PC 1954-1955-17u~ ~~~ ~y ~ ~ ,i. . , . , _ :~ .. _ _. ._y_. ...~_ S^; '::.'. . ` LEGAI, NOTICE_ ..- r ~_ NOTICE IS BTR~IDY GIY~DT THAT TBE CITY PLAi•LTI2dG COMt,: 'SION OF Ti~ CITY OF ANAFIEIM Mill hold a PUBI,IC I~'~ARII~ in the Council Chamber of the Citq Ha,].1 in ths City of Anaheim, California, on Monday~ August 23~ 19~F, at 2:00 o~clock P.M.~ to consider the following R~SC:',UTION: RESOLUTION N0. 17 -- Sr'1xISS 1954-55 -~ A RESOLUTION OF T~ CITY PLA,YLTING COMMISSION OF 1'FtE CITY OF ANAF~lIid FINDING AND D~r,'1'~•~RtdIidIiTG TSAT Tf~ 1dAA-~ OF L'ERln~T00D 1VAY TN TRACT N0. 1914 ~ ~~JiJI,D EE CHAITG~ TO I89IPIC~ PI,9C~. ~P~EAS, Tho City Planning Commisaion finde that the street names of ~~400D SlAY i~ Tract No. 1914~ and F~tJ~•JOOD STREET in Tract No. 1948, will result in confu- sian to the public, and that the exiatance oP two atreets xit~ nearly the same nameo, although in wide7.y separated areas, will continue to be aoafueing. YOVJ, Tf~REB'ORE, BE IT RP150LYED by the City Plrsnaiag Commisaioa of the City of Amheim tBat it does hereby declare its intentioa to hold aad conducc a PiJBLIC f~AR-~ ING to consider the matter oP ad~ueting, altering or changing the name.oY suah atreet so sa beat to eerve the public coavenieaoe and to make a recommendation in respect thereto to the City Council of the City of A.aaheim that the name of E~tN~400D t?AY in TRACT N0. 1914 be changad to IRVINC3 PLACE. ~ IT FtJBTf~H ~50LVE~D that a PUBLIC HrARTNG be held on the 23rd day oP August, 1?$4, at the hour oY 2:00 oTCloak P.M. to consider the mabter of ad~uating, altering or changing the name of the street hereinabove mentioned; and that R. 14. tdUNGALL, Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to give NOTIOE of said S'c~Alt- A1G by poating a copy of this Resolution in at least three (3) public places along the street proposed to be affected, to--wit: nr,Ii~400D VTAY, anfl that ea3d posting sY~a].1 be completed at least ten (10) days before the date set for the ~ARINa. T~ FORIDGOTNG BESOI,UTION ie eigaed und approved by me thie day of ~ 9t,~ust, 1954'~ ;; ~r~r~+,rT: R. S. SUMt~;RS, Chairman~ ,AI~IM CITY PLATTPTING COP~II~SISSION R. S4. MUNGAtL, 5ecretary AiTAH~IM CITY P7~AiTi'ING COMIfISSIOiI STATE OF CALTBbRNIA ) COU~TTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAH~IZd ) I, k. 5~1. MtJNGAI,L, Secretarq of the City Plazui'.ng Commiaeioa of the City of , @ Asiaheim~ do hereby certiYy tbe.t the forogoiag RE50INTION N0. 17 - sExxr~s 195~--55, ~ wae pasaed and adopted at nn Ad~ouraed Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commis- sion of the City of Ana,heim~ held oa the day- af Auu3~sst, 1°~"4, b~ t$9 Yolloer- ing vote oY the membera thereo£: / AYE5o COMMISSIONER5: • ~ IdOP1S: COMMISSION~TRS: '' A85.~TT: QOMtlI55I0Nr1iS: :j IN ~VITNESS ~~F, I have hereunto set my haxul thia day of August, 195~. y,; R. W. MUNGALL, 5ecretary AZTAHEIt4 CI"'Y PLANNIN6 COI~SMISSION ~'~~; 97,I, I~AFSTED PAATIE5 are invited Lo attend said PZTBLIC ~ARING and express 7~,~, opinione for or againet the proposed CII9NGn OS ST~T NANIE. ,,~,?',~; i''ITRTk~',,R INFOBMATION aay be obtained at the o£fice of the PI~AN"~iTi~ .'1'~IGINF~EE3 of the City oi Anaheim. ; DA'P.GD: Auguet 1'L, 1954'• CITX PLA~T,IING CObQiIS5I0N OS T~iEI ''~~`~ CITY OF gNA~IM. .r~~ k.:;. EY: R. S. SZR~A'[EIiS, BHAIAMA~Y. 'f" j i '. n. .. _,~...._.. : ... . . .. . . . :.: ~. ~...... _... . ....... ... . ..... . . .. ~.! ^T^ ~_.. ........ .~ .... . .. ....: . .... . '!T.~ . ~ .:1 T~+~!!~Y!~+t'f^Ynn.:~.. .~..'~ . ....:..,. . . - ~'~ .,