WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim;has receivod
a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows:
~ar~el 1: The Southerly 407.32 feet of the Westerly 123.94. feet of tile
following: That portion uf Lot 6 of Anaheim Bxtension~ in the City of
Anaheim, as shown on a map of survey made by William ~amel filed for
record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, Calif-
ornia, bounded and descrioed as follows: Beginning at a point at the
Southerly line of said Lot ~, distant thereon South 74° 30· West 395.5
feet f~om the Southeast corner Of said lot, and running thence North
15o 24~ West 1103.88 feet; thence South 81' 36* West 400.89 feet; thence
Sou~h 15o 24~ ~ast 1153~04 feet to the Southerly line of said lot; thence
North 74° 30~ ~ast along said Southerly line 397.9 feet to tile point of
beginning; EXCEPTING T~L~R~FROM that portion lying within tile lines of
Center Street as said street is shown on a map extension.
P~rcel 2: A portion of Lot 6 of Anahei~ ~xtension, as shown on a m~p of
survey made by William Hamel, signed and acknowledged by Alfred Robinson,
Trustee, on December 11, 1868, filed in the office of the County Recorder
of Los Angeles County, California, and described as follows:
at tile in. ret.section of the c~nter of Center Street, as shown o~'-said map
with the Westerly line or the -~'0utherly extension thereof of the tract
of land conveyed by James B. Mulvey to Cornelia Mulvey, et al, by deed
recorded January 6 1934 in Book 650, Page 497, Official ~ecords, in the
office of 'the County Recorder of sa~d Orange County; being the Westerly
line or the Southerly extension thereof of land described, Certificat~
:of Title No. 9794, issued by the Registrar of Titles of said Orange
County) on December 24, 1943; thence South 74° 30t West along tile center
line of Center Street; 4.86 feet; thence North 14° 43' West 407.38 feet
to a point in the Westerly line of said tract of land conveyed by the
deed above mentioned, being the Westerly line of said land described in
a Re~istrarts Certificate of Title above mentioned, said point bein§
North 15° 24t West 407.32 feet from the point of beginning; thence South
15° 24~ Bas't 407.32 feet to the point of beginning; and furt.~er described
as 1621-29 Bast Center Street.
J. H. Mulvey, 1627G Bast Center Street, Anaheim, California, Applicant,
requests permission to erect a commercial building on the property.
. WHEREAS, Tho City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the
C-~y Hall in the City of Anaheim, on December 15, 1958, NOTICES of which 'said
Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM
MUNICIPA~ CODE, Section 9200; and
WHEREAS,-~ Said Oom~,ssien, after duo inspection, in~tigation ,and studios
made by itself: and in' its ~half and after due oonsideratio~f~all'~, evidence and
roports~ offered at said,Hearing, does find and determine the following facts.
1. The subjecg. ~ ~ proper~y, ~ . ;~s presengly, ~ classmf~ed, . , , as R-~, M~TIPLB,F~iI~Y
:D2NTI~ wi~h f2on~age On ~st, Center St.~, ~ ~
2. To~he west o~,subjec~ p~ope~ty is ~1 zoned p~opezty,'and ac~oss thestreet.' ~ ~
3. ~These prop~zti~s will be cl~ssJ, fied'as C-5 on the new Zoning Map~ also the
subjec~: propez~y.
have been a reClassm~mca%mon ra~her ~h~.a Varmance; ,however~ .,mn
view of~2he proposed zonmng, %he Co~ssmon approved ~he varmance, subjec~ ~o
certain conditions.'
~"f6r'?~i/'N~ORhOOD 'CO~CI~ 'useg f'o~ the cen*er Street fr0n2age
fe'e~wi~h a,depth.of 115 fee~, ;sub3ect ,~0:
1. The dedication ,to ~he City 'of, ~aheim of 53. feet from ~he center line
2. In~%~ll~ion of sidewalk.
3~~ Pa~en~.~of $2.00 per ~ ~foo~: fo~ stree2' lighting purposes.
-T~ FO~G~IN~ ~SOLUTION~ ts signed ~d approved 'bY mo this 15~h day of
December, 1958.
. .
. : . : ' . , ,
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. :~ _ .,. .:
~, R: W~ Mungall, ~. SeoretarF:.of the 0 tF Planing Oo~issi0n of the
0ity of ~aheim, do hereby, certif~ that~ the:foregoing ~S0~U2ION NO. 127 - S~iES
19S~59~ was :passed ~d adopted by: a' motion duly~made, seconded ~d carried at
an. Adjo~rne~ ~Regular Mee~ing of: ~he' City Plying Commtssion'held on ~he
day'of. December,.1958. ' ' '. ..... :
IN wITNEss W~0F, i have herednto s~~ this iSth day of