PC 1955-1956-125 A so:uT:O OF c:T rm:m OF T'Z 1 - W~S, The City Pla~ng ~ission of the City of An~e~ has received 2 a Verified Petition from JOSEPH A. A~DO~TO, 200 Orange Avenue, Huntington Beach, ~liforn~a, ss owner, WILL~ ~LL~N~, Civic Center, ~ntin~ton Beach, ~ California, as Authorized Agent, of a certa~ p~cel of real property situated in the City of Anahe~, County of Or~e, State of ~lifo~ia, described as 4 follows: 5 That portion of the herein~ter described l~d lyin~ Northeast of the Northe~t line of the hO foot strip of l~d conveyed to the State of 6 Cal~orn~a, for the ~rposes of a freeway, by ~c~ent No. , 7 Certificate of Title No. 13900: Be~i~in~ at a 4" x l~" post st~din~ at a point 20 chains South of the ~ter section corner on the North 8 boldly of Section 22, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B.&M.; three South p~allel with the East ~d West b~y lines of said 9 SectD)n~ 10 chains 3~- li~s; thence East p~allel with the South bound.~y of said Section, IO chains; thence North (at 3.535 chains ~nbezsect the centerline of the track of the S.P.R.R. ~.) 10 chains 10 3~ li~s; thence West p~allel with the said North bound~y of 11 said Section, (at 5.82 chains intersect center of track of said Railroad Co.) 10 chains to the point of be9i~ing. EXCE~I~ 12 therefrom all ~tter~s rights of access in and to said freew~ appurten~t to the l~d ~uttin~ said freew~, over ~d across 13 the Northeasterly line of sa~d 40 foot strip of l~d. ~ntainin9 0.441 of ~ acre of l~d, more o~ less. The property is further 14 descried as lying on the east side of South Pa~ Street ~d Midway ~ ive, 15 The applic~t re~ests permission to cut the ~ove described property 16 into 32 R-3, ].I~T~LE F~Y ~SIDEi~L lots as per Tract No. 3011. ' ~e pr~erty is presently cica if !ed as R-A, ~ID~T~L AORi~LT~L. W~AS, Thc City Plain9 ~ission did hold a P~lic H~ing at the 18 City Hall in the City of An~c~ on Febru~y 20, 1956, ~TIC~ of which said ~lic He~n~ were duly ~[ven as re~ired by law m'~d the provisions of the 19 A~4 M~IC~AL CODE, Section 92OO; ~d 20 ~'~R~S, Said ~ission, ~ter due inspection, investigation ~d studies made Dy itself ~nd in ~ts behalf ~,d ~ter due cons ~d=ra~ ion of all evidence 21 reports offered at said He~ing, does find ~d detemin¢ thc followin9 facts: 22 1. The s~ject property was Denied for use as a Trailer P~k. 2. The location of the property next bo the S~ta Aha Freeway 23 would appe~ to be a logical place for Multiple F~ily ~its. 3. The gr~tin9 of the V~i~ce should not be detr~cntal to other 24 p~operties in the 25 ~W, T~~, BE IT ~OLVED T~T T~ ~E~i CITY P~I~ CO~SION HEREBY G~S V~NCE NO. 492 S~jECT TO: 26 1. The erection of only one-story un,ts on the no~th bier of lots. 27 2. The erection of a suit~le fence, agree$1c to the residents livin9 on Winston Road in Tract No. 2637 and the s~divider~ 28 between Tract No. 2637 ~d the s~ject property. 29 T~ F~O~6 ~OkUTION is signed ~d approved by me ghis 2Otb d~, Febru~y, 1956. 31 R.S. S~ERS, Chairm~ ,'i, 4 AI~HE]~I C~TY PLAI~I~Iss~roN :i 5 .: STATE OF CALI~RI~IA ) '::" 6 C~J~ OF O~E ) ss. ,~ CI~ OF ~~ ) ,~ 8 i, R. W. ~LL, Secretly of the City Pl~ln~ ~ssion of the City of ~i An~e~, do here~ certify that the fore~oin9 ~qOL~ION ~. 125 - S~I~ 1955-5i ': 9 was passed ~d adopted by a motion duly m~e: seconded ~d c~ried at ~ : Adjourned Regul~ Meetin9 of the City Pl~nin9 ~ission of the City of An~e~, ,::~,, 10 held on bhe 20bh day of Febcu~y, 1956, '~ IN W~S W~, I h~ve hereunto set my h~d ,Shis 2~ d~ of Febcu~y, ~' "~ 'r; .20 I 30