PC 1955-1956-63 ~so~_~Io~,~o. ~.63 - SERIES 1955.._56 A P~SOLUTION OF TH~ 0ITY P~ING COMMISSION 0~ T~ 0ITY O~ ANA~tIM 1 ~AS, The Oity Pla~i~ Oo~ission of the Oity of A~heim ~s received ~ Verifi~ Petition from G~ N. N0~IN & SONS, 166 East 17~h Street, 0osta ~ Mesa, California, as o~era of a certain parcel of re~ propert~ situated in the 0i~ of ~eim, Oo~ty of Or. ge, State of Oalifo~ia, described as foll$ws: 3 Tract No, 2779 is located south of Ball ~ad between guclid Avenue 4 a~ Nutwood Street. 8 ~e applicant requests m waiver ~f the 70 foot f~omt~e requiremen$ ~ the above described tract. ~, [~e flit7 J?l~i~ Oo~is~ion di~ hol~ ~ ~blic Heari~ at the 7 City ~11 in the Oity of ~eim, on October 17, 1955, NOTIO~ of which sai~ ~b- lic Heari~ were d~y given ~s required by law a~ the provisions of the 8 b~IOIP~ CODE, Section 9200; a~ 9 ~8, Said Co.la.ion, after due inspection, investigation and st~ies ~de by itself and ~ its' be~lf ~d after due consideration of all evidence 10 reports offere~ at said Hearing, does find an~ dete~e the following facts: 11 1. ~e lots will conta~ ~200 sq~re foot area or more a~ most of the lots will co~ly with the ~0 foot front~e requirememt. 12 2. S~ilar ~riances ~ve been granted in other t~acts. 3. ~e gr~nti~ of the Vari~ce wo~d not be detrimental to the a~ee. NOW, T~, ~ IT ~SOL~ T~T ~ ~IM CITY P~ING O0~ISSION 1~ ~ G~ V~O~ ~. ~6. 18 T~ ~ING ~SOL~ION is si$~ and m~roved b~ me ~hia 17th ~y October, 1955. ~IM 0ITY pLA~ING CO~ISSION 18 R. ~. ~O~T,T,,~creta~ 21 ~IM OI~ P~IN% CO~I~SION 22 CITY 0F ~ 2~ 28 I, R. W. ~GA~ ~ecre~ary of the City Pl~i~ Oo~nion of the 0i~ A~eim, de hereby certify t~t ~he forego~g ~SOLT~ION NO. 63 - S~R!~ 19~5~56, 26 ~s pass~ a~ ~opt~ by a ~tiom d~y ~e, second~ a~ carried a~ the n~ R~ar Meeting of the 0ity P~i~ Oo~ission of the 0i~ of A~he~, held 27 on the 17th ~y of 0ctobe~, 1955. 28 ~ WI~S W~, I ~ve hereto set ~~ l?%h ~y of October, 29 1955. ........ , ................................................................