PC 1958-1959-274 OF 2~E CItY P~A~; COMMISSION O~ 2HE C~2Y O~ A~A~IM ~e C~ ~nnn~ Co~ss~oa O~ ~e C~ o~ ~e~ ~s received from ~e O~er(~'~) o~ a eert~n ~ce~ o~ ~e~ propert7 sl~ed ~oi~. Co~t7 of 0r'~e, State of C~lfo~a, described as follows: PARCEL 1{ That portien ef the Northeast q--_~er of sec~m~. Co~ty of ~e, S~te of C~o~, ~ s~d ~~ at a po~t ~ ~e no~h ~e of s~d no~ ~o~ ~ 47~ ~ ~t, 387,~0 fee~ ~ ~e no~ comer of s~d no~t the so~h"~e of ~ no~t ~-~r ~t a ~t 387.91 .~oe~. ~ ~e s~th~ c~mer of ~d no~h~ ~er .. ?~e~ ~g a ~e ~e~ec~g the no~h ~e cf q-~r; three S~m~ 8~° 3~ 08', ~et, 831.83 feet P~ 2: ~at po~i~ of ~e no~h~st ~ of sec~ O~ of O~e, S~te of ~o~a, as s~d ~o~eas~ ~r is a ~p ~ed ~ B~k ~ ~e 46 of ~ of Su~, ~ ~co~er of ~d c~, descend as fo~: No~ 8~ 22r ~, ~t, 387.PI feet ~ ~e S~s$ co,er ~vi~'.,AS, 2he City Planning Commission did hold a Pabl[e g~aring-at ~e City ~ ~ ~h9 Cig~ of ~eim, on J~e ~ ~ ~02X~ of w~ch ~d ~blic Re~ing were d~ given as req~red b~ '1~ ~d ~e ~rovi~io~ o~ the ~ : ~ZCXP~ CODE, ~ec~ion 9200; ~d . . ~: ' .-'. · ~ ' '~, S~ld Co.~ 'sslon, 'after due lnspeotlO,, ~. ~e b~ l~se~ ~ ~n l~s~.~f ~d ~e~ due eonstderatl~f ;../ ' ~eports o~fered 8~ ~d Hea~, does f~ ~-de~e~-e ~e ~ke~ ~ed ~ de~. 2. ~ P~~. ~ ~e~..p~ '~ke~, ~h 4 - ~ ~es ~ ~ter, i~. n~.c~ ~ S~e of ~o~a. - ~. ~e ~ noise fair ~ be ~e oc~i~ ~ c~ a noise of 8~ de~be~ a~ ~e ~g ~ite, w~ch a ~k ~g ~g ~e ~y. ~e noise o~ ~e, ~ ~h less. -- - ~uY ~ts 8pe~ Use Pe~t No.' ~, ~ec$ ~ ~~g a ~e level at ~ te~ si~ of 85 d~ib~. - The vo~e c~ the above resolution w:.' ~ FO~GO~C Ci~ of ~e~, do hereb~ eert~ 1~-~, was ~ssed ~d ~opted bF-a ~ot~on ~ m~e, ~eoon~ed.~ ~ A~ed Re~ Meet~