ORA~rrI~O YARIANCB ~. 626'
~ ~R~S, The City Planning Co~is~lOn of the City 'of Anaheim has received
Verified Petition fr~ Pa VIL~ HO)~S, 2663.ltncoln Avenue,. Anaheim, Californi
2 ~ ~er, ~ 9I~ COMPS, 1532 A~w lli~hwa~, Baldwin Park, California, as
~utho~ized A~en~ of a certain parcel of..=eel p~oPe~ty situated i, the City of
5. ~eim, Cool, ay of Orange, Stair .o~ C~lifomia; described as
4 ~m' tract .is located' between ~he Santa Ama Pree~y ~d th~ proposed
Houston street P~ee~y a~;Bast o~ ~iugnolta,Ave~e. ~e 6i~ will be
5located ~00 feet' ('approximately) North of Lincoln Ave~e on the West
side 0f 9tanton Ave~e. '
The.upplicant requests permission .to erect a Temporary DireCtional 91ge..
~REAS~ The 'C~ty Pl~tn~ Commission did hold a ~bllc Hear~g at .the
8[[~1 in the Ctt~ of An~etm, o~ .. September 17, 1055, N~I~S of which. Said ~Vuul'tc
Hearing ~ce duly ~i~,'en as ~equt~ed by l'aw.~d the ~rovisio,~ of th~.
10 ~$i ~aid c~n~isston, afte~ due inspection, inv~mtlga.ti~n and.studies
~e ~ itself a~ tn its behalf a~ afte~ due consid~atid~ of[ alI emldence
11 ~eports made.'a~ said Hearing, does fi~ a~ dete~ine' the foll~,ing facts~
'. 12 " 1. This sign is to ~vef$ise .the s'Me of hones.and 'lOt?'tn Tract"N0s.
3007, and 2303.
13 2,. ~ere are 66 h~cs in'Tract No. ~00~ ~' 91:ho~es tn Tract=~[o. 2303.
3, Othez.st~S ~'e' been:g~an~ed .fur .Tract8 tn the City of in~etm~
~BY G~NT~ VAR~ NO. 626 ~Bj~
' 16 1. Signs.will ~ a a~mum size'of 10 by ~5 feet.
2. Signs Js~all' be' pe~mitted '~or m m~ period'.of '6 mo~'ths' or less.
17 3. A peaii ~st. be ti~en out ~ith 'the' Building Depar~ent. . .
4. ~e~n~e.:~f. the s!g~. comply m~st ~pear ~ on .' everY si~ erected;
18 5'. Signs muir ~' 10 feet ba~k of the ~ight-of-way'li~o of any street or
19 6; .At tt~e intersection~sf:~" ,
,the'..steee~ the st~s must ~ set back ~5 feet.
~0 ~.. ~e fee pe~ si~' shall be'$25.00.
9, S1~ variances shall ~ pe~ttted foe dlrecttonil 'sl~s
~[ only tracts ~i't~ the City l~[ts of
~. ~l~ ~SOL~ION la signed .~ approved ~ m.~ this 17th day of
27 ~~ cx~
l, R..W' ~N~LL, Secrett~'of the City PI~ning.Comnimsion of ~e City of
Ana.h~i,~,.do.hereby certify: that the 6otego~g ~SOLUTION NO. 53- SERIES 19~6-57,
,~.. .~kd ~d adopted ~. a,~'L+lon duly made, secured and Carried at..a~ AdJo0tnec
51....j .~ectlng of the CI~'; ~tng Co~isston' Of'the City 'of a~, held
- ,.I.{ NI~SS ~OF, I have hereunto set my hud gi day of Septenbet,
· ' ' '~5 ...... ~ ...... ..'.