PC 1955-1956-234 · so .urio 234- sun] .s A K~SOLUTION OP ~ CI~ P~I~ C~I~$ION OP W~II~S, The C~ty Plsnnlng C~mn~t~tou. ~[ the City Of ~n~het~ ha~ teceiwd a Wrtfied Pet~t{o~ f~o~ ~BIN COAiPAB~, 5 C~ltf~rn~a, ~ Au~hertmed ASent of ~ certain the C~ty oF ~nahet~, Caunty of Orange, Sia~e of 4 Hast s~de o~ Stan~on Avenue, 25~ F~et 5 ~e appl~c~t ~quests peak,sion 6 ~alc of le~ ~ home~ ~ .Trnct Nn~ 2G~. ~ '~RflAS, T'h~ City plan~lng Co{nmi~st0n did hold a Publtc He,ring at the City H~ll in ~he City of ~naheim, om July 2, 8 ~re duly given am re~utted ~ law ~nd the provisions of the A~IAi A~NICIPAL COD~,. Section 9200, ~d 9 ~e ~ itself ~dd in. i~:~ ~h~lf ~nd ~f~er ~e con~ider~on of ~11 evidence and reports offered a~ -~tz', t{4:rdn~, does find '~ determine the 'fo11~lng fact~{ .l.Siu{ll~t v~l, mce~, have bees gc~t~d fo~ other tr~ct~ in the City of ~ese e~s are te~pora.~ in nature. 16 3. A. $,e~mt9 ,,m~t b~ 'taken o~t ~th the B~ilding Department. 4; The nr~e .:,f 'the si8o compaey ~St appear on evety $~gn erected. 17 ~. S~gna mu$~' ~ ~0 feet back of the rEght-of-~y line of any street, 6. At the i~reF~.'2[o~ of ~le streets, 'the sJgn~ must ~ set back 25 feet.· 18: 7. All s~ ~e;L1 ,~ve a 6 foot gro~ clearance. 8. ~e f~e 'P~r ~,~gn shall he $25.00. 19 9..S'~gn ~ar~[nce~ '~1~ be pe~tted for d~tectlonal s~s ~vertla~g only tracts .with'~ tt:e.c~$y l~ts of An~e~. ~ ~I~ ~O~YlO!~ la st~n~ a~ appro~d by'me this 2nd day of July, ~OU~ OF 0~ ) 29 I, R. W. ~~, Secreta~ of the City Planning in,elm, do bedew certify that the foregoing ~SO~TION ~. 2~ - SBRI~ 1955-56, 30 ~s passed ~d ~opted by a motion dulT ~de, seco~ed u~ carried t,t a Regular .. ~eet~g of the C~ Planing C~tssion of ~e Ci~ of Anaheim'. held on the 2~ . IN ~88 ~OF, I ]lave hereunto ,et my h~d day of July, I