PC 1953-1954-22 ~S, The City Pla~ Co~is~ion of ~he City of A~eim ~s receive~ a
2 V~rifie~ Petition from J0~ W. VAT,~, JR., 10~ North P~m Street, ~eim,
of a certain pmrcel of re~l property sit.ted in the City of ~eim, 0o~ty of
3 0~e, State of California, ~escribe~ as follows:
;~t ~o. 3~, Tract No. 1~26, ].ocate~ at 10~ ~orth P~m Street.
The o~er requests pe~ission ~o operate ~ Insurance ~usiness from this
5 ,,~rese ~hich is'his residence, ~ to ~ispIa2 a s~ll SI~ ~vertisi~ such
~R~S, The City Pla=i~ Co.lesion ~id ~1~ a Public Eeari~ at the 0ity
7 ~11 in the City of ~eim,, en Mo~ay, the %~h day of, October, 1953, NOTICES of
which sai~ ~blic ~ari~ were d~Y given as required by law a~ the provisions .of
8 the ~IM ~NIC~ CODE, Section 9200; a~
R W~EA~, Said Co~ission after due inspection, investigation a~ stu~.izs ~de
by itself a~ in its ~e~lf ~. after ~Ue consideration of all evidence a~. reports
10 offered at said Neari~, does filled dete~ine the followl~:
11 1. ~ere are business uses to the north ~d soutn of this area.
12 2. Pet'ition preeented showed all property, o~ers in the area in favor of G~T-
~ v~cE.
3. Off-Street Parki~ will be p~vided on the lot for three (3) cars.
15 ~ G~TS V~I~0E N0, 208.
1~ ~ ~ING ~SOLUTION IS SlG~ ~D ~P~ BY ~ THIS 5th daf of October
R. S. ~, O~ir~n
21 '
~ ~ ~G~L, S~r~a~
STA~ 0F O~IF0~ )
24 00~ 0F 0~GE )
0I~ OF ~IM )
I, R. ~. ~G~L, Secreta~ of the 0it2 Pl~ni~ 0ommission of~ the City of
26' ~eim, ~o hereby certify t~t the foregoi~ ~SOLUTION N0. 22- SERIES
~s passe~ a~ ~opt~ by a motion ~uly ~e, aecc~e~ a~ c~rrie~ at a Reeler
27 Meeti~ of the City Pl~ni~ Commission of the City of A~heim, heI~ on
the ~th day of October, 19~3.
IN WI~SS ~F, I ~ve here~to set my ~'th ~ off October,
30 '