PC 1956-1957-236 RESOLUTION NO. 236 ~- SERi~$ 1956-$7 .~ R~SOLUTION OF TH~ CiTY ~gl~ C~',IlSSION O1; ~ CiTY OF _ ,, ~i~ V~~ NO. 7~2 I ~S, The City Pla~g ~mission of ~ Cit~ of An~he~ has received a Long Beach ~, ~I~orni~, as ~ers of a ce~¢a~ parcel of real F ~[~rty situated in the Ci~ ~ A~e~, County of Or,ge, State of ~lifoNnia, descried as follows: Seceion 7, T4S, R1OW, $.B.B. a ~. 5 The appi~ants request ~m~slon to c~struct a Rest Ho~e on the a~ve 6 descri~ pro~rty. t~~, T~ City PI~ Co~isslon d~ hol-' a Public liebig at. She City ~all ~ the City of ~e~, on ~ay ~Q 1957, ~I~S of ~i~ s~ Public Heari~ 8 ~e duly, given ~ requital by ~ a~ %,,e pr~i~s of the ~I'~ b~N!CIPAL ~RE, /ectio~ 92001 ~d 9 ~S, Sa~ C~is~i~, aft~z due ~a~cti~, ~vest~t~on a~ i0 ~e by itself and ~ its ~half a~ after due coaslderati~ of all evidence re~rts offered at ~ Hearing, d~s ~'i~ a~ determine the foll~i=g facts: 1. ~e subject ~o~rty is pre.half classifled as R,,A, a transitional zone. ~2 2. T~re will ~ a church,located just S~h of ~ subject pzo~rty. 3. ~e propo~d Ke~t ~e will '~ situated 2f0 to 30C feet back of ~ Street at the re~ of a s~le fmR~ residence n~ 4. The requested use should not ~ 4etz~ental to other p=o~rties 14 ~. It i~ proposed to erect a Fence ~o~d ~he Rest H~e a~ p=ov~e ~e- quate off-street pu'king ~ front of the h~e with ingress and egresa 15 alo~ a pri~te road. 16 N~, ~ ,.~, D~ ~ ~SOL~ T~T ~E Al~ C~V ~I~ ~!SSION ~BY ~$ VAR~ ~. 7~2 SUBFFI~ ~: 17 I. ~e erection of the bu~d~g ~ accordance with the plans presented. 18 2. T~ installatio~ of cur~, ~ers a~ s~e~iks alon~ Gil~ Street. 3. S~r~~ the Rest H~ with'a s~itable 6 foot fence. ~9 ~B ~I~ ~$0L~ION is s~d a~ approval by me this 20th d~y of 20 .9~7. "' K. ~. ~[S, ~a~an " A~IM CiTY ~l~ C~ISSION I, R. W. ~~, Secret~7 of the City Pla~g C~m~ion of the C~y of ~8 ~mheh, do hereby certify, that the foreleg ~SO~TION ~. 23S - S~ I~S 19~6-57, ;as pas~d a~ adopted b}. a moZi~ d~l~ apda, seconded ~d c~ried at an Adjourned ~9 '.e~ul~ Meeting of the City Pla~g C~issi~ held on the 20~h day of May, 1957. 51