PC 1956-1957-241 __ _ .... . __ _.
~. ~e City Vi~n& C~issioa of the City of ,~e~ has received a
Verified Petition fr~ ~~D ~ 0P ~US ~I~ 0i ~ DAY SAIATS,
1300 Nor%h lvo~le A~e, ~e~, Californ~, [s Author~ed ~e=ts of a cer-
State of California, ~i~ as follo~:
t~ S~th ~alnut ~treet, f~ther descrt~ as ~t 1~, Tract No. 1421
T~ appZic~ta re~ests ~si~ to use this a~ pz~ty as a ~ch.
[~, The ~ ~1~ C~issi~ ~d ho~ a Public Heaag at the City
? ~ t~ ~t? of ~~ ~ j.~e 3, i~57, ~I~ of wMch said hblic He~
~e d~F given a =equ~ed ~ la~, a the ~ovilio~ of ~he
b~ itself a. ia its E~i a ~ter due'cons~eratt~ ~ ~1 ev~ce' and
., 10 offered at said Rear~, d~a f~ ~d dete~e t~ /oll~ag fict~:
11 [. ~ p:o~y ~s ~ ~ea of 33,000 ~u~e
d~lli~ 65 feet ~ 65 feet.
[2 2. The ~:ty ~ presentlr class!fled as ~-A, Res~ential A~icultural
......which ~:~ts ch~es to .~ erected,
[~ pzo~sed to ~ ~e e~t~ d~g ~t~ f~c~ ~ the
erecti~ of [ ae~ buil~.
!4 3. The a~rship of the ~ch at the pre~nt ~e
4, T~ u~ o! ~e pzo~ty as a ~rch w~l ~p:o~ the ~eneral appearance
!5 of ~e pr~er~ ~ t~ ne$~h~rhood.
1. ~e R~ov~ o~ ~he o~ b~n at the ~
18 2. ~lack-to~E th~s rea ~o~ off-stre~ ~k~.
3, ~ea~ a s~ (fi) iwt fence ~ the ~st pro~riy l~e.
~9 4, ~ov~. the ap~ce o[ the front y~d by taking out
~ ~I~ ~~ZON is si~ed ~ appro~d ~ this 3rd ~y of June, 1957
21 .
- si -
25 R. W,. ~~, Secretly
~Y P~~ C~S~ION
OF ~R~ )
a? OF ~ )
OF A~ )
I, R, ~. ~~, Secret~ of the Cit~ pl~g C~sion o~ the Clt~
~9 do'hereby certify t~at the ~ore&o~g ~SO~ION
p~ssed ~ ~oDted by a motion duly made,
50 of the City ~lann~ Co~lssi~ held ~
~ W~S !(~OF, I ~ hereunto set. my h~d t~5 3rd day cf J~e, 1957.