PC 1955-1956-98; ;~ J a , `~ . ~ ~~~is: ll 2I 3 q 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 , 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~6 27 28 29 30 31 32 : 7: ~wfrt~- i~'i?.. .. k fiF ,~kc"'~OLj~'~~13 N0. 4~R ~ ae°r~~ ~~55-.56,, A FtESOLIITION Ok' THE C~1~ ~LANiV1N~i Gu`F,eltS~iuiv "vr l~ Clix vr :.iii.nuu~ i3RA,d'LIN(3,~j~$j~~E N0. 470 WHER~S, The City Plmsnin~ Cwmni.saion of thv City of Anahei.m has received a Verifiad Peti:tion from R~4f. H. A. N.C PHEfsTERS, 11562 Eamp~on Avezrue~ Garden Orove~ C~il.iSSornia, as ownsr, of' a oertain parcel cf real property situated in thr il. C.Yty oQ Anaheim, Countg og Orange, State of Calitornia~ described. as Pollowss That gortion of the '~ of tha NE~ of tho SW;, of the iVW~ of 3oat3.on 16, T4S~ R10Wy SoB.B.&P!. in the Ranok:o San Juan Ca~on de 5anta Ana and being the 41a oP Lot 11 of Holeri and Iynch's ~lsbdivision of the W-~ oP 5ect3.on 16, the mast line of tho abova dosorib~d land bbein~ the same as the west line of the trsct of land aonveyed by Chaxles Schlndler arui xifo ta Nat~tls I~gabroad, describod as bab-i. ani.~ at the I?E aornar; theY~ce veat along the north lino thereo~ 80 Peet; thonoe south 250 Yeet; thenae west 90 feet; thence south 100 Peat; thence eamt 170 £eet to the ~reat lino oP the traot of land conoayed to Nettie ~abroadi thence n~rth 35o Yeet to the point of beginning; exaepting therefrom that portion xcupied by tidos~ Broadwa~y on tho north. The appli.eant requasta peridsaion to oreot buildings for Marriago~ Famil,y and General Counsellno Servfae and a small Meditation Chapal~ which will also be used for Yieddinga on the above deasrl'aod property. The property ia present],y classif`lad as P„-A~ RESID~YTIAL AC3RTCUf.TtJRALo lvIiEREAS~ Tha Ciicy ?lannir-~ Co~ission did hold a F'ublie Hearing at the City liall in tha Ci'ty of Anahef.m~ on Docmaber 19, 195$, NOTIC~ of which eaid 1'ublia Hearing woro duly ~ven as requirod by law and the proviaions of thca A:tA:3EI2: M7hTICIP.".L CODE, 9eotiorr 9200; and Wc~RFJ1S, Sa3.d C~mi.esion~ aPtar due inspeation, investigation and atud3es made by i~§~ and i.n its b~half and a£ter due cansideration of all evidonco and raporto offered at said Searing. dotia find and detarmine tha Sollowing fao'ts: 1. A portion of th~e aub~ect prop~rty wae grante3 a Varianoe for a Co~a].aeoenti Hosa+mo 2. The ~ction of a Chapel for weddinBa~ Caunseling buildit~ and dxolling ehauld not be d~trim~ntal to other properti.ea in th~ area. I~il~A~ TFIEREFOTtG~ BE Ti Rra"OLVED THIIT TFi~ ANAHEIt~ CITY PLAIV2iIAn'3 CQDII~lY93ION j HLiREHY ORANTS VARIARCE N0. 470 SIIHJBCT T0: 1. The deeding to th~ City of Anaheim ZO feat ~or the widening o~' Eroadwa~r. 2. The it~rovement oY the trontnge along Broadwa,,u ao sps9cifYed by the City II~gineer. TIiE FOREGOII~ RLaOLDTION is sign~d and apprnvod by me this 19th d~y oP December. 1955• JOE R. THOD~SOt3~ Chairman Pro tem .4HAFl~I CITY P~h'NIN(3 C015~SSION II ~+TT~Ts ~~ R. W. 23U13C1ALL, Saorotary II J~IAFiEIIf CITY PLA~lIIv'Q~ C02~SSIOId ~~ . ~~. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lg 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ 29 30 31 32 II STATE OF CALiFOR21IA ) nNtntiv ntr ~ne~~mL ~ ~^-"•"- ~ no• CI'f3C OF ANAH~IM j 2, R. 'vJ. AMt'GALL~ Saaretary of tha City Planning Comad.s~ion oY the City o~ Anaheim~ do hereby certif~* that tha Por~.going RESOLUTION N0. g8 e SERIg~ 1955-5~a ~e Passnd snd'adopted by a motlon du~yr m~,~e, secouded and aarried at the Ad~ouraed Rogular Maeting oP the City P].anning Commission of th~ City oP Anaheim, held on the l9fih d~y oP Docomb~r, 1955. IN `1ITNESS WHER~,"'OF, I have hereunto set r~r hand t,hia 19th dqy oP Deoembesr 1955v RP W. MUi~it}III,I,~ 5~aretary A2L1HEIf~S CITY PI.Ari~1IfR} CQt~ffSSIOIJ _2,.. ~ ~;:' ~: