PC 1953-1954-14 RESOLUTION N0~ 14-- SERTE,~ 1953154
G~T~' V~O~ NO. 202,
2 W~, ~e City P~i~ Co~ission of the City of ~e~ ~8 receive~
Verifi~ Petition from 0S~ E. ~G, 9881 ~rbor Bo~e~r~ ~e~, as o~er of
3 a certain parcel of real property ~it~te~ in the City of ~eim, 0o~t2 of 0~
State of Califo~, described a~ follows~
4 ~cate~ on the ~rth ~ide of ~st Santa A~ Street ap~.ox~tely 520 feet
5 eazterl~ from the center line of South ~st Street ~ e~en~i~ easterly
a dist~e 'of 2~ feet-~ ~vi~ a depth of l~ feet f~m the center line
~ of ~st Santa ~ Street.
~e sai~ property ia presently zon~ a~ ~, ~S~DE~T~A~RIC~, a~
7 the Applic~t requests ps--lesion to cut this ~rcel into fo~ (~)lots each
8 ~ a front~e Of',~t~B~ (66) feet.
W~S,. ~e City Pl~ni~ Oo~ission ~id ~ld a ~blic ~ari~ at the 0ity
~ ~1 in the City of ~eim, on ~es~a~, the 8th ~a~ of September, 195~, NOTIOES
of which ~ai~ ~blic ~ari~ were ~y given as require~ by ~w ~ the provisio~
10 of the ~IM ~lO~ ~D~, Section 9200; a~
11 W~A~, Sai~ Oo~ission after ~ue inspection, inve~tigation ~"st~ies .~e
b~ itself. ~ In its be~lf ~ ~ter Sue consi~eration of all evidence ~ r~
12 ports offered at said Heari~, does fi~ ~ dete~ine the followi~ fact~
1. ~c~tio~ circ~st~ces ~o ~tst due to the fac~ t~t the prop. erty is zoned
14 tio~l zone.
2. ~e'g~ti~ of the prop°s~ V~TA~CE ia neoessa~ for the p~eserutio~,, of a
15 property right pe~itti~ 'the Applic~t to'tiviie hi, p~pert~.
16 3.' ~e Proposed V~CE 'wo~ not be ~etriment~ to. the ~blio welfare or
in~rious to the property in the s~e area.
18 ~ G~TS V~ NO. 202, subject to~
1~ 1. ~e cutti~ of the lots with a front.s'of ~t less $~ seventy-five (~)
feet, ~ue to t~ protests of residents ~,~rby. w~ aPp~red ~t the Heari~
~ ~tated t~t ~1 their lots ~ a fr~n~e of seven,y-five (~)' to one
20 h~re~ (100~ f,,-' .
21 2. Fili~ a R, Su~ey Map of the lots ,~tth the City of i--heil ~ the
3. De~i~ a s~ap ~lo~ the f~nt~e of five ~ twentpfive h=reiths (~.2~)
23 feet wide ~r~'lhe futur~ witeni~ of ~st ~taa Street.
24 T~ ~G ~0L~XON IS SIG~ ~D ~Y ~ THIS 8th ~y of
Sept~ber, 1953.
26 ' , O~i~an
29 C0~ 0F 0~ )
0ITT 0F ~A~IM )
I, R. W, ~G~L, Secretary of the Oity Plml~ comission of ~he Cit~ of
31 An-be~, do hereby ;certify t~t the foregoi~ ~0LUTI0~ N0. 1~,- S~R~S
~as passet a~ a~optet by a ~otioa t~2 ~M~, seco~et ~ carried at a Re.ar
32 Meeti~ of the 0it~ Pla~i~ 0o~imalon of the Cit~ of.~e~, belt on
the 8th day of S~tomber, 1~3.
~ WX~SS W~F, I ~ve hereto set m~~h~y of Sept~ber,
1953. Approved by Cify Council
8EP 2 2 lg53 19~ ~