PC 1958-1959-126 R~F~ ,)UTION~ NO. 126'£ SERIES 1958-59,1~ .. A .RESOLUTION OF. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF T~ CITY OFA~AHEIMTM DENYING VARIANC~ No. 1065 ~S, lbo Ctt~ Plying Comtsston of tho ~Ctt~ of ~etm, has received .Verified Petition. from the Owner(s) 0f a certain in the City of An~eim, County of Orange, State cf parcelcalifornia,Of realdescribedPropertYasSit~atedfollows: , -..~.~'.~; ,~:,~ ....... ~: .. ::..:. ~. ~ .... Lo~ No. 29 o~ Tract No. 3256' in the City of ~aheim, a6d further described as 1404 Hacienda Street. T~* property is proson~lv.classSfSed R-i~ 8INGL~ F~ILY M. L'. Bergman, 1404 Hacienda Slree/, Anaheim ~ Calif~rnia~ - App licanl. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Heax. ing at the City. Hall. in the City of Anaheim, on December 15, 1958 NOTICES of which said Public. Hea~ing.wore duly given as required by law and tho provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and .... W~EREAS, Said 0o~¢" ),,ion, after due inspection, in.v~'~tigation and ~tudies made bM itsolf~and in its 'b~nalf and after due consideratim....~2 all evidence and reportsl offered 'at said Hearing, does find and determine the foll'owing facts: 1'. This variance is for a S ft. encroachmen~ for a fence in th~ fron~ yard. 2. The tract was develo6ed in the County and the front door of this dwellin~ was permitted in the side yard, thereby in effect makin~ a key lot of the lot to the Nor.th. ~. The set-hacks of the Subject dwelling are 2~ ft. on the frcut de,r side and 21 ft. :on the normal front of the lot. 4. The dwelling t0 the North has s 22ft. set-hack for the garage with the main atached house havin~ a set-back of 88 ft. so that this house-p~esently is hack 17 ft. beyond the adjoining property and with another '6 ft. addition would place this home ~8 ft. back '~.~in a h01e. 5. P~o%esz was entered hy the property owner to the North against the VrJriance HE~BY DHNIES VARI~ ~o. 1066. "' .~E FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 15th day ef December, 1958, T EST: SECRETARY ANAItEIM CITY P~N~ C0~ISSION STATE 0F C~IFO~IA ) COUNTY OF S~GE ) ss. CITY 0F 2'M{EIM ) i, R.W. ~NG~L, Sgcretary_of the City Plying Commission of the City of An~e~m, do hereby Certify that the'f6~egOing ~SOLUTION N0.~126 - S~IES 195~59, was passed ~d adopted by a motioD duly made, se, Qo.nded: ~nd carried'at an Ad~0urn~d Re~lar ~eet~nE of the C~tF Pl-~ninE CommtSSio~ held on the 15th dam of Decsmber~ 1958. SE0~T~Y ~N~IEI}~ CI~ ~NIN~ ~0~SSIO~ i