PC 1954-1955-114i 1 RRSOLO'PIQN b'0. 7 7 t. ~ S~Fi1~.,S 19~5 ~~ R RESOLUTION OF ~fi CITY I'LBbTNIINQ CQ!lSTBSION OF TAE CITY Or ENAHEII~S - --- CdiAtiTTl~f3 VNtrnur.g N0 ia 1 ~S, Tl~s C3tv Pl~aning Ce~ni,eaion of the City of 6nahaim hae rea~ived a erilYeB Pet3tion t'tom.TaBIDi COMPANIES/ I.eaaee~ OR6NGE CO[JDiTY S%PEDZTOAS~ 2202 2 sonth 14agnolta A~~~ $aata Ana~ C~a'}.itornl~~ 9uthor3sed Agents~ of a cartain patcel ot real P~P~'t9 eitnated iti the City of 1~naheimr , ~~~9 af ~'anges 8tate 3 02'. CR7.iPoraia~ : dsearibed: ae Polloxa ~ 4 Ths Eeats~ly Sg2.~7 ~eet of the Nesterly 1356.96.teet of the 3outhxeat ons.•~,rt~+r ~A c~.cLi~ 5~ Ta~n6hxp b 3ouTC, ~ange IO WesL, 8.B.B. & M. 5 , Iooate8 narthsaat oP Meacheatea~Houievasd. 6 ~ aPP~a~t reqtieata persieelon to erect a T~porary Direotioa~7. 3If}N tar a.pe,riod.of oae..ysar or-lese.. The aign.ie to ba 12 Yeat by~ 50 feeL 7 and vi11 be.loaated,70`taa~ flrbm tlse centeT line o#'lIanoheeter Aveaw ' end 2$0"Paet east ot:Magnolia Av~e ~~~~01~,ae #~he eale of 8 houesa and lote in Treat Ho. 2111.. The P~P~Y ig Preaetttly soned ae 'R•~A~ RffiIDENTI6I,•~At~RIGtiLT[JRAL. 9 I~1SffitEAS, the City Plaaning,Cc~iasion did hold a Publio Hoariag at the City 10 al1 in the Citp of l~aatleia,oa Mon~qy~ Masah 7, 1955, 140TICE5 oP eehich said 1~° g08~~$ xere duly'E9.ven ea requi.re~ ~`aw uad the proYiefaae ul ~Ehe 11 .sIl~[ MQNICIPAL CODE, Sootion 9200= nan • 12 i~RSAS~ 3uid Ca~m-faaion at`ter.fize iaspection, investigatiaa and studies e~y itaeZf sad`in ita behalf and after due oonaideration oP sll evidedtce 13 ~ reporte OPfered at seid Hearittg~ does Sind and determiae the followings. 14 1. ~ Y~,.~ce ie aeoeasary beoause ai~ms are ouly pet~aitte3 ia th.~ C-,2~ M 1~ end M-2 areas. 15 ~1~ ~OREs BS IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANdFIEIl~f CITY PLANNING COMMIS3IOt~ 16 ~~Y ~y~g VAR3Al~H:L~ N0. 313~ subfeat 'toi 17 l, y~,{~tioa oP the siae oP the aign to ton teet by trrenty-five faet. 18 ~~ '_~*t '? :~' ~=. a~~~i oP onl~ foIIr aaanins. ls TSS FOR&('~OING RESOI,UTION is eigned aad approvad by me thie 7th de~y oY nn Qh~ 1955. . .. . . . i ; : R L R s . ' R• $• u~I~YiGCw~ Ciyaayt7YC~y AbSAHSII[ CITY FLBNHIliG ~Li~Il~ST3SI0N 29 30 3~. 32 Al• R• {YY~~\iqYil' D~o~j$~~ tiH CIT~ PI,~iIIYG C(~+94ISSI0~ ~ QF ~GlfaluMlY,dA ~ 'Y OF ORANGE ~ Da. _ OF driAHEIM ~ ) 3, A. ~i. HW~Ai.L~ .9eoretarY aP the Cii~ Pl~aning Cc~iaaion o~ the' Cit,y of ~~ d~ '~lerobe ca~tity 't~kst . #.li~ foregoing ~R~SaLiTTYON ' ~. 324 - BERIES 195~r-55 isesa~ sad adop~ed~hy.:a moL3on ilu3y mede~ aecondad;`~qn8 osaeMed at a Ssgu7.ar ,ng oP the City:Piaanimg Co~issfoa of ths City oF Anaheie- held on the ?th ~F !1a'roh, I955. - ' IF WITH~9 WS~OFD i&~ve hare~nato'se~:sq-:hdt~ this 7th•degr oY Mareh~ 1S:`= r ~ R, ~7A tdWi4dI3.~ Seair~tar8 ~ ADTAflSJM .CITY P'LAl~tI~G CCdNAiYS5I0N RESOLUTION NO~ 1].4 -- SERIES 195g-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF JNAHEIM GRANTING' VARIANCE NO ~ 313.~ . , i t~{F2tEAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received erified Petit. ion from TOBIN COMPANIF~, Lessee, ORANGE COUNTY E%PEDITORS, 2202 2 South Magnolia Avenue, Santa Aha, California, Authorized Agents, of a certain parcel of real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State 3 of California, described as follows: 4 The. Easterly 892.37 feet of the Westerly 1356.96 feet of tho Southwest one-quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South,- Range 10 West, S.B.B. & Mo 5 located northeast of Manchester Boulevard° 6 The applicant requests permission to erect a Temporary Directional SIGN for a .period of one year or less. The'siEn is to be 12 feet by 50 feet 7 and will' be located 70 feet from the center line' of Manchester Avenue and 250 feet east of Magnolia Avenue and will advertise the sale of 8 houses and lots in Tract No. 2111.~ The property is presently zoned as R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL. 9 WH],~EAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City 10 Hall in the City of Anaheim on Monday, March 7, 1955, NOTICES of whlcn .~aid Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions' of the 11 ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and 12 Il .~. WHERF2~S, Said Commission after due inspection, investigation and studies .?!.!.~"lma~iSy itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of. all eviden.ce ':'?~3.i.' .~.~.'~eports offered at s~id .Hea~ing, does find and determine the following. .:. '., ;, - . . 1'4 1. The Variance is necessary because signs are only: permitted in the 0-2~ M-l, and M-2 areas. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 16 HEREBY GRANTS VARIANCE NO. 313, subject t®: 17 1. Limitation of the size of the sign to ten feet by twenty-five feet. 18 2. Tha~ it be for a period of only fo~r months. 19 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is Si~ned and approved by me this 7th day of ~srch, 1955. 2O ~{. So SUMMERS, Chazrman 22 ATTEST: ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 24 ' R. W. MUNGALL, Secretary ANd{ElM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 26 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 27 I, R. W. MUNGALL, Secretary of the City Planning Co~missiOn of the City of 28 Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NOG 114 - SERIES 1954-55 was passed and adopted by~a motion duly made, seconded, and carried at a Regular 29 Meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim held on the 7th day of March, 1955. ~0 31 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of March, 1955. 32 '~. 'W. MUNGA~'J'., Secretar~ -ANAHE]}4 CITY PLANNING COM]~ISSION