PC 1955-1956-240 ~: . R~SOLUTION'NO. 240 - SERI~S 1955~56 i'. A RBSOLUTION OP THE CITY'PLANNING CO~ISSION OP THE CITY OF ANAHRIM i~' G~ING VARIANC~ NO. 587 ~. ' ~ 1 ~S, The City Planning Co~ission of ~he City of Anaheim has received a '~' Verified Petition froni' NO~A L. ~ODRICH, 1018 North Bas~ S~reet, Anaheim, Calif~ ~' ~ nia, as O~er of a certain pmzcel of real proper~y situated in the City of Ana- '~ helm, County of Orange., Slate of California~ described as follows: . " The rear of.the sidewalk on Belmont Avenue~ s~arting at a point approxi- ,; 4 mately. 204 feet Eas~ of East Street and extending Easterly approximately ~.. 69 feet~ thence Southerly at right.' angles 12} feet. ~ 5 The applicant requests permission to erect a 6 foot concrete block fence. 6 ~S, Tile City Plannin~ Co~ission ~id hold a Public Hearing at the City ~Hall in the'City of Anaheim~ on.3ulY 2,. 1956, NOTICES of ~ich said Public Hear- ing were duly given 'as required by la~ an~'the provisions of the ANA~IM MUNICIPAL 8CODE, Section 9200; and 9' ~AS, Said Comlaission, after due. inspection'~ investigation and studies mad.~. by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration'0f all evidence and 10 )otis'offered at said Hearing,' does find. and determine the following facts~ 11 1. This wall ts. necessary to'have any privacy in ~he r~ar yard of the ] subject property.' . ~ lZ 2. The subdivider created a key lot to %he East of the subje'ct Property. .:' 3. The o%~er of the property to the East favors the erection.of th~s wall. .... NOW, T~FO~ BE IT ~SOLVED ~T T~ ANA~IM CI~ P~ING CO~ISSION : 14 ~BY G~S VARIANCE NO.. 587. : 15 T~ FO~ING ~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of July, · ~.. 1956. ..... ~' 16 R. S~ S~g~RS~ Chairman 22 STA~ OP ~LIPORNIA ) COU~ OP' O~NGB ) S'S '.. 25. CI~ OF ANAH~I~ ) .. 24 ' I~ R, W, ~NGALL, Secret~ry of the ~ty Planning .Co~ssion of ~he City . fore o~ ~ ~5 An~eim, do hereby c'er~ify. ~hat ~he g . SOLUTION NO.. 240- SERIES 1955 56. ~s Da'ssed and.adopted by a mo~ion ~ly m~d~/~sec0nded and carried at a'Regular ~6 Meeting of ~he City Planning Co~i~iOn Of (~,."~t~y 0~ Anaheim,' held on the 2nd day of 3uly, 1956. IN WIT~SS ~OF, I have hereunto ~e~ my ha~ day of July, .1956'. g9 ' ~ R~, ~NmLL, ~ec~e~ary ' ' ' 50' . AN~EIM CI~ P~~O~ISSION 31