PC 1958-1959-109A RESOLUTSON 9F THE CTTY PL/l'NNING C019DQISSION OF THE CTTY OF ANAH~IM Crantin9 Cotiditio~nal-t1sA pgrmit Nn. 2 -PHEREAS, The City Plauning Commission of the City oi Anaheim has raceivod a Verified Petitioa from Lhe Owna~r(s) of a aertain parcel oP rea~ propartq sit~:lted in the City of Anaheim. County o;~ Orange, State oP California, dascribed es follovs: All that certain real pro~party situeted in £he R~nck~~ Los Coyo~kes, in the Gity of F.naheim, Ca~an~y af Oran9e, Sta#e of ~alifoznia, described ass The Sos~th half o~ tho Eax.t half of the Southeast quartar of tha ~outhoast qr~arter of SeGtion '1, Ttx~rnship 4 8auth, Range 11 Nest, 6.8.». ~!A. EXCEP7ING 7fI~RTr~k2QH.thet p~rtion of said land inclu~ed ~ithin the foilrnvSngi That portion of thra East half of the Southeast quar~ker of th~ Sautheaet quartas of S~ctior~ 11, 7'oHmship 4 South, Rango la 4~estr S.B.B. & M., included r~ithin a strip of land 110 feet ~uide, lying 55 feet on each aide of the f~Zlciwing descrih~d center 21nor E~ ~9,nning at tha Southeast corner of sald 3~sctivn 31, (the VYest 13ne of 5ect~o~ 13 of said Tavm~hip ar~d Rarage, hears~ Sou~Gh 0° 09' 50" Eest, from said Sautheast corner); xhen~ce along thn~ East line of said Section 11, (said &ast line being also #F~e ~7antc+r line oF Sta,nton Av~~~ue, 6C~ fe~t w~~e, as daclared by Actian of tAe 13o~zd of SUpesviscrs of said County), North 0° 11' 20" West, a dlatan~e of 11iX 6~2.,^c3 £eet; tli8nce Nnrth~rly ~long a cunr~ concave ~esterly, tanc~itnt to tha las~t descrlL-ed course ,and h~aving a raciius of ~5a~.00 foet, ~througli an angle of 19° 38' 50", an arc distance of 581.23 f~etr and furthor describe@ as N.N;. corner of Lin~oln and Stanton Av~nu~. 1'hQ ~,~roper~~y is paesentiy classified R-A,, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL. Applicant, Ja~hn 51r~ons, 9771 Harr3e~ Lane, Anaha3m, Cali#ornia~ WHSRA'rlS. The City Plaaniag Commission d1d hold a Public Heariag at the ~ity Hn12 in 9,he C1Ly of Anaheim~ on Aecem6er 19 1959 ~OTXCSS of ahich said Publio Hear~ag arere duly ~ivea c-s required by lav and Lhe provisions o~ tha ANAHEIH MUNIQIPAL C071E~ Sectioa 9200; and -1- . __ _ . __. . ..... .. _. .,.•;i.. .,...~~ .. :,-. .. ...,.,~. ..~~j. i.-:. c- ..;~.,_"~_._. ~(__. _... _ ._ . _ .. ... o.. , ~(l1 ~ . . . ~ tYI~}".'~l ~~~. ~. s, ~~~ . ~f., ~ WI~REAS~ Said Cor 'ssion, aftar 3ue inspe¢Lion, ir_ ~gLigBL,L±B~t~Bad studies made by itsslY and in its .ohalf and sYter due oonsideratio..-`of el~ edidenc'e end roports oPPered at said Hc~ari~g, does find and determine tho Yolloming facts: 1. Thi~ is a vacant 10 acres af 2~nc~ preaently 2ored as R•-R, RSSIIkEA3?~t,L RGRIGILTUe~A1, o 2. The a~;~licant haa received o I:ett~r froa~ ths C.A.A, that they h~vQ nn objections to the propased operatior, prouided that no fllghts are condu~ted over ad~acent eo~n~effited ar~ea at lees than 500 faot altitudes and th~t the landing aass be roped off. 3. It r,ould appaa~r ths-t thi~ could i:o a tempormry uae of thu land eantil such a time as the awn~r dav~lops other planso NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISS:JN ~BY Grants CQnditional-Use Perc~it No. 2, sub,ject t~ the eseCtion of m 30° wir~ mesh fence around tl~s landinq area and :urther that r.o helicopt~as ~e stored on the proporty Mhen not in usc. TH5 FOREGOINQ RESOLUTTON is sigaen and approved by me this ~at aay of December, 1958. ~. // ~ ;J _ l E~ [ G'-It-1G'L~ ~ E C'Z -.- - --~i«F ( CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMb[TSSIO ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ! ~~ .~ ~ . ~j~ V~s ~l•L~+'v ~ SfiCRTsT Y APTAHEIM CITY INO CO1dMISSION STASIS OF CAI,ITORNTP. ) COllNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIZY OF ARiAHEIld ) I, R~ ~~, p~~~ Socretary of the City Planning ~'ommission of the City of Anaheim, da ha:oby cortify that tha Poreguing RESOLUTEON N0. Ypq - SERIES 19~-g8, was passed end sdopted by a motion duly made~ seaondad and caxried at a Ragular Meatin~ of the C12y PYanning Commissiou held on the 18t day af LkiCember~ I95g. IN YPITNESS WFIEREOF, I have hereuato sat my_.,hanc~ this ldt daq oP Decenwer, iv~o. ~' ~'' ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~,y~. - ~ ,a 1 •~ 7e SECI2ETARY ANAHEIM CIT)!'"~LANNING~COM1dIS3I0N /~ ~ -2-