PC 1956-1957-197 _RE__S. OLUTION N.O.. 197 - gERIES 195~-57 A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY P' '.NNING COmmISSION OF ~ CI~' OF AMA~I~ ....... ~NTIN6 VA~AN~ NO~ 1 P~AS~ the City Planning Co~,ission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from ~UG~S ~. EDWA~S', 1'2~20~angewood Avenue, Anaheim~ 2 Calif~rnta~ ~s O~er o~ a certain parcel of real property sit'sated.in the City of Ahaheim~ County o~ Oran9e, State' of California, described as follows~ Ra~t side of Harbor Boulevard at the ~ear of a 'Trailer Park located 660 4 feet South' of O~angewood Avenue, known a~ Tract No. 3127. 5 The applicant requests permission to erect !000 square foot dwellings on the above descriOed property. 6 W~AS~ the City.Planni~g.Co~ission did hold'a Public Hearing at the City ? Hall tn ~he City o~ Anaheim on April 8, 1957,' NOTI~S of which said Public Hearing were duly given as're.qui~ed by law, and the prov[sions of the ANA~IM 8 MUNIC[PA[~ CODE, ' Section 9200; and '9 W~,.'Said Co~ission', after due inspecti6n, investigation and studies made by itself and in.its hehalE and after due .consideration o~ all evidence 10 and reports offered a[ .said Hearing, does ~ind and determine the following facts, · 11 1. The subJec~ tract backs up to.a Trailer park 12 2. The Count~ allowed a simila~ ~act.~on the east with the s~e size (lO00.sq. ft.). homes. i~ 3. ,The. gr~qting of the Variance should not be detrimental to other properties in'the a~ea. 14 NOW, ~REFO~, BE IT RESOLED .~T T~ A~IM CI~ P~IN6 CO~[SSION ~SY' ~N~ VAR[AN~ NO. 728, FQE?'A WAI~R."~' 1225 SQUA~ F~T HO~ AREA " 15 ~ 1000 ~QUA~ ~T. i6 ~ FORE~ING ~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 8th day of April, 17 1957, " R.S. SUERS, Chairman 19 '~. ANA~IM CI~ P~NNING CO~ISS 20 AT~ST~ 21 22 A~IM CI~ P~ING CO~ISSION 25 STA~ OF CALIFO~IA ~ ... COUN~ OF O~N~" ' . ss. Z4 CITY'OF A~IM ) 25 I, R. W. ~N~LL, Secretaxy of. the City Planning Co'[~ission of the City'of Anaheim, do 'hereby cextify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. 197 - SERIES 1956-57~ 2~ was passed and adop%ed by a motion duly made, s%conded and carried at an. Adjourned Regular Meeting,"of 'the'Ci%y Planning Co~ission held on the 8th day 27 of April, 1957. 28 IN ~II~SS ~REOF; I have hexeunto set my hen ~th day of April, i957. 29 R. W. ~UN~LL, Secretary ~0 ANA~IM CI~ P~4ING CO~ISSiON