PC 1955-1956-29 i RESOLUTION NO, 29 - SERIE~ 1955-5.6 '. RESOLUTIO~7 OF THE CITY P~ING OO~4ISSIO~I OF ~ CITY 0F A~.,f GP~ING V~{CE NO, 408,,, . 1 ~, The Cit~ P~i~ Co~ission of the 0ity of An~eim ~s received a Verified Petition from PAUL J. ~, 16752 E~st S~nt~ Clara, Santa A~, Call- 2 fornim, as owner of ~ certmtn parcel of r~l property sit.ted in the City of A~%e~, cowry of Or~ge, State of O~tfo~ia, described as follows: 3 ~e North 216 feet of the East 100 feet of the West 290 feet of ~t 4, 4 Block A of Tract No. 13 and further de~crib~ a~ being on the South side of Lincoln Avenue approx~tely 150 foot east of B~okhurst Street. 5 ~e a~lic~nt reo3%ests peri,sion to erect at~ operate a Donut a~ Coffee 6 S~D on the ~bove property. ~e property ~.~s zon~ a~ ~o~erci~ before ~er~tion to the City, but is presentl~ classified by the City a~ ~, 7 ~S ~ENT~L AGRIC~L. 8 %;~S, The City Pla~i~ Co.lesion did Im!d a ~blic Nearing at the City ~11 ~ the City of An~%eim, on September 6, 1955, NOTICES of which said 9 ~%blic H~r~xg were d%~y Wen as ree3ired by l~w ml~ the provisions of the ~L~}~R4 ~,~;IOIP~ CODE, Section 9200; ~ 10 W~S, Said Co.lesion after due h~spection, ~vestigation and studies ll ~de by itself and in itc behalf ~d mfter due consideration of all evidence ~ reports offered mt said Hearing, does find a~ dete~ine the following facts: 1. ~e other properties mrou~ the ~er of Bl~o~urst Street a~ Lincol 15 Avenue at present are occ~ied by Conu~erc~l Uses. 2. ~e gr~nting of the Variauce will givo the e, pplicant a substantial l~ proper~; rt~% enjoyed by other~ in the smme vicinity. 3. ~e grant~g of the Variance shoed not be detrimental to the 15 s~rounding properties. 16 NOW, ~~, BE IT ~SOL~ ~T T~ ~Di CI~ P~;ING OO~ISSiON ~Y G~ITS V~d7CE ~0. 408 S~CT ~: 17 1. 01~ring with the State Hi$%~y Dep~rtment ~dth reference to the 18 ~,~idening of Lincoln Avemte sn~ establishing building setback line. 2. Providing of improved off-street parking ~e sho~ on,the plans. 19 ~ ~GOII7G ~S0LUTION is sised ~ud approved by me this 6th ~y cT 20 September, 1955. 24 27 CITY O~ ~IM ) 28 I, R. W. ~7G~, Secreta~ of the City P~m~ Co~ission of the City of ~%e~,, do hereby certify t~t the fore. lng ~SOL~ION NO. 29 - SE~ES 195~-56~ 29 ~s passed ~ ~opt~ by m motion d~y ~e, eeco~ed a~ carried at the Re~lar Meeti~ of the City Pla~ing Oo~ission of the City of ~eim, held on t~ 6th 30 ~y of Sept~ber, 1955. 31 IN WI~SS ~, I ~ve hereto ~et my~~6~h ~y of September,