PC 1951-1952-2 $ ! · : A. NAEEIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ESOU TION No. 2 -- 1 ,(P 0ED so. 2 ~S, the A~heim Ci~y Planni~ Commission did at a Re~lar Meeti~ on 3 ~st 6, 1951. co~uct a public heari~ scheduled purs~ut to proceedings insti- 4 tuted ~er a verified petition for a Var~ce, No. 1~8, filed July 2~, 1951, by 5 Berna~ A. Stoffel, ll9~ele~ Street, ~n-beim, 6 ~ USE ~ PROPERTY AT T~ NORT~ST C0E 0F ~ST C~S~T ST~ET ,.. SOUTH ~t~A ST~ET ~R T~ ~AC~ 0F P~TS ~M P~STIO M0~ING COM- 7 P0~S, ~ M-l, LIGHT I~USE~ USE. ... 8 ~e subject property is one of five 10ts zoned as P-l, Parki~, in a block consisti~ sf seven lots. ~- 9 "~ ~S, said Co.lesion, as a result of its inspection, investigation ~d %. 10 st~ies m~e by itself ~d in its behalf, has establishe~ the exist~ce of the 11 ~:~ <~ follewi~ c irc~st~ces: o?'. 1. ~isti~ on the subject ~roperty is a non-co~ormi~ buildl~ const~cted 15 1955, of rei~erced concrete for the Brogdex Oo~y, which company used the premises for the manufacture ~d sterne of machine~ used in tbs processi~ ~:~.. 14 ~d packing of cites f~its. ~:~.~ 15 2. The buil~i~ covers the entire property ~ is ~suitable for the uses norm- ,~. ally allowe~ in a P-1 Zone. ~i,,,., S. 0~t~nee ~o. ~7~ st~tee ~h~t ~ ~oa-Oo~o~t~ Use of ~ ~on-Ccnfo~i~ Bull~i~ ~r~ 17 ~y be ch~e~ to another u~e of the s~e ~:~'~ tural c~nges are made fn the ~uildt~. ;,:~'~ ' 18 .[~',,. ~. ~i~hin a few feet ~f ~his I:roper~y, there are ~h~ee o~her ligh~ manufac~uri~ ~':J~ 19 uses already existi~. .f~: 20 NOW, T~E~O~, BE IT ~SOL~ that the above Vari~ce No. 148 be ~f~, , grated. .~t 21 T~ ~IN$ ~SOLUTION was approved by the Anaheim City Pl~nni~ Co,lesion ~: 22 upon a motion b~ Commissioner Sc~tte, seconde~ by Commissioner Schnm-cher. a~' ?~, 23 c~rrie~, t~t the Variance be gr~te~. ~ . 24 ~e vote on the within Resolution was as follows: ~ 25 AES: C0~ISSI0~: ~uer, ~pgood, H~ly. ks, Riutcel Sch~che:, Schut~s, :~. SEers and M~:~ll, ' :~ 26 NOES: COMMISSI0~: None. 27 ~S~T: C0~ISSI0~: None. 28 ~ ~ING ACTION was t~en at a Re.ar Meeti~ of said City Planing 29 o~ission held on the 6th day of A~et, 19%1. 30 DA~: This 6th day of A~st, 1951. Secretary Ctty/p~i~ Co.lesion (/ ;:;.: .Y %''.,' `. 1 2 `~~: 3 4 5 ~ g ~ 3 7 1 $ J 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ ~. 16 17 18 19 zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 i 27 28 J zs K ~O 31 32 ~ ,... :,c ~;:.= ss,, ~"N~(4..~:. T ~ v .fj~ bNAH~IM CITY PLA&DTIHf~} CAhlNMISSIOH ~9oLII°t'ION H0. 2 -- S~SI~s 1951-52 fPFtOOEDIIR~ tT~R. ORnIBAN~ Ho. 774.) t1ffi'rIi'~A3~ the snaheim CiLy Planaing OommSeeion did at a Hegnlar Maetiag oa Angast 6, 1951, ooadnot a pnbllo haaria~ aou:+~3nlcd pnronaat to proasedinge ine*i- tntad on~d~ea a~esitied ~eS±t~on ±or a Yaalanve~ ~o. t48~ iilod Jnly 24, 19,51~ b~ 8erasrd A. 9totiel~ 119 North Helena Street, Anaheim~ 7n rhinh it craa propoaed - TO US& T8~ PROPEST7 AT TH~ BOS'PHyIEST COBNES OF WEST CHES4'B[JT ST$EET AND SOUTB H~7~A 8T~6'',y;T 80H 'F~ %AA(JFACTU3 OB PA~3T3 FHOM P7J-STIC 1~^t,D~*(i COM- POIIBD3~ AI~ M-1~ %,I4~'1' IN~Ua'!'R_TeT, ~J9~. The aub~Act p•rop¢rty ie one of 41ve lot~ soaed aa P-1~ Paxking~ in a Dlaok aoneiating oY ~evea lote. W~AS~ said Commieelon~ aa a resnlt of i~e iaepeation~ inveati~ation en8 eiudies msde oy itself an8 in ite behalf, hsa estgblished 1;he oalsEeaoe oi the fallowsng ci.ronmetanuee: 1. Esinting on the qnt~eat property is a noa-conforming buildiag coastrnated ia 1945. oi reiniorced oonorm~e ior the Brogdez Compaay~ vhiah oomve~p used tho premisee ior the mamiYaatnre ead atiarcge of maohiaesy nae8 la the prooenei~g and psoking of ~itrao frnaSs. 2. 2'l.ie buildiag ~iovera the entire propertg~eind 3e nnsnibable !or the neee norm- ally sllored. in a P-1 Zone~ 3. Ord.inanoe ao. 774 siatem that a 2don-Coalor~ing IIso o# a Son-Conformiag Bui18i~ mwy be ahsr,~ed to aaother uee of the same alaesifiostion~ ;~ro7lder]. no mtrno- tnrml ahaagss a~re ttade in 4he buildiag. 4. Withia e, iaa ieet c~t thie prnperty, there are 4hree o~her light msnufaotnring us~. n2'rbaiiy ~==~~'~ng. ffiOFI, T~3'O~E. B8 IT BESOL9ED that the above Yarianoe No. 148. be gsaated. TBi~ 8'O~QC'Y&0 H~~'*•'J'F*^~T ~~ a~:o:sd by the Aaa:~eim (lity Planaing Commisef.oa upoa s~Sioa'by OommSsaloaer Sehntta~ seoonded bs Commieeioaer Sohwa~ches~ ~ oarried ~ thnt the Pa,ziea,ee be ~;rxated. ~w ~ntw pn 4hw vithin Beqalntion vwa !ia gn5lnvae dTEE; CORLMIS5IO1~RSt fianer~ F18pgeod, Holyoke~ Fintoel~ Schusacher~ Sohutte~ Snmmere oad Mnngail. ~~8s ti6MMF9ST0~]By; aone. ABS~t ~4MMISS3Q~A9o E~~~a ~'' ~S~IH~3 AOTI~N M8s te4klII 8L B$egttlBT MB9}~1tlg Of isld ~Di~iv P7anni~eoa ission hsld an the 6E.d da~ of AngnsL, 1951. DAT~Dt Thia 6th Ba,T of AnguBt~ 15$7.. 8eoratary Qitg P aing Commieelon ~' ~ ~.