PC 1955-1956-28 A RESOLUTION 0F TH~ CITY PIJ/~NII~G COMMISSION 02 TH~ 1 ~S, ~e 0ity Pl~g Oo~i~sion of the City of ~eim ~s received ~ Verified Petition f~m ~I~,{ P~T~S C0~0~TIONS, c/o Irving Schneider, 2 Times Buildi~, Long B~ch, Omliforni~, as o~er, E~ST H. ~OK~OD, 4252 Atlzntic Avenue, ~ng B~ch 7, 0allfo~i~, as Authoriz~l Agent of ~ cert~in pmr- ~ cel of real property si~ted in the Oity of ~he~m, O~liTornia, described as follows: Beginni~ m~ the southwest corner of the S~ of Section 22, ~S, ~OW, 5 S.B.B.&L a~ ~ing thence North along the ~'fe~t lh~e of said SE~, 67% fee~; thence ~st p~llel to the South l~e of ~aid Section 22, 573 feet; 6 thence South p~r~lel to West line of said ~, 675 feet to South line of said Section 225 thence West alo~ said South l~e 575 feet to point ? beginning excepting therefrom t~t portion of said land lying within ~rbor Bo~eva~ ~ further described as the Northeast corner of ~rbor 8 Boulew~ ~d I~tell~ Avenue. 9 ~e a~lic~nt, requests permi~sion to erec~ m~d onermte 0ocktall ~ce tn conjunction with the Clock Restaurant. ~e Clock 10 Restaur~ut ~,~.s gromted by Variance No. 294 dated 2eb~- 21, 1955. The property is precently cla~sifi~ as ~A, ~SID~T~I, AGRIC~T~L. ll W~5, ~e City Planning Co~iselon did hold ~ ~olic Heari~ at the City 12 ~ll in the City of ~eim, on September 6, 1955, ~OTICES of which said ~bltc Hearing were d~y givon ~s required by law ~nd the provicions of the ~A~IM 15 ~IO~ OO~. Section 9200; ~d 14 ~, Said Co~ission after due in~ection, tnvestigs, tion and studies ~de by itself ~d tn itz bel~lf and ~tev due consideration 15 reports offered mt ~aid Ho~ring, does find ~d dete~ine the following facts: 16 !. ~e Clock Rests. urant has acquired m~itio~l property and desire to px~vide all ft~cilitie~ for visitors to Disne~lmnd. 17 2. The plus show ~. development of approximately $1,000,000.00. 3. ~is devolopment ~o~d not bc detr~ut~! t~ She other properties 18 in the area. 19 NOW, T~, BE IT ~SOL~ T~T T~ ~I~II'l CI~ [~Y GB~ V~L~TOE ~T0. 407 S~OT ~: 20 1. ~e insta!l~tion of ~1 .trn.~ t.~ve~e~te on ~.rbor 21 ~tell~ Avenue with the ~rbe ~et mt Z~7 feot from tbs centerline~ both street~. ~2 2. ~e instal!~tion o~ a 3 foot ~11 where parking ~reas abut these 8treets. ~e ~,~11 to taper do~ to 1 foot mt entra~3ces. 2~ 3. Sid~lks ~y start at ~he ~side of the ~rbs, if so desired. 2 ~ T~ ~Ii~G ~SOL~ION is si~ a~ approval by me this 6th ~y of ~'~ eptenber, 1955. 25 ~ ' 80 51 'o~ OF O~E ) ~s. 1 I, R. ~. I~2~GA~L, Secretary of ~he 0ity Planning Oommiuston of ~ ~6, ~.~s PaSse~ an~ ~op~e~ by a motion ~y ~e, seco~e~ Re~r Meetin~ of ~he 0i~y Pl~ing 0o~ission of ~he City of ~-eim, hel~ on ~ the 6th ~y of S~te~ber, 4 IN liI~SS I,~F, I ~ve hereto set ~his/ ~ 6th day of,September 8 17 ~ ;'~ 30