PC 1954-1955-173 l';I~Y~, ~e 0ity Pl~'~Ir~ Co~ssion of th~ 0ity of ~mim ~ received
a Yerifi~ Petition from the Y~L~Y-k~Z CO~TION, il2 North ~ Bre~ Avenue,
~ ~gelee 36, G~iforn~, a~ owner oZ a certain p~rcel of real proper~y
~ted tn the City of ~etm, Cowry o~ O~ge,-State of C~ifo~ta,.de~cribcd ~,~
4 ~m. p~pertF~ ~ LO~A~ b2 0errltos Avenue, ~alnut Street, the ~o~the~
~i~on rtg~f-~2' and Ninth SSreet.
~e applic~t reque~t~ permission to erect a MO~, $f0~, or ~
~ on the 'above described p~port~-.- ~e p~perty is presently cl~t-,
fi~ as ~A, ~S~ AGRIOUL~.
7 ~, ~e City Pla~.~g Oo~t~sion did hold a ~lic' Hearing at the
8 ~11 in the 0ity Of ~he~, on ~y 31, 1955, NOT~OE$ of which Said P~blAC Hear-
~ ~re d~y given az required ~by~w ~: tho pmv!sio~ of ~he ~A~
~ P~ 00DE, Section 9200; ~.
10 ~, Staid Co~i~sion after due incpcctio~, l~i~tion ~d .~ic, m~e
by itself a~ ~ it~ be~f.a~ ~ter due consideration of all evidence ant ro-
ll port~ offered ~t emid E~rl~, doeo fi~ ~d dete~ine the
1.~ere is m need. for ~ditto~ overni~t accomo~tions tn the ar~, near
2.The aubject property l~ bo~e~ o~ tv~ side~, ~ely OerrIt~s Avenue
m~. N~nth ~tree~,. by ~.~3 Zone recem$1y gr~t~ by the 0try .Oo~cil.
14 3. ~e grating of the vmrl~xc~ ~uld no~ be detrimental te other
~ the ~e Greta.
~%r, T~, ~E IT ~SOL~ ~T T~ .~I~I~I 0I~"P.~ING OO~IISSlON
'16 I~T'~G~{TS V~CE ~, 363 S~CT
17 1. The erection of.build~c acco~g to the precise plus pre~ented..
2. The ~stallation of street~ az re~lr.i by the City ~enr of the
18 City of ~eim.
3, ~e inst~lation of.m d~i~ge c~el as re~ir~ by the Flood Contel
19 aut~ritiee of. the
T~ 'FO~GO~G ~S0LUTION ie si~ed ~ a~ved by me this 31st d~,' of May,
~0~ O~ O~GE )
29 .~nm~e~,, do hereby Co~ifF ~t tho foro~oi~ ~so~UTION No. 173 - SER~$ i95t~55
~m~ pasted an~ ~opted by a motion ~y nz~e, seeon~e~.m~ c~rrt~ a~ ~e ~Jou~
ned ~mr Neet[~ o~ tho City Pla~i:~ Oo~iesiOn of the City of A~mim, held