PC 1956-1957-226 RF~,LUTION NO. 226 - S~ 2956-$7 A I~ESOL~-i-iON OF ~ ~ITT PLANNING ~I$$ION OF TflE CITY OF ANAflEIM R~C0~ERNDT~ TO ~HE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF ANA}flZIM T~AT P. ECLASSIFICATION NO. F-$6-S7-72 Wffl~S, The City Plaing Commission of the City of Anaheim has received Verified Petition from the property o~ner(s) of cer~aia real proper~ ~ ~he Ci~ of acid, Co~ of O~e, State of C~ifo~h, tesc~i~d ~s follow: Stating at the ~ez~cti~ of E~ ~ Pa~ A~e n~ N~h E~t Street thence ~est alo~ ~e S~t~rly ri~t~f~y 1~ of ~ ~ A~, ~st~ce of 495 feet, m~e or less; ~ence Sou~ li9 fe~, more ~ less; The~e ~st 146.3 fe~, more ~ less, to a po~tl t~ce North ~ feet, mo~e or less to a po~t; th~ce c~t~ ~est 2~ f~t ~ore or less to a po~t; ~ence South ~0 ~eet, more o~ less to ~e Nort~Ay r~t~f~y 1~ of North Street, ~en foll~ie~ ~st ~o~ a=4~ ri~t~f~y l~ of North Street, 250 feet more or lea to a po~t; thence North ~7.~ feet more oz less to the sout~rly r~t~f~y lhe 6S0 feet more or less to t~ ~t of ~lin- The applic~ts z~uests t~t thek p~o~t~ ~ recl~sffied fr~ R-1 to The applic~ts ~e: ~T ~, 211 East Ce~r S~, A~he~, ~lMo~nia ~. D. ~I~, 805 ~st No~h Street, An~e~, ~lifo~nia ~N E. DI~ON, 750 North Tonka Street, A~e~, ~l~om~. NfI~REAS. The City Planning Co~u~ission did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of A~heimupon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-$6_$7.72 on the §tl~, day of May , 19 $7, NOTICE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANA~I~ MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200: and ~IEREAS, Said Commission, a£ter due inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. These lots will face on the South side off East La Patna Avenue and look over to the Flood Control Ret~ding Basin, which may or may not be suitable 2. The property a~t t~e Railroad tracks is only suitable for ~4ultiple Pas/ly Use or ~factm~ing. 3. There ~as some opposition from p~operty o~ers to the East of the subject property, b~t it vras pointed out that some time they might ~lso desire to cut their lots in t~o as they now a~e double frontage lots. NOW, Tf~L~FOP. E, BE IT R~SOLVED THAT ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO~g~ISSION HEREBY RECO~g~E~)$ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAheIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-$6-S7-72 ~E APi~RO~ SUB. CT TO: -1- 1. The keeping of the~ East lots on the Arnold property as R-I, Fant~y Resldent ial~, 2. The leaving of the D!ckenson property on ~ast North Street as Single My Residential. -', 3. Reclassifyin~ the baknce of the property ~ithin 80 feet of the RaiLroad tracks ~ th°se f__~i~ East La Pal~a to R-S, ~nltiple P~ily Residential. , ,t. The i~p~ove~ent of l~ast La Pal~a Avenne ~ith a ~ ~idth s~reet havl-g a 32£oot tra~el~y ~n f£ont of the prope~tie~ x~-cluesti~ street ~ith a 24 foot tza~el~ay through to No~th East Street as shown o~ the =ap. $. The [illr~ of R-3 deed restrictions. TH~ POP. I~GOING RESO~ION is signed and approved by me th~s 5th day of May. CHAI~ A~lg Ci~ P~ ~ISSION ~ OF 0~ ) ss. CI~ OF ~IM I. R. W. ~, ~cretar~ of the City Pla~hg C~ssi~ of the City of An~eim. do here~ certify that the fore~o~s ~ON ~. ~6 - ~ 1936-37 ~s pa~sed ~ ~opted at an Regular Meethg of t~ City Pl~g Co~ission of ~e ~ty of ~ahe~, held on the 6thday of ~y , 19 57 by the ffollo~ ~te of ~e mem~zs thezeoff: ~-~SSIO~: D~ols, ~, ~, ~zz~, S~ezs, Th~ps~ ABSENT: CO~L~ISSlONERS: Hapgood a~d Bates. IN ~ITN~$$ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h~nd th/s 6th day off ~tay, 1957. i SI~CR]~ SSION -2-