PC 1958-1959-39 NO. 39 ' SERIES 1958-
WNE~S, The City Planning Commission of the City of ~eim has recei%ed
a Verified Petition from 'the Owner(s) of a certain ~arcel of real Dro~erty situated
in the City of An~eim, County of'Or.ge, State of Cailfo~nim, described as follows:
~$acel No. i .~g a portion of Record of Surly as per M~ filed ~ Book 38,
l~e 11, records of Oranse'County, State of Call, or,a; Sa~ Record of Surly
~hg a portion of the North one acre o~ the West 2 acres of ~t 24 of 'the
State. Tract No. a, tn the R~cho S~ Ju~ cajonde S~ta ~a, as ~o~ on a
recorded ~ Book 4, Pm~e 68, Ntscellaeous ~aps, Records o6 Or'ge County, State
of Cal~o~ta, descried as ~ollows: Beginn~g a~ a po~t ~ ~he South ~ine o~
LOt. 2~ off Tract No. 1003, ~.M..47-3, ~ the City of aaeh,'Californta, said
po~t'~hig south.89o 39' 30" ~ast a diStace of 14.6~ feet fr~ the South~st
corner of sa~ Lot 25~ thence' South 0o 48~ 10" Bast along the BaSt l~e of said
Record of .Surly ~d: the West lhe of Tract No. 1364 a:s recorded ~ M.M. 52-42
a~ 43 ~ the ~tty of ~eh~ a dtstuce of 140.00' feet to the True Point of
nin~l thence contOurS South Oo ~, 10" Bast a dist~ce'.of 18~.~ feet to the
Southeast corotar' of sa~ P=cel N0.- 1 aM also the SE corner of said Record of
Survey; thence North 8~ 5~' 30" West, 132.04 ~eet to the ~ corner of sa~ P~cel
No. 1, ~dlSaid Record'of S~y sa~ .co=nor ts also tn the Hast lac of Tract
No. 1794, recorded tn ~.M. ~ ~ 21; thence North ,0o 48t '25" West alone the
West l~e of sa~ Record of S~vey a dist~ce of: 189.90 feet to the ~ Co=nor
~ P~cel No. 1; thence south 8~. ~gt 30" ~ast, 13a.05 ~e'et to 'the True Po~t
o~ ~E~$. Except therefrom.the ~ po:tton of sa~ P~cel No. 1' aa ~o~ on
~ecord of Survey ~ap filed ~ Book 38, Pa~ 11, records of O~a~e County to
used for street p~po~s; ~ further descried as.lying-on the ~ast s~e of
B~en Drt~ ~t~en Liber.ty L~d a~ Acacia Street.
Applicant: Robert N. Ma-cie, 1032'Liber~y Laue, Anaheim, California.
WHEREAS, The Ci%¥ Planning Commission did hold a l~blic Hearing at the
City Hall'in the City 'of Anaheim, on. ~Umust 15. 1955 NOTICES of which said
Public Hearing.were duly given as requxr~d by iaw. anu the provisions of the ANAHEIM
MUNICIPAL CODE, Section ,9200; and
WHEREAs, Said 0om'-.'ssio'n, after due.l~spectien, in' ttigationand studies
made .by itself and in its ~nalf and after due consideration.of all evidence and
reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts~
de~Io~d'by th~ ,~bta~ of a ri~ht-of-~ay fro~ B~en
2;. The street ~d all ~prove~nta ha~ ~en put ~ a~ the city
accepted a street dedication.
3. It As proposed to c~ three lots is ~oe on a ~p ~ich is part of the
~plicatio~. One lot gll ~ 70 'feet x 132.0f feet ~ich. meets c~e
tequire~nts. ~e'other t~ lots on the Cul de Sac will only ha~
aP~Oxhatel~ 40-feet at the street l~e, but 60 feet at the
~t-b~k l~e. The lo'~s ~t11; ha~ appzox~tely bg~ square feet.
4.. It ~uld ap~ that this ts about the only de~iop~nt possible for'
for lot~$:sho~ on Record of S~vey '~ap ~ subject
~. recordatio~ with the Co~ty o~ Or~e of these lots,
THE FOREGOIN~ RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 18th day of
AUgUst, 1958.
I, ~' w ~ ..... .. Secretary of the CitF~tng C~ission of the
0it~ of ~eim, 'dg~=~rtify {hat the foregoing~UTION N0.
19~-~9, was passed ~d adop~'ed b~ a motion duly made, ~conded and c~r~ied at
an Adjo~d Regular Meeting of the 0ity'Pl~ing 0o~lssion held on the 18th
daf or ~gust, 1958. '
IN WITNESS WH~EOF, I have here~to set' mF2han4 this"lSth day of