PC 1955-1956-105i 1 I } '~ t y i ! I t. i , :,~ ; '>l ~ 1 II 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii iz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , ~OLIJTIQN N0. 105 _ S .RTFS 1955_SF~ A RE50LUTION OF THE CITY PI.ANNINQ COMMi5SI0N OF THE CITY OF axna~ axarrrxxG va~~N~Fy~ ;~os. ~+~~. 4~8 ~ us4,, WliGtL~iiA~~ '171e ~ziy Piannii~ u6~miaaiuci c)i i:nb ~ii:y 6i iuusiaffiin iiny ra~ ceived Requesta to erect Temporary Direction+il. Si~ns fron RICHMAN SIGNS, II~iC.~l 1730 East Anaheim Straot, Long Beaoh, California~ as acirera, KLt1 NEAL, Same Addre9s~ as Authoriz~ci Agent on 9arianoea 4q7 and 47$; ORANGE COUNT7C EXPEDI- TORS, 2202 South Ata~rsolis Avemie, Santa At;a, Ca].tFornta, as Anthorized Agent on Varianoe No~ lF80, on certain parce2e oS real prop~rty situated in tha City of Ar-~heim, County of Orangoe Sf.ate of CaliPornia, describsd as Pollowss Variance ido. 47? - Looated 200 :Ceet Yrom the Idorthxest corner oP ~alid Avenue and Ball Rond on the west side of ~clid Ava:iue. ~ Variance No. 478 - Located at the Southeast aorner af Harbor Houle- vard and Ball Road. Varianoe No. 480 - Located at the Northeast oorr:sr ot Ratella Ave~ rnie and Weet Street. The appliosnt reque~ts permission to erect ~hese Temporary Directional Signs on the a~;.;ve described properties to advertiae the eale of lots ar~d houses in Traot No. 2350~ uiader Variances I~To. 4~7 and 4q8, and to anvertise ths sale of lots and houaes in Tract No. 2575. ~der Varianoe uo. 4ao. Z+hiEREAS, The City Plannin~ Commiasion did hold a Pub21c Hearing at tho City Hall in the City oi Anaheim, on January 9, 1956s NOTICES of which saict Public tiearing wero duly given as requir.x3 by law and the provi~iona of the ANAEiEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Seotion 9200; and WHEf:EA3, Said Commission, after due in3pection, inv~stigation and atudios made by itaelf and in its behal~t az:d after due coneidera~ion of all evideneo and reports offerad at said Hearing, doos find and determine the Pollowing faotss 1. Similar Diraational 31gns have b~en allowed advertising tracts in the City of Aaaheim. 2. The granting ot' these Direetional Signa ahould not bo detri- mental to other properties in the Areas involved. NOW~ TFIIItEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED THAT THT ANAHEINI CI7'Y PLANbTIN(} COMM HF.RE~it GRA.NTS VARIAHCES N03. 477, 478 and 480 SUBJECT T0: l. Signs shall be a ma~d.mum siae of 10 by 25 teet. 2. Signa s~il.l ba permitted for a u~a~dmum period oY 6 months or lesao 3. A permit must be taken out with tl;o BuAlciing Department. 4. The name oP fihe 31gn Compac~ smist appasr on eve:y aign ereoted. 5. Signe muet be 10 Peet back of the right-of-~qy line of an~y streat or high~tay. 6. At the interaection of tha atreets~ the aigns muat be set back 2$ ~eet. ?. All aigns aha2Z have a 6 Yoot ground olearance. 8. The Yee per si;~ shall be $25.00. 9. SiBn Varianoes ahall be pOYmt~t~ for Mrectional Signs advertisin~ only tracts xithin the Ci~Cy Limit3 of Anaheim, THE FORFX30itr'G RESOLDTION is signed and approved by ine thie 9~ ~y oP Jar,uary, 1956. R. S. SUI~Il~RS, Chairmsn ANAHTI24 CITY PLaNNING COMMISSION -i- _, . -- r ,,: ~1j~~ • ' ~~ - ~ . ~:~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~y 1 I. z. 3 9~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2J. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ATTE3T~ / ~{ ~c:. . "' R w. tluxaa~, sa~ r~ ""'-' ~HAHEIM CZTY PLANNIN(}• SIQN STATE OF CALIFORta.A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE j sa. czx~r oF Arraxa*r ) I, R. W. MIINCiALL, Searetary oP the City Plsnning Coimnieaion oP the City of Anaheim, do hereby certif~ that the foregoing RESOLUTION N0. 105 - s~tlFS 1955- 56, was paesed and adopted by a motion duly made, secondsd and aarried at the Ad~ourned Regu].ar 24aeting ot tha City Planning Commisaian of the City of Annhei held on ihe 9Ch day of January, 1956. IN t~iITNESS WHIIi~OI', I have hereunto set uqr h 9th dey oP Jar~•aiy~ 1956. , ~ R. W. MUNi3ALL S oretar,~r ANAHETt~I CITY PLAN CQhIl~lISSION _2_ . _ . _.-----C' • , ~~ _ . . _ . ,- . . _ _ . .,... . ~~: