PC 1954-1955-151l a .7erifi~ Petition from ~OS~ D. ~., 1~32 ~st La P~ Ave.,
C~ltfo~ia, a~. o~er of a certain ~r0eI of r~ property 3t~ted in the City
2 of ~d~e~, So~ty of Or~e, S~ate off C~ifornia, describ~ as follows.:
5 ~s Southerly 1~5.00 feet off the ~sterlY 1~.00 meas~ed alo~ the
~eterly a~ Southerly l~nes respectively, of ~t 16 off ~eim ~tension
~ ,~ f~$er de~oribe~~ as the ~ Co~er of Placentia Ave. ~ Velar Ave.
5 ~e:aPplic~t requests ~e~isefon to erect ~ opec'ate a Se~ice Station.
The p~perty i~ presently classified a~ ~A, ~identia!-~ri~lt~.ral,
~ ~e 0ity Pla~g Commission did ~ld a ~lfc Hear~ af ~e
7 C'~'~i in the City of A-ahem; on ~y 2, 1955, ~TI0~ of ~ich Said ~lic
~ were ~y given'.ae required b;, law and the ~wimfons of the
8 ~IO~ ~, 8action 9200;. a~
9 ~, Saf~ Oo~i~sfon~ter 0us inspection, inveet~ation and st~ies
n~e. By' itselT ~ in i~s be~lf ~ affter d~ consideration of all evidence and
~0 fePe~s o'ffere~ at $~id Near~e ,. does fi~ ~ detrains t~ followi~,
ll 1, ~ere [s no Se~ice Station nearer t~n one mile.
~2 2. Plaeentia Ave. iS a heavily tr~J~elle~ highly.
~5 3.1 ~e Station will be a~ross from'a furze' City Park.
14 }TOW, ~~, BE IT ~S0L~ T~' T~ ;~IM OI~ ~ING COMMISSION
~Y GR~S FAR.CE .NO. 342, S~JEOT ~:
1, The Deedi~ of 2o feet alo~ Placentia Awe. to the City of ~eheim
'16 for street wideni~.
17 2. Engineerl~ requirements.
18 3'; Fili~ of a Reco~ of Surv~ ~ With the City of ~eim aD~ the
Cowry 'of Or~e.
~ ~0~I~ ~SOL~I0~] is signs4 ~d approved by me thi~ 2nd day of
'R, S. S~,
22~ ~lM CItY PI~ CO~ISSIO~
26 $.~A~ O~ O~IA )
~00~l~ 0F 0~ )
28 I, R. l{. I~L, Seorota~ of 0he 0it~ Plannimg 0om~esion of the oily
,Of. ~eim~ ~o :hereb.v certify t~t the fo~ego~ ~SOS~I0~.NO. 151 - $~RIES
29 ~5~, ~Wad.~ag~e~ a~ ~opte~ by m mo%ion ~y ~, seco~ ~ o~rri~
:~he '~ar Meeti~ of the City'Pl~i~ Co~iselon of the Oit2 of A~eim, held
30 ,on the.2af ~ay of ~, 1955.
~51 ~ WI~SS W~F, I ~ve hereto set m~ ~~ d~y of May, I9~5.