PC 1955-1956-35 I ~SOLUTION OF T~ 0ITY P~I~[G C0)~ISSION OF T~ OlTY O~ G~TH~G V~0E N0. 414. 1 W~AS, ~e Oiby Plmmi~ 0o~ieeion of the City of ~,~im ~ receiv~ a Verified Petition from S~O~R & EVANS (Placenti,m Park), 324 S~uth Bedfo~ 2 Drive, Beverly Hills, Califon~ia, ae o~er, RIC~ SZGN~ lNG., 1730 East A~he~ ~treet, ~ng Beach, Cmlifomi~, as Aut~rized Agent, requesting pe~isolon ~ erect a Tempora~ Di=ectio~l Si~ on e certain parcel of real property sit~t~ in the City of Anaheim, 0o~ty of Or.ge, ~tate ce CaliTo~ia, ~ the followi~ A described location: A portion of An~e~ ~xtension, ~t 10 and further described ac s,pprox- irately 1000 feet ~.mut of 01tff~se Street on the south ~ide of East 6 Center Street (No. 1608 Eant Center Street), h "' '~I .:}.5~%1':.. 8 <.::" "" ' '.-' ' 10~ ~r~R.I M~IOIPAZ CODE, Section 9200; and ~ 11 l~S, Said Oor.~ission, after due in~pection, investigation a~ studies ~J m~.e by itself and in its behalf and after due conslder~tion of all evidence and ~ 12 reports offered mt zaid ~G, doe~ find and dete~ine the ~ollovdng 1~ 1. Other mists ~ve been allowed ~vertis~ tracts in ~he City of An~eim. lA 2. ~ese si~ mrs teleran. 18 1. Si~s s~ll be a m~i~ size of 250 sq~re feet. 17 2. ~i~s will be permitted for a ~f~ ~eriod of 6 monthz or less. 3. A pe~it ~st be t~hen out with the Building Department. 18 4. ~e ~me of the Stgm Co.any ~st ~ppemr on eve~ ~ign erected. 5. St~s must be lO· feet back of the ri~ht~T-~,~y line of ~ny street 6. At the intercection of the streets, the si~s ~t be zet back 2~ 20 7. All si$~s s~ll ~ve a 6 foot greed clip. ce. 8. The fee per ~i~ sh~l be $25.00. 21 9. St~ ~rimuces s~ll be peri,ted for directional si~e adverti~iug only tracts within the City Limits of ~heim. 22 T~ ~ING ~$O~ION iz si~ ~d approved b~ me thi~ 6th ~y of 2~ S~ptember, 1955, 2~ T~ R. S'.' S~, 0~ir~n 25 ~T~ES/ ~ ~,~ ~IM 0ITY P~N~G C0~ISSION 28 STA~ 0~ ~LI~IA ) 00~TY OF O~GE ) ~0 I, E. W. ~G~,, Secreta~ of the City Pl~ ~ission of the Oi~y ~f A~eim, do hereby certify that the foregoi~ ~SO~TIO~ NO. 35 - S~ ~ ~l ~s.~ms~e~ ~d ~opted by a motion d~y ~e, seceded ~d carried at the R~lar , ~ee~zng of the City Planing Co~mis~ion of the City of ~eim, held on ~he 6th ~ ; ~2 1ay of September, 1955. ~' 1955. N ~'~I~SS 1'~2, I ~ve hereto set ----~-~mY h~~h day of S~tember,