PC 1958-1959-111 A RESOLUTION 0F THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCB NO. 1058 WHEREAs, Tho City Planning Commission of tho City of Anaheim: has received a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain pareel of real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lo 16 0f Trac~ 2791, and further described as 505 Gain Street. ,~ James T. Davis, 505 G~:in S~ree~, ~eim, California, applicant, requests 'permission Leng~hg° WaiVeofOrdinanCese~back. Restricting Fence Helghg and Construct ~ six-foot ~ence ~n~ire - WHEREAS, Tho City Planning Co.lesion did hold a ~blic Hearing at the City Hall in tho City of Anaheim, on December ~ 1958 .NOTICES of which said Public Hearing were duly given as require~ bM w and tho p~ovisions of the ANAHEIM MUNEIPA~ CODE, Soction ~2001 and WHEREAS, Said 0ommtssion, after duo inspection, investigation and studies mado bF it~olf and in its hohalf and afgor duo consideration of all evidenoe and ropo~ts offered'at said Hearing, does find and det,rmino the following facts: 1, This dwelling is on a corner lot ~d faces Gain S~reet and sides on Roven Avenue. :'' 2. This wall will start 30 feet back of the front proper~y line and enclose an area which is used for service area, i. 'e.~ clothes lines, etc. 3. The view from the s~reet intersection will not be blocked out for traffic. '; .4. The neighbors in ~he area believe that the erection 0f ~his wall will improve ~he looks of ~he whole neighborhood. ~,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~SOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY GRITS V~I~C2 NO. 1058 fort the erection of a wall to hide service. ~ea in conformity with the si(etch which is part of ~he application. · .... December, THE1958FOREGOIN~. RESOLUTION is signed, and approved by mo this let day of CHAI~N 'ANAHEIM CITY PLANING C0~ISSI0~ ATTES , SEORE ISSION '" STATE OF CALIFO~IA ) ~ COUNTY ,OF 0~NGE ) ss. CITY DF ANAHEIM ) I, R. W. Mun~all, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the Cit~ of Anahoim, do k~ebg certif~ that the foregoing RESOLUTION N0. 111 - SERIES 1958~59, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at .; a Regula~ Moeting of ~ho Citg Planning Commission held on the ls~ ~a~ of December~ ~958 his ~s~ ~ay of :December, 1958. SEO~T~Y. ANAHEIM OI~ANN~ISSION