PC 1954-1955-179 ' _~.,.[~TIOJ OP Ti~ CITY PLANNING COI,~.tISSION 0F T~ dITY OF A~TAt~iM ~. ~ 0altfon~!a, ze owner, DE~.~ ~L~, 800 dP,t 1Torth Street, ku~mlm, California, ~ ac Autl~art:~ Agent,. of ~ certa~ parcel of real property ct~-~-~tod l~ the 0ity of :. 5 ~aheim, 0o~ty of Ormtge, State of California, described'as followc: . 4' ~'~ l~, Block'D, Oa~ifo~r,~a Palmr~r Tr~ct~ .furl;her described ~n 600 '~ 'Jou~h Palm Street, ~ae m~.~lice~,t requo~..t~ pe~i~toa b~ ~onotrc;ct e,n E~htcaI Professional '']- 6 Bull~l~ to accomod~te one M.D, a:td one D.D.Z~ gt the above deacrtb~ ~ property, The prop~rty.ts presently cla~ql~ie~ a~' Y~-l, 3iNG~ F~ILY · ~ Oi~y ~ll in the Ot~y of ~clm, on ~y 31, 1955, ~IOTIOES o. wn~..L Said ~blic ~:~. }.ION~OI~ CODE, Section 9P00; reports ~fTercc! ~t ~td. Hearl~, ~toe~ fln~ and determ:h~e the following: ~; 1. ~l~ property ~a ~ee~ offere~ for ~ome t~e for Stifle Fatally Rori- "~;~'~ 13 ~enti~ u~o but the o~er ~e been .~ble to sell the lot for thtr ;; ~ .~o~e cu accot~t ;~ tho hi~ ~r~fic density on Eou~h Palm 8traet. ,:j 14 2. ~ra¢'.'o In seed ~n ~n~ 01t}. for additional Ethic~ Den~al ~d Medic~ ,'.~ off ~.~ a~. J"; 15 3. ~ ~p~ii,~an~ .p~esenterl. prec:lo~ plan~ of ~e proposed b~ildl~ a~ ,~ %h~ requixed ui'f-n~vee~, parking. ............. T" '16 ~. Thin t~e ~f ,-o~ ,/eom no'% involve the rota~ .of merc?mudise, only' ~" seal,es, uc~l!y by appotntme~t ~o tMt there .ts ~..~fflc I:rob- }]~. 17 lee ~o~ed. · q' 18 NOW, Tt~,' ZE I~ ~OL~ T~T T~ AN~iI,I CI~f PI~ING ~R~Y G~NTS V~AIIOE i~, 369 2~OT ~: .i 19 ~ 1, The develop:,ont of the 'p~ort~ in' accord~e With the precise plmm } ~0 which s. rea part of %hi,~ ~cco~.. 2. ~e providing of off-~re~t ~3arking l~ the rear of the p~pert~.. T~ ~ING ~SO~TION iZ signed ~ approved by- me ~his 31~t ~y of j ~ R, $. S~i~M, Ohatrmn ~~ A~DI CITY P~ING COmmiSSION 26 t~ OlT~ P~TIN~ISSlON STA~ OF 0ALI~I~ I ) CI~ O~ ~IM ) ,~.~ 29 I, R. W. I~G~L, Secreta~of the 0tt~ Pla~h~g Oo~iz~ion of the 0it~ of ~0 A~.heim, do hereby certify tkat. ~he foregoing RESOLUTI01~ NO, 179 - S~I~ -.-~n~" . ~n~.p~o~ed ant ~opte~ bya ~io5 d~y ~e., seceded, mid carried mt the s, 51 'ned. Re~lar Meeting of the City Pl.amli~-~ Oo~t~sion of the Cf.'fy of ~heim, !~eld ~ on. the 31et day of bsa, 1955, .