PC 1957-1958-46;~~ n.
A liE~ObUTI9bf OB TF~ CITY. PLAH~L::. ~:~w:eaa$TOR. OB TEL CITY OP dNAH8I1[
~'1'Mi 9~lE~Q~ ~FO,'81'~ ' ~
WI~RSA9, The City Plaaning Cc~lssioa af the CtYy.a! AaaLei~ hns rooelved
a Vorttiod PetitSoa irom the Oxasr(s) of a aertain parcel of rbal property sitnated ,
ia 'tbe CiLy of Aaaheim, County of Orsage. State of Califoraia, described as tollox8s
~t lil~tbAeg~ '_i10 tRS2 ot #bc Me~tesly 19A f~si af t~c 1~~1t~rr3~ ~!Q fe~t a~ l~st
qocttmr~~!' 4S~o 1p~'t +~aa-lmlt e! tbe~~lao~4f~pest qaeztxr of tMe ll~eth~n~t `ostt~s of
~C!l~q~ 1'.9~ ~oa~h~ ~i ~olti9t~ Itist~t !~"1 1(~ala S.B.H. R Ji.r Y13a~ FlextY4+asteSly oE
t~a- I~deS~ xfae oi tLe iaad dtrari'b~Al 3fa tbe flMd te 47~e ~os Arteles ~atter-
mct~a 7Railau~~ C~eDesy xeCar6G~d ~epteabtr 8~ 1'103. . 3~ ~mt 27Z~~ I~tit_ If4 of ~e~da~
rter~r of ~e Qonat7r C~ifaaaia. 'Y~t Em~te~ <if~ne af sa~1~ 1Rate¢2T ~ISO fetE
Lo bR yatpll+~l efil~ tbt /Peilarl~ 14~ bf sa~ l~Itali'aQ ~!.
1~BA'7~.`3~A11t •!lq~t~ ~ Nl~s~ 60t7'1 ~oo4h ~caad Arle~nt, Doe~es l~-=t. Ca13te~atia.
WHffitBAS. Tha Citq P2aaniag Commission did hold a Public Hearing ai the
City Ball ig Lha.City of Anaheim, oa g~p~~~ ;~ 29g7~ NOTICBS o! shich ssid
Publia Searing vera duly givo~ as required bq la~ ead trie provisioas o! the APAHBILt '
31UAICIPAI, CODB. Sectioa 9200; snd
4¢~RERS. Satd Co~iss±oa~ after due insgeaL3oa. ima~~3gatioa an~ atuc~t~~~
macle bq itself and in its bahalf aad afLer dua aoasidaratioa of all evidenae and
reports o!Yered at said Hearirig, does Yiad aad-determine the follo~ing laots:
1. ~here 3s • Sa~csice ttstiaa d3rec~lr seeo~s th~ ~tsa+et. .
~t. ~ha snb,~ect psope~s~ ia c].saailF~d os ~Cr~l tar t~sa e:eetiaa of ~e Saper
~issttt ^ifebts". •
9. Tme Qamtis~ of lS~e variw~ ~ha~uAd aot be Qstalaeatal to mths: ~eroqeetiss
!n tb~ ~ts.
~Y ~~911?Li~C~ DR1 81T .StID,gBfT 4'0 ~~ ]4lEC~2CH OP A:9~A1-2e9 SiATI01t QILi~
lf~lts li~ea tLe ~rant3a~ o!' t3e ~tb~ve rac'.la:tdt,' t'k~e,Asatock Oil po~a[pnn~~' p~o ar~t
pae6saaitr~ #Iae pso~er~T art ~6 te'fi3e m:rec3stsificstian ao t1~~ wui s~
mnct •~s*3c.~ St~at3~oot ~ls+da tha L~~Y ia'. saa,td foc ~scch e usa.
c,~uuHrx os a~xcs ~
I; ' Searstary af the CSty Plas~aing Comc~asioa af the
City o! Aatilse~t. ~o ~QOrtiip +Lt~nt tha~ loragaix~g RBSOLUTZOA N0. -~tIffiS
2~ ~. waa paaaod and adopted Dy a mot~io~ti duly made, aeooa3ad aad ~~rsiod st
a Regut2nr lteeting of the City Flanning Coomaisaion he1Q os t2ie ~~
aar ot .
~• 1~T: ... .
aar at~ ~.o#e~bar,