PC 1958-1959-90 RESOI~ION N0. 90 - SERIES 1958-59
WHEREAS, The City'Planning. Commission of the City'of Anaheim has received
Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated
in the Cit~ of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California. described as follows:
All:.that certain real property situated in the City of
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described
as follows: ~hat portion of the /South ½ of the
of the SE~:O.f Section 27, T4S, R10W, S.B.B; & M. de-
scribed as follows: Beginning 'at a.point South'0o 42'
47" East 339.04 feet along the Westerly line of said.
S½ from the Northwesterly corner of said S½, said pein%
being.the most Westerly, Southwesterly, corner of land
described 'in the deed to'Leroy G. Brackman and wife, re-
corded on March 25, 1958 in Book 4237, Page.295 of Official
Records; thenc~ Soutll 890 38' 07" Hast 230.00 feet' along
the Southerly lifle of said land of Brackman to an angle
point therein; thence South 0° 42' 47" ~ast 100.99 feet
~o the most Southerly, 'Southwesterly corner of said land
of Bracl~tan, .being..a point on the Northerly line of.
Wilken Way', as shown on a map of Tract No~ 3127, 'recorded
in Hook 94, Pages..48 and '49 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of. Orange County., California; thence North 89°
· 38t 14'! West 155.27 feet along the Northerly line of
said Wilk'en Way to a ~angent'curv~ therein concave North-
easterly having a ~adius of 15.00 feet; thence North-
:westerly.~long said durve through a central angle of
880 55~ 27" a distance of 23.28 feet; thence South 89°
17~. 13'' West-60.00 feet to the Westerly lihe of said
S½; thence North 0e' 42t 47" West 87.4t feet to the.point
of beginning; and further described as the 2~00 block
of Harbor Boulevard, .situated on the ~ast side of said
'street' between Orangewood and Wilken Way..
Carl Arthofer, 2156 Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, Calif., applicant.
WHEREAS. The OitF Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the
City Hal.1 lin the City of Anaheim,.on November 3, 1958, NOTICES of which said
Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions' of~the ANAHEIM
MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and
WHEREAS, Said commis 'in, after due~ inspection, inves°~: ation and studies
made by itself ~nd in its beh~'i~f and:after due' consideration o~..~11 evidence '~d
reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
.~ . 1. This is in ~he Disneyland ar~a.where' all uses haVe been granged by variance
~ ~ 2. The- subjec~ proper~y fron~s on Harbor Boulevard in fron~, of a Trailer Park.
~:i~' 3. I~ is proposed for offices such as Re'al.'~s~ate drafting, bookkeeping, e~c.
{.[ 4. ~ a~tractive build~g is pla~ed for~ ~he devel0pmen~.
~} -~BY ~S V~I~CBN0; 1047, Subjec~ ~o:
~:~ .... 1. Piaeing .the proposed building SO fee~ back o~ ~he proper'~y line.
2.. Brection'of.building essenti~ly ~ conformity wi~h elevation and'Plot Plan
· ~ . presented.
3. : The dedication o~ 50 fee~ from ~he centerline .'of Harbnr Boulevard go ghe ClgY of ~ahe~
4? ~repare s~ree~ ~provemeng plans and ~stall alt ~provehengs ~ accordance
with approved st~dard plans on file in the office .of the City Bngineer.
T~ F0~GOIN~ ~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this '3rd day Of
November, 1958.
.- ATTEST~/ .
COUNTY:0F 0~E ) ss.
~:~, 195~59, was passed ~d: adopted b~ a motion.duly made, se~onded ~d carried at
~ ~ a Re~lar:Moeting 0f the Oit~ Plying Co~isSion held on ~he 3rd
'. da~ of November, 1958.
~': }. 'IN WITNESS W~OF, I have hereunto . t i
f . N°vember, f1958.