PC 1959-1960-112 A RESOLUTION O~ THE CI~¥ l~l~lti~ ,COUUISSZON ~F TH~ CZT~ O~T ~AHgIU
.. G~.pnt~nq Variance No. 1170
~S, ~ho ~tty p~nnnlng Co~t~aton of tho City of ~OtO~ had reoo/vod
VorLf/e~ Pott~ton from tho O~er(o) of n oertn/n parodi of rofll property 9ttuato~
tho City of ~etm, Co~ty of Or~go, State of CaXtfornte, (Ioflor~Lbod AB rOlXOWSt
Lots 4 to 8 inclusive, Block G of New Subdivision
of Vineyard Lot D-5, City of Anaheim, County Of
Orange, Sta~e of California.
1125 Ninth Avenue, San Diego 1, California,
as Applicant.
W~, Tho City PXann/ng Commission did hol~ a Pttblto
City ~1 In %ho City of ~olm, on N~e~r 16, 1959 ~OZXCE~ ef v~Qh
~bli~ He.lng wore d~y ~ven ~ roared by law~
~XC~ ~D~, Smarten 9200~ ~
,. W~IEBEA$, Said
;~lon, zt~%or dUO in~pootion, ~' ~ti~ation~nd ~tudios
emdo by itself and'in its behalf an~ &ftor duo considoratio. °Jif all evidence
roport~ offered at said Boarlns, does find ~nd determine the followinz fact~= . ..
The Pqgift~ yelpphon~ ao~.~91eg~ap~.Co~.~equ~r~., ~n~additional' building to ~ervo the
expan~zng:%olepnone ~acliz~ze~ In %ne ul%y o~ Anaheim,
On ~ccgun~ of $he p~en$ Unde:ground =facilities tn the o~[gtnal bu~ld[ng~ tt [~ necessa~ to go
I2 is .p~o~oscd.tha~ ~his a~d~iopal build~ng will ~ a~ch~tectu~ally ~t~active, pro~rly land
scapoo ana will crea~e no u~turoance, no~so o~ noxious ooors o~ any
~ [~ ~ealtzed by the telephone cqmpany thg~ 2hey d~ not ha~e ade~a~e of~ ~tree~ p~rk~ng
o~ the ,~ann~n9 ~p~. ano ~o~araea oy lot=er zrom ~r. ~. ~, uavzs o~ %ne ~m~o[~?atiVe ~pt. to
M=, F. D. Booth, Building Enginee~ of the telephone Co. unoer date of ~c. ~
I~.was bTRugb~ 9u2. by_Chairq~an ~auer of ~he Planninq ~o~$ssion th~2 2he g~antSn9 of.this.ya~i-
wazKlng ols[ance, wne~e-l~ nas Dean %ne opinion ~nateverytnl~g snouio t~ oone ~o presage ~ne
C ntral a s ~e D st ic , woul ap ear ~ha o t I g a f -3 pro ~t wou d be a loss
spop zO.o~qt~p Anaheim. It would appear that a su~ey of these employees would ~e~ermzne
w~e~e ~e O0 ~0
It was brought ou~ 2ha2 no construction wo~ld s~a~ before ~une of 1950.
~BY Grants Variance No. 1170 for the period of one year, subject to:
1. The zeplacemeflt of sidewalks on Clementine and Chartres Streets.
2. The payment of $2,00 ~r front ft. for street lightin9 purposes.
3. That the final building plans and landscaping ~st ~ approved ~ the City Council
~o=e any building ~=mi~ is issued.
Vote on the above =ssolution as ~oll~s~
A~S ~I~ISSIONERS~ ~ll=ed~ Hapgood~ ~aue=han~ ~o==is~ S~e=s, ~ungall.
T~ FOR~GOI]~O I~ESOLUTION ia alined and approved by me t~s 16th day of N~., 1959.
C0~TY O~ 0~S )
I, R.W. M~ALL~ Seorota~ off the City P~ln~
City of ~el~, do hereby corttfy t~t tho foresoin~ ~0LUTIO~ ~0. 112 - S~S
1~0, was ~sed ~d adopted ~ a ~tion duly ~de, ~oconded ~d
~ Adjourned Re~l~ ~eetinS of tbs City Fl~nS Co~ission held on the 18th
day of N~em~r, 1~59.
IN Wl~S ~, I ~ve here~o ~e% ~.~n~. l;~e 16th ~y ef Nove~er, 1959.