PC 1956-1957-52 R_~SOLUTION NO..5.2 - S~IIII~S 195..~7
~R~S, ~ City Planning C~i~io~ of .the Ci~ of An~eim has received a
i fcrifted Peti/'ion from $ ~ 'N CON~,UC~ON CO~PA~, 332~ South La .Srea, 'Los Anzeles,
Callfbrnia, as O~er, W~Y T. DB~ 'S1~S, 5327 Valley Boulevard, Los Angeles,
2 CalifOrnia, as A~thorized A~ent of a Certain parcel' of real property situated
3 the City of Anahelm,.County of Or.ge, State of Cal'ifornia, described as follows:
.Tract 'No. 2440 is.located or the South.std~ of Broad~y, ~ast of
4' AvenUe,. Tract N0. 2791 is locat~ at the Northeast comer of Or.ge Av~ue
5 and ~olia Avenue..
~e appItcan$ requests pen~lsaion to erect a .Temporary Oi:ectio~ st~ to
6 adgertise the ap. la of '6~ d~lll~Is.~ow left tn Tract Nos. 2440
iai/ .~n 'tke' City of Anaheim, on September 17,' 19~6', N~'of .which .said .Public
8 ~earing :we:re duly, given 'as r.~uired by, 'law.a~ te provisions of .the
10 ~AS, Said Co~l~siOn, after due'.inspection, investigatto~ ~d .S~dtes
n~e by'itself ~d in its behalf a~ after due 'cOnsideratto~ of all evidence and
11 reports 'made at. said l~earln~, does ft~d and detemine the followin~ facts~.
12 1. ~is sign' is ~o ~dverttse the sale 'of h~e~, and lots in Tract Nos. '
13 2. Other. si~s have ~e'en g~ted fo~ T~acts i~' the City of An'~etm.. "
I. Signs ~halI ~ a ~i=u~ size 0[ 10 ~ 23 feet..
....... 16 2. St~s ~lll be.~i.tted, f0r'a ~a~ pert~ of 6 ~onths or less.
3. A pe~tt.~u~t.be taken Out'with the ~lldi~ Department, "
17 4.' ~e n~e of '~e s~ c~p~y.m0st appear on every.s~n erected.
5.' Si~s'.must be ~0 feet back of ~e .ri~ht-of-way'line of ~y street
'~8 6. At,. thi' intezsect~o'n of ~e streets,, the st~s nust ~ set ~'sc~ ~5 feet.
[9 7. Ali St~S shall have a O. f~t.,g~uod clearance, ., :
20 '~ ~' ,St~ vertices s~' be perilled 'for' ~rectlonal signs advertlstn~
only tracts wi~in the City:Iinits 'of
~ ~I~ ~SO~ON is signed and approved ~ ne 'this 17th day of
22 ~eptem~r,. 1956.
, . 30 ~n~'~, do ~reby certify' that-the ~oregoing ~SO~UTION N0,. 52 .'-'
31 ~s pa~sCd and adopted ~ a' ~otion dull .~de, seco~d 'and .carriei ~t ~n Adjourned
tegular ~eett~ of.[the .Ci.W Pla~ntnl Co~'ission 0f the City of A~ahet~, held 'on