Resolution-PC 97-18~ ~ 8a. CEQA NEGATNE DECLARATION Approvcd 8b. WAIVER OF CODE REOUIREMENTS Dcnied 8c. CONI2ITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3911 Denicd OWNER: GRACE NUVAL, 545 South Knott Street, Anaheim, CA 92804 Offercd a resolution rescinding previous A.GENT: FRANCIS ONG, 8907 Warner Avenue, #l168, acdon Huntington Bcach, CA 92647 Final Action: LOCATION: 910 South Knott Strcet. Propeny is appror5matcly 0.3 acrc locatcd on thc cast sidc of Knott Strcc~, locatcd Continucd to aoprosimatcly 440 fcct nonh of thc ccntcrline of Ball 3-31-97 Road. To pcrmit thc convcrsion of a singlc-f;~mily home to a 2,179 squarc-foot mcdical/dcntal o~cc with n~aivcrs ot minimum numbcr of parking spaccs, maeimum numbcr and ara~ oCsigns, minimum sidc yard sctback, minimum rcar yard setback and pcrmitted cncroachmcnts. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC97-18 RESCINDING DENIAL RES., RESOLUTION NO. PC97-lJ SRG453DS..1P .. _- . . .. ., ~ FOLLOWING IS A.SUMNIARY OF THE PLANNING.COMMISSION'ACTION ,,., '.. :;,.,, . OPPOSITION: 1 pcrsor, spokc ~~~ith conccrnsJl lcttcr «~as rccci~~cd in opposition ` ACTION: Approvcd Ncgati~~e Dcclaration Dcnicd Waivcr of Codc Rcquircmcnt Dcnicd Conditional Usc Pcrmit No. 39! 1 on thc basis that thc usc is too imcnsc for thc r~ amount of land availablc. ~ ,~ ' Applicant rcqucstcd a continuance to su4mit rcviscd plans. 1~~~ ~0"~~~ ,~~ Pl~nning Commission: (~ k'' e,} ~ ~ . \Vithdrew ~4otion dcnying thc W~i~;cr of Codc Rcquircmcnt - 1 ("' y~J~ Rcscindcd thc resolution dcn}ing Cunditional Usc Pcrmit No. 391 l. ~So1F3' Continued subject request to thc Jiurch 31, 1997 Planning Commission meetin{; in 1 ~' ~ ordcr for thc applicant to submit revised plans. i ~ V07'E: 5-0 (Commissioncrs M:~ycr and Pcra•ra ~~~cro abscnq ~ DISCUSSION TIME: 14 minutcs 02-19-97 Pagc 14 pC97-18 PC97-t9 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2b. WAIVER OF CODE REOUIREMENTS 2c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3911 OWNER: GRACE NUVAL, 545 South Knott Street, Anaheim, CA 92804 AGENT: FRANCIS ONG, 8907 Warner Avenue, #168, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 LOCATION: 910 South Knott Street. Property is 0.3 acre located on the east side of Knott Street, 440 feet north of the centerline of Ball Road. To permit the conversion of asingle-family home to a 2,179 square- foot medical/dental office with waivers of minimum number of parking spaces, maximum number and area of signs, minimum side yard setback, minimum rear yard setback and permitted encroachments. Continued from the Planning Commission meeting of February 19, 1997. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. Continued to 4-14-97 SR6453DS.WP3 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the April 14, 1997 Planning Commission meeting in order for staff to review revised plans submitted on March 24, 1997. VOTE: 7-0 DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 03-31-97 Page 12 3a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION .Approved 3b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENTS Approved, in part 3c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3911 Granted, in part OWNER: GRACE NUVAL, 545 South Knott Street, Anaheim, CA 92804 AGENT: FRANCIS ONG, 8907 Warner Avenue, #168, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 LOCATION: 910 South Knott Street. Property is 0.3 acre located on the east side of Knott Street, 440 feet north of the centerline of Ball Road. To permit the conversion of asingle-family home to a 2,179 square- foot medical/dental offlce with waivers of (a) minimum number of parking spaces, (b) maximum number and area of signs, (c) minimum side yard setback, (d) minimum rear yard setback and (e) permitted encroachments. Continued from the Commission meetings of February 19, and March 31, 1997. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC97-37 SR6453DS.WP2 --------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Applicant's Statement: Dr. Grace Nwall, applicant and practicing dentist in the City of Anaheim for the past 11 years: Stated at the February Planning Commission meeting the request to change subject property from residential to medical/dental office was questioned due to lack of parking spaces. They now have a revised plan and have reduced the size of the proposed building and added mode parking spaces. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED Chairman Messe: Asked staff if this was not an RSA-4300 but rather a CO classiFlcation, would there be any changes in sign requirements or parking, etc.? 04-14-97 Page 7 Cheryl Flores, Senior Planner, Zoning Division: Stated the parking would be the same (6 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area) for amedical/dental use on the parking. Regarding signage there would be a little more signage allowed, RSA-4300 is IimRed to 20 square feet of monument sign or they would be allowed 1 monument sign on ether side of the driveway would be up to 2. Chairman Messe: Asked Dr. Grace Nwall if she had read the conditions of the staff report, particularly Condtion No. t 1 and is that acceptable to her? Dr. Grace Nwall: Responded yes t was. Dr. Nwall (applicant's husband): Stated he planned on sharing the building with his wife. He questioned Condition No. 11 that states only one office shall be open at any one given time. Grace Nwall will primarily only work mornings and afternoons but he will be working in the afternoon also so there may by some overlap of their office hours. He asked if that condition stipulated that only one office could be open at one time (either the medical or dental office)? Chairman Messe: Indicated that was the intent of staff. It is a fairly intens'rfied use on this property having two medical offices on the same property and the feeling of staff was that only one office should be open at any a time. Dr. Nwall: Asked 'rf this condition would be imposed even with the addtlonal parking spaces that they provided? His wife and he would not have more than two patients at one time. They see patients by appointment only and no walk-Ins. Chairman Messe: Stated she has four patient rooms and the possibility of people waiting in the waiting room and he could have two patients. In addition the doctors have two cars. Commission is concerned with the parking. Commissioner Boydstun: Stated plans show four patient rooms and four staff which totals eight. Dr. Grace Nwall: Stated the plan was revised showing a reduction in the size of the building. It was four patient .rooms for her and 3 for her husband. They reduced the size so that they could provide more parking spaces (14 parking spaces). Commissioner Henninger: Asked how many employees did she plan to have? Dr. Grace Nwall: Responded two. She works with one patient at one time. Commissioner Henninger: Asked how many employees will her husband have? Perhaps t should be condtioned to only allowing a maximum of five employees. --- Chairman Messe: Asked if the revised plans show that there are only three? Cheryl Flores: Responded on paragraph 8 of the staff report states there are three patient rooms on each side for a total of six. Commissioner Bristol: Asked petitioner if she had read Condition No. 10 regarding the block wall on the north side? 04-14-97 Page 8 Dr. Nwall: Stated the 6 foot block wall should be not problem. Cheryl Flores: Stated the block wall should be built prior to issuance of Building permit rather than later in order to protect the single family home to the north. Chairman Messe: Asked if that is being added to Condition No. 16? Cheryl Flores: Responded that is correct and ft will be removed from Condition No. 17. Chairman Messe: Asked applicant if they understood that? Dr. Nwall: Responded that should be no .problem. Chairman Messe: Ask how :much of the lot is going to be in concrete? Cheryl Flores: Responded the entire area behind the existing house would be paved for parking spaces with the exception of the 3 foot wide landscaped area on the north and a 5 foot wide landscaped area on the south and a 10 foot wide landscaped area to the east. Chairman Messe: Stated he thought Code required 20 feet landscaping up against a residential zone. Cheryl Flores: Responded Code requires a 25 foot landscape setback and the proposal only provides a 10 foot wide landscape setback. However, the building itself is in excess of 100 from that property line. Commissioner Henninger: Asked if this was a CO Zone what sort of landscape setback is required? Cheryl Flores: Responded a 10 foot landscape. Chairman Messe: Asked what about intensification of the trees on that back portion of the lot, would that help the neighborhood to the rear, perhaps larger trees? Cheryl Flores: Responded staff believes that if broad headed dense trees were planted in that area it would also help in screening this use from the residential properties. Chairman Messe: Stated the plans show 15-gallon trees on three or six places. Cheryl Flores: Responded that is what that indicated. There are three fn the front and three in the rear for a total of six trees. _ __ Chairman Messe: Stated plans show 3, 15-gallon trees on the back of the property, if Commission conditioned it on 5 trees at 24-gallon trees, would that be agreeable? The purpose is to protect the residential community around subject property. Dr. Nwall: Responded that would be no problem. 04-14-97 Page 9 Cheryl Flores: Stated staff would like to add a condition that the front landscape area be maintained and that it not be removed. That the trees be maintained, It is a nice front landscape area and staff would like see that remain. Chairman Messe: Asked whether there was a problem with the trash pick up in the back and whether a waiver of liability would need to be signed off. Cheryl Flores: Responded that was correct. The owner would have to sign a waiver of liability for the trash truck. Chairman Messe: Asked if the owner was aware of that? Mr. Grace Nuvall: Responded yes they are. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved, In part, the Waiver of Code Requirements: denied Waivers (a) and (b) on the basis that they were deleted following public notification and apprpved Waivers (c), (d) and (e). Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permit No. 3911 with the following changes to conditions: Mod'rfied Condition Nos. 11, 15, 16 and 17 to read as follows: 11. That as indicated by the petitipner, the hours of this business shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and further, to conserve parking space availability, a maximum of five (5) employees (Including the doctor and the dentist) shall be allowed on-site at any one time. 15. That subject property shall be developed as conditioned and substantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Revision No. 1 to Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however, that flue (5) broadheaded, 24-inch box trees shall be planted along the rear property line to create an effective visual screen. 16. That prior to issuance of a building permit, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 1o and 14 above-mentioned, shall be complied ` "" wfth, Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 17. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 6, 8, 13, and 15, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. 04-14-97 Page 10 Added the following condition: That all existing pn-site landscaping shall be retained and propedy maintained. VOTE: 7-0 DISCUSSION TIME: 20 minutes Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 04-14-97 Page 11