PC 1957-1958-267~ ~ :^ • _i i ~ ~...• . ..."'_..~_""':-"_""'_.~_ ___.."""".._....__....~~.~.~ ` , . RF,~' ~,UTIOH H0. ~7 - 3ERYfi^a - 14'° ~l' 8 . ~ A RSSOLUTION OF YHE CITY PLANHINa COHbtISSIO~t OF THE CIT7f OF A2iAHgIH _ ~ CR1D~T7NS YAABA}~ p0. S-?1 Wf~[tRAS. The City Plunning Comnission of tho City o! AnQheia has reeeival a Vorified Petitioa from the Ownor(sy of a certofn parcel of renl proparty situn2ed in Lhe City of Anaheim. Countq of Orange, Stata of Culifornin, described As follosn: Y.at 8A of Zrset 2to. 4Q3, ia ~tae camt~ o!F Oru~a, rtate o€ C+dlifoznia, rw ner am, xeeorQad Sx boor 1~~ y~e 11 of lt4ae~i.i~ao~ Jitps, !a~ t8e oftiea af tt~ e~ty rsc~- dar ef ~aid eo~ty. B&C9Y1" tb~ tl4lL~'Y173b f@tti 4Dd ~tt!!I1lY QfSCl~bdd aa fTlB~ on #tsr adutL sfds ot L3acola Avemee betpeese Aardia,g and Nastern Stzae4~. ~ A1FD1lcaats ~D~7 N. 8'POFr, !07 8taataan Avemse, Aanheim. Calif. WbiEitfiAS, Tha Ci1Gy ?laraniae Com:aissioa did hold a PubiSc E?eAriag at the ' Citp Hnll in tho Citq oP Annheia. oa M~ty Iq~ ;958, NOTICES oP which said Public Hoariag were duly Given a~ requirod by lnr~ und CY:e provisions ot the ANAf~IY 13UNICIPAL CODfi, Section 9200; aad WH~REAS, Said Comaission. aftor duo inspection, investigation tfnd stvdias made by itself and in 1ts belia2i nnd uSter duo conaidoratioa oP all ovidonca 8nd r¢port~ ofierad at said Hearing, does fittd cia3 datormine tha fol2ovin~ facts: 1. Tlaa a,~xt iot to the Bast aa~ graaled s vsrianee for a aJmf2ar dsau~ cf a~sa7.1 atares. Z. 'rLe prop~sty st tha yresea! ti~e ia rscaat and uma3ghtly a~ uatil !be wideai=g of Liatola Aareane~ ~eas used is a braoa fnetory. 3• Thc qra~ertq is wssuitable for aur other u,es tDan cmmercial. NOW, TF~FCRE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE P.NLIHEIM ~ITY PLANNIN6 COMMISSION HERfiBY GR/-ii~8 Y'A~tYA~14ClS 1~. 971 lY~lt ?~ COYP~7tUCTZQH OP A 1RA~•3Tiid8 BOZIDINB, ~1!P3~' '!~: 1. ~da ereetion o£ the buiidiag ia aecordaaee aith tne plans yreaeated. 2. L~prove~eeats aa Liaco2a AYrann as re~qaipcd b~ the Citr Bag3=!ar. 1938. THE FOREGOIH(3 PBSOLUTION is signod aad approvod ~q mo thls 19tli day ttf llars ATTfi : . /i~' ~"~ SEC AFtY A2iAf1E{Ilt CI LANNING COI~WISSION STATS OF 4ALYPORlCIA COUNTY OF ORANGS ) s9. CITY OF ANAHEIl1 ) T ~~IILIFiMAN AHAHEIbi CITY PY,A.YNING COHkISSIOD I. ~,~~ Socrotasy of tho City Plnnaing Cocx~is3lcn af tho City o! Aaaheim.'do hore y abrtify that Lho fo^egoln~ R&SOLUTION N0. ~9 - SI+RIg3 19~~j. wna psasad aad ssdopLeA by a motion dulq mado. eeaoaded and carriod at Regulnr 3taating of Lho City Planning Cou~isaion hald on the ~~ a y~ 1~?8. IN At11HSSS WFiBREOR~ I hava hereunto ~a ~~~~ ~Y or~ 14fA~ Ts . .e~f~~.~ SSCRETAftY AN11fiEIM C Y PLAAt(IHfi C~JIJ9ISSIOH ~~ . r„ ; ~,.,,,r--_ ......,...,,..,_..____...__._. __._,_.._..__._ _ - _._. _ ._ ._.. _. _ _ --------~. ~ ~~ ~ --T-...A-.,,-~.-~,.K..~....~,. ~ ,:~u~