PC 1954-1955-113 RESOLUTION NO. 113 -- SERT.:~.~.iD54-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY PL~i'~IIHG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING_VAH_IANCE NO, ~!2~ .. 1 ~FRFAS, %he City Planning Go, nip,fen of %he City of A~aheim has received a Verified Petition from TOBIN C~PiNIES, Lessee, Om{N._,~ COUNTY EXPEDITORS, .2202 Z South Ma~olia Avenue, Smnta Asa, G~lifornla, Authoriaed Agents~ of :3~ certain p~cel of re~l property situated in the City of f~n'%beim~ County of Orange, State ~e., ...Abed 5 of California, ~ ,m~" ' follows: 4 Tha~ sottish of ~he 'SE~ of the SE~ of Section .o~ Townsh~n ~ South, . !O We~, described as be~nning sA a 'point on the south line of Section. 5 6, 68~ feet west of the southeas~ corner; thence west ~.on2 umid lin~ 636.75 feet; thence north 614 feet; thence east parole! with tho south. 6 line 636.4; thence south parallel with the ea:~t line 61a feat to the 7 point or.ginning. Tho apt'lic~t re~sts permission to erect a T~Bpora~y Directional SIGN 8 Cot a period of one y~ar or i?ss advertistn~ ~he sale *of houses and lots in Tract No. 2111, The si~ %s to be located ~ feet from the centerltno . 9 of La P~.L~n ~vcnue ~md 35 feet fro~ the c,nterlino of th~ frontage road on Mancbecter Avenue and will be 12 foot by 50 feet. 10 ~{E~S, the City Planning Co~isslon did hold a ~blic lIearing at the City: ll Hail in the City of ~ahe~ on Monday, March 7~ 1955~ NOTICES of which said ~blic Hearing were duly given as required by .law and the provisions of the l~ '~AN~E~ MUNICIPAL CODE~ Section 9200; and 13 d4f{'~'~:~<Sa~d ~.Oo~issio~.;.e~r. du~ inspection, investigation and studies 14 and repOrtS °r~er'~a.'~t~{~..H~a~H~'~'~does find and dete~ine the following: 15 1. The Variance is.necessary because, sJ.~pls are only pe~itted ~ 0-2~ M-I~ and M-2 areas. 17 HEREBY G~S VARIANCE NO. 312; subject to: 18 1. Limitation of the size of the si~ to ten feet by twenty-five feet. 19 2. That it be. for a period of Only~four months. 20 ~THE~6~EGOI~G R~SoLuTi6N ts sl~ed and approved by me this 7th day of 2I M~ch, 1955'~"' ('.: ' ,~[~., ~', - , . 23 ATT~. .-..* ANAHE~ CITY PLANNING C~4ISSION rotary A ION 26 STATE OF C~IFORN~ 27. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF AN;d{EE ) 28 I,' R. W. MUN.~iLL, Secretary of the City Planning C~ission of the City of Anahe~, do hereby certi~ that the foregoing ~SOLUTION NO. ~3 - SERIES !954-~5 29 was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded, ~d carried at a Re'~lav 30' Meeting of the City Planing Co~ission of .tho City of Anaheim held on the 7th day of Merch~ 1955. 31 IN WITN~S ~I.~OF, I have hereunto set my~~s. . 7th day of. March, 1955. . - .