PC 1955-1956-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAI~ING CO~.~.~ISSION 02 TH~ OI~/ 0F ~A~IM .. ,~ v~c~ ~o.~ 1 W~, The Oity Plying Co~i~sion of the 0try of An~eim ~s receiv~ 2 m Verlfie~ Petition f~m G~ A. ~TT, 8822 Brooi~ur~t Street, ~eim, Cali. flora, .as o~er of a certain parcel off re~ property si~ in the O~ty off ~ 'A~heim, Co~ty of Or~, State of California, described as follows: 4 Begi~i~ at m po~t 539,70 feet west of the centerline of Gilbert Street along the ~rtherly righ~f-~.~y line of Lincoln Avers which 8 ie the t~e ~iut of begi~g; thence ~rth mt right a~lee to Lincoln A~nue 183 Test; thence west 69.37 ~eet pm~lel· to L~ncoln Avenue; 8 thence south 183 ~feet at ri~:t a~gles to Lincoln Avenue; thence east 69.37 feet ~o~ t~ ~rtherly ri~-,~y line of Lincoln Avenue; 7 to'-the $~e po~t of begi~ing. B W~, ~e City PI~ Oo~ission did ~ld a.P,A~ic ~ari~ at th~ City ~11 in the Ci~y.off,~eim, on J~y 5, 1955 m~ continued on Au~st 1, 195.$ 9 NOTICES off which-said ~folic Heari~s were d~y given as required by law and. ~he p~ovision~ off the ANAI~E~ ~,~ICIP~, ~DE~ $ection 92005 and 10 1'fl~, Said Conmission, after due lnsp~tion, investigation a~ 11 m~e by itself a~ in its be~lf a~ ~ter due constde~tion of all evidence reports off~ered at said Eeari~s. does fi~ a~ dete~ine the follo~g facts: 12 1. There are other Co~e'rcial Use~ in the ~rea. 13 2. Lincoln Avenue is a h~vily t~velled t~o~hfare not co~u~'ive to Single F~tly ~Sidential Uae. 1~ 3. ~dequate' off-ctreet parki~ is provided. 15 NOW, T~FO~, ~ IT ~SOL~ T~T T~ ~R~ CITY PI~ING ~Y G~ VA~ANOE NO. 382 S~CT ~: 1. The assembly off boats in a building between the hours 0f 8 A.M. and 17 6 P.M. 2. ~e possible requirement, t~t at a Review by the Oity Co~:c[l, a 18 f~ntage. ~ might be require~; 19 ~ ~ING ~OLUTION is sign~ ~ ~pprov~ by me thi~ let ~y of Aug~mt, 19.65. /~~l-- ' I' 20 ~IM CITY P~ING ~]~ISSIONI I STA~ O~ C~0~l ) E6 OO~Y 02 O~GE ) CITY 0~ ~IN ) 27 I, R. W, ~GA~, Secreta~ of the 0i~y Plying Co~iesion of the City 28 An~he~, do hereby c~rtify t~t ~he foregoing ~SOLUTION NO. 14 - SERIES 1955-56, ~s p~sse~ ~d ~optedby m notion duly ~de, seconded and carri~ ~t the Re.ar 29 Meeti~ of the City Plm~ Commission of the CitF of Anaheim, held on the d~y of 4~st, 1955. 3O