PC 1954-1955-167 _ _ 0K~I~0 gA~¢g ~0.. 353
~, ~he 0it~ PI~ Coat,stoa of the Cit~ of ~heim ~s received
1 a Verifie~ Petition from tho t~L~SE SIGN SERVIa, c/o O~GE CO~TY ~I~,
2 ipecia~ U~e Pe~lt tc erect a si~ in the City ef ~e~, ~o~ty of Or.ge,
St~t~ of'~ifforni~ at the following de~cribe~
The ~1~ f~ to be 29 feet from the centerl~e of Placentia Avenue
4 a~ 32 feet f~m the centerl~e of Saata ~ Street at the southwest
co.er. ~e ei~ will'be 10 foet by 25 feet with six feet g~
5 clearance.
6 ~'~, ~e City P~ni~ Co~ls~ion ~i~ ~1~ ~ ~bllc H~rl~ at the
City ~11 ~ the City cf ~e~, en ~y 16, 1955, NOTICES of which.Said ~blic
7 Hemri~ were duly given as requir~ bF law a~ the provielon~ of the ~A~IM
~ICIFAL ~, Section 920G;
W~S, Said Co~i~on after ~ue inspection, invosti~tion, an~ ~t~ies
'9 ~e by itselff ~ In it~ be~lff ~d ~ter due ~onstdermtion of ~11 evidence
~ r~port~ offered ~t said H~ring~, doe~ fi~ ~_ dete~ne the
1. Directio~e~ Siam ~vertis~ tracts in.the City of ~e~ ~re
.?~ :;~ ..... ' 1. S~s ~1 be a ~.~f~ Size of 10 by2% feet.
:i4'. /:f /.'..'.[. ::/[2,: ,$,i~s' willJbe pe~itt~ for ~ m~i~ period of 6 mont~ or
::[-[(:?[: '?~.[::.:.~ ,.. ;/' ~ :. ..A~e~it ~.be ~t~en out with the.~ldi~ Department. 1
1'5' '"?.: ..'~'~?f"4. ':~e ~e"~ff, the si~ Om~a~ must app~r on every sign erects. 1
'::~';/'~ "~'[." '.[5.- $i~s~ ~t be 10 feet b~k of the ri~t~f-~, line or any ~treo~
'1'6 or
6. 'At ~ho intersection of t~ ~reet~ tho e~o must be ~eg back 25 feet
17 7. All signs ~11 ~ve ~ 6 foot gm~ clmce.
~ The fee per si~ s~l be $25.00.
18 ~. 3i~ ~ri~cem s~l be pemitte~ for ~ir~l si~
o~y tract~ within the cit~ l~its of
T~ ~I~ ~S0~TI0~ is al~e~ a~ approv~ by me this 16th ~7 of
24 ~. W. ~{GA~,
S~ 0F ~I~ )
26 O0~ 0F 0~E )
0I~ 0F ~I~ )
I, R. W, ~G~, Seore~ of the City ~mmi~ Co=~ssio~ of ~he city
28 of ~he~, do hereby certify t~t the foregoi~ ~SOLUTION N0. 167 -
'I9~55, ~s p~ssed ~ ~op~ed by a motion d~y ~e, seco~ ~ carri~
29 the~Jou~ ~ar. Meet~ of the City Pi~ Conmissiom of tho City
A~heim. held on the 16th ~y of ~, 1955.
IN W.[~S W~F, I ~,m hereto set ~~ 16th ~y