PC 1954-1955-53 .I~S0LUTION. NO,, 53 '' SER!~S 195q--55
A ~SOL~TI0~ 0~ ~ 0I~ ~IN9 O0~SSIOE O~ T~ 0~ 0~
2 ~F~ P~TITION from MI~ ,M. ~0EY and JO~ R, ~, 1~0 South ~e~o~
~:~ ~o~e~, Parlour, Calif;, a~ o~er~ efa cer~in parcel:el re~ p~perty situ-
'~ 3 at~ In the City of ~he~, Oo~t~ of O~e, S~te of O~[~o~i~, ~eacr~b~
~egi~ at the Seutheaat c~o~er of Vine~ ~t ~1, said coraer also bei~
5 the ~tereection of the Northe~!~ l~e of South Street 2~.7~ feet wl~e
the ~e'aterly line of~et Street ~.00 feet wi~e aa a~ on m ~p o~ the
Co~ty,' Califo~ia;~ thence Sout~ ~?~$~1.~-~" Weat-~e~ the South l~e
~t ~1, 20~.00 feet; t~nce North 1~0-30~0~ ~est pa~lel with the
x~e of aaid ~t ~!, 1~2;~ feet; throe North 7~0~1~~ ~at p~llel witl
8 ~ld South l~e~200,00 feet ~ eai~ ~t l~ne~ ~cuth 150-30~-00" ~at alo~
eai~ ~st lin· 1~2.99 feet to the po~t of begi~
9 T~ ~LIC~ requeet .peri,sion to ~ve ~-~ther entice to the p~per~y at
10 a ~t ata~ at 1~3 feet ~rth cf ~et South Street. The co.er p~pert2
will be sol& for a gRVI~
~1, LIG~ ~AC~ING Z0~.
W~A~, ~e City Pla~ ~mmt~alom ~l~ ~1~ a ~LIC ~q~ .at ~e CAt~
1~ ~1 In ~he Cit~ of ~eim, on No~m%er 15, 19~, NfiTIO~ 0F ~OH ~ID ~LIO
~AW~G were d~2 givea as require~ By ~w ~ t~ p~vialon~ of the ~A~
~.~ :14 O~ ~, Section ~00~ ~d
~.] 15 W~, Sal~ Co-~!~sion ~ter ~ue ~apection, investl~lon a~ a~tee
by itself ~d in its be~lf a~ ~ter ~ue consi&e~tion ~f ~1 evide=e ~ r~ort~
~, ~ 16 offere~ at ~aid ~NG, ~ces f~ ~.a ~ete~ln~ the follo~
~ 17 1. With a Service Station on the ~rth~est co.er cf ~t'gouth Street ~ South
~[~ ~st Street, an ~io~ble U~, -~ with the preeent ~uee on the p~pert~,
~:~ 18 which it ie p~sed to leave, it l~ i~o~ible t~ ~.~ th~ the
....~ 19 ~riv~-s strXp, at a point 25 feet from the property line.
~j 2. ~e ~ition of one ~itio~l ~rive~ '~1 not be detr~e~tal to the pro-
2'J' 20 petty In the ar~. as all t~ki~ into the ~acturl~ A~ -ill.. be from
~ ~t SoUth Stregt.by me~ Of an ~le~ at the back of th~ ~uB~ect P~perty.
~Y G~TS V~OE N0. 26~, s~ect
T~ ~scap~ of tho Service 5ration as s~on p!~s present~.
T~ ~ING ~SOLUTION is ~i~e~ ~t ~pp~v~ b~ ~e thi~ 15th ~y of
24 ~ove~ber,
R.W. ~GAT.T.. ~e~ets~
oz o oz ) mm.
0I~ O~ ~
Seoreta~ 01t~ Pl--~-i~ 0o~im~ion of the Ci~ of
An-he~, do ~reby'certl~y :$h't the fore~.~S0LUTION N0. ~3 - ~3 19~,
~1 ~ ~s~e~,~'~opt~.by a mo~ion Culy ~de, seeo~e~ a~ carrie~: at ~ ~Journ~
'~; Re~lar Meetl~ of the Ol~F Planni~ Comml~micn'of the Oi~y of ~he~, held on
-32 the 15th.~ of November, 19~.
~IM OI~ Pr~~0~IS$I0~