and Exhibit Nos. 1 and 3, and as conditioned herein.
Added the following condition of approval:
That any specimen tree removed shall be replaced in compliance with Code
VOTE: 7-0
Mac Slaughter, Depury Ciry Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 30 minutes (3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
(There was a break following this item.]
City of Anaheim Planning Commfssion
Summary Action Agenda
Page 18
N0. 4122
OWNER~ Vito and Josephine Bucaro, Fred Kimura, Yoshiko Kimura,
Allen Wattenberg, Richard and Enriqueta Wattenborg,
Kathy J. Wattenberg, Eugene Pardella, Marie Pardella,
V~'illiam Keough, Patsy Keough and Thakor Desa, 8300
Lexington Road #10, Downey, CA 90241
AGENT: Pacific National Development, Attn: AI Marsha11,1041 W.
18th Street #104-A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
LOCATION: 2240 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 1.92 acres
located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, 515 feet west
of the centerline of Brookhurst Street.
To construct a 2-story 56-unit affordable senior citizen's apartment
complex with waivers of (a) permitted encroachment into setback areas,
(b) minimum structural setback, (c) minimum private recreational - leisure
area, (d) minimum floor area, (e) required private storage areas, (~
minimum pedestrian access and (g) minimum required affordable units.
Continued from the Commission meetings of July 7, August 16, August
30, and September 27,1999.
There was no discussion of this matter.
e • • • • •
ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Vanderbilt and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim Ciry Pianning Commission does hereby accept
the petitioner's request for withdrawal of Conditional Use Permit No. 4122.
V07E: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: 1 minute (1:36-1:37)
City of Anaheim Pianning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 19
OWNER: Jon M. Dowell, Nancy E. Dowell, Gabriel Patin, Virginia
Patin, Shirley Almand, Wipiam U. Almand, Willa Jean
Cornett, Wilton B. Abplanalp, Ruth D. Abplanalp, 3335 W.
Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801
AGENT: Pacific National Development, Attn: AI Marshall, 9041 W.
18th Street #104-A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
LOCATION: 3335 - 3345 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 2.98 acres
located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue,1,070 feet east
of the centerline of Knott Street (Lazy Living Mobile Home
To canstruct a 96-unit' affordable senior citizens apartment complex with
waiver of (a) permitted encroachments in setback areas, (b) minimum
number of parking spaces, (c) minimum side and rear landscape setback
adjacent to one-family residentiai deveiopments,*' (d) maximum structural
height, (e) required elevators, (~ minimum floor area, (g) location of
required private storage areas, and (h) minimum required affordable units.
• Originally advertfsed as a 104•unit "affordable" senlor GGzen's apartment comptex.
" Advertised separately as (a) minimum side yard setback and (b) minlmum rear yard
Waivers (a), (b), (f~,(g), and (h) originally advert(sed have been subsequenGy deleted.
Continued from Commission meetings of June 21, July 7, August 16,
August 30, and September 27,1999.
ACTION: Continue~ subject request to the November 8, 1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order t~ allow the petitioner to meet with various departments and neighborhood
ren; esentati~ies, and to readvertise this project due to an increase in the number of
uniis and to evaluate cnmpliance with code due to substantial design modifications.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
4'age 20
OWNER: The Cornerstome, A Foursquare Church, Attn: Brenda
Coogan,1250 N. Red Gum Street, Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 1250 North Red Gum Street. Property is 1.06 acre
located on the east side of Red Gum Street, 500 feet south
of the centerline of Miraloma Avenue (The Cornerstone
To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time
limitation (originally approved on April 9,1990, to expire on April 9,1999)
to retain an existing church.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Approved reinstatement
for S years
(To expire 4-9-2004)
Rever~nd Danna, represented Cornerstone Church, requested reinstatement of the Conditional Use
Permit No. 3265.
Chairparson Boydstun asked the Reverend if she had read the staf~ report regarding the awnings that had
to come d~wn.
Reverend Danna advised they wouid take the awnings clown.
Commissioner Koos asked if the awnings are put up when they need them on Sundays.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager stated Code does not address that kind of structure, they felt it
would be more appropriate not to have them permanently at the location, but if Commission thought they
are appropriate then staff would agree.
Reverend Danna stated the awnings are not permanent, they are portable, but are chained down to avoid
Greg Hastings stated staff would agree to allow them to use awnings for special events and services.
During the action:
Reverend Danna asked whether they could put them up on Saturday mornings and keep them up untii
services are over on Sunday night.
Chairperson Boydstun responded that was acceptable.
City of Anaheim Plannfng Commission
~ummary Action Agenda
Page 21
Greg Hastings added they could remain u~ on weekends provided they have services on Saturday and
~ Sundays or special events. _
• • ~ • • ~ •
ACTION: Oetermined that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as
the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 3265 for 5 years. Modified
Resolution No. PC96-43 as follows:
Amended Condition No.10 to read as follows:
"10. That the subject church facility shall expire five (5) years from the expiration
date of Resolution No. PC96-43, on April 9, 2004."
Added the following conditions of approval:
18. That the portable awnings located on the west side of the building shall only be
used for special events and services. Said awnings may remain up on !he
weekends, provided there are services and/or special events.
19. That the church hours and activities shall be limited to the following:
Sunday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Friday: 8,30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday; 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
VOTE: 7-0
Mac Slaughter, Deputy Ciry Attomey, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 6 minutes (3:34-3:40)
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 22
,: .
OWNER: Khoda B. Ostowari, Parvin Soroushian and Irandokht
Djahanian, 6263 E. Twin Peak Circie, Anaheim, CA 92807
LOCATION: 801 South Harbor Boulevard and 510 West South
Street. Property fs 0.8 acre located at the southwest comer
of South Street and Harbor Boulevard.
To amend or delete conditions of approval pertaining to the license for the
retail sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption and to amend
plans pertaining to the proposed fteestanding sign and required screening
adjacent to a residential zone with waiver of (a) permitted location of
freestanding signs, and (b) required site screening abutting a residential
Chairperson Boydstun stated there was a request for a continuance of this item in order to readvertise it.
• s ~ • • s
ACTION: Continued subject request to the NovPmber 8,1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order to readve~tise this request to include an additional waiver pertaining to tl~e
timing of installation of public improvements.
V07E: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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Summary Actfon Agenda
Page 23
7b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved, fn part
7c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4156 Grant~d, in part for 10
OWNER: Canyan Commercia! Center, 5000 Birch Street, East Tower,
Suite 510, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (To expire 10-25-2009}
AGEt~T: Mark R. Poochigian, 500Q B(rch Street, East Tower, Suite
510, Newport Beach, CA 92661
LOCATION: 5445 E~s: ~a Palma Avenue - Land Rover. Property is
12.2 acres located on the north side of La Palma AvenuE,
270 feet east of the centerline of Brasher Street.
To permit an automobile dealership with waiver of (a) required parking lot
landscaping, (b) permitted location of a freestanding monument sign, and
(c) permitted encroachments into required yards.
ApplicanPs Statement:
Mr. Blaire Dahl, 12380 Clark Street, Santa Fe Springs, stated he is Project Manager for proposed
dealership. He gave overview of the project. Land Rover trademark elements can be incorporated into
the architecture that is currently there. They would like Commission to consider the 48 square foot
dedicated Land Rover Monument sign out in the parkway area. They originaily agreed with the City staff
to incorporate the Land Rover sign into the center identification sign. However, after consideration, they
felt the identification would not be significant enough. They want their own signage in order to stand out
as a dealership and not an after market repair business.
Phil Vass, managing partner, 3 Andover Court, Laguna Niguel, gave an overview of the anticipated
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, stated the monument sign dues not need to be 8 feet tall. With regard
to the distance to the property line, they would have to maintain 120 feet from the east property line,
according to the Code. If it is granted and leff where it is 2t, the only waiver that will be apnroved would
be with regard to the distance to the property line.
Commissioner Koos aslced if Caliber Motors monument sign is within Code. He felt that people who buy
Land Rovers do no' ~eed to see a sign as a reminder or incentive to buy that particular car, general{y
fhose clients tend to sek out the dealerships themselves. He wondered whether a 4-foot sign versus an
8-foot sign would really make a difference.
Ciry of Anaheim Plar.ning Cummission
Summary Ac;inn Apendo
Page 24
+ . _. . . , . . .. . ' . _.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated Caliber Motors sign meets previous Code, which allowed
for a much higher sign. Thfs property was praviously zoned indusWal. Now it is in the Specific Plan,
which means ali requirements have changed.
Mr. Vass felt drive-by is very important, but is flexible with height of sign.
Commissioner Bristol stated tha issue is not height of sign, they are within the Code, and it is the d(stance
from the east property line.
Greg McCafferty stated the only issue with regard to the Code waiver is the distance from the east
property line. If they go westward, they pass the minimum 300-foot distance between the signs.
Commissioner Bostwick stated there is a phone pole and phone box that is in the way of be!na visible
from the right-of-way. It would be better to be in the middle of the property and would rather sea two signs
together. One is going to be perpendicular to roadway and the other would be parallel ~vith roadway.
ACTION: Approved Negat?ve Declaration
Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows:
Denied waiver (a) pertaining to required parking lot landscaping on the basis that it
was deieted fol(owing public notification.
Approved waiver (b) pertaining to permitted location of a freestanding monument
sign, provided that the monument sign shall be located between the two driveways.
Approved waiver (c) pertaining to permitted encroachments to allow display vehicles
on the basis that strict application of the Zoning Code would deprive this property of
privileges enjoyed by the neighboring auto dealership (Caliber Mercedes Benz) under
identical zoning classification in the viciniry.
Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permit No. 4156 for 10 years with the conditicns as
listed in the staff report dated October 25,1999.
VOTE: 7-0
Mac Slaughter, Deputy City Attomey, presented the 22-day ar.peal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 18 minutes (3:41-3:59)
City of Anaheim Pianning Commissfon
Summary Action Agenda
Page 25
STUDY - EXHIBIT N0. 7 Denied
OWNER: Raymond E. and Joanne S. Rocks, 5910 E. Marsha Piace,
Anaheim, CA 92807
AGENT: Bob MacNamara, Attn: Sunrise Development, Inc.,13258
Ocean Vista Road, San Diego, CA 92130
LOCA'fION: 6100 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Property is 1.21
acres located at the southeast corner of Santa Ana Canyon
Road and Anaheim Hills Road.
To construct a 2-story senior assisted living and Alzheimer's care facility
with waiver of (a) required setback of institutional uses to residential
zones, (b) permitted freestanding sign, (c) minimum number of required
p~rking spaces, (d) required rear yard setback, and (e) maximum building
height adjacent to a residentiai zone.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Bob MacNamara, Developmant for Sunrise Development Inc., gave a brief history and what assisted
living consisted of. He felt there is a need for this market in the area.
Wolfgang Hack addressed issues on staff report. The owner of the property owns the rights of access off
of Santa A~ ia Canyon Road, the right was never released, relinquished or sold. The issue at hand is
simply to move the arcESS point further away from the intersection with Anaheim Hills Road for safer
ingress and egress. The issue of the required setback; report indicates 15 required versus 5 feet
proposed. In this case, the 5-foot distance is the distance from a trellis attached to the building, the
building is 15 feet from the side. They can use ~ smaller sign as proposed for the monument base for the
freestanding sign issue.
The required yard setback to the rear issue is triggered by the fact that it is a tight triangular shaped lot to
accommodate parking. it is the intrusion of parking into the rear yard that they need consideration for in
this case. The Code requires 58 parking spaces but the nature of this operation does not generate auto
traffic, 29 spaces would be sufficient. They presented a parking overlay that could provide additional 27
spaces. He pointed out that the maximum height of 25 feet does not exceed the height of structures in a
2-story residential deveiopment.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 26
Public Testimony:
Robert Vigneau, 6117 Baja Drive, Anaheim Hills, stated his residence borders the proposed project on the
northeast comer. He strongly disapproves of the project itself and the sign that will be installed if
approved. He felt residential zoning should stay residentiai and no variances should be granted for this
~ommerciai project. He is concemed about the parking waiver and is afraid that the overflow will end up
on Baja Drive. Other concems are the parking ~ot lighting that will be lit at night, and employee car
Larry Pasco, 6160 East Baja Drive, Anaheim, submitted a petition opposing project to the Commission
signed by residents on Baja Drive, Summertree Road, Palo Alto 6rive, Arboretum Road, Woodrose Court,
Quintana Drive and Pueblo Drive. He felt this massive structure in a residentiai area is not compatibie the
Scenic Corridor.
Natalie Meeks, 6148 Baja Drive, Anaheim, stated this is not a use allowed by Code. She suggestecl
having a courtyard with more landscaping. She described the project as a large 2-story structure with two
setback waivers and not enough parking. She addressed the waivers that were being requested by the
applicant as follows:
• Waiver (a) requests a 15-foot landscaped setback from residences. The petitioner requests lhat the
horse trail be considered as part of the setback, but the horse trail is not landscaped.
• Waiver (b) requests a freestanding sign waiver, which she felt a 7.5-foot high monument sign with
advertisement is inappropriate.
~ Waiver (c) requests a rear yard waiver. The Code requires a 25-foot landscaped setback along tfie
east property line, a block wall and parking lot is not an appropriate buffer.
• Waiver (d) requests a substantial parking waiver and wondered where visitors would park.
• Waiver (d) requests a maximum building height waiver. The Code requires only 2.5 foot high and the
applicant is proposing a 25-foot high maximum building height. That would be 15 feet from the south
property line. The residents on the south would see a 225-foot long wall with little or no articulation.
Even though the structure is the same size as 6 single-family homes, it is a huge structure, approximately
the size of 10 homes, which no one wants to live next to.
Nei~ Johnson, 101 Summertree Road, Anaheim Hills, stated he is a licensed real estate appraiser and is
concerned about property values that wili decrease due lo this project. He is concerned that if this
commercial project is approved it would set a precedent and would pave the way for other commercial
projects in the area. This project is too dense for such a small space and is not consistent with Anaheim
Marguerite Deckert, 150 Woodrose Court, Anaheim, stated she agreed with the testimony given of others
who spoken befo~ e her. There are already 3 other senior facilities in the area. She felt this commercial
project should not be piaced in a residential area.
ApplicanYs Rebuttal:
Bob MacNamara advised these facilities are built in upscale neighborhoods around the country and do not
affect the properh~ values. This is private and expensive facility to live in. They have offered a plan for
more parking. They will only have at most 13 or 14 staff members and many of the staff will probably be
using public transportation and will not need parking spaces. They will place a landscape buffer in the
rear of the facility, along with a buffer that already exists, which means there will be a dual landscape
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 27
buffer with a riding and hiking trail in the middle. The sign will meet Code and therefore the request for a
variance on the sign is no longer needed.
Commission Bristol asked Mr. Hack to comment on the access off of Santa Ana Canyon Road
Mr. Hack stated that the City Attorney had informed them that ownership to access off of Santa Ana
Canyon Road is with the City.
Mac Slaughter, Deputy Ciry Attorney, stated according to title documents submitted to the Ciry, the access
rights to this property aliowing someone to go from the private property onto Santa Ana Canyon Road had
been relinquished to the State of Califomia some years ago. There is indication that the State has
relinquished some access rights back to the property, but those are in the area where Anaheim Hilis Road
now exists. Based on documentation and discussion with staff, this property curr=:ntiy does not have
access rights to Santa Ana Canyon Road. If Commission approves as designed, and the City does own
the access rights, they would have to be purchased from the Ciry, but if the City does not own access
rights, then they do not have to be purchased.
Commissioner Bristol asked Mr. Yalda, from the City's Traffic Engineering Division, how the City felt
regarding access to the location.
Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner, responded the City likes to minimize the number of
accesses on Santa Ana Canyon Road because the designation is primary highway, which should keep
traffic moving. Every time a new access is open on that road, there is a reduction of capacity that creates
a conflict point, which does not currently exist.
Chairperson Bnydstun asked if this item should be continued until the access is veritied
Mac Slaughter advised if the project is approved as shown and City owns the access rights, it would be up
to the applicant to deal with the City to negotiate for the purchase of the access rights, if the City wanted
to sell them. If the City does not own the access rights, the City would be looking at it from the standpoint
of them applying for the normal driveway permits and exercising powers as to where the driveway would
or would not be permitted. Commission does not need to concern itself with that issue. As a general
principal, the property owner has, as an adjunct of his ownership of his property, a right of reasonable
access to and from the abutting public streets. If the owner retained his rights, there would be a
reasonable right of access to the public street system.
Joanne Rocks wanted to address the issue of legal title to the access rights.
Chairperson Boydstun advised public hearing was closed, and asked if she had pertinent information to
the discussion.
Joanne Rocks, 5910 East Marcia Circle, Anaheim, stated she is a real estate attorney and owner of
property that the ~roject is being proposed on. They had an ALTA Title Report from First American Title
and had reviewed the issue with legal counsel at First American Title at the time of acquisition in 1981.
issues were also discussed with the Planning Commission at the time of acquisition.
Commissioner Bostwick stated he had a concern with parking. If more landscaping is taken away and
courryard it diminishes the project.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 28
Commissioner Bristol agreed with Commissioner Bostwick that the project was too large for the site.
Commissioner Koos concurred with Commissioner Bristol
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked the applicant if the neighbors were approached to see if some of their
concerns could be resoived.
Bob MacNamara responded there was an effort made but it was not successful. They had meetings with
two communiry groups and discussed the project and received feedback. A consultant approached
individual neighbors on Baja Drive and on the cul-du-sac on the other side. They also sent out notices to
neighbors to attend a meeting in the library but there was low turn out and response.
Joanne Rocks stated the property was listed for sale for 9 years and 9 months and had received various
use offers. This offer was accepted because she felt it fit the area. No body has ever looked at the
properry for residential use. "Skinheads" have been using the house on the properry as a facility, storing
stolen goods tk~~ere and have totally destroyed the inside of the house; the Police have kept constant
protection there.
Chairperson Baydstun stated this type of housing is in the residential category, and it would not be a bad
location for the project if it were smailer. She felt it was too tight and the access greatly concerned her.
She al~;o felt there is not enough parking available.
Commissioner Bristol felt this use was tno dangerous cunsidering the amount of traffic on Santa Ana
Canyon Road.
Chairperson Boydstun indicated there is a right turn lane before the intersection that would have to be
continued for their driveway to eliminate turning in front of the traffic.
During the action:
Chairperson Boydstun: Asked Mr. Siaughter if the owner has title to this, could the Planning Commission
act on this.
Mac Siaughter respunded that Commission is merely recommending for or against the amendment of a
City plan. They are not affecting any legal rights of access that the owner may or may not have.
OPPOSITION: 5 people spoke in opposition.
A petition was submitted with approximately 50 signatures in opposition to the subject
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Denied the request to amend the Santa Ana Canyon Road Access Points Study -
Exhibit No. 7 based on the pote~tial of the proposed driveway to cause traffic
conflicts at the intersection of Ana;~eim Hiils Road and Santa Ana Canyon R~ad
because of the short distance of the driveway from the intersection and the high
Speeds of travel permitted on Santa Ana Ganyon Road.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 29
VOTE: 5-1 (Commissfoner Boydstun voted no and Commissioner Amold absent)
1 Denied Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows: denied waiver (a) pertainfng to
required structural setback of institutional uses adjacent to a residential zone, waiver
(b) pertaining to permitted freestanding sign, waiver (c) pertaining to required rear
yard setback and waiver (e) pertaining to maximum buiidinq height adjacent to a
residential zone based on the following:
(i) The waivers could be eliminated or reduced if the density of the proposed use
was reduced.
(ii) The petitioner has not demonstrated that the strict appiication of the Zoning
Code would deprive this property of privileges enjoyed by other identically
zoned properties in the vioinity.
(iii) The identification for the proposed use can be adequately achieved with a sign
that complies with the zoning code.
Denied waiver (d) pertaining to minimum number of parking spaces based on the City
Traffic and Transportation Manager's recommendation that a minimum of 29 parking
spaces should be provided for this use; and, that should the proposed on-site parking
not be adequate to serve the use, there does not appear to be any alternaii.es for
parking in the immediate vicinity.
Denied Gonditional Use Permit No. 4158 based on the following:
(i) The proposed use is more intense in terms of land use and density than what
would be permitted under the General Plan for residential land uses.
(ii) The proposed use has the potential to adversely affect the adjofning land uses
because code compliant setbacks are not being provided to buffer and protect
the adjacent land uses.
(iii) That the size of the property is not adequate to allow the full development of
the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the general welfare as
evidenced by the numerous waivers for setbacks and parking.
(iv) That the traffic generated by this use may cause a burden upon the public
streets when vehicles are trying to enter or exit this properry from Santa Ana
Canyon Road at a driveway very close to the intersection with Anaheim Hills
(v} That the proposed 24-hour operation with the waivers requested, may be
detrimental to the peace, safety and general welfare of the citizens of
Anaheim by not providing adequate buffers to protect them.
VOTE: 5-1 (Commissfoner Boydstun voted no and Commissioner Arnold absent)
Mac Slaughter, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION 71ME: 1 hour and 2 minutes (4:00-5:02)
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OWNER: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Attn: Mike Johsz,1452
Edinger Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780
AGENT: Edmund Olson,11560 Tennessee, Los Angeles, CA 90064
LOCATION: 130 South Knott Avenue. Property is 2.79 acres located
on the east side of Knott Avenue, 440 feet south of the
centerline of Lincoin Avenue.
To permit a self-s#orage facility with waiver of required structural setback
adjacEnt to a residential zone.
ApplicanPs Statement:
Donna Chessen stated she is a consultant for Conditional Use Permit No. 4160 requesting approval for
self-storage at 130-134 Knott Avenue. It is an upscale facility marketed to business professionals with
climate control and campletely carpeted. They will comply with all conditions, but would like to change
Condition No. 14 with regard to trees along Knott Avenue and replace the mature dilapidated trees with
healthy new ones.
One reason why staff is denying project is because of the Council poiicy that self-storage is a permitted
use appropriate for irregular shaped properties, which may not be suitable for conventional development.
She feels this property fits that description because the property is 200 feet wide by 600 feet deep in the
middle of a retail center and in blighted apartments and is three times the length as it is wide. It has
narrow frontage on Knott Avenue and has extreme depth in an easterly direction.
Staff stated that Stater Bros. may want to expand in the future, but the property has been up for sale and
they made no attempt to bid for or purchase the property.
Staff was also concprned about the market place being over saturated and a study ~onducted, by
Community Development Depa~ment. The applicant feels it is inconclusive and with several incorrect
facts such as:
• The study states that Anaheim is 48 square miles, but it is actually 50 square miles.
• It stated there are 22 storage faciiities in Anaheim but there are only 19.
• It states the majority of facilities are in West Anaheim, only 5 of 19 are in West Anaheim.
• The study indicated the market was approaching saturation, it is not currently saturate.
She concluded by stating that they are willing to do any kind of landscaping to the propert}r that is deemed
City of Anaheim Plannfng Commissian
Summary Action Agenda
Page 31
James Moffat, from Beck Moffat and Associates,1224 Village Way, Santa Ana, designer of project,
presented a revised site plan which showed moved buildinps and nanowed driveway so that there is a 10-
foot setback for landscaping on two-thirds of the property. The existing building is concrete so it is too
difficuit to cut some of it off and rebuild to get more landscaping. Adjofning residential driveway that abuts
the project serves nothing else but garages. They are going to place trees every 20 feet, have ground
cover, which will be fully sprinklered (irrigated) and maintained.
Chairperson Boydstun asked how much landscaping was in front of the building.
Mr. Moffat replied there is 14 feet back from the property line at the center portion, and 22 feet on either
Donna Chessen advised fhat staff is concerned with south side which is against the apartment buildings.
Commissioner Bostwick asked if it would be feasible to put vine pockets and vines on north wall, on the
project side, then they c~n grow over the wall and cover graffiti on the other side.
Mr. Moffat advised yes, they could install vine pockets.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager stated staff did not indicate in the report that the adjacent
property is blighted. It was listed that if there is ever any oppo~tuniry that comes up to combine properties.
Where there is non-residential activity adjacent to a residential area, staff recommends broad-headed
trees, one per every 20 feet, to screen any activity from view. The 4-foot wide area does not meet code
requirement so it will need something denser such as Italian cypress. He suggested the final landscaping
plans return for review and approval.
Commissioner Bostwick indicated the study stated that there was an excess of commercial development
and adding in more commercial, would set up another probability for failure.
Commissioner Bristol asked if there is going to be a solid block wall on the south side
Mr. Moffat responded there would be landscaping instead of a wall with a concrete curb. There would be
a partial block wall up to the gate and in the rear at the 10-foot setoack line for security.
Craig Olson stated they have shifted the s~uth building to be 10 feet off of the property line so the rear
wall of tf~e building will be part of the security wall. The driveway along the south side will be eliminated
and it will be a solid wall so there will be no activity next to any neighbors. The wall will be attached to the
building and there will be no breaks. There will be a block wall on the market side and they can install
vines and irrigation.
Greg Hastings suggested a coniinuance because staff and other departments have not seen this. 7he
requirement that there be a block wall at the property line can be waived, but it has to be advertised. He
felt other departments should review the plans, especially now that the other driveway will be eliminated
south of the building.
Greg McCafferty asked about the doors on building C.
The applicant responded from the audience and Greg I-lastings conveyed their response at his
microphone by repeating that the doors have been totally removed.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 32
Donna Chessen did not understand why they have to advertise for the block wail when they are installfng
a 10-foot landscaping instead of a block wall.
Chairperson Boydstun advised they have to advertise the waiver.
Greg Hastings further explained that the original site plan showed an 8-foot high block wall at the property
line. Since the subject property is adjacent to residential there is an 8-faot wall required with a 10-foot
wide landscape buffer on the inside of the wall. Now there is a new waiver involved pertaining to the
location of the v:all.
Commissioner Koos advised the applicant it would be bettar to take their chances on the first waiver if
they wanted it to get approved today.
Donna Chessen stated they would install a block wall.
Grec~ Hastings stated the original plan had a driveway and the building sat quite a ways back, now the
building is coming closer to the residential, but there will be landscaping.
Commissioner Boshvick suggested if they install the biock wall on the property line and come in 10 feet
and install have the driveway then fhey can put the buildings back to back.
Greg Hastings advised if the applicant is willing to pay the fee, then staff can submit a legal notice to the
Register Newspaper for advertisement, ihen continue it for 2 weeks.
Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion for a 2-week continuance to November 8,1999, seconded by
Commissioner Bristol, and motion carried.
~Following the action:
Greg Mc Cafferty requested the applicant to provide 15 sets of the new site plan in order for ~taff to
circulate to other departments.
• s • • • •
ACTION: Continued subject request to the November 8, 1999 Planning Commission meeting in
order to readvertise this request to,include additionai waivers pertaining to required
site screening abutting a residential zone boundary and minimum number of parking
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Arnold absent)
DISCUSSION 71ME: 33 minutes (5:03-5:36)
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Summary ActEon Agenda
Page 33
10b. VARIANCE NO. 4376 11-22-99
OWNER: John F. Lee, 517 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706
LOCATION: 942 North Claudina Street. Property is 0.04 acre located
on the east side of Claudina Street, 85 feet south of the
centerline of La Palma Avenue.
Waiver of (a) maximum lot coverage, (b) minimum front yard setback,
(c) minimum number, type, desfgn and dimens(ons of parking spaces,
and (d) required site sc~eening to const~uct a single family home.
ApplicanPs Statement:
Larry Halonen, 26432 EI Mar Drive, Mission Viejo, architect for the project, stated subject property is a
small residential lot space of 36 by 54 feet.
Chairperson Boydstun asked if he knew when the lot was split.
Larry Halonen responded he did not know when it was split. He is requesting the approval of 3 variances.
They are in accord with the staff report except for the parking requirements. They would like to have a 2-
car garage but in tandem space with a riarrower driveway to allow landscaping in front. They are willing to
change the architecture of the house so that it complies with staff's request to adhere to the historic
preservation requirements in the area.
John Lee, owner of lot, stated the house will only have a 25-foot frontage, and they do not want to see 22
feet of it for a garage. They would rather have a one-car garage door, with frontage on the house. He
submitted 5 photographs to Commission of other homes in the area, which show that 4 out of the 5 homes
do not have a garage and one has a single garage.
Public Testimony:
Judy Torres, 938 North Claudina, Anaheim, stated she lives to the right of subject property. She is
concerned with the parking because they already have a parking problem on the street due to the
apartments across the street, which do not have garayes. The paople parking on the street are also
renting rooms out and turning the homes from single-family into multiple family. Code Enforcernent also
agreed that the property is too small to build on.
John Lee stated it is a 1,200 square foot single-family home with three bedrooms, not a duplex or
apartment. It will be developed with the intent to sell it.
Commissioner Bristol felt he could not accept this project because it is too tight
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Page 34
Melanie Adams, Associate Civil Engineer , stated the fundamental question is whether this is a legal
parcel in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. Staff does not have evidence making that clear. If the
property has been unlawfully subdivided, not in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act, the applicant
may not have rights to develop the property as proposed.
Chairperson Boydstun stated that was why she asked applicant whether the lot was split since there is no
record of it.
Larry Halonen advised he had the title report.
Mac Slaughter stated typically the title report does not show when the property was split, it merely shows
vesting of title at a particular time with a legal desc~ iption.
Melanie Adams stated ik gives a"meets and bounds" description, but any property can be described by
meets and bounds. A4ost title reports exclude land division so that the Title Company is not guaranteeing
that it is a legal parcel of land.
John Lee asked who would have a record of tha lot split if the City does not have it.
Commissioner Bristol responded he thought the County and the Title Company can determine that.
Mac Slaughter stated the record title would show that some time in the past, when this was all a single
parcel, that there was a deed conveying out from that parcel, a smaller parcel. The City does not have
those records; they are in the County Recorders Office. The City is going to need it to determine whether
this is a lawfully created parcel, which would be under the Map Act. It may be an un~awful subdivision for
which they may determine it is inappropriate from the public health and safety standpoint to permit
Larry Haionen stated this plan was before Commission 10 years ago and was approved, but the market
could nct sustain having a house built. These are the exact same plans that wers approved 10 years ago.
Chairperson Boydstun stated when they downzoned, how did they skip the end lots and not go to La
Palma. She thought they went all the way over.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager advised they would have to go back and see the reasoning for
this. it was all zoned RM-1200, but there was a decision made at the time the Commission and Council
looked at this, to not rezone the properties fronting La Palma to RS•5000.
Commissioner Bristol stated they probably considered this little parcel to be frontage on La Palma.
John Lee stated the Code has changed, but the owner at that time had the exact same plan approved in
1982 and had a right to these same four variances, the only thing that changed is the Code for parking.
Chairperson B~ydslun suggested this item be continued to find out if it is a legal lot. it could heve been a
split between party's years ago. If it did not meet the Map Act, then it is not legal for development and
nothing can be done on that lat.
Mac Slaughter advised they will look at a certificate of compliance to determine how best to respond to an
illega~ subdivision, if that is what has occurred. There currently is not enough information available to
make ±hat determination. They need title document showing when property was split off as a separate
parcel, then analyze the legalities of the split.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 35
John Lee asked if tandem parking is acceptable.
Commissioner Bostwick responded it is a waiver of minimum lot coverage and having 5 feet on each side
that does not give enough space for a true residential lot. He had a problem with the mfnimum lot
coverage, tandem parking, front yard setback.
Mac Siaughter stated it might be in the best interest to have a one-month continuance. Until the issues
are determined, applicant may not want to spend more money on plans, etc. The applicant may have
claims against the seiler and there could be many issues that arise out of the ultimate determination as to
the legality of this parcel of land.
Greg Hastings suggested that applicant may wish to ask for a waiver of the minimum size of the unit and
bring it down to something that would allow for less parking,
Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion for a 4-week continuance to November 22,1999, seconded by
Commissioner Bristol and motion carried.
OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke in opposition to this p~opns2l.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the November 22,1999 Planning Commission meeting
in order for the applicant to find out when the lot split occurred and if the property is a
legal lot.
V0~'~: 6-0 (Commissioner Arnold absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 18 minutes (537-5:55)
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 36
11 b. TENTATIVE TRAC7 MAP N0.15861 ApDroVed
OVIiNER: Paui S. and Sachiko Murata,194 S. Lakeview Avenue,
Anaheim, CA 92807
AGEN1': Muskoka Development, Attn: Brian Keer, 34 Balboa Coves,
Dlewport Beach, CA 92663
LOCATION: 194 South Lakeview Avenue. Property is 5.91 acres
located on the north side of Lakeview Avpnue.
Tentatlve Tract Map No.15861- To establish a 6-lot (5-numbered lot,
1-lettered lot) residential subdivision.
Specimen Tree Removai Permit No. 99-03 - To permit the removal of
two (2) specimen irees.
Continued from ine Commission meeting of September 27, and
October 11,1999.
ApplicanYs Statement:
George Kerns, Salkin Engineering,1215 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, stated they have changed the
proj~ct due t~ staff recamme:~dations except fcr frontage of property along Lakeview Avenue. They are
proposing along the two lots of front on Lakeview, a split face masonry wall with pilasters. Behind it ~~ u
slope and in the area of Lakeview, the slope would be flattened 3 to 1.
Lane Curtis, 777 Peralta Hills Drive, stated he is part of the Peralta Hills Homeowners Assor,iation. They
wrote a~etter in response to a previous plan that had iwo 5-foot tiers. They reviewed the r~w plans
before the meeting and the new proposed wall seems fairly consistenc with i~ ~ neiohbur~iood. The
group's concern was the appearance, location and size of the wall and the safety of !"a area because it is
a blind corner. He asked for clarification of the wall because it appears tn~t it ic ~oing to be 3 feet away
from the current right-of-way, which should make it 8 feet back from where !he existing slope is. If this is
correct, it will definitely be an improvement for the safety. The~~ -~re also concerned about the landscaping
and recommend that it is low and tha4 the visual clearance arour~J the curve is maintained.
Melanie Adams, Associate Civil F,ngineer stated the new wall design is acceptable to the Public Works
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner complimented the applicant for the improvements to the design. StafFs
remaining concern was the length of the wall because it goes almost the entire length of Lakeview. If the
height of the wall is approved, staff would like plans to return as a Reports and Recommendations Item for
the landscaping of the wall. There needs to be a minimum of 5 feet between the property line and the
retaining wall to have meaningful landscaping.
Ciry of M2heim Planning Commission
Summary Actiun Ager,da
Page 37
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked staff if the single-family homes could lnstaU a retaining wail close to the
property line and not have landscaping.
Greg McCafferty stated typically the Code requires that the wall be a certafn height along the property
li~re, it does not specify that a retaining wall be set back a certain amount of feet from the property line.
Landscaping is required by Code between retaining walls.
Meian'se Adams stated the wall should sit behind the right-of-way line a minimum of 3 feet. This project
conforms to the hillside-grading c~rdinance.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Div!sion Manager stated it has only been in recent years that they have been
requiring the landscaping of the wails.
Brian Kerr, Developer of property, stated he would like to p~t a split faced block wall with a cr ;rete "bull
nose" cap on it with decorative pilasters. Other properties in Peralta Hills conform to that design.
Landscaping needs to be low shrubbery in order to avoid covering the aesthetics of the wall.
Greg Hastings stated the spiic biock wall will be much more decorative. He suggested that if Commission
wants to approve it, prior t~ the map being recorded, that a plan be returned showing the exact fencing
and landscapir~g that is being proposed. The setback of the wall is what would need to be determined
Melanie Adams stated Lakeview wiil have some minor widening done to it. When it (s completed, the wall
as ~roposed will be 8 feet from the back of the road.
Greg McCafferty recommended deleting Condition No. 8. Condition No. 9 be modified to read, that the
Final Tiact Map approval Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 9,10,11, 12,13, and 14 shall be complied with.
Melanie Adams recommended deleting Condition No.1 and Conditio~ No. 4.
• • • • • •
OPPOS~TI~N: 1 person spoke with concerns.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Approved Tentative Tract Map No.15861 with the following changes to the conditions
of approval:
Deleted Condition Nos.1, 4 and 8.
Amended Condition No. 9 to read as follows:
9. That prior to final tract map approval, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,10,11,
12, 13 and 14, above-mentioned, shall be complied with.
Added the following condition:
That prior to issuance of a grading permit, a final plan showing the design of the wall
and the landscaping shall be submitted to the Zoning Division of the Planning
Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission as a Reports and
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Summary Actian Agenda
Page 38
__ . .:
r, :~: : •::; : ..... . _
~ -
Recommendations ftem.
Approved Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 99-03 with the conditions as listed in
the staff report.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Amold and Bristol absent)
Mac Slaughter, Deputy City Attomey, presented the 10-day appeal rights for Tentatfve Tract Map No.
15861 and the 22-day appeal rights for the Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 99-03.
DISCUSSION TIME: 15 minutes (5:56-6:11)
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 39
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OWNER: Grock Woey Jung and Chun Chun Jung, 7rustees, 433
South Vicki Lane, Anaheim, CA 92804
AGENT: Jimmy Tong Nguyen, P.O. Box 15741, Newport Beach, CA
LOCATION: 420 South Brookhurst Street. Property Is 0.50 acre
located on the east side of Braokhurst Streek (Seafood
Place Restaurant).
To permit a banquet hall facility with service and on-premise consumption,
but not sales of beer and wine with waivar of minimum number af parking
Continued from the Commission meetings of September 13, and
October 11, 1999.
There was no discussion reiated to this matter.
• • • ~ • • ~
AC710N: Commissioner Bostwick offered a moticn, seco;ided by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City~ °ianning Commission does hereby accept
the petitioner's request for withdrawal of Conditional Use Permit No. 4143.
VOTE: 7-0
DIBCUSSION TIME: 1 minute (1:39-1:40)
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 40
13b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4151 Granted for 1 year
OWNER: Karl and Edith Sater, 900 East Katella Avpnue "J", Orange, (To expire 10-25-2000)
CA 92867
AGENT: Salvador Magana, 21580 Via Pepita, Yorba Linda, CA
LOCATION: 3148 East La Palma Avenue, Unit C. Property is 6.4
acres located south and east of the southeast comer of La
Palma Avenue and Kraemer Boulevard.
To permit and retain an automotive repair facility (auto body work) within
an existing industrial complex.
Continued from the Commission meeting ~f October 11, 1999.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Juan Corona, 21580 Via Pepita, Yorba Linda, stated he is requesting a part-time auto body repair for two
to three hours a day including Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. He agreed with staff report, but for
now the hours of operation are to be from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all day
Saturday. If his business is successfui, in a year they may extend hours as stated in the report.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner stated staff was trying to structure Co~idition No. 9 so the applicant
would not have to return and get all day hours approved.
Chairperson Boydstun suggested the Condition would need to be changed t~ 8:~0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. so
that when he decides to expand the hours of operation he can do it without returning to Commission.
Commissioner Bostwick stated he wanted to make sure the applicant understands Condition No.14, "that
all work and materials need to be inside of the building, shall be confined entirely to the interior of the
building, absolutely no vehicular body work, painting or other business related activities, or storage of
vehicles or parts materials shall be allowed in the front or rear yard areas " He emphasized that
everything needs to be done inside the building.
Juan Corona acknowiedge that he understood, and that no storage would be done outside the building.
Greg McCafferty recommended deleting Condition No.1, since it is the same as 14. Change Condition
No.18 read as Condition Nos. 7, 8,12,13 and 17, deleted no.15.
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Summary Action Agenda
Page 41
. _ ... : .. , .
... ;~ <: ,
• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t
ACTiON: Approved Negative Declaration
Granted Conditional Use Perre~it No. 4151 far 1 year with the following changes to the
conditions of approval:
Deleted Condition No. 9.
Modified Condition Nos. 9 and 18 to read as follows:
9. That the hours of operatfon shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday
through Saturday.
18. That prior to the commencement of the activity authorized by this resolution or
within 90 days, whichever accurs first, Condition Nos. 7, 8,12,13,16 and 17,
above-mentioned, shali be complied with.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Amold and Bristol absent)
Mac Slaughter, Deputy City Attomey, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 7 minutes (6:12-6:19)
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
S~~mmary Action Agenda
Page 42
Submitted by :
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
/ - ~J `~~
Simonne Far~nin
Senior 0'fice Specialist
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on ~ ~" a a-~°1
City of Anaheim Planning Commission
Summary Action Agenda
Page 43