PC 1953-1954-11 W_~m~AS, The 0ity Planning Commission of the 0ity of' Anaheim
~ ~I~IO~ from the property o~er of cer~i~ real property
the 0~ o~ A~be~, ~0o~ty o~ 0r~ge, S~te o~ 0~i~o~ia, ~escribe~ as ~ollowsl
A lot loca~e~ ~ the ~or~hweat co.er of South Pmlm
S~ree~, ~ as %~9 So~th P~m S~reet, ~e pe~itioaer is ~toalo ~iate,
~mi!7 Resi~em~ Zone.
~1 in the Oit~ of ~e~ on Mo~y, the 3~ ~y off Au~st, 19~3, NOTI0~S
sai~ ~lic Hearing were ~y given as require~ b~ law a~ the provisions of the
~ ~10~A~. CODE,. Section 9200 ~ a~
~S, Sai~ Co.lesion after ~ue inspections, investigation
~7~'it~elf ~ in its b~f, ~ ~ter ~ue c0nsi~e~tion of ~11 e~ence a~'r~or~s
offere~ at ~i~ ~ri~, ~oes fi~ a~ ~etermine the followi~ facts;
1. ~ere are no exc~tio~T or ~tr~~ cir~sta~es or co~itions.
applicable ~o the s~bJect, Rrqp,e~.ty $~t are ~t a~licable to the o~her
property ~ the s~e vic~ity or zone.
2. The'propos~ Variance is ~t necessa~, for the prese~tion
stant~l property right ~re~ 'bei~ enJo~
~e same vicinit~ or, zone.
3. ~e Propose~ Varia~e might ~etract ffrom the general a~ea~nce
the ar~ ~y ~low~ m lesaer use.
THE FOREGOING EESOLUTION is signet ancl approvecl by me this 3rd day of August, 1953.
I, R, W~ MU~GALL, Secretary of the 0ity Plaanfng commission of the Oity of
A~_-.h$im, d0 hereby certify that the foregoing P~SOLUTIOtT NO, 11, Series 1~8~-g4
was passe~ aa~ a~opte~ by a motion ma~e at a Regular Meeting of the City
Commission of the City of Anaheim, .hel~ on the 3r~ d~y of Augus%, 1953.
I~! WIT~ESS WHEreOF, I h~ve heretmto set m~ h-~d_ this 3r~ 'd~y of August, 1953.