PC 1958-1959-78 .6, ~O~XOli O~ ~ OXX'Y FfJ&lllrJ~lll~ COMM'Ii~XOW O~ __.. ~A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T. a VeFifAed Pe~ltlon ~m ~e ~e~(a) of a oer~ ~oel of r~ ~o~e~y ai~ed ~ ~ City of ~e~, Cowry of O~e, S~e of ~fo~a, desoribod as fol~ovs: Lo~s 5 a~ 6 tn ~oc~ 12 ~ a ~di~sicn of t~ So~h half of ~cti:n T~p 4 So.h, ~nge 10 Wes%, S.B.B. & M., ~.ir~g a ~t c'f the Fai~i~ Colby Trac~ as sh~n on a map ~corded in Book 1~ Page ~ ~cords of ~ange Go~t7, California. Excepting th~wfrom a st~lp of land 30 ~eet ~de along the ~h line of said lots included in t~ r~l=oad ~ight of way. ~ing ~he No~h 300 ~eet ~:heref=~, and f~the: des~f~d as ~OTO~ ~uc~d Ave~e. ~ property ~s ~ozesentZy c~ass~f~ed ~-.% ~SZD~L A~L~. ' Applicant~ John S. Wright, 10702 Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, California. ~ae C~ty 1'~- Commission did hold a Publio Hoar:-4 -t ~e ~e C~ty of ~o~, on ~o~r ~, 19~ ~O~X~ ~ t w~oh ~d wore ~F ~v~ as ~rod ~ law ~ ~e P~o~s~o~ o~ ~o ~ Wa,e~W~AS, Sa/d Co~ ~eton, after due tnsl~eo~on, ~uv,~.~+~tga~on ~epo~s offered a~ ~d He~,.eoes ~ ~ dote~e ~ fo~lo~ ~. T~s property ts presed%ly cless~fted as R-A, ~S~I~-A~I~. 2. .It ~s pa~ltar[y situated, tn as ~ch as ~% adJolns a :at~road ~d ne~ to the railroad, ts a p~er line ease~n% of the Southe~ ~l~fornXa Edison ~m~ny. 3. [2 ~s propusod to place a Mobile Home Park on '~he ~ope~y of a deX~ 2~ and develop the ~er line ease~n% w~th rec~attona[ faclltt~es, such as a ~all golf co~s~ sw~ng pool, %en~s co~%s etc. 4. The ~operty ~er %o the north obSected to the Tra~ler Park tn as ~ch as his pro~rty was ~n escr~ for a subdivision, w~ch would not go ahead tf the Tra~ler Park we~ ~r~tted. 5. The pro~rty ~ne~.s on Molls Lan, were originally opposed 2o %he Trailer Park but ~hen they found %hat the ~1~ :ngs to ~ erected on %ne pro~rty dtre~ly across the s~e% ~ld no% be an~here near the valuation of %hetr $~,000 *gWe~$40,O00.O0 h~es, %hey %ook'a neutral position as ~% might block the su~tvis~on to the South. 6. The applicant offered %o purchase this pru~rty at the same price as the subdividers would pay and erect a r~ of homes on ~ells Lane comparable those across the street. 3OW, TItEiq~FORE, ~ IT i~SOLV~D ~M.T T~ ~IM CI~ ~g CO~SSIO~ ~g ~S ~VI~ NO. 21 ~ ~ IS~ OF A S~C~ U~ P~T FOR A ~OBI~ H~S P~, s~Jec% to: A provision fox drainage of the property to the east, ~st be worked out with the City ~nginee:, befozm any develo~ent can take place on this T~ FOR~gOI~IG I~OLlY~ZON is si~sd ~d approved ~ me ~s 20th day of October, 1958. [, ~Y ~ Cl~ ~ CO~SSZON Z, R.W. Mungall See~et~ ~f ~e C~ty PI~ Co~ssion of ~e aop~oa my a motion d~7 ~de, seoouded ~d e~ed at ~n A~J?~n~d Re~l~ ~eott~ of tho Ct~y P~-~ Co~ssion held on ~e ~h ~ of oc~o~r, 19~8 -2-